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Everything posted by Fran11

  1. This is a really good explanation. It's like saying they are the Masculine and Feminine asspects of God, right?
  2. Well, I guess this is an asspect of awakening I haven't realised yet. Thanks for your answers
  3. Why is it that there are states of Awakening/Samadhi (whatever you wanna call it) where there's no Love? Why they don't always go hand in hand?
  4. How would one know how much time someone is online without being online at least as much? LOL
  5. Well it's different for everyone The Universe may wanna express its smartass side trough some awakened beings, why not?
  6. That would be a perfect answer for that "choice" thread that's going on
  7. Here's the thing, "magic" is NOT some special occurrance that breaks the laws of nature. That's just how it looks from the materialist POV. Actually, the mind exists and interacts with subtler planes of reality, like I already explained. This you can confirm by direct conciousness. These subtler planes have an effect on the material level. This is how nature works all the time. This is the law. It doesn't mean you can change anything, it's limited. Be careful buying crazy science ficition pictures your mind may create which make it seem ridiculous.
  8. Didn't see the Video, but it's 6 years old, he wasn't so much into spirituality back then.
  9. @Consept Man, if you want to take the attitude of "I see reality is non-dual conciousness, but still basically behaves like mainstream materialism tells us" it's fine. You will miss 90% of spirituality unfortunately. I tried my best to encourage you experience more and expand your understanding, can do no more. Good luck.
  10. Well guess what? The mental phenomena that psychology studies in an abstract conceptual way, actually happens on a subtler "material" level of reality which you can become concious of. You are taking a lot for granted. You make a duality beetween mental and mystical stuff without knowing what the mind really is.
  11. NO. Again, you are portaying it as something very stupid. It's like if I was talking about God and you were thinking about a bearded men in the clouds. It's more subtle than that. Can you manifest signs out of thin air? NO. Can synchronicities cause you to take a different path where you see a sign that you wouldn't have seen otherwise? YES. How do you know that's the case? - Because these sort of things will start happening you so consistently that you won't be able to dismiss them as random. - Because you will be much more of aware of the real nature of the mind stuff and the subtler planes of reality. This is impossible to explain, you have to experience it. - Because when you advance of the spiritual path you develop a strong intuition and knowingness about this stuff. Like Leo and many masters can also tell you. From your POV, I understand that still all of this could be BS. Without experience you will never get it. It's up to you if you decide to experiment and see for yourself or not.
  12. Relax, I just said that that interpretation is materialistic, no need to take it personally. Yes, and you can become much more concious about these subtler forms of conciousness. If you did, you would find out that there's much more going on with mind stuff than what you are currently aware of. And suddenly vibrations wouldn't seem so stupid as your mind is portraying it to be. You have to understand that you can be concious of any particular thing at many levels. For example, most people when listening to a chord in music, cannot separate out the individual notes, but it doesn't mean they are not there and that people who can and liars, insane or dogmatic.
  13. I actually already have, maybe you should do that too.
  14. That's your materialistic interpretation about it. You have no fucking clue what a thought even is. You are taking the mind totally for granted. Pseudo-scientific? Ok, let's reverse it: Try explaining a thought using materialistic science. Why do you think a thought is? Neurons?
  15. Look guys, Sadhguru is also deluded You should send him and email or a letter to correct him as well, to set him straight.
  16. This is very common as you advance on the path. Enjoy the univere's winks
  17. @Someone here Like I sad, that's from the Ego's POV. I'm not disagreeing with you, it's a truthful perspective, but it's not the only true or useful one. We all can learn and have richer conversations if we are open about exploring different perspectives instead of pushing a petty one.
  18. We're on the same page then. To say there's no choice to me sounds kinda rigid, like you are looking at it too much from the Ego POV. Conciousness does have a choice
  19. You are right about there not being an indivudal chooser. But to say there's no choice makes it seem like the stream conciousness is a rigid mechanical thing that goes on in a linear deterministic way. In fact, the intrinsec intelligence of conciousness, without a central agent doing it, is drawing particular posibilities from a pool of infinte potenial. That's how reality is created. This you could call "choice" or not, that's just depends on how you want to use language.
  20. The occult is mostly based upon becoming concious of sublter planes of reality, which have a descending causality upon the physical level. All major traditions recognize this, that's why Easterners also talk about the Subltle Body and it's Chakras, Prana, Siddhis, etc. You can think of these planes as being intermediate levels beetween "Pure Formless Awareness" and the "Physical Level". They are more amorphus and fluid. The mind exists on these leves (which is why you can't reduce a thought down to gross matter) and affects them. This doesn't mean you can break nature's laws and affect physical reality in any way you want, it's still limited. But rather realising that nature's laws actually aren't as rigid as materialist science believes, which is only concious of the most gross level of reality.
  21. That's why I feel it's a weak point of that it's strongly biased towards Eastern spirituality. It makes people close-minded about some asspects about spirituality besides Awakening. The East also deals with the occult of course, but it's mostly concerned about Enlightenment and Liberation. Whereas in the West it's the opposite.
  22. I agree, but be careful about going into things with a debunking attitude, assuming they are false beforehand. Of course you will get nothing out of it that way. Sometimes what it really means when people say "You have to believe in it for it to work" is just that you have to approach it with an open mind. Consider that even if a closed-minded materialist goes into non-duality, he would never realise it to be true. It's a delicate balance beetween not buying things on faith, but also giving them a fair opportunity.
  23. @Consept Those are very crude Stage Blue examples, of course it's dogmatic. Mysticism, unless it's a low quality source, doesn't ask you to believe but to have an open mind and practice.