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Everything posted by Fran11

  1. If things aren't "stored" somewhere outside the perceptual field, how can they reappear after having lost contact with them?
  2. But that slow rate of change also applies to things that are outside of my direct experience. For example, I'm not seeing my dog right now but if I check he'll probably be relatively the same How do we reconcile this with "nothing being hidden"? Where is my dog "stored" when I'm not seeing him?
  3. @Leo Gura What causes the dream to be consistent and stable? From direct experience, it looks like a videogame in the sense that we only experience what is being rendered but there's always much data stored behind the scenes which makes the consistency possible.
  4. It depends on what you are refering to as "you". You as the dream character is not imagining consistency of course, that's what you are pointing to I think. But you as God ARE imagining a consistent and stable dream.
  5. By stilling your mind through deep concentration.
  6. What is a thought? What is a sound? What is a color? What is a smell? What is an emotion? Etc etc etc. All distinctions that consciousness makes up, that's how the play is created. There are gross/concrete/low vibration distinctions on one side of the spectrum ("physical" objects), and subtle/amorphous/higher vibration distinctions on the other pole (like thoughts).
  7. Sounds like you have created a very strong thought-pattern in your mental sphere by feeding it for 7 years. These thought patterns are parasites and will constantly try to draw your attention and reproduce similar kinds of thoughts every time, that's how they survive and grow. If you stop feeding it energy by being indifferent to its influence, it will gradually weaken and dissapear. This takes a lot of willpower and more so if it has grow very strong. You could work with an advanced occultist to have it removed, if you find a good one. If you can't, you could try visualizing this parasite (you may represent it by imagining the guy and cocentrate on the fact that this symbolizes the parasite) and dissolve it into extintion using your imagination and willpower. This method will be more or less effective according to your spiritual developement. If you are not experienced with energy work it will probably won't do much, but you can try and do it many times. Regular non-specific meditation also makes it easier to overcome the influence of these parasites.
  8. Objectless meditation is nothing like a coma state. It's about ignoring all form but remaining fully conscious. Achieve perfect concentration with that particular practice and see what happens.
  9. @Drake72 Would my answer make any difference for you without having the experience yourself ?
  10. This is common when you venture into a new field, and even more so with spirituality. The same thing happened to me when I started learning and practicing magick and energy work. I couldn't separate the separate the wheat from the chaff right away, and I felt quite lost. There are still things that I haven't yet confirmed if they are possible or not, but now it's ok. The trick is learning how to entertain ideas without feeling the need to confirm their truth or falsehood right away. And then get to work and see for yourself what's up.
  11. Did that last summer. It's a really long trip. Argentina is the eight largest country in the world. I live in Buenos Aires, the capital, I'm not near the most pretty places You are very nice, I hope you can come over some day. I would also absolutely love to visit India, it's spiritual tradition and vibes are unmatched.
  12. @Preety_India Don't take me wrong, I absolutely love the country. And most people are good people regardless of their Stage. But the socioeconomic developement is what it is. Read in high-school. Fascinanting.
  13. @Preety_India Yes, I understand where you are coming from. I'm also from an underdeveloped country, Argentina, I would say we have 35-40% solid Red/Blue. So of course if you aren't able to access some Red traits yourself people are gonna walk all over you. Interesting. Those are activities that would engage Red, and they have a strong component of Blue discipline, which would help him drop the unhealthy and impussive asspects and elevate him. @integral Nice, I like how he emphatizes the importance of Red's healthy asspects in the hero's character. That's absolutely necessary. "seems like your transitioning out of turquoise. maybe lol" My spiritual ego would wish. LOL
  14. That's right. Even people from higher stages sometimes leave you no choice but to apply some proper Red
  15. Well, I wouldn't consider an educated and consciously revolutionary person solid Red. For example, Leo used Che Guevara as an example of Green in the respective video, altough he embodied the violence of Red. But I understand what you mean, there are social situations in which violence, which is a Red trait, is necessary in order to avoid abuses. That's why is important that we don't demonize lower stages and instesd integrate their healthy asspects and capacities.
  16. @Preety_India I feel you are thinking more about higher stages with a healthy embodiment of Red traits (like Green being involved in a violent revolution) than solid Red.
  17. Yeah I know. And honestly even living conditions and education don't seem to do much unfortunately... I was wondering if I am missing something... or the sad truth is just that we can't do much about them.
  18. What would be for Red to exhaust itself? Yes, I was asking that from the POV of the higher stages, to discuss what they can do to promote Red's transition.
  19. This is absolutely necessary, but not enough in my experience. Social programs are important because otherwise people would just starve. But for themselves, I don't see them generating the necessary oportunities and incentives to move peopl forward, people just become goverment-dependent. Education also plays a major role. When dealing when Red, it could be an useful tool to inculcate them with propouse like you said.
  20. Yes, I see. Good point. Any idea of how a goverment could acomplish or at least promote this in the XXI century?
  21. Sure, and even if we take out the notion of personal responsability understood as a sort of "blaming", goverment and higher stages still need to take responsability and create the structure, the possibilities and incentives for the lower stages to move up instead of keeping them stuck and depending on the goverment forever.
  22. But you are putting national economical growth (GDP) as the top priority. It's still dogmatic. That would be Orange. Yellow, if it's in an already resonably developed country, may sacrifice some extra economical growth for the sake of achieving greater equality and helping the lower classes. Among other things like protecting the enviroment. Economic growth has been shown not to increase the happiness of a society after a certain point. The World Value Survey shows this, you can see it in Leo's video. So, after societies achieve a certain degree of economic developement, it's natural not to prioritize it as much, and start looking at other asspects of society. Just like if an individual becomes rich, he/she won't be all about making money anymore. But this, if applied in still underdeveloped countries, can be catastrophic (Argentina, Venezuela). Green doesn't understand the difference, neither does Orange.
  23. I already defined some at the end of my first post. The most important for this discussion are: - Yellow is not naive about economics like Green, but it's not ideological about it (is not trying to dogmatically maximize indivudual freedom like a Libertarian, just for the sake of it). For example, Yellow may want to reduce public expediture but just to a point where it is affordable for the country in question. While Orange will want to reduce it as much as possible because it's dogmatic about it. Orange will be against all social policies, out of ideology. Green will be for all of them, also becouse of ideology. Yellow will consider each one in particular and their systemic effects. - Yellow cares about Green values. But it's more effective at solving problems because it thinks holistically and avoids backlashes. Orange, on the other hand, is much more egoistic and doesn't care about society or the enviroment, just personal gain.
  24. No, I'm not saying Right is Yellow, probably is mostly Orange. Orange doesn't understand systemic analysis either. But the problems of neglecting systemic analysis become more evident when you try to reform a system (Left) than when you try to mantain the status quo (Right).