The observer

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Everything posted by The observer

  1. @Someone here When we say appearance is reality and there's nothing behind the scenes, we are pointing to Oneness, which is the present moment. It's very simple, really. Is there anything that isn't the present moment? Even the past was the present moment and the future will be. The past and future are merely appearances happening in the present moment. Sure, there is a practical value in imagining them. However, the mind tends to confuse them for the present reality. In your present experience, there are layers of imagination that include the present moment, the past, and the future, and on different spans. I think the past and future imaginations are obvious so I'll discuss the present moment imagination. About imagination of the present moment; are there pixels that constitute the screen you're using to read this right now? Of course there are, if you put the screen under a microscope in proper settings, you will see the pixels, but you won't see the screen anymore unless you stop seeing the pixels. Notice the sleight of hand. Right now, what are you perceiving exactly? You are perceiving an appearance of a white background with black formal organised graffiti on it. The rest (mental sounds ascribed to each individual black graffiti, multiple meanings ascribed to each unit of graffiti and to each cluster of graffitis and to the whole graffiti, judgements of true or false ascribed to every single meaning which is pretty much biased by survival but that's for you to discover, light pixels, hardware, software, electricity, battery, a worker on the other side of the world, the amount of things we can mention here is infinite so I'll just type: etc... Everything is working together to produce your present experience. How beautiful is this?!) is in your imagination and all of it is done unconsciously. There's nothing wrong with imagination. Yet notice how much information goes unquestioned, unfiltered, and unnoticed, even more tricky, the majority of the information gets summoned for no good reason. Spirituality is about revealing these underlying issues and bringing them to awareness. Why? The preoccupation of the mind with all kinds of thoughts makes it really difficult be present in your direct experience. This makes you a prey for all sorts of delusions. One of the main delusions is to forget what's right between your hands, right here, right now, and to live in stories and imagination. Again, you can do that if you want to, there's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong in life at all. But when you're not present here, you're missing out on a lot of things. You can't see a beautiful sunset. You can't really see beauty at all. Imagine the depth of the most beautiful experience you've ever had, now multiply it by a thousand. It's like the difference between having sex and masturbating to porn. Hope that clarifies something.
  2. It's funny, because from God's perspective, his will is free and the human will is not. While from the human perspective, the human will is free but God's is not. The notion of freedom is problematic in and of itself, because to say that something is free equals to saying that something else which contrasts the former, is not. So, as long as we think that there is a God and that there is a human, we'll always have a partial freedom, because whether we identify as God or as humans, we'll have limitations from a certain perspective compared to the other. The ultimate freedom is the Oneness. The ultimate freedom is no-freedom, and that's exactly what this is. You are free as a human being, but you believe otherwise. And you are limited to Love as God, but you believe otherwise. The ultimate freedom is not found in thought. Also, another problem with the notion of freedom, is that it already assumes captivity. Such as, there's life in captivity, that's not free. And there's life outside of captivity, that's free. So, you must experience or at least see limitations in order for you to see or experience freedom. You can already see that this is a never ending game. YIN-YANG.
  3. People at tier one have a high tendency to find themselves trapped within a particular paradigm and not be able to view things outside of it. This gives rise to all sorts of problems in understanding, one of which is the one you're addressing. The mind always wants to control the narrative. The mind will say: "this" is "that" and alike phrases to keep itself running. It's the number one most favourite habit of the mind to create pointers. However, when the pointers get too many, they overwhelm the mind, and so it ends up being confused. With enough meditation to slow the pace of the thoughts, one can clearly see that there is no "subjective" nor "objective". One can see that there is no "direct experience" nor "proof". All of these terms are pointers that are heavily loaded with meanings. And for an untrained awareness/mind, it's easy to get lost and confused by all that. To begin the process of deconstruction, one must ask questions. What is "subjective"? What is "objective"? What do these terms refer to in reality? One way for defining "objective" is: consensus. This definition is not what "objective" actually is. This definition is fit for the paradigm from which one's approaching the question; The paradigm of direct experience; The original raw form of the scientific paradigm. Paradigms create the ground necessary for asking questions, and they colour and shape the answers. Paradigms control the input and output of the mind. Without a paradigm, one can't ask nor answer any questions whatsoever. The mind requires a framework to operate from, and without that framework, it will get dismantled, and there will be nonsense. In other words, as long as one's trying to make sense of reality by trying answer existential questions, one will remain stuck in a prison of their own creation; Creating a problem and then trying to solve it from the same source that created it in the first place. It's just endless running around in circles. Just stop! Take a deep breath. The answers to no-questions are beyond the mind. Stop! Observe. Feel!
  4. Take me away Shower me with bliss or throw me in hell I'm all yours This Love, inevitable You're damaging the soul, the heart is saying But both are redeemed To You You already know everything! Glimpses give rise to longing To passion Then to connection Why are You hiding?! Why are You shy?! Then to annihilation To permanence Bury me there!
  5. You folks clearly have no clue how orgasms occur. Yes, women fake them regularly, mainly out of the desire of wanting to be in accordance with their men, but there are other reasons, or better put, deeper dynamics. When a real orgasm occurs, it's not only related to one factor. Sexuality, eroticism, and arousal are complex topics. Mental imagery has a lot to do with them. For example, if a woman finds Dwyane Johnson hot, that'll increase her chances of a real orgasm. If she does not, she can still have an orgasm, just not as much likely. Why did I pick Dwyane Johnson in particular? Because he has a lot of desired qualities from the feminine (also from the masculine) perspective. He's strong, masculine, funny, cheerful, passionate, confident, famous, friendly, rich, etc... Each one of these factors plays a certain role in the arousal process. It mostly happens unconsciously, but it will still be effective even if the woman is conscious of them. Basically, he's transcended survival to security, and that's the dream for a lot of women, if not all human beings. This transcendence is interpreted as a ground for prosperity and freedom, which is simply the good life. This activates certain mental patterns that include intense emotional security. This intense emotional security gets then transformed into love and connection. This love and and connection is what sky-rockets the chances of real orgasms. Still, without proper stimulation of the body and/or without proper hormonal levels, it's not likely going to happen. So, it's about a mixture of things, not just one thing. Sex is psychosomatic for both men and women. However, the ways satisfaction occurs differ, not only between men and women, but also between any two individuals. Sex is a very nuanced field. And any generalisation would be limiting. If you want success and satisfaction, you gotta stop making theses generalisations, and instead start shifting your focus to your relationship and how to make the most out of it.
  6. Sounds great! Good luck. And for the record, I've never taken a psychedelic in my entire life, so you don't have to use any, and I'm only 23. Just stay with the genuine curiosity and it will guide you to the truth.
  7. They're all empirical and only you can verify the things we're saying. Meditation. Self-inquiry. Yoga. Shamanic Breathing. Mindfulness. Psychedelics. Strong Determination Sittings. Retreats. Silence. Therapy. Psychoanalysis. Shadow Work and Emotional Healing. Some people even say sex is a spiritual practice. Contemplation with a radically open-mind. The point of all these practices is to get you to see beyond the assumptions that you already have about reality. The default assumptions are usually taken as absolute truths. That's the problem; is to mistake a part of the whole picture for the whole picture. It's like mistaking the Eiffel tower for France. See. Again, the mind making a sleight of hand, overlaying perception with thought; tomorrow (thought) everyone (thought) believe (thought) the sun (thought) existence (thought) Notice that the thought is a context (perception) that creates a content (appearance) within it, which then gets confused for the context. It's like the Treachery of Images; "This is not a pipe". Imagine travelling in a car to another state in America. On the way, you will see signs for directions. Instead of recognising the signs as just signs, the traveller thinks that they are the destinations themselves and so he drives his car into the signs. To bring the point back home; when you go out and see the sun, there is a perception of an appearance. Then, thought interferes. The mind creates stories, such as; "The sun is shining." "The sun is beautiful." "The sun is evident." "The sun exists whether I think it does or not." etc. . . Notice that thought is unnecessary here. You can have a perception of the sun without thoughts. Thinking using logic is a practical pragmatic tool. However, the mind is not usually explicit about this. The mind confuses the finger that's pointing to the moon for the moon itself. So, if you want to progress with this work, instead of "thinking" and getting lost in the content of thought, aim at observing thoughts like clouds passing in the sky. Watch the clouds and label them as clouds until the sky is clear. This implies meditating (or any other practice) to increase your awareness. When your mind is still, i.e. not confusing thoughts for reality, you will be able to see reality as it is, i.e. as reality, and thoughts as they are, i.e as thoughts. You might wonder; "Well, I already can distinguish between the two." "What does this have to do with understanding reality in the deepest ways possible?" "It sounds like basic stuff." etc. . . And that's fine. You can return back to using logic and see if it can get you to the deepest conclusions. If whatever logic yields for you satisfies you, then good. If you're not satisfied and still looking for answers, then we have given you some tools for finding out for yourself. And of course, this is only the beginning, but you gotta start somewhere. If you want to read a book, then here's my suggestion: "Spiritual Enlightenment : The Damnedest Thing" for Jed McKenna. It can get you to realise the Absolute Truth, which is a great start for deeper realisations. A lot of people would suggest "The Power Of Now" for Eckhart Tolle. It's good too, but I feel that Jed's style would resonate with you better.
  8. You're right. Again, the validity of thoughts is irrelevant to us here. It's about recognition of thoughts as thoughts, not as true or false. The sunset you've witnessed is irrelevant to the stories you tell about it. The former is actual, while the latter is conceptual/virtual. Of course, I could tell true or false stories about that beautiful sunset. That does not change the sunset itself. The stories are irrelevant to the actual sunset. That's the key point. Of course. When we need to be practical in the real world, we use logic and maths as a tool. That's beneficial, wonderful. Yet, notice how the mind tends to overuse logic and make it universal. The mind goes on to apply logic onto everything. But logic is limited and cannot be used everywhere. For example; How do you explain emotions rationally? A "chemicals in the brain" narrative can be practical and can be of value. Yet, how does the phenomenon occur, I mean like really, really how? How is it possible for "chemicals in the brain" to exist in the first place? And how is it possible that there are correlations between the chemicals and perception? Why are there correlations? How does "matter" affect perception? Is it really logical? Or do we merely think so to demystifiy reality?
  9. It is, and it does. Yet, the mind assumes/believes that logic is all there is and that it is the most accurate tool for describing reality. Logic is not false. Nobody is saying that. Of course, it has a certain value. Yet, it has certain limitations. The ultimate realisations are not in the domain of logic. They're beyond it. They're post-rational.
  10. Nobody can make sense of this at all anyways. It's completely nonsensical. Yet, it is true. This is exactly what I'm trying to say. Making sense is a recognition that occurs within the mind. It is a function of the mind. However, Truth is beyond the mind. Beautiful sunsets are beyond the mind. Love is beyond the mind. How is being alive here as a human being sensical? Does it really make sense? Do you not wonder how it is even possible to exist in the first place? Notice, the mind will come up with all sorts of stories and explanations for why things are the way they are. The mind will say; well, I'm a human being because I was born when a man and a woman had an intercourse so the sperm did penetrate the ovum and then I was a fetus and then I came into this world and grew up until now. Whether this story or any other is true or not is not in our interest here. We're not trying to track the sequence of events that happened to the body from the moment of conception until now. It's an irrelevant story. A red herring that keeps the mind from seeing the actual thing; that it is a red herring! To distract you from what? From being without a thought. From living without a story. From feeling the present moment; from seeing things for what they actually are. As I said, Love is a very advanced realisation. So, don't beat yourself up for not being able to see it for now. Right now, I'd focus more on Absolute Truth. Love will come afterwards.
  11. Are they really? Or do you think (imagine) they are? There's a huge difference here. When you were a child and before you learned that there are rules, were you not able to relate to others? When you're discussing which food you like best, is logic necessary? When you feel hungry, how is logic related to that feeling? I'm not saying that you should close your mind or shut your eyes off to what you've learned so far. Knowledge is very important. It is valuable, so of course, you should keep it. Yet, it can hinder your ability to understand the most fundamental aspects of reality. For now, try to recognise that the things you've learned are not necessarily how reality actually is ultimately. This is not about denying logic. It's about seeing through it. It's about seeing logic for what it is. Take a careful closer look. What is logic? That is a good question to have a go at. Notice how quick the mind works. There are subtle assumptions that go unnoticed in the process. That's what meditation is for. It helps you slow down the thoughts so that you can process each one of them individually. Notice; 1 (thought) + (thought) 1 (thought) = (thought) 2 (thought) These thoughts occur seamlessly within the mind so quick that it's very difficult to be able to notice them. Why did we as children struggle with learning maths at first? Because it's a very complicated process that involves a complex of thoughts/assumptions. When these assumptions are made and after a while of using them in the real world, the mind forgets and takes for granted that that's how reality is, not how it learned to think it is. Notice that. And of course, I'm not claiming that 1+1=2 is false. I'm trying to point out how this process occurs. Even the conclusion: "I think its there even if didn't thought of them or try to prove them" is a thought. Again, not necessarily false. But just a thought (as underlined). It is thought/believed by you that that's how reality is. Without/before that thought/belief, what is reality?
  12. @tsuki Because duality = non-duality and God = the devil. Most spiritual people follow the dogma that God is pure awareness and that awareness is all there is. While that view is factually true from a certain perspective, it still dismisses thought entirely and therefore causes trouble accessing the biggest picture understanding. To solve this problem, one must realise that awareness = thought and thought = awareness. These two are not separate, neither opposites. They're, loosely speaking, two different forms of one thing. Thoughts create awareness. And awareness creates thoughts. They give birth to each other all the time. It's one exquisite example of yin-yang embodiment. Back to the question: what is the reason for seeking? The reason is that because seeking is the ultimate nature of reality. There cannot be reality without seeking just as much as there cannot be God without a devil. Reality is seeking precisely because it's lacking/incomplete. Even though it is also complete from another perspective. Seeking vs. Being is one dynamic/duality. Separation vs. Unity is another. From whichever point of view you choose to look at either dualities, it's still completely valid. The ultimate reality is not just being or unity. Being and unity are partially true. Seeking and separation are the other half of the truth. But Part vs. Whole is a duality, and therefore either dualities are not only partially true but also completely true at the same time. The ultimate reality is non-dual, and it is dual as well at the same time. Without this understanding, there will remain a shadow and it will remain demonised. Not that that's bad or evil or anything, but that it's bugging you
  13. Yes. Consciousness is not the same as awareness. A human being or an animal has awareness. A rock does not. Pretty obvious stuff. Consciousness is not necessarily aware. It can have zero to infinite awareness. For better inquiry, try to not use these pointers as truths. They serve a purpose to illustrate certain aspects and qualities of reality but all of them are ultimately limited. They cannot capture the essence of reality itself just as much as I cannot capture a beautiful sunset with words.
  14. How? I could give you the answer, but it probably wouldn't penetrate. There is genuine curiosity here with this question. I love that! Yet, notice how the mind is conditioned to make conclusions based on prior experiences (memories). Notice how the following assumptions create confusion: These are all good assumptions to have when conducting an experiment or an investigation on the personal level. These are stories and knowledge acquired by the mind through experiences on a timeline of seemingly consistent reality. That's fine. Having these assumptions can be helpful in many situations. Yet, when you are inquiring into the nature of reality looking for the ultimate answers, I find it way more helpful to go meta on all the assumptions/mental constructs. Notice how the mind assumes that if reality is "this" then it "should" or "shouldn't" be "that". I want you to see first that whether you think reality is nothing or something or everything or anything in between is irrelevant to what reality actually is. Consider the sunset analogy in my previous post. Reality is itself. The labels are fine as pointers if not confused for the actual thing. This confusion between thought and reality often causes trouble. Can you accept that if reality was "something" then there's no should statements for how it can be "something else"? After all, who sets the rules? If logic is a mental construct gained from a personal experience over a particular timeline, then how would you know logic is fundamentally true at all times? ( even though dreams prove it to be otherwise/fluid/changing). Also, how would you know that logic existed before you were born? Before the big bang? Etc.. Why would reality be logical? For God's sake, how's reality logical?! How's existence logical?! The beautiful feeling of wonder shows that there's something more to reality than just dumb logic. There is a mystery. Reality is mystical. How can reality even be?! Keep at it. Keep wondering. The answer is under your nose. Notice these are just thoughts. Drop them and come be in touch with reality. Let go of the stories. And come observe the sunset!
  15. Love your attitude! 1- Have you noticed that consistency and logic are not inherent features of this dream? Furthermore, have you noticed that these things don't exist unless you think of them? You might say that your direct experience says otherwise. Cool. Try to explain how it's so without using thoughts. Can you? That's how you imagine reality. Without imagination (i.e. awareness and not consciousness), you wouldn't know whether you're alive or existing or not. 2- Imagine a scenario where you've witnessed a beautiful sunset. After a few hours, you go on telling that story to some of your friends. The telling of the story is equivalent to the thoughts in your mind. The thoughts in your mind about reality are not what reality is. What is reality? If it clicks, then you will see that reality is just itself. All labels are mere pointers and they're fundamentally irrelevant. So, in a sense, you're on point here. The substance of reality is completely unknown, but it is experienced, lived, being made aware of, etc... (stories/pointers). 3- The answer to this question is very advanced. It is Infinite Love. But you probably have a distorted concept of that, which is not your fault. None of us knew without inquiring deeply using the question "why?" with genuine curiosity. I'd focus more on meditation and being able to see the thoughts from a detached position. The rest will unfold naturally.
  16. Need to apply more awareness and concentration to the practice. Mindfulness.
  17. im gonna attempt to use the least amount of words during the rest of the quarantine for as long as it lasts i will try to stop posting on any where or message any one electronically too and i will also try to be more aware and enjoy the silent spaces in the mind without going in to monkey mind and unnecessary looping thought patterns. i guess theres no better way to make use of the quarantine than this journaling here once a day to track consistency and for motivation and its okay to use the other journal as an emotional outlet the challenge starts tomorrow
  18. Just read two threads on here by accident. I'm feeling ugh. I don't know anything.
  19. What is It's a philosophy; i.e. A particular set or system of beliefs resulting from the search for knowledge about life and the universe. That's what it actually is. Leo is somehow explicit and at the same time so much implicit about it. He says that his ultimate goal with this work is to understand reality. Well, according to the definition above, understanding reality is nothing but philosophy. Now, there's no wonder why many people (including me) find themselves lacking results while following And then, of course, there's the life purpose course. The ultimate saver. So clever! Reeling in the intellectual type of people and seducing them to buy the LP course. Going further; Leo's philosophy is based on three major principles (philosophies); Cynicism; survival is the main and only driver for all of human activities. Idealism; everything is a thought. Solipsism; only you exist. That being said, it's probably time to move on. You want results? You're not going to get them by philosophising. Even if you stop playing these philosophical games. As long as you're listening to Leo and/or interacting with others on the forum (or anywhere) who share the same mindsets, you're still going to be stuck. Ideas don't just affect you on the conscious level. Your subconscious mind naturally imitates its environment. The people you surround yourself with affect you more than you notice. Ideas affect you more than you notice. Learn how to control the stream of information that you're intaking. You might believe that you belong somewhere. But that's a false, limiting belief. You can belong anywhere. It's just a matter of time needed to adjust and accommodate. Nothing Leo says is actually false. Nothing anyone says is actually false. Everything has some truth to it from a certain perspective, because everything is Truth. Conclusions: The silence challenge is the best thing I've ever done in my entire life. Will keep doing it. I'm not going to be partaking with this forum anymore. I'll start using it for journaling only. I'm not going to create threads, or bother explaining this to anyone. Maybe I am wrong, or maybe Leo is just unaware. Besides, I would certainly receive a lot of hate for trying to share my perspective, and I could get banned. It's strange how I was not able to see all that with such clarity before!
  20. Yesterday was good. I noticed that I was doing the challenge in a neurotic way before so this time I was more relaxed. I did not monitor everything but I have decreased unnecessary blabber for more than 75%. I'm going to continue with the challenge this way.
  21. The forum is becoming more masculine. In less than one day, two soft feminine people (one male and one female) left, and two others (also one male and one female) who I don't know well are manifesting masculine energy. At least the ones I've noticed. Anyway, I'm not judging. All is well. Just making observations and wishing good luck for everyone. Better yet, perhaps I could use some more masculinity. Also, Leo and the mods are getting more strict about the rules. The forum is now moving towards a certain direction instead of just flowing. I wonder what that direction will be. Love everything. Flow. Grow infinitely.
  22. Teaching and learning are illusory. Whaaaaaat?! What is the essence of the teacher-student dynamic? It is a strive towards an ideal. A neglecting of the present moment and a seeking of actualising some imagination (which occurs in the present moment ?). The foolish mind thinks/believes that it's teaching/learning anything. Poor little mind. Things will happen when they happens, with love. There is no ideal to seek! The present moment is the ideal! Because it is love. Don't forget, or do. The truth is the truth. Remembrance won't change anything about it. There is no past. Only imagination of a past. There is no future. Only mental images of ideals to strive towards. There is no time. The present moment is all there is. This communication will not help you get it, neither prove anything to you, even though it's absolutely true. If you get it, you get it. This communication will only give you an ideal to strive towards, which is still the present moment itself, only you will not be able to see it and therefore you will keep chasing your own tail, forgetting the ride by focusing on the destination. You will get there. You're just afraid you won't. Your mind is telling you stories for how things should be. Your mind is telling you stories. The truth is prior to stories. That's not even exclusive to God. The mind is actually incapable of learning/teaching anything/anyone. The mind isn't the medium for learning. It is just an imaginary controller. Direction. A block of the stream. Resistance. Then how does learning occur? Love. Nothing else. Your understanding is only as deep as your love. Infinite Love = Infinite Wisdom.