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Everything posted by IAmReallyImportant

  1. So you are like 26? x D What I also often observe is if an age gap is too high a certain kind of parent-child relationship is evolving inside the actual relationship. This seems unhealthy to me because it looks like a compensation strategy in my pov.
  2. There seems to be truth in it. I think people would get more conciouss about possible dynamics if someone who is well educated in this regard would make a video about it ;-) I don't like this weird relationships which seem toxic to me and I somehow get angry if I see this. Its strongly selfish of course.
  3. I agree. Somehow I feel that if someone tells you about stuff like god and infinite goodness, it is asked to just believe stuff. And if you tell them they shouldn't just believe something, this doesn't change much. Because they have to trust you in the first place. I mean Leo's teachings seem to be consistent, carefully thought about and I am also sure that he has experienced the stuff as well, even if I cannot know it. It is told that you have to experience it by yourself. However, because of the prolog many people could now be biased and are maybe less prown to see the experiences from a more neutral perspective afterwards, before enlightenment. No hate, I think what he does is great. I watch the videos over years now, but currently I just became more sceptical, because I was tricked by another spiritual teacher who was fake as I found out by myself. And my concern is not about fakness, but more about the developmental stage and amount of ego. So I can verify who is the best I can follow or listen to. However, currently it's hard to decide for me as actualized.org resonates the most, but some parts of the teachings seem questionable to me.
  4. I have to contemplate more about this. Maybe this is crap what I was thinking about.
  5. @Leo Gura Thank you for your answer :-) Well, when I think about it, this seems to be conclusive. The only objection I have is: If a teaching is more indirect, isn't it also more conscious? For example, pointing to something with riddles or quests, rather than using terminology for the thing being pointed to. Because using terminology might leave room for fantasies. So it seems to me that the highest teachings are the most indirect.
  6. @Leo Gura Can an ego recognize Love or just recognize an idea of Love? If Love is recognized isn't it the case that the ego is already dead? Can selfishness lead to selflessness? If you sell someone an idea of something instead of the actual thing, isn't that a lie and therefore not true? However, as you said Truth equals Love. Perhaps this is the reason why many enlightenment gurus do not teach Love.
  7. This guy is fake. He took less Ritalin that's where his experience is coming from.
  8. I consulted a psychic and everything she told me, which can be verified was accurate and true. That was stuff you cannot look out in the internet and which also cannot just be reconstructed by astrology or knowledge of human nature. She also told me about my former life, and another psychic told me very similar things 17 years ago. This raises the question whether souls exist, how can this be reconciled with the concept of infinity after death? She also told me some things that are hard to believe. For example I am a star seed of the Lemurian and Atlantic star system. These starseeds are basically descent souls from a race mixture, which is due to the fact that humans had sex with aliens. Then this civilisation has disappeared as a result of egoic behaviour. Now some advanced souls were saved from their bad karma to incarnate on other planets and on Earth to help spiritual development. Then she told me that I was born with a natural, wide-open crown chakra. She told me that I have a really good intuition and that sometimes it feels like I am downloading information, or that information just seems like insights after I have dealt with a metaphysical subject. That I can understand metaphysical things very quickly, handle energy well, heal, intuitively read other people's emotions, etc. She also said that I tend to attract paranormal phenomena, to have visions and so on. All this is true without having told her anything about me. I had a variety of mystical experiences. As a child I did OBE's and lucid dreams without knowing what they were. Sometimes it also happens that I have involuntarily changed my consciousness in some way so that I had OBE's out of the waking state sitting in a cinema for example. I have seen ghosts and UFOs several times. When I read about enlightenment work without following a devotional meditation practice, I was just playing around with techniques and had a non-dual experience, I did not need to meditate for a year or even a month. It felt like my whole body was exploding with energy. In addition, she knew a lot about my current circumstances, how I feel and about my personality. Circumstance related stuff e.g. you cannot guess from the knowledge of human nature. Till now, everything what can be verified was correct and there was nothing in it, which could lead to just a tiny mistrust. But does this mean, that my soul ancestors did actually had sex with aliens?
  9. This is a good approach. Already done this. Maybe you assumed that she just told me stuff without me asking specific things. This was not the case and I didn't say that.
  10. Conclusion: Everybody believes something. No believe is true. Nor can it be verified that it isn't true. I am using stuff, which I believe is useful for me. Other people are using stuff, which they believe is useful. And there is a delusion in feeling that a believe is true, like it's likely that someone is a scammer or is not.
  11. Thank you so much, this is great! As mentioned, I didn't say it was verified that the psychic tells the truth completely. I said everything, which can be verified seemed to be true to me. I thought based on the feedback it might be something worth working on. I am looking for better tools in terms of spirituality, so I am testing them out. I somehow feel the believe of what the psychics are saying is true. Even if I know at the same time that I cannot know the fact of the matter. And I also cannot know that it is not true. However, I think there is a delusion regarding the feeling of the believe. And I somehow also a little bit biased regarding defending the matter based on the feeling of a believe. Even if some other people also want to defend their beliefs and were not able to present convincing arguments, I think it is better to be modest and think about what my own delusions might be. EDIT: I think I got it: There is a difference between believing something and feeling that a believe is true. To survive even physically one has to believe stuff, but feeling that the believe is true is delusional. I guess this is what you meant with indifferent.
  12. @Endangered-EGO Maybe I have to be more sceptic. However, I haven't told you all information about the conversations with the psychic. So you have less information than me but start making conclusions. And all claims she did could be wrong if applied for everybody, because they were not general enough. Now, if you sum all claims up and no claim was wrong (I mean claims which can be verified) then the probability of scam decreases significantly, if you believe in probability. The more claims you make which are not general enough to apply to all people or all people seeking for your services and which in addition cannot be gathered by knowledge of the human nature or the internet, the more probable it is to be false in the case of you scamming other people. However, she could still be some kind of genius scammer. I have to somehow know in which direction I have to go, what opinions I can trust etc. . As you said, to survive like everybody. Things can only be "proven" by estimation. If someone would perceive the same as I do without communication it could also be a coincidence. And if there would be much more empirical evidence, there could be another phenomena behind it which leads to the outcomes, which would have nothing to do with paranormal stuff.
  13. Okay. I'm not here to defend psychics. The original goal of this post was: How can I know that this medium is telling me the truth? I consulted a medium just for fun. Maybe it was more on a subconscious level. It seems that you are trying to refute psychics, and now you are doing to me what you claim I am doing. I neither want to show you that psychics are real nor the opposite. However, this discussion can be endless. As it seems, nobody has real answers. Only some useful stuff, which is worth contemplating on.
  14. Thank you for your concerns. If I am in a meditative state or after meditating visions in form of images pop up. In my life I saw 2 times a ghost. The second time I was not quite sure, honestly. The only thing, which I experiencing more often are some kind of visions. Also this does not happen that often, maybe twice a month. However, it doesn't scare me at all. I don't know what it is so I don't care. It could be that something is wrong with my brain, however I don't suffer from it.
  15. How can you know they were real psychics? How can you know how good they really were in foresight? If they would be good in foresight, how can you know that they do it continuously? How can you know they didn't missed to see them coming? How can know their intentions? @Leo GuraYou said in one video that you know the truth when you have some kind of insight or realization. However, how can you know that isn't a trick of the mind? I think, maybe you already have solved the issue long time ago and maybe you could explain it in a short sentence. Or is the only solution to experience god? So it would be the "I just know it". But this would be the same for me if I think about the psychic, though.. Maybe this is just something, which can neither discussed or thought of. Anyway, then we could stop communicating at all in every matter. Every communication seems to just be made out of feeling for me. And then everything would be stupid nonsense, if I would think like these people who think they are somehow clear minded, intelligent and argument with stuff like "bullshit" or "not worth discussing".
  16. Yes, like everything is impossible to prove. As well as your pre-assumptions, prejudices and claims. As well as the assumption of more and less probable.
  17. @Endangered-EGO However, really good points. But they don't prove in anyway that this is a scam. All other things don't prove that it isn't a scam. This is mindfuck. How can you possibly know what's true at all regarding everything? Previously, I thought it would be feeling and intuition. But what if my feeling or intuition is just belly feeling and based on personal biases? But what if everything I every believed is a personal bias and not different to anything else? How can you know something at all? I think it's not possible. However, somehow I think the better I feel, the closer I am to the truth. If your partner talks about loving you. How can you know its true? Could be lying all the time and act like a perfect psychopath with no errors.
  18. If one did not significantly experienced paranormal phenomena, then what she have written would look fake. And if I would be a psychic I wouldn't risk my income with such statements. I would make it more sophisticated. But I am also open to the possibility of fakery. However, then you cannot be certain of anything in life to be true. Like if I say I made a computer program yesterday and now I am running it, then it is the proof that I have implemented the program. However, what if yesterday is just a thought story? You can find arguments for everything, not only psychics. You can also be sceptic to the fact of common sense and to the concept of probability. That something is more "probable" than some other thing, based on evidence. And the so-called evidences are also only selected by the mind as real.
  19. Sounds silly xD But on the other you don't know how they look like. Maybe their bodies are compatible xD In general, of course these are all constructs, thought stories. The same thing when you think that you experienced yesterday. However, then my mind creeps and asks if there can be something valuable be found.
  20. That's true. Could be a scam but on the other side you cannot say that it isn't. You also cannot prove a scam here, because nothing she said was false per definition which can be verified. Of course the mind can make up things. But if you say my mind makes something up, you already consider that she scams and that it is a placebo. This you also cannot know and would be the same as saying she is a true psychic: something you claim to know, but you actually don't know it.
  21. If the crown chakra is wide open then you are more connected to other realms than other people. Or to experience changes of the static reality. I have visual visions where I see ghosts and other things. It's like seeing actual HD images in front of your eyes which pop up immediately. They are sharp, detailed and most of the time things I have never seen before. This relates to the statement that I tend to experience paranormal. I have many of them. I don't care what people think of me, at least I think I do. That's why I've told my stories to many people, and no one has said that he or she has ever experienced anything similar. Most of the people I met didn't have any paranormal experience, excluding the classic phone-telepathy thing. I personally can retrieve some kind of information. Like at one time I made an experience with a friend. I told him think of a positive emotional charged moment in your life and I closed my eyes. I saw a blurry scene with certain significant objects and described it to him. He said it was true and had to write it down before I told it to him. I think, it's hard to be absolutely accurate in every detail as a clairvoyant.
  22. But could also be true. You don't know it that's the dilemma. Everytime now she tells me stuff I feel insecure, because everything else she told me which could be verified was true. How would you handle this? Because I also don't want to narrow myself down and become ignorant.
  23. Agree :-) I just think that using a psychic could be beneficial for spiritual growth and enlightenment. But then I have to check what is true so that I don't fall into a trap. Because, so my consideration, if this extraterrestrial stuff is not true, does that mean that everything else she tells me is also false or based on delusions? This explanation of the soul journey is also the best I can "think of". The only thing which remains in this case is I think to use intuition and feeling instead of the logical mind.
  24. That is exactly how I think. I fully agree. But sometimes I think that there can't be infinitely many things, because non-duality seems to have certain limits, even if it sounds paradoxical now. For example, if you make yourself finite out of the infinite, you cannot remember the infinite in the finite, unless you become infinite.
  25. But if you were infinity and then return to the finite, it seems to me that you are then a completely "new" soul, because before everything was mixed up in infinity. Elsewhere this would mean that God remembers a soul and then incarnates again in the same one. So there would be infinite fractals of consciousness, and all consciousness stored in this fractal must not change its fractal. But this seems contradictory to me.