The observer

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Posts posted by The observer

  1. The observer woke up a few hours ago from the worst nightmare. He can't remember anything else about it except that it's the worst. He has been trying to sleep again but he could not. His third eye is pulsating like crazy. He feels like he's carrying the weight of other people's struggles and he's grateful for that. He wants to help humanity move into the light with his infinite love. He's willing to take all the negatives and turns them into positives for others to enjoy their lives. To him, it's pointless to enjoy his life alone. He's now writing this from memory because he lost internet connection the first time and the browser forgot what he wrote. He felt frustrated and didn't want to write about it again but now he did. He's planning to start operating from silence tomorrow or the day after that. His PC needs maintenance and he has to go and check. He's going out walking/meditating for a couple of hours in a few minutes. That's his portal to God where there's only light with no dark.

  2. 1 hour ago, r0ckyreed said:

    Out of millions that get it, only a thousand die.

    Most illnesses have mortality rates of lower than 1% out of all closed cases (deaths + recovered). Right now, not all the confirmed cases are closed so it's not possible to give an accurate mortality rate. Right now, over 3 million people have been confirmed infected, and out of those there is still nearly two million people worldwide that have the virus active. The current mortality rate can be measured by dividing the deaths by the sum of deaths and recovered cases.

    217K (deaths) ÷ 1144K (deaths + recovered) = 0.189 = 19%

    That is an extremely high mortality rate. Things don't seem to be going anywhere good either. There are currently over 30 subtypes of the virus due to the mutations that occured while it has been spreading. Fear is not the solution, obviously. But social distancing might be. It's a life and death issue, there are no jokes about it. It should be treated like the AIDS and the Ebola viruses. Let's stop thinking about conspiracies for now and survive the pandemic first, and then afterwards we can investigate and see what we can do about it.

  3. @hikmatshiraliyev If you have energy and motivation for studying, then why not? A lot of people have motivation problems, so be grateful if you don't. You don't need to follow a robotic plan for you to be balanced. Instead, follow your inner guidance. If you don't feel comfortable doing something 'not so much productive' or something 'not aligned with your goals and values', then don't do it. It's that simple. However, if the feeling of anxiety and stress arises merely due to the fact of not having a clear plan in place, then try out planning your next few days by the minute and see how it turns out. There's no definitive answer to this question that anyone could give you but yourself.

  4. @Galyna Have faith. Trust in the process. You're growing and becoming stronger. Self-doubt will only hinder and delay the inevitable good that's on the other side of fear and resistance. Embrace your current state and deeply dive into it. Have you considered that maybe there never was an orientation? That nobody is ever really oriented? That all of us are just taking our chances? Someone who seems oriented does not actually know the future. Knowledge is irrelevant. What matters most here is faith, which is what some people have and other people lack.

  5. 1 minute ago, James123 said:

    @The observer Trying to understand consciousness, is impossible and at the same time possible. But nothing is exist and at the not exist. Reality and unreality is real and real at the same time. How can you exist as nothing and at the same time everything, how  Additionally, these are all words. I believe, if we can understand this situation we can understand what the enlightenment is, with the words lol. Thats why you become speechless and Stay just in the moment. Lol

    Rest in no-mind. There is the utmost clarity.

  6. The problem with enlightenment is that the more you study and research about it, the more deconstruction you will have to make later. It is constituted of both construction and deconstruction of the mind. When someone like @Leo Gura spends years of his life devoted for conceptual understanding of enlightenment, it will be more difficult for him to drop all his ideas and expectations right away. A little bit to moderate research is healthy and not so much difficult to deconstruct. Yet, the deeper your understanding gets, the more fruits you will probably have after your deconstruction is done. So, if Leo is aware of this, then he's fine and just needs more time. At some point, the seeking has to stop. There's only a certain amount of information on enlightenment and you can't possibly still be missing out on a lot after all these years of research.

  7. This is a really good topic actually.

    I'll preface by mentioning some of the major issues and misconceptions I notice myself and other people have when approaching Spiral Dynamics.

    1. Stage Turquoise is not synonymous with enlightenment. I notice people a lot of times conflating these two together. I'll explain later why I think this confusion occurrs. (EDIT: I won't).
    2. Each stage has healthy and unhealthy manifestations. When people evaluate themselves and others by using this model, they tend to forget that. But it is crucial for proper and precise evaluation. Why? Because your manifestation affects how you perceive both yourself and others. For example; a healthy stage Red is often confused with stage Orange, and vice-versa. An unhealthy stage Orange is often confused with Red. The same thing goes for Blue and Green. This "health bias" is probably due to the gap between the actual values of the person and the way they manifest in reality. This is a theme through the whole forum.
    3. When we want to use the model to evaluate, we tend to forget that we're evaluating according to certain parameters and criteria that constitute the model, and that they are relative and not necessarily how the world is supposed to be. This affects our evaluation and creates bias. And of course, it affects how we relate to others in real life as we tend to judge them according to the model.
    4. Our mood affects us. Sometimes a positive state/meditation/psychedelics make us think and behave like two stages above, and a negative state/stress make us think and behave.
    5. There the component of understanding and the component of expressiveness. A lot of people here are like myself, non-native speakers, which affects our understanding and expressions to a great degree. But this point applies to everyone including native speakers. When someone posts a question, your level of understanding is not necessarily the same level of your ability to derive the most appropriate thoughts and articulate them correctly in an understandable way for the reader. Besides, the reader will then, depending on their level of understanding, will interpret your posts.
    6. Age plays a crucial effect on your level. The younger you are, the less integrated you're likely to be. In other words, you can be Turquoise in some areas and Red in others, like myself. The older you are, the more integrated you're likely to be, and therefore the more you will be established in a certain stage i.e. not having so much spikes but rather like an average steady stream for most areas.

    Okay, let's dig in..

    So, mainly, the forum is a very complex variation of stages. I think the estimation process varies greatly from one topic to another, but I'll make some general classification of topics into a few categories while keeping in mind that the main parameter I'm using here is understanding and how sophisticated it is (higher level equals higher sophistication/insight). I'll rate myself as how I perceive myself to be.

    • Basic self-help (how to's). For example; I'm mostly Green while Leo is Turquoise at these things. He's like the God of personal development.
    • Advanced self-help (real life experience). This is mainly affected by age. The younger you are, the less experience you have, the more difficult it is for you to give specific nuanced opinions.
    • Enlightenment, and meta understanding. Leo is Yellow. Nahm and Serotoninluv are Turquoise. I'm between Yellow/Turquoise.
    • Psychedelics. I'm mostly Blue/Orange, maybe some Green. Experienced psychonauts like Leo, Nahm, Serotoninluv, etc... are more Yellow/Turquoise.
    • Paranormal abilities and mysticism. It ties in well with the previous one.
    • Dating, relationships, sexuality. I'm mostly Blue/Orange, and some hints of Green. While Leo is mostly Orange/Green with hints of Yellow. This one is really affected by your personality type and how much time you spend with others, so it's also affected by your age. Nahm and Serotoninluv are solid Yellow/Turquoise.
    • Politics. Most people here are Green, some are Orange. Very little are Yellow, and I don't think there's Turquoise. I'm still between Blue and Orange and sometimes even Red (oops!). Leo is Green/Yellow.
    • Career, Life Purpose, etc... Some people are Yellow. Leo is probably Turquoise. I'm Orange/Green. Most others are Green.

    Of course, every category can be broken down even further but that's a difficult thing to do. However, if you really want to estimate yourself, I think that's how you should approach the model the best.

    I don't know how to end this post. But I guess I've shown some great deal of Yellow/Turquoise here while other comments were more Orange/Green :D

  8. @Verdesbird

    In your question, you're more concerned about the quantity of human beings than the quality of their lives. Imagine if you could remove abortion from existence. Like it never existed as a choice. Can you see that there would be less freedom? Less freedom = less quality of life. Instead of viewing abortion as a negative thing, think of it as a sacrifice for a better life. So, there's relativity and flexibility in morality.

    From another point of view, we can make the quantity of human beings a priority, which then demands us to forbid abortion. Imagine a country where there are much free space and a lot of resources, but at the same time there aren't many people living there to make use of that. The government would clearly forbid abortion because the quality is good enough but the quantity isn't. On the other hand, right now, the earth is overpopulated. The more children we bring into this world, the less share of resources each person will be able to get. Not only will we suffer from that, but the children we bring will suffer too.

  9. I kind of have a desire to make a journal where I express my thoughts in an objective, mechanical, and more of a robotic manner, like being completely scientific and just record facts from an unattached view point. For example; one entry would be like: The observer is talking to himself in this journal possibly to stimulate some epiphany, maybe to make some unconscious part of himself come out to light. Who knows? Right now, he's trying to flow and let the words take him to where he needs to be. Sounds like there's nothing at the moment. Or, maybe he gives up easily. Okay, sounds like he's lost his objective approach for a minute there. He is trying to get back on track. He's not hard on himself. He loves and accepts himself fully. He now realises that this mode of journaling is not necessarily more effective, but he's willing to give it a try for a few days and see where it gets him to.

    If this approach fails to prove worthwhile, I will return back to normal. Let's see.

  10. Yesterday, I've finally watched Leo's after-retreat video. I never realised that I had my life purpose always under my nose. I was always thinking and searching for it where I never desired anything else but it. My life purpose is to be unconditionally loving! Conditions limit me in every aspect. Conditional love is not enough. And from experience, it always ends up hurting me. I will love everyone and everything without expectations. I want to live an adventurous life where I, unlike most people, don't wait for others to give me anything. The most suffering I've ever experienced was due to having expectations, and more accurately, wrong expectations. Now I want to become a warm environment for growing and nurturing people who are in need until they're ready to fly on their own, one at a time. I have infinite love inside of me. It would be a shame to me to ignore it anymore.

  11. 1 minute ago, Meta-Man said:

    The mind - as in - the self-narrative/self-referential thinking is not necessary for survival or function of the body. They only serve to preserve the whole illusory egoic identity structure.


    2 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

    Kill the self-narrative, illusion of control and unimpeded functioning of the organism remains.

    Not necessarily. Survival is not determined by the mind neither by the body. Without the mind, there's no fear and no resistance. But life and death are completely a different matter.

    6 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

    I agree ‘determinism’ is a cold word. But it can still be applied to the unfolding appearance of life. You, as a human body/mind have never made a choice in your entire life. Yet you imagined so. 

    The problem with this word is that it misses the heart of God and that it's also contrasted with free will which brings up the mind back again. Magic requires no thinking, just wondering and awe.

  12. @Meta-Man Hahaha of course dude, that's the trick. Nobody wants to give up their knowledge and understanding. The mind is way too stubborn and tricky to unravel that easily. I have to agree with Leo on this one, there is a problem with using the concept of determination. Instead, I find the word magic more appropriate. There is the belief that the mind is necessary for survival. Well, need I say anything about beliefs?

  13. 5 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

    If I throw water on your face your face get wet.

    You're only counting in a few factors here and dismissing an infinite amount of other factors. Suppose your arm stopped working. Suppose there is a transparent glass between you and me that you couldn't see. Suppose the water just vaporises in the air before reaching my face. Suppose you fall asleep before you can throw it at me. Etc... ? Life is funny it doesn't make sense anymore.

  14. @Nak Khid

    God is both finite and infinite, also either and neither. It's so infinite that it could make itself either, both, and neither at the same time. Thought cannot capture the essence of God.

    Evil only exists inside you. It is not an actual thing. Whatever evil you see, is your own. Think about it this way; your identity (ego) hinges upon you wanting the world to be a certain way. There's nothing wrong with the world, really. Not even rape, torture, or murder. You're only trying to maintain your perspective by denying these things. You're not trying to survive yourself, or help others live a better life. You're only concerned about your worldview. That's your own evil. And of course in pointing that out, I'm not saying that you have to change. I love you for who you are. I love your evil. It's really not different to me than rape, torture, or murder. I love all parts of myself. But I want to ask you a question; imagine that all the evils you've ever thought of have been removed from reality. Like literally everything. All evil wiped out, okay? Ask yourself; Will I then be satisfied, like permanently? Or will I start desiring and chasing something else? Make sure you be brutally honest with yourself here. Because the answer to this question is root cause of all evil. You are the ultimate devil, but you can't see it.

  15. 4 hours ago, Nak Khid said:

    There is no proof that infinity exists.
    It is an axiom of the mainstream mathematical community, which means it is assumed



    It is prior to proof. But I think there is a misconception about the word itself. Don't think of absolute infinity as the mathematical infinity. The mathematical infinity does not exist while absolute infinity does. But I get it, really, because I've been confused by the term for a long time. To lubricate the realisation for you, start thinking of it as boundless, infinite potential.

    Infinite = not finite. Have you ever found Finiteness/limitation in your direct experience? Limitation is the illusion that you need to remove in order for infinity to make sense.