Richard Purdy

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Everything posted by Richard Purdy

  1. How do you connect with loved ones who passed away? I want a practical answer here, at my human level of understanding. Don't give me a one sentence answer like death is an illusion or I'm imagining it. Being that those may be true, those one sentence answers are hard to articulate from my point of progress. Give me a human being answer. Here's what I want to know: Where the fuck are they? Where did they go? Can they see everything I'm doing? Do they know what I'm thinking? What are physical/spiritual symptoms that they are around/watching me right now? How do I communicate with them? After a year of being dead, are they just hanging out in nothingness being able to do anything they want?
  2. Let me rephrase. I want the spiritual answer, but said in a way I can understand. I want the breakdown. Wtf happens? Can you still go back and watch people alive after your dead? That's my main question here.
  3. I want to be financially independent. Looking for advice on what I should do with it. Here's my situation: Currently 21 years old. Living at home with my brothers (I work with them with wholesaling real estate, and they take care of all the bills) I want to be an online coach for personal development but don't know where to start. Mostly selling video courses. Feel like I need more experience in life myself to help others though. At some point I do want to completely rely on myself financially instead of relying on my brothers. No debt of any kind, other than a few court tickets. Living expenses aren't a problem at the moment. It's mostly just saved money. I'm not investing in any stocks. Open to all suggestions. P.S. I've always had an interest in selling things.
  4. Looking to consume a sales course and build that skill. Who's the best in the field who are ACTUALLY good? Looking for an RSD type that bring results
  5. @Phil King Absolutely perfect answer. I appreciate the recommendations.
  7. He should've kept his mouth shut. If he didn't talk and remained silent he probably would've been able to walk out of there. Now he's trapped forever. The perspectives of each of them are interesting. The detectives just want to manipulate the situation and get him to talk where they can advance in their jobs. They act like they care about his well being. But you can clearly see they are just salesman waiting to get a bite. They do that for everyone they bring in. Steak dinner is waiting for them at home later that night. Meanwhile the guy's whole entire future is on the line. He continues to believe that they're there for him. He got tricked. Survival at its finest. This interrogation like the final boss battle in a video game. Except in real life. An interesting part of the video is after he confesses, you see the realization he'll never be free again. No human deserves for that to happen. Maybe the worst of the worst 1% of criminals. There's got to be a better way to punish him, he clearly has remorse but I'm not trying to hide the fact he did kill someone which should be punished. Years from now he'll be a different person, but he will still be behind bars for that one fuck up everybody forgot about. This channel is very interesting in how detectives deal with these people. If you were in jail forever how would you deal with it?
  8. @zurew Thats kinda weird. If you were truly innocent I don't think it would be natural to confess to something you didn't do. Unless they trick you into it. Maybe they just wanted the detectives off their back. Lol They love tricking people!!
  9. If you take psychedelics in a dream, and you feel the effects in the dream, at the same time what is happening to your brain in the waking world? Is it psychosomatic? Or is the brain actually using the same neural pathways to give the trip while sleeping as it would taking it in waking life? This is a very trick question. Another night while dreaming I snorted cocaine and when I woke up I felt like I had a hangover. Not sure if that was just psychosomatic.
  10. @Leo Gura Put that in simpler human words. I never understood what you mean when you say that.
  11. @Leo Gura Yes, that would be your best video
  12. @Leo Gura What year is the release date looking like?
  13. @Leo Gura Basically my question above is that, is that self deception? Am I just limiting myself? Can't tell if its real or fatasy
  14. @Leo Gura I understand when you say don’t act on your thoughts. But for one of my thoughts, I can’t tell if it’s real or imagined. Particularly I had a dream where I had a bad trip of smoking DMT in the parking lot of Walmart while someone was driving. Thinking about it or visualizing what had happened now, putting myself through the motions, bringing up the exact sensations I felt... I feel like I’m reactivating the trip and the chemical in my brain. I feel like I can’t move. Feel like I have to stop my whole day and wait for tomorrow to be functioning again and have it out of my system. I can’t tell if this is real or imagined. So you say just don’t act on it, but I’m afraid to even let my mind play out what happened.
  15. Y'all are a bunch of babies. I've seen harsher teachings. Have you ever been yelled at by a drill sergeant? I haven't, but it seems like a good example in this case
  16. What you imagine hard enough will be true for you. There's a difference between imagined, made up fears like the fear of activating DMT in your brain accidentally by looking at a visualization, vs actual fears like being chased by a pack of wolves.
  17. Can you explain what type of OCD you have? What's your biggest fears?
  18. Was wondering if any of you business savvy people can give me recommendations for some really good people who teach acquisition/sales on YouTube or somewhere else on the internet. I want to increase the skill. Or a course would be good too. I work for a wholesaling company for getting houses under contract over the phone. You have to talk them down 70 cents on the dollar of the value in order for it to be a good deal. Give me some recommendations of good business people who have great experience
  19. @Leo Gura How do you purify your mind? I keep imagining worrisome scenarios and it seems to come to life.
  20. @ShardMare Be okay with feeling the feeling forever and it will naturally dissipate. It may take weeks or months of acceptance of which seems like no progress will occur. You must be okay with that. Keep feeling. You're never going to completely "heal" it. One way or another in life you'll be depressed again. Use this as your advantage and change your relationship with it. Love it and your reactions to it. You have to be in the state of mind where you want more of it. You'll be feeling much better.
  21. Emotional Intelligence
  22. Try to enjoy and appreciate your depression. Nobody will tell you this. Depression is just a human condition. Make time to enjoy it and allow it for a solid hour per day with no judements, then go about your regular business. Your problem may lie in wanting to not be depressed and wanting things to be different. No matter your mood you should treat it with love.
  23. What’s the best fluoride free toothpaste brand that gives no teeth problems? Totally protects from cavities?