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  1. Hello, I hope that you can tell me that I am wrong in terms of money in my current relationship with my girlfriend. I think, she and I, we have the classical spender vs. saver constellation. I am the saver and she is the spender. I should also say that I am making good money, actually a lot. Also should I say that I worked my ass off to come to this position in life, I made a lot of sacrifices. So, although I can buy and save much more than the average person, I still value the money I have and I don't spend it for stupid stuff like sports cars and so on. I am especially grateful for my current life situation because I came from a family where money was always an issue (and I am aware what impact this had on my "saver"-personality). Don't get me wrong I am not stingy with money, I buy good food, my car is not a sports car yet it has some fancy features, my flat is relatively big and so on and so on. Now the problem comes: My girlfriend is a wonderful person but she is "spender". Her income is slightly above the average but significantly less than mine. She literally has no savings, she lives from month to month. Sometimes she spends money which she simply does not have and then asks me afterwards if she could borrow it from me. I should say she always pays it back and she is not in any other debt, she is just near zero. I told her I won't do that in the future because I feel like a sugardaddy enabling her impulse spendings. Also I told her 10 months ago that I would be very happy if she could do some budgeting herself. One week ago she told me again that she had made no progress in acutally saving money. In case of emergency she will need to rely on me...and that's making me somehow very angry. I also told her that she is putting me in a very uncomfortable situation because she wants children, a nice house and marriage (which ideally includes a happy retirement). It's uncomfortable for me because this is not my understanding of emancipation and being on an equal level. I find it unattractive that at some point I alone will need to buy the house, I will have to transfer money in marriage and in the retirement and I have to be the only responsible person. On a certain level I can accept that people do not think or act like me but I am afraid that we are totally incompatible and this might not work out. Can you tell me where my perspective is wrong. I would be very sad leaving her because "it's only money". Am I too strict with money because I come from a family where money was always a problem and caused arguments (and divorce) between my parents? How can I improve myself to accept her spender personality fully? Or can she and I meet in the middle ground? I would be very happy for suggestions. Again, besides that she is a wonderful person who is able to compromise but in terms of money she seems not be able to change.
  2. Hello to the forum, I've been away for a while and just recently I started reading here and there in the forum again. I read about Leo's Alien God Awakening. I am not here to discuss it because I understood he doesn't want to talk about it know, that's fine. And again, this is not the topic. The topic I want to talk about was inspired by a thing he said in some thread somewhere. It was something along the lines "I am the only human being knowing this". I was told something similar. But I was to afraid to talk about it earlier but well Leo is doing it. Why shouldn't I? This statement brought back memories of a very deep awakening I had some time ago on a high dose of LSD (so don't worry I am not acutely psychotic or something). At some point during the peak, I connected directly to Infinite Intelligence. I became it. I knew Everything. Every question could be answered. I had full and complete understanding of reality. Each little corner of reality was known. Every understanding was perfectly circular and inherently "logic" (not human logic but God-Logic). And also here: sharing this is not really the point. It's rather what happened after the peak: After the peak my ego reintegrated. Thoughts like "This is so amazing, that's it, you made it, you've seen the Ultimate Intelligence" came back. Don't get me wrong thoughts like this are pleasant, yet, there was a dark turn to trip, when I received the following message directly from God: "You are the only human on the planet receiving this gift. Nobody before you knew this. You are the first human becoming Infinite Intelligence." Initially this statement made me euphoric, amazed, humbled, you name it but then... When my ego reintegrated even more, I realized how I never, ever until the end of the universe can communicate to anyone what I experienced. Because Infinite Intelligence cannot be taught to the finite beings. It was THE Infinite Intelligence, there was nothing in between me and it, I was it and everything was my perfected will. Others might experience it in the future but it's not communicable. At some point I panicked because my ego feared that I fried my brain permanently because during the integration process my ego failed. I was not (immediately) able to integrate anything in concepts I knew. Then a film in my head started that I am the typical lunatic who went too deep into the void trying to explain "how beautiful everything is". I imagined myself to be in a mental asylum. An outcast from society because they will think that I am crazy althought they are the crazy ones etc. Also, my ego felt a frightening sense of responsibility because, well, I was the only human being having delved that deep to Infinite Intelligence. Only after a few hours when I came down more and more, I realized that I was still able to function as a human being and that my brain is not damaged and that I will be able to conceptualize what happened without talking like a crazy person. So here are my questions: Did someone encounter similar things where you were told "You are the only one". How did you deal with it? Is my interpretation correct? Interpretation: I am not special, my ego did not make an identity of being the "only one" but the statement of "being the only one" is probably true because ultimately I am the "only one", there is no other beside me (not even other human beings), I am God. Only I alone can connect to my Infinite Intelligence on any deep level I want. But again, I do not feel special or chosen. It's just what it is. Furthermore I am positive that other humans will have the same experience. (I hope here that I did not contradict myself because it's somehow paradoxical, this whole thing). Thanks for reading my long post. I am curious about the discussion and your experiences.
  3. @Leo Gura: Isn't it possible to make the video available for your Patreon-members? The audience there is 450 people. I am sad that the video is down. I had a very deep awakening last year when I realized that Everything was me and Me only. You could ask: "So what's the problem? You know already!" The problem is like you described at the beginning of your video: sometimes you need to double check and verify your findings. In this world, there are only very few deeply awake people and sometimes it is good to see that others had the same experiences. Actually the video could help people with such awakenings to make sense of it. I can imagine that some people will be compeletely shocked after such deep awakening. What I want to say is that some people could benefit from this video. It will do more good to them, than harm them. Of course, if you decide against making the video available for Patreon members, I understand.
  4. @goldpower123 Maybe you should check out the work of Matt Kahn. He identifies himself as an empath. If you're highly emphatic as well you will feel the emotions of other people as your own. No voodo, no spells, it's just that you feel other peoples emotions. This can be a good teaching for you: Feeling how bad the inner world of other people is, shows you the importance of spiritual work so that you never end up like this. Also, instead of judging others, you may develop compassion for their inner turmoil. Nonetheless, I recommend staying away from such people. Usually, you cannot help them.
  5. Yes, I think this is true. I think healing is meant in a deeper sense. E.g., I am not sure if cancer can be healed by just being awake but your reaction to having cancer maybe way more healthy. I doubt that I reached the "very end" but I when I look back the way traveled, I am way happier in my life. I am not dependent on any outcomes and thus way more courageous and free. I don't care what others think of me because truth is self-evident and I don't need to prove anything to anyone. This can be very freeing. No more toxic relationships, and yes, more money, healthier relationships, more fun in life, less fear, more love. I was always an introvert, but now I am able to enjoy solitude even more. More and more often I feel the completeness and love of the present moment without the need to feed my mind with the next social-media-fix or whatever-fix. Also, the mind becomes less and less active, you become calmer, more relaxed. I can use the mind if I need it but doing this work, most of the time you don't need it. To summarize it: You will lead a happy loving life independent from the circumstances. Try to have some non-dual-experiences and the answers to your questions will be hilariously obvious. You will realize those questions come from the ego and are childish like the ego is asking "Why would I want to be happy? Why would I be loving?"...The answer is self-evident but your ego cannot see it yet.
  6. @AriSujan There are a million ways to enter a flow state. The easiest way to enter it, is to just do an activity you love. I don't recommend following any special technique as it's just the egos wish to feel good by doing step A, B and C. Even if you meditate with the intention of entering a flow-state, meditation will become a means to an end. Actually, why do you ask? Don't you know flow-states from your everyday life?
  7. @AriSujan: In a way yes but it's more that you witness the flow which God, consciousness, is. Also this nice feeling of "being in the flow" will be more prominent in your life. In general your life will become much easier as the games of the ego will stop at some point (or at least will become much less frequent). If you don't cling to the things arising, then they can come and go easier, so they flow through you.
  8. Super cool exercise. I think this is ideal for beginners or people who have no relationship to spirituality...just to make them think about such topics or even make them realize the truth of this.
  9. I I am the seamless perfection. I am the direct, nothing in between. I am instantanious and perfect. You are witnessing my thoughts right now. I am my thoughts and I am imagination itself. I know everything, you ask? Yes, I am everything, thus I know everything. My knowledge is direct. Pure clarity. There is nothing you can put between imagination, being and knowing. Everything you put in between is me again. So, any concept is futile. You cannot catch me. I am the everflowing flow. I am very direct. I am the ultimate power. There is no weakness in me. Mine is the ultimate will because I am the will itself. And I chose love in the beginning because it's the end. How could I not? I am happyness itself and I am freedom itself, not bound by any law. How could I be bound? My freedom is yours. Show me who you are because I want to know. I am still. And the stage is yours. Even if you think I don't know, I know. And I understand. I perfectly understand. How could I not? Who I am? I am you. And this is True. My Love.
  10. Thank you for all of your answers so far very funny . thx, and such a nice song! So gratitude is an aspect of the joy of being? The witnessing of the impossible made possible? (as @BipolarGrowth) said?
  11. A simple question. The more awake I become/became, the more gratitude I felt towards life. But isn't it a strange thing? Towards what is this gratitude directed? Who can God be thankful for? The gratitude I feel is a simple "Thank you", never a "Thank you for...", so it's not bound to a cause. It just is.
  12. I think the need of sleep is like ebb and flow. In my most productive phases, where I was in an enthusiastic flow, 4 to 5 hours were enough per night. Yet, it took a toll on my energy-levels and the relaxation phase was needed. Then I needed more sleep, like 8 hours. Napping, of course, I did everyday. . So I would not make it a rule that "the more enlightened, less sleep is needed". Actually, high-quality sleep as much as your body needs to have, is a foundation for having a good life. Only high-consciousness people who care about their health get enough sleep and thus are healthier than the average person. Try one day without sleep and see how "clear" your consciousness remains.
  13. Best one so far and true
  14. Embraces her feminitiy, knows why there is a complementary masculine force in this world and knows why there is an interplay in between both.