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Everything posted by GodDesireOnlyLove

  1. You ready for proper LSD trip ?❤️?
  2. @The observer your view add always value. Did you see failure in my own perspective ??
  3. @belen thanks. I just read your Big answer. Just fucking thanks.
  4. @Preety_India I m very passionnate about biology. What about gay people ? Girl/men You mean their sex life is a trauma ? Not Real ? I m very open minded' but I believe more and more that most theory are lower stage of consciousness shaping theory of reality. What I exposed is unreal ? I never had Friends with hot witch girl ?? Exception ? What when exception become the rule ? Néo cortex grow and take over all old path. Of course currently only 1% of humanity is having a higher néo cortex. This explain why when you hang with lower consciousness you'll be bias confirmed most of the time ( sorry not judgy but relative Real ) you'll stick to your théories. Like adhd. It's maybe just lower consciousness projecting their imaginary désire of why higher consciousness kid act differently. Science doesn't back up everything. And I m a Big fan though. @Leo should I learn to stop sharing my vision and just hit the bush ? It is very Real in my mind currently that I don't want kid at all. ( 26 ) just like many mens at green + higher. StillI I enjoy sex. I live life for aesthetic ?
  5. @Leo Gura you can't trigger god more. Nice try. I thought you & me were above this 'triggering dissonance'. ? I put a tender kiss on your face
  6. People believe they are all more woke than me. Huge bias. They only see their own stage through me. But I m full of virtue and forgive them ?♥️
  7. @LfcCharlie4 hey if it work, I would say placebo, but I don't deny placebo, whatever works, work ! maybe I m not aware of some another dynamic at play, just saying how I feel about it.
  8. @Leo Gura I wouldn't agree fully on that perspective leo, for multiple reason, one being that is it very socially constructed, you don't know how much pressure woman got about "giving their bodies and being the new whore in town", but it's one of the highest currency to keep control over man aswell. right now. Monkey girls have as sex as men in monkey society ( I don't know the exact type, robert sapolsky biologic perspective on the monkey related to man seams aswell give some trail ) there is a lot into play, you shouldn't say that with certitude, you can still be mindblow. Find a girl with infinite imagination who has been doing 5meo, she could be more horny than yourself and you wouldn't be able to fuck her 5 times a day ( one of my friend find a girl like that ) because of being over exhausted ( it happen to many mens, I looked upon internet then ) I have multiple friends reporting me that they met girls way more horny than themself ( all of them being at least green stages with green stages girls ) At an higher level of consciousness, girl are as horny as man, indeed almost all girls at blue/orange will have a lower sex drive ( it's relative cause it's aswell "trauma dependant" and their level of accepting their sexual behavior/self love ) You disagree ? I find the more highest the stage, the more it become self aesthetic values. just like you do have aesthetic value. we are not anymore that biologic driven. ( of course we still are, but not at the same degree ) it would be different to be fuck by donald trump than by sadghuru you agree ?
  9. Jeff bezos seams woke enough to diserve my respect. he isn't the problem, he is doing his best with the tools at hands. slavery is not his invention, do you really think amazon would be that huge without the poor slaves working in it ? if it wasn't him that would be another company. He is the evolution and one day, his society will be put under chains because of an highest collective consciousness. I don't believe the guy more bad than steve jobs, and so many people still buy Iphone, knowing kids have been doing it.. 90% of western society are based on stealing and exploiting poor countries, never forget that, it's systemic. we all live on the suffering of slave on the other side of the country, but everyone doesn't give a fuck. but in the meantime, I don't buy a lot of things on amazon, maybe 6 buy per year maximum. sound utterly stupid to be against amazon in my perspective. I don't agree with all they are doing, but if jeff bezos could keep having his current power and makes people not being slave, he would do it, I know that as a fact. dictators are playing their best to push loves, you're too stucked in a green vision of the world. If it wasn't him, it would be someone else. Amazon seams having push the world toward highest consciousness and healthy orange. now orange is lesser than green for sure. @Preety_India nice look upon it, I didn't read your answer before giving mine. yours is more clean ! good job
  10. we would need to define "finished" I don't finish what society call a "sell able object" but I finished my enlightment for instance. OR MAYBE NOT ?
  11. I have a theory that all theory are evolving. the more animals a society is, the more old patterns like "alpha vs nurturing female hips" is falling apart. people are gay and try to fuck animals nowadays, some even copulate with objects. I would bet things could change very quickly. unless my gf see my billionnary potential, currently she is dating a beggar LOL so the best is, be open minded and observe, some girls are ipersexal, other aren't, there is many factors
  12. @LfcCharlie4 very friendly, I found the best one is drinking a lot of water to flush just after. I wouldn't bet on the stack in this very bottle, I watched what's in, and that's pretty basic thing that would at best give you a "fake hit". ( taurine + theanine ) but both would have some counter, I would advice against, go old water always do it, and a good night of sleep.
  13. @Hello from Russia about this sentence I agree. But stage yellow is integration of absolute relativism as truth. I would try to reflect on why being a "hippie" is wrong. maybe sitting on your ass all day is still more productive than rushing after invisible shits, but your call not mine.
  14. @Hello from Russia I don't think that, I see that.
  15. @Hello from Russia It's very orange thinking over here.
  16. This would sounds like non sense and no interest mostly.
  17. I never drink unless social people around are all drinking and that's the ritual. for me alcohol is the lower consciousness drug you can ever done.
  18. @Hansu Yes I was thinking on the metaphysical perspective of it, but really I believe I can trust your direct experience on this. Give it a try without expectation maybe, just chill out, don't 'expect' something, just exploring your own reaction to it ( if you wish ofc, not pushing you to do the trial, but I m not lying, I m curious ) for me it has been healing in many moments, but sure, not everyone will find value in it. I find it very relaxing, sometimes it gives me a real feeling not "placebo feeling", especially now it could help people in quarantine, for me it act sometimes like some sort of a "natural drug" that fuel my body with a smooth mild energy, like a "natural codeïne". Good when I have a hard time finding sleep to certain hours, I would prefer if ASMR can help besides taking drugs or any "pills". ( Now I m more into audiobook though ) There is aswell people with asmr mic, just walking around in nature ( someone do it in Iceland, walking on sand beach, maybe more your thing, just an idea ) big thanks for your answer, funny yes hahaha, but I m happy anyway that you did, and didn't expect that I wanted to know ;p will give the mic to my gf and see how she react to her own making ( whe she come back )
  19. @Hansu Did you try to do it yourself with your own mic/settings, if a friend have any maybe give it a self trial, maybe doing it yourself and knowing it's your own sound making ? what about having someone whispering in your ears ? like a gf ? does it gives you chill or "weird feeling" ? seriously asking. Same if someone play low drumming with objects close to your ear, how do you feel about it ? misophonia as a music producer, seams totaly non sense to my perspective, but I accept it, I even have one of those fat yeti micro for asmr ( and vocal recording ) @intotheblack We listen a lot of music, from all kinds of genre, electronic music mostly. I don't see specific, we listen all genre, lol, that's why it's weird, drums are passive asmr, I don't understand where is the beginning and the end.
  20. @Leo Gura did you paid follower in early stages to look peacock ? don't lie about it PS : not answering = " yes I did "
  21. @fridjonk this is 'maybe' your projection. Some cannot accept free will or they would have to look inside their diapers. 'who' who Cares anyway. True Master don't even need to ask who is woke. ?❤️?
  22. Man this entry made my day wanted to hit myself A Allfuckingday here you Come shining like a mf sun with profound insight. I feel the cells in my no brain update to a New level. You need to teach more ??
  23. @ivankiss lolololol you ain't woke mffff Come to me baby not into gay experience will do the exception LOL I loved this title me. I give it 20/10 + ??