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Everything posted by annonnimm32

  1. Now where do i begin with this... They dont give their lives, they take lives other besides their own. Christians where glad to die for some lies because they where too cowards to live sept the fact Christians had a fair choice : i cut you or renounce your god. But with terrorists its a story based happy ending the soldiers are mislead to believe : drop the bomb and be with Allah in the land of the plenty
  2. Life is energy. We humans consume energy to consume more energy because we cant maintain energy . We are pretty much done with positive energy ( apples, tomato ,tree, evan man made farms evan animals and life stock ) What we call humans in individuality, we are simply battery generators that store different kinds of energy that most doesnt function right and at the end, we die out because there is no more energy left to consume. And rather its a peaceful way to die or a horrible way taking others with us its what we call Heaven and Hell. We are not energy . Our true goal should be to become energy. Its what we call them saints : power generators that produce energy and dont die out ! Should life be taken seriously? Yes! But we wont, not the most of us. The best we can hope is creating extension cords ( children )
  3. The Don, when it comes to the Corona virus there is no left or right, backwards and upwards, no up, no right, no just . Over talking about that rather its a good propaganda or not, people can get sick from talking about it . Have the media toned it down about the cough Apocalipse ,had they not grossly over reacted the entire situation, the body count world wide would have been 1-100 dead in stead of 10-100 dead. But to really answer your question about the left and whats left of YouTube, its safe to say it was a rude fortunate coincidence that video was taking down. Sometimes it really is true : See No Evil, Hear No Evil
  4. Most of these you must learn for yourself. You cant teach people that. Its absurd. What you meant to say was school should provide hints and the possibility for you to learn all that on your own
  5. Hi, well i tried to use it to research nightmares, evan did a post bout it, go check that out please
  6. A person who doesnt know his purpose in life doesnt know who they are or what the universe is : someone who doesnt know that he is a mortal and his purpose is to father a child and die, will loose the reality of who they are or how the universe works. Its how evil gods are born. A god is the personification of one man who has done so much harm and installed so much fear that becomes impossible to kill,his ways will continue long after his death because that man forgot he is mortal and forgot that the universe doesnt work as he rules
  7. People need to see you confident, independent in order to go and talk to you. A Hello could be seen as... Oh, hey puppy, want a pet? You owe them nothing of the sort. Be confident in yourself no matter the consequences. Enjoy your work at work and salute them as if they where a secondary objective : make them feel like you pet them. They will lick your behind ( they will got your back) its tricky but you will find it comes in handy
  8. People have changed since when you where born and they have not changed for the better. You cant actually have a top to bottom conversation with anyone . His phone rings and instead of listening to you he or she will gladly text them. They will let you babble on approve you and expects you to leave the party . And you know it and so you dont want to be around people. In that regard you are doing whats best for yourself not to get hurt. However your family and its behavior twards you also contributes to you not wanting to do with anyone . Its like all of your life could not hide in a dark closet and you seen it all all the wrong things of human interaction and for your own sake said not me, i wont do it. Your delight in solitude means that you can hug yourself and cry yourself to sleep in peace. Still, your parents are responsible only untill you reached 18 . You dont work for them or because of them. You work because you are able and you seek to make something that you made. This you involves many many people poor and rich, good and bad, healthy and sick. For starters, at your workplace you can start with Hello!
  9. Nnnooo! Nooo! Hew... Oh God, what a nightmare! So... I searched Google and found nothing much. All i found was electrical impulses which is way to vague. I did found Nightmare on Elm Street but a wolverine in a funny hat with cartoonish lines doesnt cut it unless you want comic relief content from a guy with Growling Voice. I decided to go deep inside our sleep time divided in many social aspects and subjects When children have nightmares : for many reasons, kids tend to fall asleep scared or crying to sleep. When they wake up tired in the middle of the night, they continue to cry or get scared and both the parents and the kids mistake this for having a nightmare. I will dismiss the theory of parents divorcing as a cause, unless bullies or trauma causes nightmares which is very rare, most kids wont have nightmares untill their teen When teens have nightmares : Boys : Most boys have a specific I went to school naked dream caused by social insecurity and realising how the penis work and in this case doesnt work. After a breakup he could have nightmares as a response to not hurt himself. He can take it better in a dream state When teen girls have nightmares By the by, girls can handle nightmares better since they are always talking to each other, however they have more ( silly) reasons to have nightmares : Ă bad hair day, getting bald or her hair looks really terrible is what gives them nightmares Am i too fat? Am i too skinny? The old mirror trick If she learns really well she will see herself in a nice dress and geek glasses and or braises everyone laughing. Shes still a virgin : she will see herself old as a nun while her friends make catholic jokes and thats no laughing matter When soldiers have nightmares : they dont have nightmares per say : imagine you spent a lot of hours in a roller coaster. When you stop on the ground you stil feel the roller coaster ride . Its the same for soldiers, they go back to war because for them war isnt over. My reccuring nightmare is falling off cliffs which means i cant maintain a higher position without falling, i am alone so no one who loves me cant catch me and rescue me if i fall. Thats all the relevant intel about nightmares so far and i await your take on this. Do you have nightmares? I can help you with the Y ( why) Thank you for your time and have a very slept good night!
  10. For a pregnancy to take place, the male subject must use 3 times the energy he has compensating with fat pocket cells stored in time and psychic energy from the brain. Most feeling tired and will fall asleep right away
  11. Most guys either have erectile miss function problems or premature ejaculation due to the body not getting ready to mate. It takes more then a penis and a vagina to make a baby
  12. If we look very close, not only a pregnancy last 9 months but also the process of getting ready to get intimate with someone takes 9 months at least ,during which a skinny male or female well gain a bit of weight will suddenly jog, work out and if you ask them they wont have a specific answer but they are getting ready to get intimate and make a baby
  13. Hello The Don, took some time but here i am. What you really are concerned is the life expectance of children who are born . From what the mother eats and say she got pregnant when she wasnt ready, the formula has changed , leaving room for cancer at best, We must understand, people, that getting pregnant does not mean having a baby. Our bodies have a time period when in a relation with someone, both male and female subjects go through physical changes like muscle growth ,weight loss and other internal changes getting both the male and female room for making a baby and ensure that 9 month period . Vaccinated couples getting ready for procreation which can actually take months , their bodies are searching for proteins the fetus needs to develop a strong immune system while non vaccinated couples offer that protein naturally without having to modify it to match the fetus . Sex is promoted so it can be used for self sterilization, its a technique they learned from animal study . A sexual active animal will not father so much and not on first try. Sex is great, sure but it doesnt assures a 9 month pregnancy ,thus a formula change but not total sterilization, just uncertain pregnancy. There is an exception... In times of certain military wars between the begining and end of the war or natural disasters no matter how short it lasts, everyone is ready. Italy birth rate started to double when the time choir boys got the snip snip . The close they got to sterilising the population was compromising the protein that protects the fetus for 9 months. Should they try to physically snip snip us it wont lower much the birth rate