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Everything posted by Fran11

  1. Maybe you are confusing Orange with Yellow. Green tends to treat economics from a very idelaistic position without considering the systemic consecuences of some policies, or if they are apropiate for the country and historical time they are living in. This sort of "Lets just take all the rich people's money, give it to the poor and damn the long term consecuences" very simplistic attitude. This is much more problematic in underdeveloped regions than in first world countries. It backlashes hard. Venezuela and Argentina are examples of what happens when you try to rush too quick into a first world-like state, while being in a still highly corrupt and low socioeconomically developed country. Therefore when they learn to think more systemically (Yellow), they may incorporate some seemingly Orange elements, but the difference is that they will do so from a purely pragmatic position and not because of some libertarian ideology and dogma. They will still care about Green values like helping the poor, taking care of he enviroment, etc. But from a more down to earth and effective position.
  2. I see a lot of people getting demotivated by spiritual work. I went trought a similar phase but now I have my motivation back, and want to share some words with you. I do not intend to present this as an absolute truth, but as a motivational perspective. Spirituality has made me see life as the infinitely beautiful miracle that it really is. You being here, in that body, in this universe, in this world, in this age, having the life you have, is fucking milacrous and precious. Impermanence will devour it all before you know it, and that just makes it all more precious and deserving of your full apreciation and commitement. You may have endless lives, but this one won't ever come back. Each second is unique and precious, once it's gone it's gone forever. There's no time for bullshit. Appreciate each moment you spend with your family, your friends, your partner, your work. Even the "bad" things and moments you will learn to apreciate and see the Love within. Pursue your dreams. Go out and start your business. Create Art. Learn pickup. Play sports. Study. Whatever your hearth tells you. But do it. When you are angry, fearful or wasting time, look at it from a higher elevation and realise how pointless all of that is. There's just no time for that shit when you really apreciate the miracle of life moment to moment. Everything that's not Love is a waste of time. Surrender to Love and you will have the strenght to drop all nonsense. Live with all your strenght, hold nothing back. You have nothing to gain or to lose, so fear nothing and give your whole harth to life without any hesitation.
  3. Science cannot produce conscious A.I because they are only working at the material level of reality. A conscious being like us, consists of a Mental body, an Astral body and a Physical body. The first two can be created by advanced magicians.
  4. I've already heard this argument and examples from both the left and right wings. Which shows is just cherry picking. We could also find examples to say Google is pushing a Reptilian Overlord agenda if we wanted
  5. It's the only way to cut out the hurt chain
  6. What I don't about you, I correct it in myself. Practice this, and people's attitudes will stop bothering you. You will feel compassion and understanding instead of being triggered. Only competitive people are offended by other's competitiveness. Only arrogant people are offended by other's arrogance. Is Leo arrogant? Yes, but who gives a fuck? Only your hurt ego. If you were more mature you would take the useful part of the content, and feel sorry or indifferent for him about his arrogant traits, because they add 0 value to his work and slow his developement. He's actually the most hurt by this.
  7. Only snowflakes who are afraid of being banned create new accounts to write hateful posts.
  8. - Being less tolerant of toxic habits, thoughts and people. - Being more concious about how I spend time. - Giving love and compassion if possible, and if not at least not giving out negative energy. - Appreciating them for their uniqueness, both "positive" and "negative". But still seeing them neither worse nor better than me in absolute terms. - Trying to really understand their perspective and avoid projections. Respect can either be becouse of fear or because of love. The former is a survival thing. When it comes out of love it's a higher form of respect which is much more enjoyable and makes you grow.
  9. Nice points. Libertarians tend to convenientely define disruptions to personal freedom only when it's caused by a direct action (a thief taking your money at gunpoint) and not indirect systemic consecuences (difficulty to start your bussiness, negotiate in a work interview, etc). They have this bias because their ideology has a great deal of moralization. "If someone abused you directly, they are evil and must be stopped. If the consecuences of the non-evil actions of the society created a dynamic that damaged you, no action should be taken because they weren't directly being evil." Of course, this is not a very smart distinction to make from the practical point of view because the end result is the same, having less freedom, so taking action should be considered in both cases. Anyway, that's not to say every version of capitalism is less free that any version of socialism, there are many degrees of each, and many asspects to consider.
  10. I like it, that would help making the communication more effective. And one when one is on the other side, I feel it's healthy to give the other person the benefit of the doubt and asking him/her views on the matter instead of projecting them. The problem is that the more Tier 1 one's thinking is, the more likely one is to separate people and perspectives using simplistic binary categories ("people are either racists or not-racist, either conservatives or liberals, pro-lockdown or anti-lockdown", etc.) And also more likely to misunderstand multiple-POVs analysis and the difference beetween talking from a zoomed-in or a zoomed-out .
  11. About arrogance, if one judges that some spiritual teacher or practicioner has these elements, the most conscious and productive thing to do is to use it as a mirror and search for those traits in yourself. Trying too hard to prove his/her arrogance to that person, or to someone else, can come from one's own ego's desire to show superiority. If someome really is arrogant, it is more concious not to take it personally, and to show compassion instead, because that person is suffering from a very narrow and limited state of conscience, at least in that moment. If I am arrogant, I will suffer life's inevitable blows to my self-image much more and my spiritual progress will be limited. It's my loss really.
  12. A common problem is that when you have a perspective which you know is highly concious (like acknowledging systemic racism), then when someone (altough agreeing in the big picture, like Leo with racism) points out micro things which are not conducent to reiforcing that perspective, instead of recognizing it as a broader micro+macro analysis, the mind just tends to misinterpret that as belonging to the opposite pole of your perspective (Leo "neglecting racism" in this case). That's why it's also so difficult to make a constructive critique of some elements of liberalism without being unthoughfuly taken as a conservative. Which I have experienced.
  13. There is nothing objectively wrong with anything. But as a human you have the choice of eating by slaugthering sentient beings or not (unless you have some very specific health condition). If you chose to do so, you are literally putting sentient beings trough unimaginable hell and pain just for the sake of a very short sensorial pleasure. Also you have to take into account the enviromental consecuences. It's up to you to say wether that's the most concious decition or not. God doesnt judge.
  14. Yeah, this is a legit question and can be answered. The thing is that Awakening/Enlightenment/God-Conciousness is not the same as Magick/Occult Powers/Siddhis. The former means you are concious that you are the Formless Godhead imagining this moment. But it doesn't neccesarily mean you can use it to affect reality or acquire specific knowledge in "magical" ways. Occult Powers, on the other hand, are real but they require specific training, and you can acquire them without having God-Conciousness. Although your baseline sober conciousness has to be significantly higher than average.
  15. Chronic health issues cause a lot of suffering, it's a very delicate thing to be used in order to win an argument, show some love man.
  16. But you are saying that by this you don't mean neither infinity complexity of form nor the formless at different levels.
  17. Concious of what? Yes, one can realise the formless at many levels and its relationship with form, is that what you mean?
  18. It's all matter of how you dissect it with your mind. If you draw a distinctiom beetween the formless and form, awakening is an on/off switch that shifts when you make the quantum leap and become concious of the formless. If you don't draw this distinction, awakinging has infinite levels because even after making that quantun leap, awareness of form (and its relationship to the absolute) can become infinitley more complex.
  19. In the book "I Am That" someone asks Nisargadatta Maharaj something similar: Q: If time and space are mere illusions and you are beyond, please tell me what is the weather in New York. Is it hot or raining there? M: How can I tell you? Such things need special training. Or, just travelling to New York. I may be quite certain that I am beyond time and space, and yet unable to locate myself at will at some point of time and space. I am not interested enough; I see no purpose in undergoing a special Yogic training. I have just heard of New York. To me it is a word. Why should I know more than the word conveys? Every atom may be a universe, as complex as ours. Must I know them all? I can -- if I train.
  20. The field of conciousness is self-aware. Right now you feel like you are looking at your perceptual field like it was a TV screen, as you being something separated from it. When your mental sense of I dissolves, you experience that actually the "screen" is self aware, and the one you thought was outside looking at it, was just a character appearing on the screen. There's no subject and object, it's all one piece.
  21. Are you implying that sleeping with many guys and being open about sexualty is somehow wrong and makes a woman deserving of the label "slut" ? Seems like a very conservative view IMO.
  22. I could play by your rules and tell you that there's never someone who wants to end suffering because ego it not real, so actually there's never suffering. How does it feel? Is it useful?
  23. The same "one" that wants to end suffering (Nobody, but they still play)
  24. Is not real if you take it to mean "individual entity". It is real if you mean "the mental constructs that make you feel like an individual entity". These can be dismanteled to various degrees.