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Everything posted by GodDesireOnlyLove

  1. @Rilles I mean, there could be already hidden agenda. being woke doesn't mean, not being "evil", what is love indeed. or maybe I missed something. official data plainsight show us, it's maybe sooner that we would think, I absolutely don't know .. right. we have all seen the power of delusion , living it. Indeed still under a matrix of beliefs.. that could take times, unless "we" do something. Unless "they" do. High consciousness vs low consciousness, hummm too long to makes people believe ? what can "we" do ?
  2. I absolutely wish a nwo without totalitarism. Something based on a woldwide love compassion coopération and building together. Do you wish that too or disagree with the idea ? Not talking conspiration here. Just what normal évolution should be. Tribes > country > alliances > New World order https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_world_order_(politics)
  3. Incredible Share. Already working on my healing. 11th days without smoking. Sport + diet increase Thanks for that will take it if it fit my will. ???
  4. Who Cares about incarnation in npc besides. Like one of the rapper I was once listening. If you ain't no reason for living find one to die. Sorry being cold. The end is not clearing illusion. That itself was an illusion. You right remember btw
  5. u are very smart but the fact that u write u makes me want to kill u
  6. Yep me too And I m Midway with sound compared to most people. Not 'physical damage' . No way for me. It's mind/brain related
  7. You can avoid me as long as you wish. This is aswell your freedom. - god
  8. Relative love is absolute love You don't see it ? Question is How much can you relatively love ?
  9. You are Real You are Real Biology is Real Everything is The only way between truth is not found in perception..it is found in breathing. If we were truly dreamy character. It's yes and no. Not one not the other in fact. You are the chooser. Illusion or whatever even if expérienced has to be drop. Indeed doing that could break you. Kill you. This is the point. You have to do the contrary of what you're operating right now. Everything you believed could be non sense. Inquiry instead of talking illusion. The idea of illusory itself delusion.
  10. @Leo Gura if you look onto my journal there is spécial gratitude and thanks. You ain't my teacher.. sorry brother. I just love you even if you décide to go live naked in a cave in Alaska. Just my way of loving rude impulsive straight Heart & no bs filter thinking. Already left my Heart just wanted to come and say thanks. Don't feel Bad ever please you ain't alone. We are all becoming fucking real because of what you did and .. what you do ! Whatever your choice brother ?❤️?
  11. We can be equal to Jésus @Pookie Indeed he already told us many time It's the great sacrifice Still I like mirror style playing ballz around. Spécial quarantine learning teaching & reflection is good.
  12. @Leo Gura what if the experience you got so far including mind exploration & dmt never showed you any truth. you deluded yourself, believing love feeling as hard as the deluded here never existed. Maybe what you're looking for has to be drop to be found. what if you could be in bliss all the day, all the time, and without any drugs. like having only experience with people as high in truth as you are ? just idea, go find out.
  13. Yes we've been there. You inspired me though little Jesus ❤️? Recover well & sleep well. And you'll soon see life again what you had was just the beggining of a greater story.
  14. My new favorit topic. Hanging there now. Thanks for the cosmic sharing ❤️ @cetus @Keyhole woaw Amazing. I will get my own folder asap ?
  15. @Leo Gura LOL once I run for avoid forced vaccination at school / 6years old, I run with a friend named caramba, who was very tall for his age. he pass the barrier of school, but I get caught cause I was fucking short. ( still is ) I don't know if it's related, but I was already trying to escape the matrix hahaha
  16. @Leo Gura was talking about my own ego, not OP, sorry not being clear. I wish you well, and I m out of this topic.
  17. by the way, I would consider myself "meta anarchist" @Leo Gura now the answer that people like the most : "But society feed you" Same answer ( but in my way ) as Ai WeiWei : NO. They don't feed me, I feed them with the cure, they see me as the poison though. But really what am I is the cure. You'll never see me work for monney. I would better steal everything they already stole from me. in fact the word "stole" is already mind control over me. meaning, being ignorant is a crime against humanity in our days. I would better be farting on an orange society all day long. So I find that pussy af to suck governement dicks and saying it's best, and wait sit on a chair and trolling all around. Wanting to be spiritual, but really just buying oil and fucking everything. the earth has been stolen, not my problem, I m the vaccine no one wants and I m perfectly happy with that, society and capitalism can go to prehistoric age. I m perfectly ok with being a parasit and a cancer in society eyes, cancer only see itself through his own reflection. but really, in reality I m the cure, the vaccine, the pure love, the pure improving of the system. of course I m biased with survival, but really I know deeply what am I. here is a link : https://youtu.be/VfqSMKj9W3I?t=1274 ( french voice over english.. didn't find an english version properly, sry, if you're curious up the sound and focus on the english side ) translation : girl : Some country are more autocratic, others democratic, those remain systems though. For an artist who live in a system and not in the jungle, he is a part of the "whole chain" but they should criticize what feed them, you never had this dillema ? Weiwei : No I don't think they feed me. I feed them .. me . with a sort of poison. But they don't feed me, I FEED myself. and I do not care about this system .. I do not care. Those words I shouldn't use, if I should have another exposition or not, I don't think of that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ai_Weiwei what a great inspiration <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8QAjQ1GS2U Special thought I have : society ? they can kill me if they hate on me, np I m already dead.
  18. @SamueLSD he doesn't want to answer, it's clearly jealousy, and we can see it.
  19. tricky ego want's to leave in mummy skirt good bye little wave
  20. @DivineSoda i m doing myself Electronic music since 5 years. Vidéo as a teenager. and drawing hard everyday since 2 years. I wish one day actualise it all in such a beautiful work. Something so inspiring all you can do is crying with tears of joy. Makes me vibrate'.. the dead shit we are mostly now.. orange shit.. this is just fast food to my mind. So anyway if I do it or not. My art has to be inspiring. Love is the only work we strive for. Dont't hard work people just love fucking more.
  21. It dépends you're the only true judge. People start for real call me a god for my prediction skill. ( Some don't have the respect. But I absolutely don't mind. they still see it. ) People ask my présence. No jokes. I have to set limit. That's when 'this' happen. You know you get it when you're on the road of inspiring truth and love just in beingness. Never stop building hard. Don't questions. And find out. Journal is a limit. Be aware. I m everything.
  22. @Inliytened1 I was in contemplation but now It's clear that everyone on this forum isn't wake. The biggest ego of all has taken place and people are parotting how much woke they are. But believe me from my perspective most of you are still asleep. No amount of self delusion will save you. You all need to start question yourself because your ego backed up on a giant wall cake to défend himself. Another delusion It's so clear than none of the people here didn't have true samadhi. Tricked at the end of the road with all the ego story and replacing it with the lowest lizard brain one. But really none of you are cortex woke and that is what I embody though so I m clearly embodying truth. It's the highest réalisation and none of you here can pretend to even fathom how beautiful and powerful it is. No amount of teaching can save you. At this point you mostly enlightened as a rock who think he is a tree. You all backed up in a turtle of self delusion. We all had fun as human. But we need to leave it and the Real work need to be done.
  23. @Inliytened1 what if there is Indeed a physical World with human doing psychédélics and believing in mind stories ??? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa everything collapse Infinite truth is no truth !!!!
  24. @Leo Gura really I admire your sacrifice for talking to rocks Much love I m gonna sleep cannot stop laughing ?❤️