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Everything posted by meow_meow
If I had quiet neighbours and wouldn't need money to moove (again) to a different appartement in hope that It would finally be nice and quied.. I'd play the living shit out of it, the last thing I played was skyrim
Are these people being fair? Closing clubs and other social places with an intention to not allow covid 19 to spread so quickly seems fair enough. IMO it's the people who ignore the rules or even deny them and gather on purpose are the ones to blaim as they might be tje ones spreading it while there is no cure for it (well technically the vaccine just came out, but still).
I'm a web delevoper (Mainly back-end, PHP, JS) and one of my acquaintances is a system administrator and another one is a support/consultant. I do it because I like to, and I choose programming over anything else because I love programming, loved since ~ 12 years old, started with creating simple flash games. I'm also looking forward to become a freelancer and who knows maybe even opening up my own company one day. Anyway, If you already are more keen to IT Consultant - go for it. I'd recommend choosing that one and going all in on it, not lingering between consultant and a developer, I think you won't really achieve greatness in any of them until you choose that one thing. You mentioned stress - a developers job can be as stressfull as consultants job, it all depends on the company, environment and how you handle stress.
meow_meow replied to Natasha's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I Used To Be An Adventurer Like You, Then I Took An Arrow In the knee. -
Hey, So recently I've realized that simply following a strict discipline towards my diet, productivity, waking up, working out etc is good, and it works and it has great results but it doesn't solve the root issue which is - the need & craving towards shitty food, masturbation, skipping gym, alcohol etc. I've heard Leo talk about it, and I just recently finished reading my book (Alan Watts - The way of the zen) where he also mentions "Letting go" of the need & cravings, and attachments. Aswell as most meditation techniques teach you to "Let go" of thoughts. So my question is, what exactly do you have to do, to let go ? or what is the step-by-step process to letting go? How can one let go of a thought?
From my experience, if you continue to hang out with those people, at one point you'll realize that you no longer really relate to each other as much as you used to and will on your own disconnect from them, since theres nothing much left in common besides good (and bad) memories. I feel like I have to 'step down' intelectually to their level to 'fit in' and it surfaces, they feel it, I feel it, we both know it. it's basically a setup for failure. I'm going trough this right now, and my situation is very similar, except of course, its' worse because I got into studying narcissism and realized that a few of my 'closest' friends are both narcissists and I was just their narcissistic supply, nothing more.. but thats a different story. You might even notice that they start to become jerks towards you, start taking your openness and kindness for weakness and can 'try' to manipulate you, if they're orange/red. Anyway for me it just sort of happens naturally, I just sort of start to disconnect from my social circle on my own, without actually doing anything. I beleive its just how it is. Sad.
meow_meow replied to BlackMaze's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
For me Intuition is the same as for the most people who have already posted "Just knowing, without knowing how I know" I ask myself a question, and I already know the answer even before I've asked it, or just a split-second after the question/thought arised in my mind. I've read that they practice something similar in zen, when teachers ask their students questions, and students have to reply instantly, without thinking. Teachers start with relatively simple questions like is it day or night, what color are your eyes and go up to harder questions, they say that eventually zen students become really good at just being spontanous, that they can almost instantly give out correct answers. -
No, it's the only technique that helps me stay away from the things I want to do (short term pleasure, Id) but understand that I shouldn't because it's bad for my health, and I'll be shaming myself later (superego) I want that I could not want those cheetos and beer. So simply doing what I want which is not want, which would lead to = "Simply don't want to!" .. dunno doesn't make much sense to me. How can one should simply Not want? By not wanting not to want? heh.
@Mu_ Yeah, sorry for the late reply, I PM'ed You. Yes, What I've learned from my Alan Watts Way of Zen book is that there is nothing to let go, because I havent grabben onto anything in the first place. Aha, and most of my cravings come out of booredom which comes when I'm taking a break from the rat race/hobbies/reading/meditating etc and have a lack of socializing because of lost friends due to rise in awareness and self esteem etc. What exactly do you mean by this? I really don't see how I'm not responsible for my current situation, also I don't really understand who's fault could it be, besides mine, since it's my life?
Well, for me it was that way. Some guys I gratuaded law school together were yellowish. Too bad I had no idea about self help etc back then, and probably was the orange bastard in their eyes back then, hehe.
Yeah man, I'm on the same boat. After ~1,5 years into self actualization and enlightenment work I've realized that some of my 'friends' were actually people with high narcissistic traits (possibly even NPD or worse - psychopaths) that faked empathy and I feel explited and just used as their narcissistic supply. Also I feel like I've outrgrown my social circle intelectually, the topics they talk about now seem so surface level, the flaws they have seem so obivious and the stupid things they do, and know that it's ruining their lives, but not doing nothing about it, seem miserable. I try to not judge them at all, and we kinda get along but I feel like I have to step down and be dumber that I actually feel I am in order to 'fit in' which is basically already a setup for failure. I've thought about this and here are my ideas of where to meet greenish-yellowish people: 1. University/College - It's a hell of a higher chance to meet people with higher awarenees there than in clubs/bars for example. 2. Courses/Seminars 3. Martial art groups/classes 4. Everything thats related to spirituallity & Philosophy - Group meditation classes, meet-ups etc.
meow_meow replied to Natasha's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Origins Damn, that's hell of a explanation, some spiritual heavyweight stuff. I seriously had to re-read this at various times during these days until I finally got the point, and yes, you're answer amazingly accurate, it correlates with my issues with setting and maintaining inner boundaries which basically means saying 'No!' (to people and to myself) and actually not doing the thing that I said No to. (Congurance) How it oftern times ends up is - Saying No (to beer), but then grabbing a beer a few hours later, then feelings of remorse anger etc arise (Sabotaging integrity and relationship with myself) But simply trough discipline I've managed to get my gym routines, diet, work productivity etc more or less on point. But the cravings are still there, the main point of the topic was how to diminish them entirely. Anyhow, your answer really helped me to connect the dots, thanks for that. This truly sounds like a weird advice, and this actually might help with cravings that occur when I'm shopping for food, boored etc. I'll def try this out, thanks.
Yeah, this is a cool insight, that I wasn't aware of before. So basically, Craving = Thought (of food, alcohol, being lazy etc), that I've attached to. Letting go = Sitting trough the pain that arises while trying to not give in to the thought (Craving) ? & repeating the process of Letting go each time thoughts, that cause cravings, arise should eventually free me from them?
Well, I guess the feeling of craving could be labeled as pain, and yes I guess simply sitting trough the feeling helps for that exact moment, how about spontanious cravings - Like you walk trough a store and you notice that ice cold beer with Cheetos and.. and you just buy them, being aware of that, and feeling satisfied but guilty as hell? Easier said than done, very surface level answer TBH. Isn't wanting to not want itself a need? How can one not want not to want?
meow_meow replied to Blackhawk's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
.. Has been successfully added to wisdom quite library. Yeah, when I showed Leo's videos to one of my most neurotic, sex-addicted friends who was bullied all trough school, he instantly labeled Leo a scammer because of money making out of his course/book list etc. -
Yes, Females are also people, and people lie, but that's not the message I was trying to deliver trough my post. We are talking about OP's relationship with a woman (female), that's why I mentioned that females lie about their partner count, since it fits into this context and didn't expect someone to get cranky about it. @VictorB02 Also, from my experience, don't take relationship advice from women, but rather from men who actually deal with women in terms of relationships.
"Hookers and Cocaine" ahh .. The notorious combo. I wouldn't recommend having sex with hookers all the time, but meh, if it's the only way you can satisfy your sexual needs then why not. I think you already have the answer for that. Why would there be 'pain' in the first place, if it would be aligned with your beliefs and morals? It's not (for you) that's why it brings up feelings of regret, guilt, remorse because you judge youself of doing the 'bad' act. See if the act wouldn't be bad from your perspective, there wouldnt be a bad judgement that bring up 'pain'. (unless you speaking about pain in your penis, anus etc)
Dude, I'm not gay, but Leo has helped me so much that I'd feel obligated to share my anus with him if he would demand it.
Is it something you should worry about? Fuck no, like hell no. From my perspective HE doesn't want to be friends, he just wants to fuck your girl.But SHE most likely has friend-zoned him. Why would a guy choose a long distance relationship without even getting pussy? Because he's so desperate that he's ready to cope with it, and girls can sense that right away. Also it's your job to keep guys off from flirting with your girl if you're around. Getting all emotional, mad, freaked out only shows that SHE has affect on your emotions, which is a red flag. Females lie, especially when it comes down to previous partner count. This might sound harsh, but If I was in your place I'd tell her exactly that I do not want to see her hanging out with other guys except ofc if it's a random childhood friend that she just met on the street, some corporate party etc but not on a regular basis. If she ignores your needs, tell her to get the fuck out and have the power to leave.
So, as usual, I'll start with a quick intro of my characters enlightenment stats: I've been meditating almost daily for ~1.2 years (35mins) No psychedelics "Love", "God", "Oneness" are yet to be discovered and still remain a mystery to me at this time. and I've done ~6months of self-inquiry sessions 3-4 times a week. Up until this now I've been practicing meditation technique of just looking at my thoughts, letting them go and re-focusing on my breath. For the past ~3weeks I switched to "Do nothing technique" and I feel that shit just hit the deck. How? I? I got to the feeling of "Who is there to decide to move my hand? "Who is there to decide to breath in? Who is there to breathe out?' Who, what decides to do anything? If this "I" is just basically a container of the past, social conditioning, a container of beliefs and assumptions? What the FUCK is there? As soon as I get to that point of dropping language (assuming that those are just symbols with social-conditioned meaning), and asking those questions in a no-question way, like "just looking" sends me into nauseous, suicidal, torture-like feelings, tears start coming (I'm a 27 year old man ffs) and it gets extreme and I MEAN EXTREMELY hard to continue my self-inquiry session, to the point that this "I" can't take it no more. So my question is - How can .. I ? Continue past this point.. I can't even meditate normally anymore, I barely sleep (again) because of nightmares.. I have crazy dejavus of previous dreams that feel insase ... I mean - I've had previous similar experiences when practicing kriya yoga, but this is just insane and I'm feeling like my mind is going insane. EDIT: Also my intuition is going crazy, How do I know it's intuition? I don't know it. I fucking feel it like I've never felt it since childhood. I ask questions to myself, and receive answers even before I've asked the question and the answer is emotional, not rational, and based on the feeling comes rational decision. ThIs is INSANE. Tips?
meow_meow replied to meow_meow's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Because I don't have access to them. They are illegal in my country (including all grow kits etc) They are not so popular in my social circle, that's why I don't know any people that know people who would have access to them. Travel is on stand-by due to Covid-19, so I can't travel to places where they are legal. The only stuff that I have access to is weed, MDMA and some shitty coke, maybe some other stimulants but that's about it. @VeganAwake@bejapuskas Yes, during my meditation sessions I was able to observe thoughts without getting involved in them, or taking them serious, however - when it comes down this specific "looking for who is there" there are no thoughts, just extremelly unpleasant physical sensations that I described (nausea, feelings of getting tortured, sadness that lead to tears etc) and those are really, really hard to control. -
meow_meow replied to meow_meow's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Interesting, never heard of "Primordial Avoidance" before, I'll take a closer look into it. Ehh, I guess it's time for yet another break and I'll look into your self-love videos closer, because it seems like there's no going 'forward' without it. Thanks for advice! -
meow_meow replied to meow_meow's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, I've done it before, but this time it seems insanely sick. Sound from computer speakers don't even feel like their coming from the speakers. When people speak it feels like the sound is not coming out of their mouths. Visual field feels the same. Physical sensations feel like their there on their own, no-one is there to feel them, I'm somewhere "In the background" -
Yeah, hahah, I had the same realization a few months ago when I was self-inquring while lying on my bed, this actually did hit me quite hard, I even made a post about it back then - I've been BAMBOOZLED by myself!