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Everything posted by Fran11

  1. Amen. "No-Self" it's just a word construct just like "Self". Both of these constructs can be either true or false depending of what they are being used to point to. "No-Selfers" need to contemplate the nature of language deeper.
  2. Amazing reports, thank you all guys for sharing your experiences! Now that's some radical physical paranornal phenomena. Definetly.
  3. At this point I'm quite experienced what I would call subtle paranormal phenomena. I mean things which take place on the subtler levels of consciousness, like phsychism, clearvoyance, spirits, subtle energies, healing astral travel, etc. Both from my own practices and from people I've interacted with. The thing is, I had never experienced so far what I would call physical paranormal phenomena (I don't use the word physical in the scientific sense, I just mean the most dense level of consciousnes). For example, I would put into this category things like turning water into wine, walking over water, physical teleportation, etc. What I experienced isn't anywhere near so radical as those examples, and it may sound silly, but I anyways here we go: I bought a gym bench online a few weeks ago and I'm 100% postitve that it had a little cut on its leatherette cover when it arrived, some shipping damage probably. I had even showed it to other people. Now it's gone. I hadn't done any magic in order to remove it, it just not there anymore. I don't know what to make of this, I suerly has opened my mind to more radical paranormal posibilities like the ones I mentioned above, of which before I was quite skeptical honestly. Have you ever experienced something like this?
  4. Thanks! I'm definitely gonna try this out. I do have one more question, what about deep sleep? Do you remain conscious?
  5. Wow that's paramount progress, great to hear! - Do you still experience suffering? How is you experience of physical pain now? - How did you go from experiencing that state only in meditation to making it permanent? I can go into non-dual consciousness during meditation (and yes, weed makes it A LOT easier), but I lose it as soon as my concentration breaks, any advice? - Did it improve your perception of the subtle planes of consciousness? I mean things like subtle energies, disembodied beings, occult powers, etc.
  6. Yeah, it's more of a Spectrum than a Binary.
  7. It's precisely the notion of time which make us fall into this "other bubbles" trap. We think we exist in time, and therefore we assume God could be experiencing other POVs at this very moment. But when we realise that the Absolute is beyond time and that we are it, the notion of other POVs being experienced at this very moment necessarily falls away, becouse there's only one moment, only one Absolute, and this is it. For you, my POV doesn't exist as an actuality that's happening right now as something external to you, but at best just as part of your Infinie Potentiality (Nothingness). And the opposite from my POV. Yours is the only POV that exists, and mine is only POV that exists, and there's no contradiction. That's the mindfuck.
  8. Speak for yourself. Advanced Meditators can completely still their Minds and go into Samadhi. I can't achieve it consistently, but I do ocasionally. Keep practicing and you'll see.
  9. Your wish is my command Here go some exercises: - First imagine isolated pitches. Make sure that they sound concrete and defined, not ghosty or faint. And that you can hold them as much as you want without involuntarily changing them. For example: Play C3 on your instrument and then recall it on your mind for 5 minutes. Do this with high and low pitches. - Imagine the same pitch on different instruments. For example: C3 on piano, guitar, violin, different singing voices, etc). This will teach you to separate the timbre from the pitch. It's also useful to practice the opposite, making a pitch higher and lower without changing its timbre. - Imagine ascending and descending intervals. The easiest way is using songs which contain that interval and which you remember, then isolate it on your mind and imagine it on different pitches. - Imagine harmonic intervals. Start by just two notes and then move on to triads (major, minor, diminished, augmented, suspended), tetrads, etc. Remember practicing with high and low pitches! - Using the first and the fourth excersise you can develop a pseudo-perfect pitch by memorizing each note in association with all of its perfect octaves. For example: Memorize C3 and then use your harmonic Imagination to associate it with C2, C4, C5, etc. Hope its helpful!
  10. Nice! I'm glad you've had some success already Couldn't tell you how long it takes becouse I'm not there yet. You won't be able to Astral Travel with a direct technique before mastering Consciousness Transference first, that's for sure. The Initiation into Hermetics book I mentioned covers Astral Travel. Also check out Rawn Clark's "A Bardon Companion" which describes the excersises in more detail. You don't need to use a hand to feel objects. I do that too sometimes but not usually. Texture, heat, weight, etc. can be directly percieved without association with any body part. Imagine some textures in isolation and see for yourself. Whenever I put my attention on some object / group of objects I automatically feel their texture, I even feel sounds, that's Synesthesia. The same happens whenever I Imagine an object. About the uses of the Imaginary Hand: Supposedly once a Magician has mastered Astral Travel, he can just send his hands/eyes/whatever instead of his whole body. But that's too far from my current level.
  11. Well, that's actually something I'm working on! Nice Synchronicity What you are talking about is often refered to as "Consciousness Transplantation", which means changing your Consciousness' focal point from its usual location (body-mind) to another object. It can be either done with Imaginary Objects as you describe, or with "Physical" ones. The latter is used in Magic to gain hidden knowledge about objects/animals/people, as well as making your Consciousness more fluid (by experiencing what non-human consciousness is like!). As always, there are many many levels to this ability. I have yet a lot of perfectioning to do. Starting with Imaginary Objects is the easiest. Instead of just Imagining an object, close your eyes and Imagine that you become that object. I know that doesn't tell you much, the technique is quite impossible to describe, but with practice you will get it! Ar first the sense of being the Object will be subtle, but hold on to it and with practice you'll completely detach from the body. The next level would be doing it Imagining an entire scene. You can either transfer your sense of self to the entire thing or just to one object. Practice both. Then you can move on to doing it with "Physical" Objects, keeping your eyes open.
  12. The book I mentioned has a nice secuence of progression which I recommend you follow. The 5 min concentration thing is cool but also just play around with it as much as you can, I did it that way becouse I didn't know that book back then. It falls short on Musical Imagination. I'll just give you some general tips and then you can ask me to expand on Music if you want - Practice both exact recalling of objects of perception and also train your Plastic Imagination by propousefully changing their qualities. For example, imagine a plastic ball you just saw, exactly as you saw it, but then change it's color, texture, shape, etc. - Start by the smallest thing you can Imagine to perfection. For example, if you try to Imagine an apple tree at once, you'll miss a lot of detail. So, first Imagine just an apple, then just a leaf, then just the truck and branches, and finally put it all together. Later, you will be able to Imagine the whole tree (and even whole scenes) at once, Imagination grows exponentially. - Imagination has "degrees of density". It's faint/subtle/ghosty at the beginning, but becomes more dense, defined and concrete as you progress. The same way it happens with Psychedelic hallucinations as you up your dose. - Don't try to force Synesthesia, it comes by itself by developing all of your senses. When I started developing my Musical Imagination, I quickly and unintendedly began to see the notes and other sounds just becouse I had been working on my Visual Imagination for years prior. I also feel the texture of any object or group of objects I put my attention on. - Psychedelics help, you'll find that as your baseline Consciousness increses, the same dose will take you higher and higher. For durable results, use them to Imagine things that are just a little bit above your level. For example, if you can imagine any inanimate object, plant or animal to perfection, but have trouble with human faces (which is the hardest), practice it both during and after the trip. But if you can't even create inanimate objects, go for that first, becouse faces will be too much to sustain after the trip.
  13. That would be me I've been working on developing my Imagination (mainly visual, musical and tactile) almost daily for 7 years now. Not for spiritual propouses initially, but for artistic ones (I paint and play music). I developed Psychedelic-like levels of Imagination, Synesthesia and Mindfulness. These grow more and more as I keep practicing. When I started I wouldn't have believed that these levels of consciousness were possible to reach and sustain sober, at least for me. Its been extremely rewarding. Like I said in that old post, these Psychedelic-like levels of Imagination allow you to watch and comprehend the mechanism of Creation, as you gain the abiliy to bring into Being any perception that you Will, which is how God (you) creates this moment. I started using it magically since just one and a half years, when I stumbled upon Franz Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics, which I recommend you check out.
  14. From an Absolute POV, there's nothing that differentiates Dreams from Waking Consciousness. So, Metaphysically speaking, there aren't many new things to say about them. Their "substance" is of course Consciousness and their "where" is of course No-where. Their only Metephsycial difference with Waking Consciousness is that Dreams are subtler/higher vibration/lower density or whatever you like to call it. Which is what makes them more fluid than Waking Consciousness. About their cause, from an Absolute POV there's nothing new to say either. They are not occurring "inside" the brain, but as we know, when Consciousness experiences itself from a human POV, there's a correlation beetween brain activity (which continues in sleep to an external observer) and perception. This brain activity, plus the psychological subconcious factor you mentioned, could be said to be the cause in a Relative sense.
  15. Both and transcendent. God's "chaos" its infinite creative potentiality. God's "order" its pulling out a finite, defined and perfectly ordered dream/reality out of that potentiality.
  16. That's why I used brackets smartass "Physical" is just a way of calling a very "dense" form of consciousness, there are less dense levels as well.
  17. Yes. My point was that it will take more than just the death of the physical body to dissolve in the way you describe, duality extends beyond the superficial "phsycial" reality.
  18. If by death you just mean death of the phsyical body... no, consciousness does not dissolve after that. Subtle bodies are real and you can become conscious of them thourgh specific practices.
  19. I have mixed feelings towards some life-long friends of mine. I deeply care about them and I love them, but on the other hand, they are highly immature and unconscious in many regards. Their interests don't go beyond S. Orange stuff and I feel they drag me down and play a role in me keep falling back into toxic habits. Besides, I feel the distance beetween us increases as I advanced on my personal path, becouse they aren't growing. I know this is common for Self-Actualizers and I'm sure many of you have faced the same dilema, so any advice is appreciated.
  20. @electroBeam So when one gets to the verge of Mahasamadhi doesn't really know what's beyond it unless one completely dissolves into it, right? Mindblowing man... I would be lying if I said I understood everything you said becouse these things are of course beyond comprehension and I've never had my consciousness risen to a near-Mahasamadhi level. Very interesting post and thanks for replying. Much love!
  21. How sure are you that after Mahasamadhi even if your current thread of reincarnations/dreams ends, you won't just start all over again as a low-consciousness life form? Can God really escape its own Imagination?
  22. I consider them to be Orange with shades of Blue and Red. I've found that at this point I can only relate with people who are at least Green. So I don't think I can make it work, in the sense of spending as much time with them as I have until now. Yeah it's no joke. For me one of the biggest problems is that they are pretty heavy pot smokers, and having been one myself, our frendship plays a role in making me fall back into that habit occasionally, in the form of binges.
  23. I feel you man. For me it's not only about steping down intelectually but also spiritually, like having to pretend I care about S. Organge materialistic values more than I really do. I'm sorry to hear that. I had some "friends" like that as well, but those I had no problem cutting them out of my life becouse their shitty attitude made it very easy to see that it was the right thing to do and I had no second-thoughts about it. It's the "good but underdeveloped" the ones that I have mixed feelings about. I guesd I'll just start spending less time with them as everyone suggested and see how it works.