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Everything posted by Fran11

  1. Leo's upcoming retreat: Outrageous Experimentens with Pussy - 30 Supermodels in 30 days
  2. You damage your brain in a dream and you damage your dream-conciousness, which implies the dream is taking place in the brain of the dream character who got hurt... Same logic.
  3. How does one reconcile "nothing hidden" with "things one is not yet concious of" ? Or there's no reconciliation and one must just embrace that paradox?
  4. "What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean." Buuuut, you can certainly know what water is
  5. Agree. I feel that because Yellow is not as easily identifiable, people sometimes are too quick to label anything that shows traits of Orange and below as being solidly coming from a lower stage. Remeber all Stages have healthy asspects, even Red and Purple
  6. I know right, more so considering the first organisms didnt have porn.
  7. What about concentration? Don't tell me there's nobody concentrating LOL Concentration can happen.
  8. Yeah I was asking a very similar question in that thread. @SS10 I recommend you check it out, I presented some analogies that helped me understand, and there are replies from Leo.
  9. Ok you're right, guess we have no alternative but to go all in with lenghty and strict lockdowns ignoring all other problems but the virus then...
  10. Yes, that's the point I'm trying to make. Actually I'm open about discussing some of those possiblities. I'm sure something positive could be achieved with better regulation if we balance things properly and not go overboard. But surely you must have a limit too, I don't think you wanna stay locked for life in an empty room with people bringing you food for the sake of safety That's the point.
  11. Yeah of course, I agree. I'm just trying to pull people away from simplistic polariaztions. The question is not lockdowns yes/no, but for how long should it go and how strict should it be. Which like it has already been stated, it greatly depends on the country.
  12. Look man, the main point about that example was not to discuss this. But to point out that if society was really simplistically about the cliche of "saving lives at all costs", that would include regulations that most people would consider ridiculous and excessively restrictive, like: Prohibiting fast foot and sugared drinks, prohibiting alcohol and all drugs, prohibiting some extreme sports, strictly regulating motorized transportation, lockdowns every winter, etc , etc Many lives could be saved by restricting everything to death, still we dont do this. It's always a balance beetween reducing risks on one hand and not being overly restrictive in the other. This is always the case with or without covid. So let's not think in binary cliches like lockdowns yes/no, and be more nuanced about this.
  13. A lot of people still die from those diseases. Innate immunity is innate non-specific immunity, not because of natural infections. I know TB is a bacteria, but it enters by airpaths, that's why masks are relevant, even more so because it's bigger and we have specific highly effective masks.
  14. Yes, masks are helpful and can be used for relatively long periods of time, they don't cause much problem. A six month lockdown in a poor country is a different story.
  15. Yes, of course there are no common exact recipies for all countries, each case has to be considered separatedly. Rich countries can hold on longer. No, there's also Influenza, Tuberculosis, and many others. Depending on the region of course. And even in infections where there's immunity it's not always effective and still a lot of people die, and it could be reduced if we wore masks.
  16. To me, taking a wider scope would be to consider both the importance of the pandemics AND the lockdown side-effects. This would result in a reasonable lenght of lockdown. Not in being simplistically either for or against it. At least in my country, it's been six months, and the limitations of looking a complex systemic problems from only one POV are becoming obvious.
  17. Yeah, following the cliche "save lives at all costs" line of reasoning, even if COVID dissapeared, why not just use masks forever in order to prevent other diseases? It would also save a lot of lives. Even more so, over the years. Would being against this also make you a killer? Again, not saying I'm against masks. But let's be a little more reasonable about this.
  18. @LfcCharlie4 You are just a selfish killer man LOL Seriously speaking, I'm pro-lockdown and masks, but it's true it can't go on indefinitely. In Argentina is's been 6 months and povery is exploding, among other problems. There needs to be a balance. Many people are too simplistic and cliche about it, and promote unreasonably long lockdowns without any holistic vision.
  19. Instead of insulting you every time, he will ask you for money every time
  20. If Love = Being / Conciousness, why isn't it always present in my experience?