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Everything posted by IAmReallyImportant

  1. These are usually the ones who need a lot of help to get relationships or sex. So they think up fancy evolutionary explanations, read a lot and so on. But all this behaviour only comes from an initial strong neediness. Often these are naturally self-centred people.
  2. @modmyth I think at the end of the day it comes down to be compatible in a relationship. All this man and women shit is completely obsolete. Some women are more masculine and some men more feminine, so it balances out. What is written here is partially discriminating and I also get upset, but you don't have to listen to people who claim that they are "high concious" but then write such things.
  3. That's why it was exception where charisma was not that important. Today there is so much available that the package decides more and more about the recognition. And if not, then you have to come up with some genius/gigantic product like Elon Musk e.g. delivers. Which is in case of spirituality impossible unless you develop a new and game changing synthetic psychedelic or something. What is also possible is to become famous in one field and use that for the other. But often times this doesn't work, Russel Crowe was never really a rock star e.g.. The most effective way to make it anyways is becoming a billionaire in another more lucrative field and use that money to market the spiritual business.
  4. To be endorsed by a celebrity, you have to at least come up with something completely new that doesn't just sum up a bunch of valuable sources and contemplation that would be brilliant and world-changing, that hasn't already been published by someone else and implicitly drawing a big picture of a subject. It would have been a complete new and genius innovation. Or on the other hand, you have to have a mainstream appeal that isn't just tailored to a specific audience. In general, there are a lot of YouTubers these days who have an audience of over 1 million. And also much who are delivering valuable and deep information. There are also other really controversial people who are supported by celebrities, so that's not the problem. All this bragging about how he "wrote a book that is more important than the Bible" and that his "own" teachings are the highest does not look like humility and not sympathic. You have to go deeper to see that this is not what he is actually saying. But on the other hand, all these thickly applied claims to be God look very much like he is resigned to being misunderstood, or just don't want to avoid a shitstorm by controlling what he says only for his own personal development or to build self-confidence. Teachers have also said before that they are God and so are others, but in terms of humility and compassion they have not gone that far. It's a strategy that many people have used. And it is also good for marketing, which is even more necessary in the field of spirituality. To be someone like Newton is nowadays nearly impossible, since the most things are already explored. And in terms of spirituality, it is more a thing of how charismatic you are or how attractive you are to people in general, not only regarding a niche. Because, spirituality is beyond words. If it wouldn't be the case, someone else has already invented some method. And maybe there would be a strategy to gain more attention from people, but besides creativity, which is of course available and not the problem, this would in addition also require an really high IQ because of strategising, business aspects, handling resources etc. . And you have to be an charismatic attractor, being better in LOA and so on. Eckhard Tolle is that successful, because back then spirituality was not that big as it is today and many things came together to the right time.
  5. A person who says this would then be too wise to know if it would be wise too think to be too wise to know everything. But also too wise to know that it would be foolish to think to be too wise to know everything. I personally want to avoid thinking binary and I don't really care about being wise
  6. I only realize if I was wrong at a point. Matter of perspective If I was a fool, I would feel great about it, because I feel great.
  7. Exactly. To execute that and be successful would be a smart move. Because then you have to consider more details and come up with strategies that require real brain power. If a model or system has a part that doesn't fit, it's useless and just talk.
  8. It's all quite nice what he does and he certainly contributes something to humanity. Certainly better than opening a fast food restaurant chain. A lot of people are probably smart, that doesn't mean much. When judging people, I want to stay neutral anyway, because personally that always seems presumptuous to me. Whether "positive" or "negative." The way he argues and thinks does not look extraordinary to me. Sometimes simple facts are unnecessarily inflated so that they sound smarter than they actually are. These are all nice concepts, but is it smart to talk a lot and not really get anything done? I mean significantly, so that's what this is apparently supposed to look like. So how are you supposed to know it's going to work at all? Some of the arguments struck me as poorly reasoned and contradictory.
  9. You can only tell if someone is smart by what emotional/feeling state that person is in at any given moment. Not by how or what someone talks about. You cannot see whether someone is intelligent by the state that person is in, nor by how or what someone talks about.
  10. #wageslavery I think there is no difference what you want to study. If one follows the standard path results will be standard and one will work with average people. At least in Germany high school degrees are thrown after. It's very easy to get an A and be accepted to a medical University. Unless you are at top 1-3 universities world wide. That's why it is even more necessary to think out of the box. The dumbest thing I ever did is getting a university master's degree. The work is not that attractive as it looks like. Because of the mindset of people working there, the culture etc. . It's not recommended for people with bigger dreams than just a family, dog, house and an annoying neighbour.
  11. I think its a stream you can download using the chrome console and vlc player or other tools. Just take a look into the network tab of the chrome console.
  12. I believe your intentions are good and appreciate it. However, were you present in WWII? I don't think just taking psychedelics in a controlled environment makes someone tough. There weren't just some standards met, that's why it was boring. It is the same as you would say "fuck every random girl out there so you have something to fuck. Because in the stone age, girls had also bad breath and deformed heads." If something is not well written, there can also be better materials so one has not to unnecessary struggle with it.
  13. What's the purpose of responding that way? Why is this mature and does this really come from a place of love or humility? It's strange how you treat the audience which helps you make a living. In addition, you want the forum to be more qualitative, but others have to pay the price for it. Like we are your employees.
  14. I would forget her, because it doesn't matter. Females often overreact, because they actually interpret more into interactions than there actually is. Key is to learn to be more sensitive of how things could be interpreted.
  15. Nobody is adult. I worked with narcissists and people who had relationship problems with them. The reason why people spend much time on understanding socially toxic pathologies or disorders like narcism or sociopathy is less of pure intellectual reasons but more because they try to protect themselves. From themselves. Actually, they can't handle the relationship emotionally, because they think the behaviour of a socially non-coherent person has something to do with themselves. The truth is this is just an emotional pattern they are not familiar with. An ego is a conceptualization, as well as an 'super ego' or other connotation. In reality, an ego is an ego. Like most people have unconcioussly. The interesting thing on this whole discussion is: People who blame narcist for being the problem obviously project their emotions on the narcists while narcisists do the same thing. Now who is right? Who is better? Nobody. Everybody is responsible for their emotions and decisions. Giving someone the responsibility of the problem other then oneself does not solve anything. By the way: Teal Swan was analyzed by many pathologists and the majority of them says that she is probably narcisistic. Example And that's ok. I like her teachings as well.
  16. At this IQ level the score gets very uncertain.
  17. Because you are insecure in your behaviour. You feel ashamed, I understand. But you don't have to. You are the only one who feels it. Your thoughts are just expressions of the shame you were conditioned towards. Feel how great it is to be ashamed and let the thoughts go. One solution would be to become more quick-witted. Also put yourself in socially uncomfortable situations and act extra awkward. Train to let it go and to forget it. Start with weird anonymous calls. Ask if they can put gumball on the pizza or something.
  18. Sounds scary. Maybe that's why I feel uncomfortable if life tries to fuck me.
  19. I suppose you mean my life story born out of inspiration. Didn't had such an experience. However inspiration feels more true than other stuff. For me Inspiration is like a carrot in front of the donkey. You will not get it but it drives you. Sometimes I think you don't have any control. Life could be brutally force you to be in situations no matter how inspired one is or how engaged the person is. This is what I have learned so far. Sometimes it is nearly impossible for people to see the truth because they have much baggage, pressure, problems.
  20. Use deep fakes and warp Leo with Taylor Swift. I can do this for you for a predefined donation amount.
  21. If no thing need change at all, why does everything change all the time and nothing is permanent?
  22. Look up Wikipedia Definition for incels.