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Everything posted by Fran11
Fran11 replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
10, and really it cant be rated if you have realised the absolute, you either got it or you don't. The body mind are no alive even now just like the body mind you have in a dream aren't. -
Fran11 replied to Fran11's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Not sure if I got you, if you mean that God generally imagines our "bubbles of indivual perception" in a way that they sort of fit with each other and with the ilussion of physcial reality then yes. -
Fran11 replied to Fran11's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I haven't to study the topic of mental illness deep enough to make conclussions on that one. I suspectc there is a very broad spectrum. Maybe for some it's more fluid and for others just different, in the sense that they have hallucinations but their reality its consistent in it own way. -
Fran11 replied to Fran11's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
So in order to make possible the experience of incresed fluidity that psychedelics give you without completely destroy you, God imagines that those changes are "less real" than "reality" because they are due to a chemical acting on brain (even though God creates them exactly the same way mechanically spealing). It has to find a way to somehow fit it with the rest of the dream so that it wont blow you out of existance. -
Fran11 replied to Fran11's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, I got that point from your video. But would you agree that even though psychedelics change reality God makes it seem like what you are experiencing is just stuff in your brain like materialist think, for the sake of manteining the illusion of material reality? That's why the flow goes back to normal and psychedelic induced alterations vanish. -
Fran11 replied to Fran11's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah I haven't either, probably a bad example, taken . The point was understanding the difference beetween psychedelic and sober hallucinations regarding long term effects if they are both equeally real/unreal. A better example might be why when your body morphs on psychedelics after the trips comes back to normal vs if some serious accident happens to you in sober pereception it won't. -
Fran11 replied to Fran11's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Please I would really like to hear some opinions on this one -
Fran11 replied to Jo96's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I get what you mean in the sense that "more true", "deeper", etc. are human labels. The Absolute doesn't say manifestetion is unreal, only minds can say that. BUT if you care about understanding reality, exploring it in all levels will give you a richer picture, and in order to do that you do need to rise your conciousness as high as possible. -
Fran11 replied to karkaore's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Clozapine (Leponex) and Quetiapina do bind to 5HT (among others) receptors like mushrooms. There might be other more complex interactions that I'm missing beyond the direct effcts on the receptors, pharmacological interactions are complex and even more so regarding the brain, only a specialist would know in detail really. I can't give you medical advise regarding suspending/lowering their use of course. In my humble opinions a higher dose of mushrooms should do it Do take into account that it might temporarely alter the functioning of the antidepressents until her brain re-adepts after the trip, because it works on the opposite way as well, so again, you may wanna talk to an open minded professional. -
Fran11 replied to karkaore's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What antidepressents exactly? Some may compete with the psychedelic for the neuronal receptors and/or cause down-regulation (disminishing number) of these receptors. -
Fran11 replied to Leilani's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Beautiful, thanks for sharing -
Fran11 replied to Halm's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I struggled with the same question. You have to become conciouss of the difference beetween your superficial "individual" conciousness and the absolute formless awareness. It seems like a duality but there are two aspects of the One (like the typicall example of ocean and waves) You have to realize that INFINITE AWARENESS IS NOT EVEN AWARE OF YOUR WAKING STATE, IT'S ONLY CONCIOUS OF ITSELF. You can picture the "individuals conciousness" of all beings like "self aware bubbles" for which the absolute just "gives space" or them to exist but is not conciouss of any of their content, NOT EVEN OF THE ONE YOU ARE EXPERIENCING RIGHT NOW. This realization is the key for the undestanding you are looking for. Absolute awareness is not "tinted" by the content of your waking state, such as a screen playing a movie does not affect the room in which the screen is. This is why sages say awareness can't feel pain/pleasure and things like that, even though this objects show up in your conciousness, but they don't reach the absolute, such as the changes in the form of the waves do not affect the bottom of the ocean. -
Fran11 replied to dyslexicCnut's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Be careful with stage green overcompassion for red, it can become very problematic. I live in Argentina and stage red underage people can literally MURDER people and get away with it because of green judges and law-makers trying to appeal to green people. Also, green (out of compassion) and red (because the leech from it) want to have a state the size of a develped country, and it really damages the economy of the country. So be cafeful with green dogmas. -
Of couse, I am pro psychedelics, but I think that the fact that you still need to do almost constant consiousness work is not emphatized enough by some psychonauts. At least for me, continuously noticing and rejecting identification with the ego has grown my baseline conciousness much more than peak experiences, and has facilitated the latter.
Which doesn't mean you will get the high levels of those neurotransmitters just bu doing psychedelics, it takes continuous work, there's no way around it. Also I've noticed that some psychonauts tend to not understand the psychological nature of ego, maybe mecause if you have never had an awakening just using meditation of self inquiry you don't become so aware of the nature of the I thought (ego sense) and how it prevents you to experiencing the non dual conciounsess you have all the time as it really is.
You won't get permanent enlightenment (meaning non dual conciousness) without day to day and moment to moment concentration upon mindfulness and constant noticing and rejacting the identification with the "I thought". Both of these must be done continously even while doing daily life activities. It's not as exciting as doing psychedelics and having peak expericences but there's no way around it. Psychedelics can help you realize the truth but you have to align with it yourself. They won't do the hard work for you no matter how much of them you do.
Fran11 replied to Fran11's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Posting irrelevant comments to make yourself look deep is a habit you've gotten used to. -
Fran11 replied to Dylan Page's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
He's bought into the materialist paradigm and assumes an external reality that science has never and will never prove. When you awaken you realise that your body and mind are not "alive" even now in the way materialists think, but that they are appearences inside life (consiousness). Would you say that the body and mind you had in a dream ever really lived?