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Everything posted by Fran11

  1. @integral Again, I never said vegan diets are the best for every person and propouse, sure there are benefits to many kinds of diets. But this conversation is just going in circles...
  2. That's nice I'm not a vegan either, but I'm progressively reducing my consumption of animal products.
  3. We're not talking about methapysics or spirituality here. The fact that science is very limited and biased regarding those subjects, doesn't mean it isn't useful for judging a freaking diet. That's a distinction you have to draw. You can't just indiscriminately throw all of science out the window, that's nonsense.
  4. Yes that's why processed meats are classified Group 1 carcinogen LOL
  5. I'm not judging. We can eat all the animals we want. Nothing objectively wrong. Just don't deny the fact that we do have alternatives. People use "nature" as a justification for unnecesarily condeming animals to a hellish life without feeling responisble. We are not lions, we're just doing it for pleasure.
  6. Ok, then show me a resonable study interpretation which claims that a well planned vegan diet is harmful. You think you are being multiperspectival and meta, but you are just denying the validity of the evidence and making unjustified claims.
  7. Goog good good, not fucking around, I like it. I would only add: - Constantly noticing and disindentifying from the I-though. - Some kind of Energy Work.
  8. @Yog Sounds like the Energy is acumulating in your Root Chakra and not moving up. There are lots of ways of moving Energy, Visualizations are what I am most familiar with. You can try this: Feel the Sexual Energy in the Root Chakra and around your genitals. Identify it clearly, and Visualize it in color Red. Then Breath In and use your Imagination and Willpower to move it up into the next two Chakras (first the Sacral, then the Solar Plexus, once at a time) while you concentrate on the fact that the Sexual Energy is being transmuted into the qualities and colors of those Chakras (if you are not familiar, do reaserch). This will be more or less effective according to your experience with Energetic Work. Do it often, don't wait for the Energy to build up too much or it will be harder.
  9. LOL You didn't get the metaphor. The ass has two complementary cheeks, just like the energies.
  10. Yes I agree, the forum could definetly use some more Feminine energy. Like I said in the post, in most situations you'll be better off gravitating towards the center, but there are situations in which is better to polarize. For example, if you are standing up to a bully, polarize towards Masculine. If you are comforting a sad person, polarize towards the Feminine. The important thing is being able to move easily and quickly across the whole spectrum. You will intuitively know what kind of balance is more appropiate for each situation. Back at ya!
  11. I've been working on mastering the energies for about 5 years now. This guide is a little sum up, I'm obviously leaving a lot out becouse it's a giant subject and I wanted to make it very practical and simple. But even though it's simple, if you work with this for some time, it will be suprisingly effective. It's not so much about having intellectual insights but about mastering the energies and emotions in general. I'm very practical about it. There were also lots of insights tough, some I already mentioned. Some others that come to mind are: - When you feel anxiety, you lack Masculine energy at that moment. When you feel sadness/anger, you lack Feminine energy. - In the past, due to survival reasons, men were socially programmed to be very polarized towards the Masculine and the opposite with women. That's where gender stereotypes come from. But all humans have both and it's healthier to integrate them. Society has made a lot of progress towards this. - They have lots of degrees, like a comment above says. One must be able to charge oneself with high levels of both. - You tend to attract people which lean towards the opposite pole as you. - The Feminine and the Masculine are not just emotions but existential aspects of reality which express themselves at many levels. For example, at the highest level of reality, the Masculine is God's Omnipotence and the Feminine is God's Love, togheter they make creation possible.
  12. Definetly. There are so many aspects to this topic.
  13. @integral You are over-exaggerating my claim in your mind. I didn't say vegan diets are the best for every person and propouse. All I said was that people who really cannot tolerate a proper vegan diet (which is not the same as having an allergy to a particular food, or a bad planned diet) are extremely rare exceptions. If you have "mountains of evidence" against this, just provide some.
  14. Interesting experience! Thanks for sharing. I think I understand what you mean. But I don't think it works that way in the case of Enlightened people. Forgetting means seeing trough the mind's filtters, which are what creates the sense of duality. Non-enlightened people need to "forget" or shut-off those filters in order to experience non-duality. That's why in sober meditation you need to completely silence your mind in order to enter Samadhi. Or by doing years of daily mindfulness and self-inquiry (which probably is your case) those filtters are slowly being dismanteled and non-dual consciousness first begins to reveal itself in those flashes when you see trough the filters, which is what I feel you are calling "forgetting". Enlightened people's (meaning someone who's in permanent non-dual consciousness) mind is rewired in such a way that it doesn't create those dualistic filters anymore, they are gone for good, and the mind can be active without creating the sense of separation.
  15. By contemplating, my conclusion is that although they overlap, are not the same. And by highlighting the distinctions (the similarities are quite obvious) we can achieve a more nuanced understanding. SD is society oriented, and ED is individual oriented. So, a particular individual can have Orange values but he/she may just have absorbed them from culture, so this doesn't necessarily mean he/she is an Expert / Achiever, could well be at the Conformist Stage. The same with Green values. They don't necessarily make you a Pluralist. You can also be a young Conformist and take modern Green ideas from your culture. This is all about the "Content VS Structure" distinction. Let me know what you think. P.S.: Another important point is that Ego generally develops without skipping Stages, while SD values can be taken directly from culture. If you live in an advanced society, you are not going to be very exposed to Red values, but you'll certainly go through the Impuslive Ego Stage.
  16. @tuckerwphotography Yup, that's basically my point. Yup, that's basically my point. There's big difference beetween having really developed yourself to the level of those high ideals, and just having unthoughtfully absorbed them from culture and wanting to be politically correct/socially accepted.
  17. No, they are not assumtions. We already have 78 millions of vegans in the world, it's not some new unknown thing we're talking about. The data indicates there's no problem if you do it properly, that's what the WHO claims. If you are gonna contradict or question the most importan and large health organization in the world, which has made this conclussion by looking over lots of controlled scientific studies, you have to at the very least provide some solid non-anecdotal evidence to make your case. Otherwise you are just making shit up.
  18. It is true. There are vegans who are allergic to certain foods, but they just avoid those. Those rare cases where they really need meet for whatever reason, we allow them if there's no alternative. You can bring up evidence about this being common and frecuent if you have it. If not, you are just making up problems. Solutions are never 100% effective. That's why we still have humans being murdered, raped and tortured. It's all about harm reduction, not perfection.
  19. In a sense, yes. But there aren't that many people who cannot tolerate a vegan diet. You would have to suffer form some very specific health condition. The WHO aproves veganism for people of all ages, I think it has already been stated.
  20. Yes of course, they greatly overlap and that is quite easy to see. My objective here was to highlight that they are not always the same. I find it more useful than simplistically matching the Stages. A highl-scool kid who happens to live in an advanced sociey and absorbs Green values is not always really a Pluralist. He may be, I'm not saying he can't, but not necessarily.
  21. Socialism works in already socioeconomic developed countries. Consider Latinamerican socialism VS Northen Europe. Poor and highly corrupt countries can't afford big Governments. They have to develop first, otherwise they end up like Venezuela, Cuba and Argentina. In rich countries the game is different. That's what both Liberals and Conservatives are in denial about. Everyone just wants to apply their pet recipie out of dogma without considering the context. It's Tier 1 thinking.