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Everything posted by kireet

  1. I have been contemplating on why most rich people (with money , knowledge or other such commodities ) are the way they are . I realised most people's life (for those who want to be rich and those who are) is like counting the natural numbers . They start with 1 ... then 2 .... then 3 , but dont know realize that they will never succeed ? because if you keep on counting you will just end up counting and the counting will never end . Thus probably most people are living in circles of materialistic (money, knowledge , sex etc.) desires and the problem with running in circles is that there no finish line and you just keep running. Maybe thats why most people never attain to financial independence because after attaining to a certain level , they want more and this more keeps on working till the end of their lives for something which DOES NOT END. then i thought maybe the problem is desire?? Then I started contemplating on desire . then after a few weeks of contemplating I realized that desire is like an engine without which movement is not possible , but most people do not have mostly the desires that will turn them inward . So i now know that without desire life is not possible just like the car which cannot run without the engine . so what i want to ask is there solution to this problem of endless chasing ? if the answer is realizing we are doing this , then how will someone do that? (because even for that most people will need the right kind of atmosphere of knowledge around them) and is it true that we just cannot change some people because this problem seems like it is not solvable ?? i just want your insights because i have been contemplating this for a long time without a answer .
  2. Just Asking , dont you guys think that the so called lunatics are more conscious than us in the sense that they are aware of dimensions that we are not?
  3. How do i study enlightenment theory without adopting an ideology? i have a habit of studying from various different resources , but i get lazy to do the practices , but i just push through it , but the thing is meditation is not giving enough of direct experience . due to lack of direct experience , i think i end up making up my own ideologies at the end and consider them as the truth , whereas in reality i have nothing to show for it . so is there a way or method to study theory without adopting various beliefs and ideologies about how enlightenment is etc.. PS: - i have seen various people with siddhis in my life , when i used to live in india there were people who could perform various kind of siddhis , can seeing such stuff considered as direct experience , because sometimes i find i become ignorant and put them on a higher pedestal .
  4. @nistake i am not talking about a quick fix , i am just asking i there a way to organise all the theory about enlightenment so that it does not turn into a ideology . of course , i am not underestimating sober practices , i have a regular meditation habit
  5. @Marten @nistake i am very open to psychedelics or anything that promises getting nearer to the truth , but the thing is i am 17 ...
  6. @Bittu what do you know about me?? for example : have i ever had a surgery?
  7. 2-3 days ago , i asked about a problem that i had on the forum and i got great replies . I have formed a plan and strategically thought about my situation . i will continue my meditation and concentration habits that i have formed , but now my focus is to study , find and apply healthy "self help" methods for 5 - 12 years of my life to attain a degree of financial freedom while maintaining at least 1 hr meditation practice and concentration practice which i want to ramp up to about 20 minutes (it is about 5 minutes right now) . i already have a bit of resources organized . i will also study non duality theory for the future and try to better or upgrade my practices . i will watch probably about 1-2 actualized or other channels video / week . i dont watch TV and play very little games and therefore i will spend most of my time to study and apply principles to attain my short term goal of financial freedom . But my final goal is be enlightened . do you guys think it is a good plan , i know its my particular situation , but suggestions and advice are always appreciated . second part of my question is how should i use the forum as most people use it for consciousness stuff and dating life , both of which are not my priorities at the MOMENT . so how should i use the forum ?? it would be worthless and for entertainment if i just read stuff and never apply it and never have a direct experience . isnt it? in the self actualization forum , most people (sometimes including me ) tell theories or give problems , right now i am not capable to solve most people's problems here , as i have myself seen little of life and dont have the direct experience they have and there are other more qualified people to help here . can youo advice how should i use the forum??
  8. @allislove yeah i already do that , i have a ton of good bookmarks that i think i very relevant to my life . thanks for the tips!! i see that cleaning up my diet and physical exercise are also very crucial
  9. yesterday I was watching the 65 principles to live a good life by Leo and i remember somewhere in the last few principles , there was a principle to master basic survival and livelihood. Then he goes on to say that many kids who have been pampered since childhood , they dont know how to hunt in the real world , so they use these topics and enlightenment and psychedelics as an excuse . TBH i am somewhat like that and i completely agree that if being a lion we cannot hunt ,then how can we enlighten if we cant even hunt (which is like a lions main job!) . then what should i do now ?? should i watch enlightenment videos youtube (asking becuase i do watch alot of them) and do the practices daily ......or should i maintain my meditation practice ?? should i only do self actualization work and study about that ?.... please advice . I am 17 (for reference , if it helps)
  10. @diamondpenguin some part of every advice can be helpful bro ,dont worry,i don't take someone else advice blindly anyway tho and i sincerely hope you do well in the future.(as another young person) @Moondo you have some resources about LOA ?? i havent have had much experience in it , and thanks for the advice
  11. @FlowerNote true . if it worked for you ... then i think i will also try again maybe for more days (60 , if you say) last time i did for 20 days
  12. i asked my mother the same question when i was 5 , she said when people become old , Yama Deva takes them away from earth . he can take them to two places : heaven or hell , depends on what kind of work you do in life.
  13. @kagaria thanks for the advice! @FlowerNote i have tried no fap , but honestly its very difficult to do , its does not feel good to do it . i just feel like an fully inflated balloon just ready to explode , that's why i gave it up . in the second part of your answer are you telling about the law of attraction and techniques basically ?? i am already planning to work on daily visualizations . @Leo Gura btw is there a substitute for LP course , i was genuinely saving alot of money , but needed to give it away for family reasons.
  14. @FlowerNote i also may do the same .. do you already have a detailed plan and strategy ?? i also need to learn to socialize and party like normala teenagers cuz i am an introvert rn , maybe i will try pickup in the future , its also important , i guess. @Osaid true and probably its also very tough. @Leo Gura should i reduce my amount of my study about this metaphysical stuff , its currently very much right now like 2 - 4 hrs /day and replace it with business study and study of marketing . do you consider going to church on sunday as spiritual growth or was it there to justify the following statement? what age should i set as my goal to achieve financial freedom and focus fully on spiritual growth.
  15. @Recursoinominado true , thank you for the advise , tbh i was saving money for the LP Course but had to give that away for family reasons , do probably would need to start saving again without anyone knowing .... any resources you can recommend give me information on the basics and how to of online business ... i would really appreciate it , i mean if you can. i have seen his videos on contemplation , but now i will apply it to my life . i think i will also go off the grid for sometime in the future to make a well rounded and good decision. @Romer02 TRUE , THANKS BRO
  16. tbh .... this may very well be totally my mistake . since i have started learning about consciousness and enlightenment , i have talking to my parents about that . i have told them that my interest in studies has gone down and i wanted to know and follow my life purpose and want to pursue consciousness . they seem to really upset and they have been saying that they did not study and did foolish stuff and now they are like this (our family's financial situation is not so good tbh), i keep telling them this is not foolish stuff , this is stuff beyond their current level of perception .... then they say if you will do this , who will pay for us in the future and what not ... it feels like they are burdening me with their lives as well . i know i have to make my own plan fr the future and be patient .. but this is kind of eating me up . my parents believe that no one can succeed in life unless one graduates from college and does post graduation later etc ...should i go against my parents if my heart is into something that they dont seem necessary ?? i know if i do what they are telling then i will be unhappy and be tied down with things. any advise would be really appreciated , if you think why do i even talk to them , it is honestly because i have no one else i can talk to this stuff about irl.. and i really want to explain my points to someone in the world
  17. @Recursoinominado i dont even know what pursue consciousness means tbh , i just thought this would be the right rather fancy terminology to say i want to be awakened someday . i understand what you mean , you are right most people dont know about enlightenment and consciousness . of course i will not be foolish if i ever do play the step 2 you mentioned . Sorry that pursue consciousness is totally my mistake. but then how do i start to get financial support?(as you said i should not expect)and btw i only tell my parents because its a compulsive behaviour , deep inside i want to show off my knowledge tbh , this is not so good behaviour and compulsiveness i am trying to overcome it.
  18. I have realized that i dont know anything about anything in the world . i have just taken things as beliefs , ideologies and assumptions . i am a fool .... i feel like a idiot who was talking stuff about i dont know . Can anyone tell , how do i directly experience non duality , non egoic consciousness (i honestly dont even know about these , just assumptions), but basically i mean how do i directly experience reality that enlightened people have , even a GLIMPSE of it !! because i just dont fucking know.... instead of thinking or studying it , how do i come to know?? i have been meditating for a year , but it only brings calmness . i am 17 , so for now i cannot take psychedelics . i know there is no shortcut or magic pill , but there must be something i can experience reality . what should i do ?? i tried to let this notion of spirituality go and do "normal stuff", but there is a craving inside to know . i am willing to try , please who has experienced some sort of higher state of consciousness , please tell me the method to know
  19. tbh , i think you are very correct . in fact , i think this 1 year meditation is actually what showed me that 'i don't know' , earlier i thought i knew everything , i have read this and that and what not.. but this i dont know is not a judgement i made ... tbh it was. a really slow realization . it is just now that i have admitted to myself and telling you guys on this forum really helped . and you are totally right and thanks for all the tips . yesterday , i did that object and hand seeing , tbh it was really profound . in fact i also realized that my mind is bullshitting me every moment and not letting me ground myself in actuality . Thanks for the advice!!
  20. I was thinking and studying about spiral dynamics . i am seeing that most people are very different in childhood . if we gather pre teen children , and we tell the same story .... their response will show that how differently they speak and think about those topics . like somebody as open minded people like Guru Nanak being born into totally stage blue families ... i think Sadhguru also , he was also very different from his stage blue family in his childhood... so is the spiral dynamics state of a child gained from his his karma/genetics ... like many people are stage yellow from their childhood , whereas adults in their family are very blue or orange... so do we get our SD stage from our previous life karma?
  21. @Username yep watched the video yesterday , but it just his words , we will know when we get enlightened
  22. True , I will need to find the answer for myself !