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Everything posted by DIDego

  1. Hi This are a important topic, two important and easy ways to make us feel connected are rare nowadays, hugs and handshakes. We maybe can post something little everyday about connection, in the forum or in this topic, as a reminder to find more ways to stay connected somehow, to spend more quality time with others somehow, both irl and on internet with each other, keep safety when connect irl ofc.
  2. This is going great, i write here in my journal everyday. No, only doing it in my imagination. Reevaluate. It's not the end of the journal. I'll be back
  3. @Opo It's tricky going any near these kind of topics, discuss fact mixed with personal perspectives and own opinions to try make some "theories" where we coming from, what we can learn from history, to "imagine" and try grasp somehow a bigger picture whats maybe are actually going on in the present, can be seen as conspiracy theories, and that are forbidden to discuss.
  4. Thank you all, for contribute with all the great music to this topic. I have because of this topic, discover old songs in a new way and start listen to music that i had not bother to try out otherwise. @Nahm Want to ask if you are ok with a playlist or if there are reasons not to, because have started this great topic. Are there a possibility to make a public playlist of the songs in this topic? Hope i not have missed any written about a playlist earlier in this topic. How to do a public playlist? How much effort does it take, if there are much can the effort be shared among several people? Actualized.org? Suggest names and run a poll? Or is it so easy that the choice of playlist name are the topic "Songs Written About Enlightenment"?
  5. @Blackhawk Heard about The Marlboro Man? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marlboro_Man
  6. @Mesopotamian The one that can see life more as a puzzle and not seek for only one fantastic solution, should try to grasp what Teal talks about, because out of own experience can recognize what she says and can be helped. Sure, bs can everything be from a closed mind. Teal are one of many sources, have many sources gets a broader spectrum of tools during the journey. Sometimes a content from any source you stumble over, can be handy to see and also re-evaluate later in a another situation, because some new puzzle pieces have arrived to the table. The dangerous part is how to use it all and some seem have the hopes doing well all time, there are powerful deep-level content on internet and if it used properly you will have a chance to thrive and change deeply. If use the content, do it properly, create a safety protocol. The one who not judge anymore, because already had experience of a fooling mind, that can destroy any solution there is, behind a closed mind. People will always try bs all content there is and also them who wants to share content. Yes, be careful what you do in life are always important and also be careful how to give advice to others about own opinion.
  7. @Jo96 My post was about your question. I try to write more. In the beginning of my journey i wanted to save the world, put to much focus on that ocean can drain much energy, needed to own development. Ofc in case of emergency, but otherwise change your self and the interaction with others can change the situations to the better in the long run. What can you learn that change you, so your part of the toxic issue can get less or dissolve into something else? What happens if one part in a problem or a toxic argue changes the approach, how to deal with the situation? This year have put many people towards a more toxic manner, mostly because of raised fear and pretty exhausting situation with much changes during a long period. Invest in your development and in the long run you get rewards from the efforts, if you have the patient Quote: " Healing will happen one step at a time and the better it gets, the better it gets. " - Teal Swan.
  8. Hey! @Keyhole Wonderful @Jo96 , have courage to admit for your self and with patient will nothing hinders you from succeed. You also done next big step, reaching out for answers to try find a solution, after the huge insight about the toxic patterns we all can get trapped in or have been.
  9. @Jonsey Start a trial and error, seek out for new situations and evaluate what happens, where and when. Example, do you use same chair to all kind of activity? What happens if you try a different chair or change locations, much stuff happens subconscious, related to other stuff that makes you not motivated and might put you into a tired mode.
  10. Hi! @Daneel Welcome to the forum.
  11. @egoeimai Today all this maybe are not the answer you seek, consider to read it a couple times, different times and energy level during a day, can also impact how to deal with stuff, to ensure that not your current state gives a sort of one-sided view. Hope you seek help to find solutions and not only want to us to "say what you want to hear".
  12. @Hsinav Sounds that you have a nice approach, dedicated and open for find a solution to have a balance Some parents can play same game as the child, not maybe to much time as the child plays it because interfering the play between the group. Parents maybe not always really like the game as it is, but hopefully like play it with the child and thru that able to do a sort of learning, understanding and ofc a way to spend time with younger generations, that circle includes all kind of win-win-win in the long run. @Carl-Richard Nice one, this are an important perspective, if the reader try to understand it deep, this can be applied in many situations.
  13. @tuckerwphotography Yes i answer you the first post here, give anwers to my own issue, fantastic, hope the answer resonate and give you a hint. How much fuel do you have to light your burning desire to the mission "Save the world" and how can you do what you do without get exhausted? Turn down the effort a little and find a different approach?
  14. This is a very huge topic and should be discussed thru from many perspectives and ages (generations). I use if because i dont want to upset, only give a perspective. If there are the age 0-10 that are the most vulnerable time for a child? And if children dont do what you say, if they do what they see and also learn all almost without filter. How do we know now how this young generation will be, if we only look from self-bias, if we take a look if there are any slight difference 25 years back in society a so forth. Generation born around 1970-85 are young enough to grown up during the huge tech shift. I cant explain the whole history, but we that grown up before -85 had a chance to choose because we lived a different life that got programmed from reality. Im tech interested and educated from early age, also was one of many that got heavily addicted to gaming. Gaming are awesome for so many reasons, good for exercise and expand the mind and body. Social interaction and communication can also be a huge benefit if there are in a mostly non toxic manner. When i got bored and sick of gaming after all years, i did start remember there are plenty of wonderful stuff to do that not involves a screen. Balance between tech and nature? Good luck
  15. @lmfao You have +1700 posts in this forum, you spending a lot of time here and are relative young, probably learning and thrives in areas many people never going to be aware of or able care about during their entirely life's. Might you outgrown this gamer chapter in your life and seeking after something in this group that not possible to find for your well being, and you now struggling to accept the group dynamics that actually exist everywhere and sometimes it get's into a impossible situation. From what you show in the conversation with server owner, you have got an excuse that matters compared to got no respons at all. Hopefully you also got experience that you can see now or afterwards that are wonderful or very important and that are these moments which matters in the end.
  16. Ram Dass was a cool dude! He gave many important perspectives and relative rare contribution to mankind from his radical choices in life and all recordings, during a sensitive time and big shift into modern society.
  17. @solene Many people using smoking as an legit excuse at workplace to be able have a break without being questioned. Small cups makes more walks and less coffee Coffee are many times at workplaces used as a legit break excuse and very much a social drink to hang out with, very good be able choose coffee if not want to grab something like a drink or maybe a beer as a social barrier when hang out with people.
  18. Bingo argument @Rilles Narcissistic are wide spectrum, can go back and forth, people can easily behave very narcissistic under stress and fear, are easy used word to often and used to easy when people label people. To guess wild and try give advice remotely are not that simple. I hope you do build a good and wide knowledge, doing the research deep that are needed before to do any conclusion at all. It can take many years to really understand the big picture to be able label someone to be fully narcissistic and still not be sure, because if it are true, you can be so f**cked up programmed so you maybe not able to be sure , takes a painful process to really accept, that probably maybe was raised of a narcissistic parent. If your family member you argue with had parenthood from narcissistic parent, then you might have a complex problem that you cant do anything about without a miracle. And if you also maybe have got affected of the narcissistic abuse during a long time, then you have to go deep into that and try check so you dont have got programmed deep also. Get the big-picture well, before that, dont hurt yourself to try fix anyone involved, only focus to heal yourself first so you are strong and can see reality without filter. Hope this are understandable. Covid-19 have been a weird roller-coaster for many people, so many can have a hard time with temper. Link two fast example, do you recognize anything of these. https://youwillbearwitness.com/2019/02/16/is-narcissism-inherent-to-the-patriarchy/ https://themindsjournal.com/the-narcissistic-family-tree/
  19. @Leo Gura Wow Sometimes you scares me and i want delete my account, sometimes you are the cute guy i really want to hug! (and at least what i know, is that im straight ) Take care, Love & Stay safe!
  20. Interesting, do you want to tell something about the job? I have been heavy coffee drinker regardless of job and also during task that are motivated. Coffee and smokes can often be related to signal to other that ok to have a moment of break, from the task and Do Not Disturb or allow to be social and so on.
  21. @Arcangelo 9 Years
  22. Always a need in the end to, who to blame? Big picture, everybody and nobody Circuit of fear. Sad outcome for all involved. People who watch this and ever got arrested them self and living in a example RED life/situation, might be able to relate how this situation can easy escalate. Mindset ACAB and the opposite mindset from the society that makes this able to occur, hinders so many from common sense and see how the development of the world are connected and everybody have a responsibility to make these sad but true situation not happen in future. World are thriving towards more brutal level of violent, then and there it occurs. Long patient during arrest from cops, in cops eye's Floyd had big body and was caution until the situation finally got overboard. Floyd himself was in fear of thought and terrified like a child and totally resisted his situation and not able stop himself. Felt and related to "The green mile" dude. RIP Floyd, hope that your death makes the difference, towards a way to solve the root cause!
  23. I come from red/blue, there nothing wrong, everybody do what they have to, one big issue are that drag each other down below mentality, i often heard people said they could smell fear and who to attack who deserve it because they dumb not to protect them self. Baseball bat prepared home are normal to make clear that you are willing to use, then you are in the game. You dont want to be in red/blue game, how to solve it? Today i more likely have courage to say this, it dont matter how a person tries do hide visual or make statement to let go of my space and allow someone to be the way to be themself, then are in your situation. Consider understand energy and develop some other useful skills that are good in red/blue level. That you try get reasonal intellect help from outside are the first step and here you are.