The observer

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Posts posted by The observer

  1. it really is not a problem on my part i give love to every one but i either receive hate or no other reaction. right now i have over 100 posts here im sure at least 15-20 of them are a reply to a question with advice of my own experience. not a single reply got any positive feedback. i guess im looking for attention cuz thats what might fill the gap inside me but at least im looking for appreciation of my help which no one does. no body really cares about u every human is a devil caring only about him self. i hate all human beings if i were god i would throw them all in hell and thatd still be mercy of me b cuz they deserve more. theres no worse species than the human race they only want to take the good and give the bad they never give any thing good for free they always want some thing in return and if u ever make a mistake or tumble they will immediately without a second thought prey on u. theyre heartless zombies that suck u out and leave u broken and empty

  2. @Intraplanetary

    procrastination trap! clearly ur mind is tricking u to avoid doing the work. u shouldnt be thinking let alone asking questions about what u should do its obvious that u should just suck it up and get ur assignments done. i mean for gods sake its just 3 months and u will be done with university forever. watch some motivational videos exercise for some time each day do cold showers breathe deeper and slower every time u feel resistance and just do what u gotta do. doing the lp course is irrelevant to this not to say its not for u just sayin the timing is bad. keep in mind that if u dont make use of these 3 months ur gonna need another year so ur just gonna be wasting time if u avoid the work. try to not think about it just do it cuz it always sounds a lot worse in ur head than in reality 

  3. yet another proof that ppl are evil 


    what did i do to deserve such accusations? i was just having a honest conversation with leo yet a blind worshipper jumps in defending leo from nothing and projects his complexities and lack of authority on to me. ive found his comment offensive so i reported it and now i hate him but i didnt reply to him b cuz i know it for a fact he will attack me again 

    i need love why do i receive hate? 

  4. @davidluginbuehl

    the ideal is to do nothing at all but eat and drink by the least amounts possible but thats an extremely difficult feat so dont be hard on urself. aim for the most and allow a little bit of back sliding leave a room for error dont try to perfect the retreat as thats another trap and one last really important thing is to let go of all expectations go on the retreat without any preconceived thoughts about how much value ur supposed to be extracting and in fact counter intuitively do the opposite go on the retreat with the intention of losing instead of gaining keep in mind that u can only fill ur cup only once its empty get ready to waste ten days of ur life for nothing and believe that its totally worth it 

    im doing a silence challenge starting from tomorrow 

    its basically like a mini at home retreat only difference is that its without emptying my cup but rather filling it with information im full of wisdom right now but lacking in information so thats what im doing seeking information but for u seeking wisdom is counter productive as i explained above u should be aiming at emptying ur cup and let wisdom come in naturally 

    good luck 

  5. reading the book "Destined for War : Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap?" for Graham Allison and its a very interesting and enlightening read so far 

    right about now i created another journal with the intention of making use of the quarantine. silence has always been a good friend and a great teacher 


  6. im gonna attempt to use the least amount of words during the rest of the quarantine for as long as it lasts i will try to stop posting on any where or message any one electronically too and i will also try to be more aware and enjoy the silent spaces in the mind without going in to monkey mind and unnecessary looping thought patterns. i guess theres no better way to make use of the quarantine than this 

    journaling here once a day to track consistency and for motivation and its okay to use the other journal as an emotional outlet 

    the challenge starts tomorrow 

  7. @Pouya

    think of it this way the collective is at purple and then suddenly some individuals realise the limitations of purple and become red. what do u expect to happen? of course since the red individuals have relatively higher consciousness than their peers they take their rightful place and lead the less conscious towards higher consciousness (red in this case) and then after the society starts growing into red and becoming a barbaric society then blue starts emerging as higher conscious individuals that have gone beyond the limitations of red so they become leaders and impose morality on their red people and so on the spiral goes on forever 

    after some hundreds of years even yellow will be viewed as cult like too. dont forget that when blue and purple first emerged they were viewed as something very cutting edge so every thing cutting edge will be appreciated in comparison to the old limiting system of course after years of resistance and fighting against it

  8. causality is an illusion there is no key to success its all a matter of luck even if u try to be smart and come up with a list of things that can be done to get u closer to success or money ur still bullshitting urself 

    some ppl are born rich and theres no changing that and some ppl are born poor and theres no changing that and theres rich and poor ppl and ppl in between that change with time but that does not mean any thing irl

    of course thats not to say u should stop working u can do what ever u want and still be poor or u can do what ever u want and become rich but the bottom line is that its not up to u not 1% nor 99% its 100% out of ur control or choice 

  9. 29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:
    40 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    That's silly.

    You can improve yourself and others will benefit from it.

    There are many win-win situations. Life is not a zero-sum game.


    it is a zero sum game but from the limited and identified human pov it does not seem so. try expanding ur perspective. it is definitely a zero sum game from the ultimate perspective. every thing is changing all the time yet its all still the same b cuz its one. form is ever changing yet formlessness is always the same and it cant be otherwise. if u think life is not a zero sum game then u havent truly awakened to oneness and ur still operating from ego

  10. 10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @The observer Nonduality includes duality within it.

    It's not a function of time. Consciousness can be totally omniscient or not, or anything in between. Consciousness can change. It's not simply a monotone thing. You could be sleeping or you could be awake, and much more.

    Consciousness can take on an infinite number of different states. Like a TV screen.

    again ur repeating urself. im talking about being and ur talking about becoming. were not in disagreement leo but ur failing to see my point probably b cuz ur so much identified with ur imagination. u can always choose to let it go.

  11. 20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


    Consciousness becomes more or less conscious, like how light can get brighter and brighter.

    leo i told u that ur using duality by creating points of reference and u denied but then u do that again right now. if we think of consciousness as a light its still always one light but to say its more brighter or less brighter we have to create points of reference which is what we call the dualistic mind b cuz the notion of time is by definition dualistic. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


    Consciousness is capable of being infinitely self-aware or not, and an infinite number of degrees in between those two.

    Wherever you are, you're always at some level. You are closer to zero consciousness than infinity right now.

    ok but whos imagining the levels but consciousness? its one consciousness imagining zero to infinite levels 

  13. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    You may still not be ready for that and reincarnate as a Nazi or something.

    Infinite Love is the ulitmate destination, but how long it takes you to get there is up to you. Maybe you'll need 100 lifetimes.

    i can intuit that this reincarnation concept is not meant to be taken literally but rather metaphorically. if u read between the lines u realize that whoever created the concept was more or less saying that u will never be able to transcend death unless u accept reality as it is right now. i strongly believe he was talking about ego death not physical death. so if u want infinite love stop waiting and just be infinite love right now. thats it!

  14. 11 hours ago, traveler said:

    Levels of spiritual development is just a story. It's part of the game. Degrees of enlightenment is really interesting for the ego. The ultimate specialness. You project the need for specialness onto the "teachers," and see them as all knowing Gods amongst men. Separation at its finest form, tricky trap.

    amen to that!

  15. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    There is a point in becoming more conscious as it improves life.

    haha but my awakenings have shown me that improving one pov necessarily deteriorates other povs b cuz of balance ie since ur growing urself some things must die and when u die other things will grow so in a sense awakening is a selfish act haha

    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Also, just because death happens to the body does not automatically mean you stay in Infinite Love forever. You may still not be ready for that and reincarnate as a Nazi or something.

    Infinite Love is the ulitmate destination, but how long it takes you to get there is up to you. Maybe you'll need 100 lifetimes.

    idk about that. i think its a interesting story but what i know is that right now im in infinite love and cant not be in it unless ur implying some thing else which im not aware of yet

  16. 1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @The observer


    Sorry if my message came across like that and it’s nothing to do with being like me, each being is a unique expression of the absolute. And if everyone was like me the world would be a disaster. 

    haha no dude it wasnt ur message but a way of explaining my point by implying ideology 

    1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @The observer



    What I am talking about is more and more people realising absolute truth, becoming more conscious and developing further etc, nothing to do with me, as it’s simply consciousness becoming conscious of itself. 

    i explained in my opening post why becoming conscious doesnt help and i repeat here b cuz it does not automatically change the world nor suddenly neither gradually. b cuz theres desire that needs to be got rid of and theres programming ie karma that needs to be worked through but these two things are opposites if u want to maintain the system. however if u want to merge them u have to leave the system entirely and go live in a cave and basically every one has to do the same thing for that to happen but thats not realistic b cuz ppl are not conscious enough to consider that and also theyre addicted to and dependent on the system and also most ppl wont intuit that it will be rewarding so that is that. so if ppl completely left their lives and went to meditate in caves that would make a utopia like im describing 

    but lets assume all ppl wanted to pursue god and purify them selves it still wouldnt happen b cuz they would have to leave the system collapse and no body including me and u would want that b cuz ppl want to preserve the system b cuz at the very least its serving a psychological function (addiction) let alone all other physical and what not services that are simply only possible b cuz of the system and if ppl could let go of them then that would make a utopia like the one im describing 

    on the other hand if we start with working on the transcending the system by following our desires without resistance that would create a huge back lash and the human life would become more or less like a jungle until we burn through all of our karmas and theres no desire left if thats even possible (this scenario is not likely)

    now u might say again that it will happen gradually one human at a time as were developing (which is obviously the most realistic trajectory tbh) but what im saying is that gradually is a infinite process and will not ever end b cuz first awakening is infinite so even if everyone awakens thats not the end and second b cuz a child is not born awake he has to go through delusion first and then transcend it in to awakening b cuz thats the nature of awakening b cuz delusion is a prerequisite for it and so the cycle goes on for ever and ever and so

    also i have another hypothesis its that when some one dies his awakening goes away with him so some one else has to awaken to that truth otherwise it will be forgotten and then the loss will create a deficiency that needs to be fulfilled in order to maintain the system as it is and so until it is resolved the system will be unstable which will manifest in unconsciousness and so on. but of course ppl dont die once a day a lot of ppl die every day and thats why its never gonna be stable 

    1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @The observer



    When the system is geared towards people actualising, living their purpose and awakening to their true being I feel society will look very different compared to when the system is geared towards creating cogs in a machine. 

    I understNd your point and you’re talking about ideologies people have. As you know by now awakening isn’t an ideology, it isn’t a belief system, it is THIS. For example love isn’t something you believe in, it’s what you are. And then naturally from this place you live life from love, that’ll be very different, that’s all I’m saying. 

    it wont be any different if u dont have an ideology.

    1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @The observer


    Im also not saying I have all of the answers on how and when it will happen, and the exact system and how many years etc. But, as more people awaken it will change. Just like as more people developed and realised slavery was wrong, or that racism shouldn’t be the norm, or that Women should vote, etc.

    from a bigger picture nothing is changing at all. but again from ur pov (desiring to end racism and to equate with women) it seems like its changing for the better when in fact its simply taking place on the expense of other things i cant even intuit but for example its like cutting down forests to build cities and thinking that the forests are not decreasing and that were only increasing luxury. bottom line is that luxury cannot increase without consequences if ur living a luxurious life some other being is definitely not and so on. u cant make every one live in luxury its just a law of life

    1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    @The observer

    Turquoise wants what is best for humanity overall and what is best for the Planet and it’s people, you think it can’t push for political change? Not all Turquoise beings will just go and meditate on a mountain forever. 

    it can but dont forget that any political change by definition hinges on ideology u cant get rid of ideology even if ur realised

    sry for talking a lot thank u for taking the time to read and contribute it was a great discussion feel free to add whatever u want i will read but probably not reply cuz im done explaining my pov

  17. @LfcCharlie4 u think there will be a point where the ego says ok its enough now i have fulfilled my purpose and its time to rip? u think it is possible to transcend the ego collectively? then perhaps uve missed the last i dont know how many centuries of human development and perhaps uve missed how nature works. survival for the fittest and every one thinks hes the fittest. u think u and ur ideals are fittest. trump thinks he and his ideals are fittest. hitler thinks he and his ideals are fittest. i think me and my ideals are fittest. but does any of that actually make any one fittest? at turquoise u dont have an agenda or ideals at turquoise u are one with reality what ever reality is and what ur describing is a stage green dream of his ideal world when at turquoise u realise that it doesnt work that way at all. the basic assumption all of u seem to be taking for granted is that reality is not already the best it could be. ur perspective then interferes and distorts ur perception by thinking oh well if more ppl could become more like me then certainly the world would become a better place. the truth is that whether every one is like u or not is in fact irrelevant to how good the world is since its absolutely good and u said that here and many times before i guess but then u make a clever distinction between absolute and relative truth and miss the fact that the relative truth ur talking about is ur own creation b cuz it fits ur agendas. for trump he may not be interested in absolute truth but that wont matter to him b cuz he takes his relative truth to be the absolute truth like u also do with urs. so u see? from ur pov it makes perfect sense that a world full of ppl like u would be a better place and so u probably will strive towards actualizing that vision but exactly in that attempt to alter reality u will create more minions of urself and those minions will in turn try to influence other ppl to make them minions of u too and then u and ur minions will have to face other leaders and their minions in the world and then each of u will try to minion the other to become more like him (perhaps like im doing right now haha) and then there will be a clash between the two not necessarily physical but certainly strong enough to stop or decrease the expansion of both sides. of course in the story above i used two sides for simplicity but in reality there are many sides that ultimately could be narrowed down into two sides so thats ultimately the epitome of nonduality and the yin and yang they are one in essence but theyre still not the same and thats what im saying here reality is different from other povs and when theres only two povs their realities become in opposition to each other and if reality ever became permanently one and stopped fighting with itself it would fall out and die so thats why utopia is impossible b cuz its a dream of one part of reality and if u get all parts to agree with u on that dream reality will then it will stop existing b cuz u will cause its death by emphasising the yin over the yang or vice versa. u might say no im emphasising balance but if thats so then why change any thing? reality is already balanced. and the answer is that b cuz u (ego) would die if u dont desire change so u must have a purpose for ur ego to survive and while u claim to be antagonistic to ego u will become a big advocate of it and so it goes on and on and thats why its a never ending process.. hope u enjoyed reading this and the whole discussion i did enjoy your posts