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Everything posted by ayushjha

  1. Hi Leo, have you come across the YouTube Channel by the name of Acharya Prashant? His Hindi Channel has about 55M subscribers and the English one has around 2M. The amount of sensibility, rationality, scientific temperament etc that he comes up with is unparalleled. Do check his channel.I would love to hear your thoughts about him. You are Power Personified || Acharya Prashant.mp4
  2. He conducts paid courses on Vedanta, Gita , Tao Te Ching , Buddhism and poetry of Indian Saints like Kabir, Bulleh Shah etc. And yes he is not into psychedelics. Are you from India?
  3. Can you please make a series on Systems Thinking....It would be great to learn this stuff from you!!!
  4. Is there any harm(on the body/brain) by doing psychedelic drugs for a 20 year old bloke? And how to exactly use them for improving a particular aspect in my life(for ex. how can I use it to deal with my social anxiety?)