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Everything posted by WhatAWondefulWorld

  1. Feels similar but much more radical. You are waking up from your whole life. It is gone. Say good bye.
  2. Agreed, you can break through and stay there for hours trying to figure out what the fuck is happening... which normally I can't do, but I can try?
  3. @bejapuskas true, but you know what I mean? @Meta-Man I will make sure to report back to you Edit: I also find it very ironic that morning glory plants have leaves the shape of hearts... maybe because the infinite love you can expirance on them.
  4. @Meta-Man thank you, hopefully I can get some understanding from it
  5. Too bad society has to brainwash poor children.
  6. @Principium Nexus I have seen an infinite kaleidoscope when tripping on morning glory seeds
  7. @Nahm idk, but I'd sure like some time travel.
  8. So 5 meo is really the only worth while way for me to attain enlightenment and god states of consciousness? I really just want to understand reality as deep as possible and I will do anything, I will go out into the desert and lick some fuckin toads if that's what it takes.
  9. @fridjonk I'm gunna have nightmares
  10. Is reality just a fabrication of the mind
  11. I believe that he might be on to something here... and honestly even if it's all delusional it's still improving me as a person.
  12. @Leo Gura @fridjonk its wasnt a fun trip but it wasnt bad either I was just a passive observer the whole time I was delirious. It was very amusing coming down from it because I honestly had no clue what day it was what time it was and where the fuck I was. I definitely have much more empathy for schizophrenics after that trip.
  13. @fridjonk you just put yourself in your place
  14. @fridjonk @traveler I have taken dature before when I was a reckless teenager. I was completely out of it, had no clue what anything was and ended up talking to wooden posts and running down the middle of the street chasing imaginary Bobcats at midnight.
  15. Is there any killing to do when the universe stops existing?
  16. Does anybody here have experience with salvia, if so please tell me about what happened, and if you found the experience valuable. Does salvia help you along the spiritual path?
  17. @Aaron k I highly suggest you start with a much weaker extract, or only use a minuscule amount of the 80x. As Leo said this is very reckless and you will one day be humbled.
  18. Alright, make sure you keep me posted when you do ??
  19. @Leo Gura I will make sure to be extremely careful when I use it, are you going to try going deeper into it or are you going to pass?
  20. @Leo Gura is it a valuable experience? Would you consider it useful in the work we do here? Edit: I love total mindfucks
  21. @MadeWithLove thank you, what did Leo say about it, do you know if he found it useful?
  22. Why does nobody care about understanding truth, not one of my friends, family, or teachers care about the truth of reality. they only care about being happy. I need understanding, I have a deep thirst for understanding. I would rather understand and be sent to eternal hell, than be deluded by all the false beliefs that society imprints on us.