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Everything posted by WhatAWondefulWorld

  1. @Meta-Man I dont think I understand this love enough to surrender to it sober. I normally do meditation but meditation also seems pointless now.
  2. @The observer I will try
  3. @Meta-Man what I'm getting from everything I know is that 5 meo dmt is the only worth while method to discover the love. I don't know where or how I am going to get 5 meo but hopefully I can, and awaken to love that way. I might end up going to leo's home and asking if he can shove 5 meo up my ass.
  4. Ok that's what its telling me, I will follow my heart. Hopefully things turn out ok
  5. @traveler Thank you. This just helped a lot actually.
  6. I feel the same. I respect and love either decision he makes. But if he does decide to quit I'm going to end up plugging 5 meo dmt for 90 days strait and then I will finally understand the love.?
  7. @bejapuskas its kinda hard to verbalize it. ?
  8. @The observer Nothing, I don't care about any of it it's all pointless. The only thing that really give me peace is honestly tripping balls on psychedelics. Ik that's not a very healthy purse in life but what I want is to explore all of consciousness.
  9. @wordsforliving I pretty much think I have brain damage and I don't think I can recover.
  10. @wordsforlivingmaybe I'm tired and maybe this is ego backlash as I did trip last night but I still cant conjure any meaningful reason to do anything in lfe.
  11. @The observer I just dont understand why god put me here when I barely have mental function and I was told if I dont pass high school this year I can go live under someone else's roof. I think my life has huge potential for becoming great but I'm dont know how to change myself.
  12. @The observer I'm with you?
  13. @The observer how am I going to make money and live and shit, I know it's all an illusion but you still need to be able to function in this illusion.
  14. I'm am about to fail high school and my family fucking hates me. And also I think I fucked myself to the point where I don't have all that good mental functions. So yeah basically I have no chance in this life.
  15. @Leo Gura no leo your teaching are pointless from your point of view. But from ours your teachings are one of the most valuable thing we have.
  16. @Meta-Man @bejapuskas wow. Lsa is much more natural feeling than lsd, a lot more clear headed and beautiful too. I did the neti neti method from leo and I became the infinite nothing field. Lsa visuals were unbelievable beautiful, and the warm fuzzy sensations in my body was amazing. I saw fractals and realized thing about myself I didn't know.
  17. We all love each other, but Leo you are really a life saver, if I hadn't stumbled upon your youtube channel I don't think i would be here today. You really did save me.
  18. @Lila I pretty much had the same thing happen. For me it just took time to fix itself.
  19. @Leo Gura I would probably have a sore asshole afterwards? but yeah I guess if you wanna keep on boofing that shit go right ahead...
  20. @Barna Just came to say this, but looks like you got it handled.
  21. I believe "stairway to heaven" by led zeppelin is about enlightenment. In the final verse it says when all are one, and one is all.
  22. @Trickyp are you serious, I feel as though my meditation is worthless compared to psychedelics. Although i do get some psychedelic effects from long enough meditation.
  23. The purpose is Love???