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Everything posted by Fran11

  1. Which doesn't mean you will get the high levels of those neurotransmitters just bu doing psychedelics, it takes continuous work, there's no way around it. Also I've noticed that some psychonauts tend to not understand the psychological nature of ego, maybe mecause if you have never had an awakening just using meditation of self inquiry you don't become so aware of the nature of the I thought (ego sense) and how it prevents you to experiencing the non dual conciounsess you have all the time as it really is.
  2. You won't get permanent enlightenment (meaning non dual conciousness) without day to day and moment to moment concentration upon mindfulness and constant noticing and rejacting the identification with the "I thought". Both of these must be done continously even while doing daily life activities. It's not as exciting as doing psychedelics and having peak expericences but there's no way around it. Psychedelics can help you realize the truth but you have to align with it yourself. They won't do the hard work for you no matter how much of them you do.
  3. Posting irrelevant comments to make yourself look deep is a habit you've gotten used to.
  4. He's bought into the materialist paradigm and assumes an external reality that science has never and will never prove. When you awaken you realise that your body and mind are not "alive" even now in the way materialists think, but that they are appearences inside life (consiousness). Would you say that the body and mind you had in a dream ever really lived?