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Everything posted by soos_mite_ah
@Carl-Richard I agree. Then again I'm not too worried about being more of a lone wolf for a while so I'm not looking to desperately find a tribe. I'm sure I'll eventually find people who resonate with me in real life. It's not like I'm thinking of crawling under a rock for the remainder of my days
@MDMD Thank you so much I'll see what I can do. I guess sometimes I underestimate the amount of people still in survival since I digest a lot of content from places like this. I especially noticed this in the last year or so. It wasnt that I lost interest in the world and got depressed, but that even though I could enjoy myself and talk about things, none of it would really resonate. On top of that, sometimes I want to share what I'm going through spiritually, but I know a lot of people will look at me like I'm a space cadet because it won't resonate with them either. Just imagine trying to talk to a random person about feeling like there is no actual self ????
@Brahman I completely forgot about the swamp episode thank you so much for mentioning. There is just so much in this show and I'm pretty sure that I'm still missing something lol
@Cykaaaa When I first watched it I also questioned the inconsistency in Katara and Sokka's characters. But then I was like, it almost rounds them out more and makes them more multidimensional. Still an amazing show nonetheless
As far as my personal journey goes, three years ago I would consider myself very green with bits of orange in me. I was very into feminism, anti-capitalism, equality, understanding a variety of cultures for a global, inclusive perspective. Back then I was also very emotionally closed off and afraid of vulnerability and saw it as a weakness on my part even though I wouldn't have judged other people in the same way. Since then, I was placed in a very blue/ orange environment. Initially, because I was very green, it was my knee-jerk reaction to start moralizing to these blue/orange people and start shoving my thoughts on society and politics on them. I was very triggered and I thought it was absolutely necessary to put up a fight because or else I would be complicit. I saw them as demons or people who lacked any type of empathy towards the disadvantaged in society. After a couple years of being in this environment, I noticed that I don't feel the need to lecture about my views anymore to people who do not agree with me. Because I was around very blue/orange people, I eventually started understanding where their points are coming from and how these views were created in the first place even though I do not agree with them. They ceased to appear as demons and I could see how they played into a larger social system and how they were simply playing their part. I was already having these thoughts and observations and upon discovering spiral dynamics, a lot of things, starting from the people I was around to the subjects I was studying, began to make sense. While my political and social stances have not changed, I would say that my attitude has. I can see how their perspective fits into the greater narrative and progression in society. I am at a point where I don't think perspectives are right or wrong but they just are, similar to how our feelings aren't right or wrong but an indication of our internal state. Instead of perspectives falling into a binary of right vs. wrong, they fall under a spectrum of complete vs. incomplete. And when we have an incomplete perspective, to make it more holistic, we can either look at the holes and humbly admit that we simply don't know, or find information and narratives to fill those holes, not because we need to be more right than the other perspectives, but so that we can take those other perspectives and create a more accurate picture. As far as being emotionally closed off goes, I have worked through those issues in therapy and through self development to the point where I am open with my feelings and I even am open to my negative emotions such as fear, anger, and sadness as they inform what is going on in ego and self and can be a source of insight. However, while I have made progress, I would say that I have a bad habit of thinking about my feelings rather than feeling my feelings. This is still a work in progress. I think I fall somewhere between green and yellow though I wouldn't be surprised if part of me is still in orange. However, I'm not sure since the ego can over estimate itself on the spiral which is why I wanted to ask this question. How do you know when you have moved from green to yellow? If you have made that transition, what made you realize you shifted and what was your experience?
@Leo Gura Thank you so much. Also, from what I get from stage yellow is that this stage does not fall into the trap of false equivalency. As a result, I'm guessing yellow can see the short comings as well as the necessities of each stage and how it falls into a natural hierarchy. Given this, would yellow's judgement be more of a discernment? Would the difference between judgement and discernment be whether or not there is an emotional reaction to the subject in question?
@Leo Gura I don't agree with the capitalistic value for excessive materialism as that can be very toxic and limited since it does not include the perspectives of most people who do not benefit from increasing profits because of how wealth is distributed. Nevertheless, I can see how those motivations did help in creating the orange economy we have today and create prosperity after industrialization which I respect since it is a foundation for further societal development. In regards to religious people, while I do not believe in religion and the dogmas that it can carry, I can see the ways religion can manifest as a healthy and necessary force in people's lives. The way i think of it, if the belief of a supernatural deity can give you guidance, hope for the future, peace of mind, and help you sleep at night, who am i to judge? I will admit that a part of me does tend to judge religious people when they abandon critical thinking to the point where they hurt people (ie sexism, terrorism etc), however I can see why they feel or think that way which does temper my initial judgments. I guess I still do have my judgments but I have softened those judgments considerably over the years with empathy and understanding.
Yes, this used to happen relatively frequently to me. The way i have tried to combat this is by accepting that not everyone is going to be in the same level of development as you and that they need to develop in their own pace. All of that is perfectly fine and it is all going along in the right timing. I also began thinking of how important it is to judge people based on where THEY are at rather than judging them based on where YOU are at and the standards you hold yourself to. The first is more objective to their situation and the later is more filtered through your ego. It okay to discern that you are more conscious in certain ways as long as it comes from a place of discernment and humility rather than from a place of a boastful "this means I am better than you" attitude. Also the things we judge in others are often things we judge in ourselves. So another thing that helped me was noticing accepting the ways that I display unhealthy mindsets. I am still working through them just like everyone else, but I try not to be emotionally too hard on myself as that can be counter productive to progress.
From my observations, studies, and my basic understanding of spiral dynamics, I believe that COVID-19, can be instrumental in shifting the world (but mainly the U.S.) to stage green. I am mainly speaking for the US since I live there and feel that I have more information regarding my surroundings so I apologize if this is very US centric. In the individual level, in this situation we are quarantined and bored out of our minds. So we have no choice but to confront our thoughts and go inward, quite literally. While a lot of people can drown in their thoughts during this time, this can be also be great time for rejuvenation and healing if we make it. The amount of time people have for introspection can prompt many people to shift to stage green or any above their regular functioning. In a societal level, at least in the US, COVID 19 can be the great push to implement social infrastructure regarding those who are most vulnerable in the economy. I'm talking socialized health care, better policies regarding unemployment etc. Congress is already looking into the UBI, where all citizens get 1000 a month to stimulate the economy and help those who most needed. It is capitalism that doesnt start at zero (so imo kind of like a transition to stage green from orange). Here's the big thing. This wasnt even conceivable given how conservative the US government is and now people FROM BOTH PARTIES are arguing for it because of the corona virus. While this may be a temporary thing to deal with the current situation, it can yield to further conversations. Also, part of the reason why Europe is more green and liberal in their policirs regarding the betterment of society is because of the wreckage it faced because of the World Wars The wreckage created a situation where a large amount of people were impacted with no fault of their own so then the government stepped in and actually helped people. The US on the other hand always had a stick up their ass with a libertarian, "pull yourself up by your boot straps" mentality because there werent any major large sweeping crisis since the Civil War and before that the Revolutionary War, both of which have been far from peoples immediate memory outside of textbooks. The closest we got was the great depression which is nowhere near what europe faced after two world wars. As a result, it is difficult for many americans to recognize larger, societal forces because they weren't as blatant (causing them to stay more in stage orange rather than dealing with an ego backlash that could push them towards green). The corona virus just may be the crisis that calls America's poor health care system and overall socioeconomic infrastructure into attention (especially in regards to health care because of how we are handling things vs how countries with better systems like South Korea are handling things). Many young people already are valuing alternatives to capitalism such as socialism due to the ways capitalism has harmed millenials and gen z after the 2008 recession to the point where it is predicted that these two generations wont have as high of a quality of life as their parents. Also for world wide stuff, our ability to make a dent in climate change will also be highlighted during this outbreak. The skies are being cleared from the smog in china, the water in venice is cleaner and the fish have returned, and natural wild life is making more of a combat since people are not as out and about. While I dont think its healthy for the economy to be at a standstill, this situation with the quartine can show people just how much is possible when it comes to reversing climate change which then in turn can yield to more action due to decreased feelings of helplessness. If there is anything I'm actually worried about, it isnt the virus. It's people freaking out because of the virus. The biggest issue being the incoming recession, but that doesnt mean we need to go back to work right away it means we need to take strict restrictions so that this doesnt have to last longer than it needs to. During the recession /COVID 19 outbreak and immediately afterwards there will be progressive policies yes. But then there will be a large ego back lash that can come from a war. Why a war? Because of the U.S. relationship with the military in industrial complex. Basically, whenever something goes wrong economically politicians try to start a war so that they can stimulate the economy and stay in power due to an increase in patriotism. And let's just say we have Trump in the office right now who likes to pick fights and I wouldn't be surprised if we are probably going to have him for another 4 years because Biden has the nomination due to democrats voting out of fear and therefore making the same mistakes they made in 2016. From a marketing perspective, diluting your product (or in this case policies to have a moderate stance) to appeal to a large amount of people, you're going to lose a lot of people as opposed to appealing to a niche since most of your sales (or in this case votes), comes from a smaller group of people. Now if we do have a war, where. Truth is idk because the U.S. likes to stick its nose where it doesnt belong and it could be anywhere. My money is on China. China and the US have been on weird relations as china began growing as an economic power. Basically, when there is a one hegemonic power (in this case the US) and another rising power, there is a high chance for war because the standing power starts to feel threatened. It is a pattern that dates back to the days of the Greek empire. You can find more about this by reading Destined for War (I had to read it for an international relations class). That economic tension with China was already there before COVID 19. While war is not guranteed as there are a handful of times in history where this hasnt occured, one needs to be incredibly strategic in dealing with this or else we risk falling into the trap of war. But then again, we have Trump in office. With the stress and the recession brought by COVID 19, people are going to be angry and they are going to look for someone to blame. Given Americas history with racism, it isn't likely we're going to look at the Italians. Hell, even now Chinese Americans are already facing hate crimes because of the corona virus. It could push the US over the edge and into war with China. So those are my thoughts regarding how COVID-19 can push the US towards more green in society and politics. I will admit that a lot of this is speculation and can be a bit of a tinfoil hat theory. I am simply trying to connect things that I have been learning in college and tying them to current events and spiral dynamics. Because I don't have people in my life who are really aware of the spiral, I thought it would he beneficial to post it on this forum to see what kind of feedback I could receive and so that I can have this conversation with someone.
soos_mite_ah replied to soos_mite_ah's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Carl-Richard @ivory I agree. While I am not getting the full blown negative impact of COVID-19, it is easier for me to see this ending positively. Tons of people, though not everyone, is in a dire situation whether they are paranoid for their mental and physical health, dealing with financial issues and unemployment, or tackling the virus itself. I could go on and on about the negatives of the current situation which is why I also agree that this is having a negative impact overall. I will admit that part of my optimism is a coping mechanism albeit a relatively healthier one but still a coping mechanism nontheless so that can definitely impact my thoughts on how this will turn out. It is still too early to tell and much of this is a tin foil hat thing that I thought might be interesting to share with others. I don't think this will lead to a full on green revolution, that is a long shot given that many people in the U.S. is still very blue and orange. I also think that moving to a stage, integrating to it, and then finally reaching to a place where many people can recognize the limitations of that stage takes decades if not centuries. The events that come with COVID-19 can be a large step forward, but there are still many, many steps ahead that society needs to take. But I will say that people and society is not going to come out the same after COVID-19 and people are rethinking things whether it is on the macro or the micro. I also agree with needing pessimism to create a more well integrated perspective and I would love to hear your thoughts on how things can turn out (especially given my personal blind spots with optimism and limited study on the subject). This whole thing feels like a big event and I personally find it exciting thinking of the ways it can impact the future and apart from my general optimism I'm very curious on how things will turn out. @WonderSeeker Also, may be this is me and my experiences, but I don't think that green is a fuzzy conception at this time in society especially with Millennials and Gen Z when you look at their views on social issues and how they favor alternatives to capitalism because of the potential limitations. Sure, we are still far from fully integrating green, but we also come pretty far within a couple of generations in the last 60 years. As far as a time table goes, that is very, very fuzzy. Again this is my own tin foil hat theory about moving towards green. From what I understand about spiral dynamics is that humanity in general is moving up the spiral. We don't go back unless there is something we have really failed to integrate (also please correct me if I am mistaken). Knowing we are heading towards this direction does give me hope and optimism for humanity as a whole in a large scale. But even though we are headed towards this one destination or pit stop to stage green if you will, I don't know how long it will take or what events can build up and precipitate that. Nevertheless, I can see the situation with COVID-19 as one such event (big or small) given the notion that humanity goes up the spiral. Also @ivory I haven't seen the Zizek video that Leo posted last week. Where can I find it?