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Everything posted by IAmReallyImportant

  1. Would be a life purpose from a negative motivation. What is obvious is, that @tatsumaru is not satisfied with himself and projects his dissatisfaction on other people. If someone would be really compassionate, the person would not react in that way. Most of all, react that emotionally. It is not a call to Hero's Journey per se, but more a call for alignment.
  2. I have seen more suffering than most people in European countries. Things you cannot imagine unless you experience it yourself. People who live in a hell, a suffering that goes so deep nobody can take it without going crazy. Like people who are surprised if they make it to the next day. When I see some self-improvement people who want to improve others I clearly see the ego in them. Because, when you are healthy and in a non-violent environment you can be grateful just for what is instead of wanting to have more everyday. Wanting to be better. People who are working in 9 to 5 are the luckiest humans you can imagine compared to people in Auschwitz etc.. Everybody is already great.
  3. What I mean it is suffering you perceive as their. But you always experience your own emotions. You never really know what they feel. You are imagining it. They can do what they want. It is their life. Only they can know what is good for them. Otherwise you would take away their power which is impossible. Everyone is always in their perfect pace and life situation. You basically tell their life is shit while you are the one who surely experience suffering.
  4. I think real compassion is when you love people or appearances as they are, meaning seeing the perfection in them instead of things "needed to be fixed".
  5. This is thinking or rumination. It has nothing to do with actual reality. They may not feel as depressed about themselves as you do. It also implies that there are right and wrong ways to live. As if there is an actual truth out there that says you have to evolve or grow. You don't feel their suffering, you feel yours. Their interpretations, etc . If you look more closely, you will see that there are no other people in the sense that you might imagine.
  6. I have drawn a connection with this post and thought this could be easily misunderstood by a female who think she is bad looking.
  7. What if a female with e.g. deformed face is reading this right now? Do you even think about the implications of what you write? It doesn’t seem like.
  8. I think of course everybody does. Maybe not every time according to cultural Standards as "pretty" is completly subjective. If she has to be too perfect visually this could become a problem as cultural standard hot and intelligent, spiritual etc. is very rare. So this would be a dumb way to go, as it is unrealistic for every man because of lack of occurence.
  9. See divine perfection in finite imperfection. Maybe take some psychedelics to see it.
  10. I had this issue too and lost a lot of time and energy. For me, the best solution is to tell them honestly and compassionate how you feel and why you have to take this decision. Just ghosting would be not that grateful for the time you spent together and it would leave things unspoken you later would have been wished to say. Pay attention to stay by your decision, only if you are sure it is the right one. Meaning the relationship has cost you too much. Don't let them convince you otherwise. If a debate starts, make a clear cut. They will understand it later and if they are ignorant, you could not have helped them in any case.
  11. I don't look old enough to look like a daddy, and I don't grow a beard. This is a weird trend, because people often want to fake masculinity with it. A beard has nothing to do with masculinity. Also it covers a huge part of the face and people with beards often wear sunglasses in addition. A beard leaves a false impression, that is why it is often inauthentic. Being called a daddy would feel like I'm old and also like the interest is there mainly because of a fetish. Additionally, it would sub-communicate on a subconscious level that the other person is not independent. I think if it is possible to create a healthy relationship, then there is no problem. But it has the potential to be very unbalanced and unhealthy.
  12. Green-Tec solar-panel drones, solutions based on hydrogen engines, reusability, reduction of food waste, cheaper organic food using novel plant breeding methods and in general approaches etc.
  13. I guess database changes are not tracked on low-level side or can be reconstructed? If this wasn't considered already, this could be a possibility to restore the chat history.
  14. Has nothing to do with intelligence or genetic predispositions. The kids getting bullied usually have people pleaser or strong neurotic parents or both. They mirror it and this looks weird to other kids and contradicts their reality so they often don't know better.
  15. Ego fight would mean to be defensive. But sometimes it is just out of pure boredom to entertain oneself.
  16. There is no reason. It is just fun. For some people. They don't recognise the implications and don't feel deep satisfaction but a sense of significance.
  17. Retreat centres, ashrams, etc. should collect data. Some carefully selected masters have to define certain symptoms of enlightenment on which the subjects have to undergo both a self-assessment and a third-party assessment by the master. In addition, the subjects have to give side information about their practices, routines, diet, lifestyle and more. This will help to find out more about certain practices you should go and also avoid. It can also help to improve certain practices or processes. The test groups are separated into psychedelic and non-psychedelic users.
  18. Most people don't try it and are not serious. So population is not a good measurement.
  19. Even they delete forum posts because they probably think they are omniscient and more developed than most people I wouldn't do it. They have to learn the hard way.
  20. If you control a robot via a VR-device and see through the eyes of it. Does the robot has consciousness then?
  21. One could sell online courses about Minecraft and jerking off. How-to guides, different techniques etc. . People demand money for nearly everything nowadays. Even the dumbest things one can imagine.
  22. Good advice! I am so grateful for people helping each other and caring?
  23. How do you deal with the fact? I never can overlook or lie to myself. Too many people are ugly and I have experienced this that much that I loose faith and cannot commit to friendships anymore because it seems like I already know they are evil or just selfish idiots.