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Everything posted by freeman194673

  1. Insight timer. you can use bells every 5 minutes. I used to use them to remind myself to be present but then I realised that I will pavlov'd myself if I keep doing.
  2. Math specifically banned the division with paranthesis because paranthesis is related to enlightenment and if you divide with parenthesis the math will break down. see how retarded it sounds? The same thing happens is with 0.
  3. @Dand Math doesn't contradict itself. Dividing with 0 doesn't have a meaning. You can't divide an apple with 0. You can divide it with 1 and get 1 apple With 2 and get 0.5 with 3 and get 0.(3) or you can divide it theoretically with 0.5 and get 2 apples with 0.(3) and get 3 (The division is the multiplication in reverse). But dividing it with 0 doesn't have any meaning. Math is perfect and it cannot contradict itself. If you do math corectly you will always get the right answer,the 100% precise answer. 1 cannot be ever equal to 2. He gets this result in this video because he doesn't do math corectly. If you divide both sides with 0 you get the wrong answer,duh. Is not that math will break down lol. Is that it is simply don't defined in math. Tell me the result of 2:)))= see? you can't divide 2 by parenthesis or by. Stop creating retarded theories for fucks sake.
  4. @LfcCharlie4 Nofap is okay. If you are addicted to porn,the solution to get rid of it is to stop consuming. And to rewire your brain. And nofap helps you with that,it brings resources and it can provide an accountable partner. Of course that it won't fix your whole life,but it can help you with your porn addiction. Look at r/pornfree pinned posts, they help you with nutrition ,exercises, affirmations and people ask for all sorts of advices to repair their broken life after this addiction. as I said,solutions are one sized. You're addicted to porn,you stop consuming and you will heal yourself. You have to do some contemplation to figure out why you are addicted so hard and see what you can do to change. As someone else said, addiction are powerfull when life sucks. And life sucks more the more addicted you are and so on. But r/nofap and r/noporn are okay.
  5. Can you please stop fucking assuming what I understand and what I do not? Who do you think you are? which was triggered by watching porn.If he wouldn't have watched porn he wouldn't have had these feelings.
  6. There are disociatives. I was wondering if there are asociative drugs, which do the opposite to disociatives, help you to reconect with this reality or connect to a deeper level. I have depersonalization/derealization and was wondering if there is any drug that could help me get rid of it?. Thank you
  7. It's okay mate.Good that we agree here. it was. this one is worth viewing too. so if I watch porn,I am depressed. If I stay sober,I am happy. I changed only one factor and my life has changed. That factor being porn. I know. I never blamed it on anyone else. okay but are you willing to go 30 days porn free and see how would life would change? I went on both poles of porn<->porn free spectrum and I can tell you that there might be a difference for you too. Probably we should end it here,What I want to conclude is this: try 30 days pornfree and see for yourself. okay mate? I can show you 100000 articles and studies but it won't change anything because you're not open to this posibility that I present to you. So try for yourself,30 days. Raw experience is kind,as Leo would say. Let me know what you think.
  8. @The observer lol,you act so smart. but fyi I choose non-duality over science. And science is pretty based,I don't know why you deny it. Also if science tells me that I feel bad after watching too much porn,this doesn't make me feel bad after I watch porn,you know? Can you stop assumine like youre so mega mind and everyone around you is uninformed? You assume too many things about me and it's disrespectful. okay then,learn to use the proper language to prevent misscomunication. doesn't work that way. try to imagine that cocaine is good,take cocaine,and you'll have detrimental symtoms. Placebo doesn't work to that degree. I didn't said that I'm a scientific person. Again can you stop assuming things dudeee?????????It's really annoying to be dissmissed like that. all the studies made are false,you the megamind outsmarted them. lol,how big is your ego? There are thousands and thousands of men who quitted porn and their lives improved a lot just because of this very fact,but no,you will dismiss that because it doesn't validate your bias. What the hack happened to the open-mindness on this forum????????? that's bullshit. What are the benefits of wasting your life or of doing cocaine? Some things are inheretly bad to the human's health.
  9. I am not religious. I am not trying to make it seem that it is evil,I am trying to make a point that it can be detrimental to your brain. Look at these studies: . and @The observer since you barely consume it,why do you talk about it? Is like Someone says that regular consumption of alcohol is not health. And you,one who drinks alcohol once a year,come and say : Shut the fuck up,stop demonisiong alcohol consumption that's ridiculous haha. I'm talking about regular consumption here,if you consume it once a few months that's fine. Btw,people used to believe that cocaine was good,Sigmund Freud for example was treating his patients with it.
  10. @Leo Gura I wasn't talking about spirituality. I don't hold any religious dogma What about all the studies made which prove how detrimental porn is over one's mental health? These 75 studies let's say: Do they affect most people and you're immune to it somehow?
  11. you said that it is a belief,as it is not real,as I am making it up. Even if I don't hold the belief that I have derealization,I will still have it,Ignoring it won't make it any better. Even if I would dissolve my ego,I don't think that it would cure it. I don't understant why you think that this is ego related. I am very calm with derealization,although most people who have it freak out. Excuse me?Why? Why is wanting to get rid of mental addiction a fear? How is wanting a better life,one with hapiness instead of sadness,cosidered fear? I don't fear anything in particular,I am so deep in this depersonalization state that I don't fear dead too much,this reality feels like a dream anyway and I don't take it in serious because of this reason. I don't know how to interpret that. You're telling me to be happy because I'm fucking up my life? Something like "yeey,I am a cocaine addict,I win,bravo me!!" I can't see the things from your point of view. It's kinda the opposite,I lose against myself. okay,I will take this into consideration,I will let you know. Thank you mate! You are very kind!
  12. @Meta-Man >>>I'm open minded to everything, I know what you're talking about,but you don't have access to anything else than a body in this life,and you are the ego withing which will die. IF you have access to more conciouness than your ego's conciouness then tell me how many fingers I have raised. Or tell me what will happen in the future,or something. I don't know,levitate,change the psysical reality if you can and if you say that it is imaginary. Can you? Why not? Is that because your conciouness is (as I said) to your ego's conciouness?
  13. that kid is really dumb. and his autience.. his video is really superficial,he covered only 10% of Leo's work and he missinterpreted it. Also that kid has a huge ego. kinda pisses me off
  14. It desensitized you. People say that it enhances your creativity but let's be honest,the creativity is the 'ohh look dude I have hands,I am a human,wooow,so cool" kind of creativity. Nobody every high on Marijuana said "Dude,you see that hill over there?It would be so cool if this society would build a childs hospial over there to help kids with special needs."
  15. @Leo Gura I don't know why you guys say that porn is okay. It is as addictive as cocaine. There are countless studies who prove that. I'm not anti porn because of religious reasons and I don't want it to get banned because this would backfire and people would consume even more. But literally dude,porn fries your dopamine receptors ,it desensitizes you. I don't want to push down your throat my opinion,but maybe you guys need to take into consideration these studies: Frequent masturbation lowers testosterone utilization Three weeks of abstinence increases testostorone levels Masturbation is associated with lower psychological health and reproductive well-being Sperm contains compounds that prolong lifespan, fight cancer & heart disease Men who are sexually active in their 20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer Masturbation decreases dopamine levels Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex Porn addiction has similar mechanism with substance addiction Making sperm shortens lifespan of male worms Masturbating 3 days in a row decreases sperm count by 20% Increasing ejaculation frequency decreases sperm count significantly Prevalence of erectile dysfunction doubled between 2004 and 2013 Pornography consumption is associated with mental health issues And this made by Gary Wilson: I don't want to seem biased and show you my agenda,but these studies and books(the one by Gary Wilson) are unbiased and show how porn affects the brain. Also @Leo Gura if I remember corectly you made a video "How society fucks you in the ass" and you said about people who watch porn that they are chimps jerking themselves off to pixels. And now, after a few years,you come up and say that you have a porn collection on your PC and you act like there's nothing wrong with it. I have a challenge for you Leo, 90 days no porn (the minimum time necessary for a reboot). PS: I don't want to cricise you, I am just calling for your open-mindness. PS2: if you are horny you can try to do sexual transmutation. So let us know if you're willing to take the challenge !!
  16. yes. Not completely,but still 99%. Imagine if it ware legal,all the pornsites would have tones of porn vids with kids. You barely can find porn with kids on the surface internet,and if you go on the deep web you'll get the FBI OPEN UP in a few hours/days. no,you don't get it,you didn't read the book. A porn video per se is not a problem Unlimited full hd porn combined with the coolidge effect,is a huge problem,especially because a lot of kids consume it and get hooked at a young age. Banning it would help people who want to get rid of it to do it easier and it would prevent other people from getting addicted. Is like saying that banning weapons in America is not an option,that people need to change. That's a point but it's not 100% true.The other normal contries have 0 school shootings cases because only a small percentage of people have weapons. Is not normal to get a weapon as easy as it is to take a candy. I do not have an anti porn agenda that I want to push down your throat,but for a lot of individuals(aparently not for Leo),porn is very very addictive and has a lot of negative effects.It can even cause Erectile disfunction (Pied->Porn induce ED). Watch this for more information.
  17. @Nahm I've seen that you emphasise beliefs and feeling. It is like a person who got blind recently would come at you and tell you I got blind can you help me? And you're telling him that this is a belief that he holds about himself,the belief of "I am blind". Is not about the belief but about the fact that he got blind. blindness won't go away by itself, it requires surgery or it is permanent. Same for mental illness like derealization. I know..this is why I haven't kill myself in the last 5 years. Probably that you need to read more about mental illness,it is not an illusion and you're telling me to drop my beliefs about it,as it would magically cure it somehow,which is superficial advice. is not that I fear it,it's that I want to get rid of it. I can't get rid of my porn addiction because I cannot find the positive motivation to get rid of it. I am just caught in this downwards spiral to hell for eternity. no,derealization is not about that,is not a belief,I told you,please search more about it,its really crippling,you feel like youre caught in heaven(hell) all the time,in a bad trip,and you don't feel grounded,and the reality is as vivid as a dream.
  18. @outlandish Okay but can these psychedelics help me overcome my porn addiction? I have it for 10 years and I think that it caused depersonalization.
  19. I went on a downward spiral the last years and a lot of stress gathered in my subconcious mind. I got addicted to pornography and I keep relapsing no matter what I do. I'm caught in a catch 22. My life sucks because I'm addicted to porn and I'm addicted to porn because my life sucks. I tried to change my life in order to get rid of the stress but I keep relapsing and this drains me too much,mentally and psychically. I tried to stop from relapsing but my life sucks,I am lonely and yada yada and the pressure is so big that a relapse becomes unavoidable. Is there a kind of meditation that could help me with stress? What about a mantra or some kind of self investigation?Can someone tell me how to do it?
  20. @Meta-Man okay read my minds or change the physical reality(the illusion of physical reality). Tell me how many fingers I just raised,I'll wait. Or heal someone idk. Can you?
  21. You are going to die stop all the non-sense. Leo Gura will die one day. And everyone else. You can disociate with the body by associating with the God-head,but you will die. You are an ego now and you can't get rid of it untill you die. deal with it. I'm open minded to everything, I know what you're talking about,but you don't have access to anything else than a body in this life,and you are the ego withing which will die.
  22. I got it by being a coomer for 10 years.Roasted my brain with thousands of hd porn movies for 10 hours per day. Can you dm me his contacts?How do I contact him? But Leo said that we create our reality and that there are no brains? @Leo Gura How do I get rid of depersonalization which is in the brain if there are no brains? I though that depersonalization can be caused by a weaken prefrontal cortex but..there are no cortices. I don't have access to 5 meo dmt either to find out by myself since I can't afford to go to Mexico.
  23. Happy Bird day!!! seriously tho, Happy Birthday senpai,God and Leonardo! Wish you all the happiness and love in the world will fullfill your heart!