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Everything posted by Demeter

  1. "@justfortoday , have you read the book "Enlightenment Ain't What It's Cracked Up To Be: A Journey of Discovery, Snow and Jazz in the Soul" ? It speaks of enlightenment as you describe it. Here's a video of an interview with the writer.
  2. @traveler , so if I want to surrender to such an experience (which I am sure to encounter again) what would you suggest? For me to accept the void is challenging in many ways. First, I need to acknowledge that I am of no value (at least the value I had placed on myself) that there is no one watching over me or cares where I drift, i.e., there is no great loving presence or intelligence. That in itself defeats the purpose of acceptance. If there is no better way, why the need to surrender to anything? All I can say is - Holy shit! Is this it? How horrible!
  3. @WelcometoReality , yes. Only I existed. Which was scary to say the least. Imagine the immense loneliness.
  4. @Mightymule , would have loved to have read your post. I find these inspirational. Please repost if you can.
  5. @WonderSeeker chanting is a regular Buddhist practice. I imagine in monasteries they would do it for several hours a day. It is one form of practice, which complements their meditaiton rituals.
  6. @ilja , a very good way of releasing past attachments and healing them, as it were, is the ho'oponopono prayer. This originated amongst the indigenous cultures of Hawaii. The technique is described here: "1. Bring to mind anyone with whom you do not feel total alignment or support, etc. 2. In your mind's eye, construct a small stage below you 3. Imagine an infinite source of love and healing flowing from a source above the top of your head (from your Higher Self), and open up the top of your head, and let the source of love and healing flow down inside your body, fill up the body, and overflow out your heart to heal up the person on the stage. Be sure it is all right for you to heal the person and that they accept the healing. 4. When the healing is complete, have a discussion with the person and forgive them, and have them forgive you. 5. Next, let go of the person, and see them floating away. As they do, cut the aka cord that connects the two of you (if appropriate). 6. Do this with every person in your life with whom you are incomplete, or not aligned. The final test is, can you see the person or think of them without feeling any negative emotions. If you do feel negative emotions when you do, then do the process again."
  7. @aklacor727 , this sounds very encouraging :). What doze did you take and which mushrooms, please?
  8. @Madyar , interesting that you mention 120mcg as an experimental dose. I started with 200mcg (from a reliable medical source) which was good in that I had some beautiful experiences of vastness as well as insights relating to various things in my life. I then proceeded to 300 mcg which gave me the experience of the great void. I've also used 100mcg but while this was intuitive and insightful, it lacked the transcendence of the higher doses. My sitter, who is quite experienced suggested I should try 500 mcg as he found me far too much in control - this advice I'm happy not to follow.
  9. @Madyar , what Lsd dose would you suggest as being good for the max experience or thereabouts?
  10. @m0hsen, could you please say which Kriya techniques you used to get the stage where your energy was flowing on its own. Which other spiritual practices had you done to get you ready for this?
  11. I have microdosed with Lsd - using approx. 10 mcg. Someone who provided me with the microdoses, added 1 drop of acid to a small bottle of echinacea, the kind that sells at the chemist. I was supposed to try a few drops (between 5 and 10) of the echinacea and find my sub-perceptual level. Basically, take enough till before the point I could feel the effect. Since this was my first experience of Lsd, I wasn't sure what was meant by its effect. I noticed that while I couldn't feel an effect, traffic lights appeared to be a little brighter, which I thought was ok. Checking traffic-lights, in fact, became my way of determining how strong the microdose was. I took the micro dose to help me concentrate on my reading and research. It was apparent right from the start that I could work for longer and with greater concentration if I had microdosed. For example, I could read for about 4 hours in the library, without fidgeting and needing to take breaks which is what I would normally do.
  12. @ArchangelG , I think trying to organize or categorise consciousness as if were a corporate plan is a pointless task. Consciousness is something we least understand or at least our personal views are only glimpses of it.
  13. @BlackMaze , yes, agreed. There are so many who live with hopelessness and fear and do not have the space to experience joy in their lives. Think of people grappling with poverty and illness, or refugees our so-called democratic governments imprison.
  14. @Breakingthewall , yes, I understand. I'm ok with realising I have no worth and my life thus far has been pretty meaningless. Not in comparison with others because other's lives are meaningless too. So, I'm not egoic in that sense. What one needs to let go of is the notion that the universe is 'love', a state of benevolent consciousness. People on MEO who experience infinity usually speak of infinite love, so an experience of infinity is not the same as the void. I have experienced an infinite consciousness on Lsd and that was not terrifying. I was happy to realise that I was an inconsequential speck in that great infinity. The void is, as you said, emptiness. Hence the ego death which goes with the void is letting go of the notion that there is a consciousness. Maybe this is how it is: if there is no consciousness (other than my own awareness), there is no consciousness that is aware of my existence. it means I am alone in a state of infinite emptiness - I might as well not exist. That is, in my view, the ultimate ego death.
  15. How do you know that merging with the void is the next step? Even if that is possible. I think that since I am conscious of having an experience, that is I am able to perceive something. I cannot totally disappear. To borrow from Descartes, "I think, therefore I am'. I sense that what the next stage is, is acceptance of one's meaninglessness and the non-existence of all things, even God. That thought is deeply depressing and I couldn't go further because I rejected ti. It is extremely difficult to accept that I do not matter to anyone. That is the crux of the matter - it matters to no one where I drift. So all I am is an awareness of the great void.
  16. @Eren Eeager Love the title of your thread! How do you know it was God that you experienced? I experienced the great void on both shrooms and 300ug acid, and both times it was horrible in terms of realising that there was no caring being keeping watch over us. Nothing existed, I did not matter and my life was pointless. I think that is ego-death.
  17. I think the interpretations offered for the number patterns online are pretty rubbish. Each combination has more or less the same messages. But, I do see these patterns with amazing regularity. The other day in the supermarket my bill was 8.88 for 8 items. Then got a tax refund which read 606060.06 in my bank statement (I am not rich, it is in a currency which has low value). The thermostat for my heating showed 22.22 22 - time followed by temp. So, these are not a coincidence if they happen in the space of 3 days, along with many more.
  18. @Hippocrates , it sounds wonderful! Could give us some background to your meditation and spiritual practices please - how often and since when? Have you had any other sort of experiences before?
  19. Has anyone experienced an enhancement of their mental faculties, such as memory, through the use of memory or psychedelics? The flow of one's kundalini is supposed to awaken dormant parts of the brain and, just as psychedelics do, connect parts of the brain which were not previously communicating with one another. This leads to greater insights, creativity etc. I have also read accounts of people who during their Ayahuasca experiences requested to be bestowed with healing abilities which, with persistence, came to fruition. Would like to hear from anyone who thinks their intelligence has been enhanced in terms of everyday problem solving or in their work or studies due to the above.
  20. @ajai , I am an international development researcher and really find your advice somewhat patronising.
  21. @ajai , yes, I know all about India. I am involved with research in the country. What do my comments about Modi have to do with colonialism anyway or with the current state of development in India relative to that of pre-colonial times? Modi is a destructive force in the country and does more harm than good. Please look up 'neo-liberalism' and 'crony capitalism' - these are concepts that you should be acquainted with - they are basic to understanding our economies and how leaders abuse power.
  22. @Amit @ajai , Modi is a fascist and racist. He is suppressing free speech, the media and using the tax bureau and law courts to crack down on dissenters. His party, the BJP, are using women to swell their ranks when it comes to demonstrations. He supports crony capitalism and neo-liberalism which takes no account of the poor who get displaced, robbed and exploited.
  23. Have you heard of this? Great to hear of psilocybin being legalised in Oregon. No mention of Lsd, though - does anyone have more info?
  24. You seem to be in a state of enlightenment which many of us would be grateful for. But it seems to come with physical pain and discomfort and loss of love. You kundalini needs to complete its journey to the crown chakra - the excess kundalini energy is stuck, as you said, and once it is released and able to complete its journey, the pain will end. A strong healer will be able to help. Also, please look up 'Spiritual Emergency" websites - these are mainly about people who are experiencing difficulties with kundalini energy. You may find help here: Dumuzzi wrote about how a deity helped release his stuck kundalini here: