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Posts posted by Monkey_in_suit

  1. On 02. 06. 2024. at 8:04 AM, Michael569 said:

    Diagnosis first. Make sure you actually have anaemia by getting your full iron panel medically invested.

    Depending on the severity you may need to go on high dose for a few weeks up to few months. But always start with diagnosis because iron overlord can be quite harmful.

    If you don't have a GP over there, could you maybe pay a private clinic? 

    With regards to the diet, have you lost any weight recently?

    Private clinic is an option although I will go back to Europe for few weeks this summer so probably will do Iron panel there.

    I lost few kilos but I was already skinny before. Now 190cm/71kg and few months ago I had 75kg

  2. @undeather @Michael569  @MarkKol

    Interesting that my diet is actually little bit worse as I moved to Argentina recently so I was indulging in local cusine sometimes.

    On the other hand my stress level,anxiety level and sleep schedule is better. I didn't work so much last month and my job is high stress job.

    But also I do feel tired and low in energy too much which confirms anemia. Also I was struggling with anemia in childhood.

    What would you guys suggest for anemia? Any suplement and any specific diet?

    As I am in new country I don't have my GP and here in Latin America considering my past experiences I don't trust doctor as much as in Europe so I would try to do on my own what is possible and consult with doctor if it is necessary only.



  3. Here are new results after 4.5 months. They are better

    Any advices @undeather , @Michael569 and others?

    I guess statins are not necessary now?


    Complete Blood Count

    Red Blood Cells: 4.40 mill/mm3 (Ref. Range: 4.50 - 5.90)

    Hematocrit: 37.9% (Ref. Range: 37.0 - 53.0)

    Hemoglobin: 12.6 g/dl (Ref. Range: 13.0 - 17.5)

    Mean Corpuscular Volume: 86.1 fl (Ref. Range: 80.0 - 100.0)

    Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin: 28.7 pg (Ref. Range: 25.0 - 35.0)

    Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration: 33.3 g/dl (Ref. Range: 31.0 - 37.0)

    Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW): 14.4% (Ref. Range: 0.0 - 14.0)

    Platelets: 157 thousand/mm3 (Ref. Range: 150 - 440)

    Mean Platelet Volume (MPV): 14.3 fl (Ref. Range: 8.5 - 12.5)

    White Blood Cells: 4.3 thousand/mm3 (Ref. Range: 3.8 - 10.6)


    White Blood Cell Differential

    Segmented Neutrophils: 49.2% (Ref. Range: 44.0 - 70.0)

    Eosinophils: 6.5% (Ref. Range: 0.0 - 7.0)

    Basophils: 1.4% (Ref. Range: 0.0 - 1.0)

    Lymphocytes: 34.4% (Ref. Range: 20.0 - 44.0)

    Monocytes: 8.5% (Ref. Range: 5.0 - 11.0)

    Absolute Neutrophils: 2.10 thousand/mm3

    Absolute Lymphocytes: 1.50 thousand/mm3



    Mild anisocytosis: Confirmed with smear

    Presence of macroplatelets

    Mild poikilocytosis


    Lipid Profile

    Total Cholesterol: 159 mg/dl (Ref. Range: 0 - 200)

    Triglycerides: 53 mg/dl (Ref. Range: Normal: up to 150, Borderline: 151 to 199, High: 200 to 499, Very high: over 500)

    HDL Cholesterol: 40 mg/dl (Ref. Range: Over 40)

    LDL Cholesterol: 108 mg/dl (Ref. Range: Optimal: Less than 100, Near optimal: 100 to 129, Borderline high: 130 to 159, High: 160 to 189, Very high: 190 or higher)


    Electrophoretic Lipidogram

    Prebeta Lipoprotein (VLDL): Normal

    Beta Lipoprotein (LDL): Normal

    Alpha Lipoprotein (HDL): Slightly decreased

    Chylomicrons: Absence


  4. On 12. 01. 2024. at 7:13 PM, undeather said:

    Okay - very interesting! Thanks for sharing!

    Here is what I would recommend: 
    - Don't stress out about this!  You are young, live an above average lifestyle and your previous blood test (2022) shows that you propably do not suffer from an inherited lipid-disorder (hypercholesterinemia). 
    - From a medical perspective, I want you to do a checkup at an internal medicine doctor (if that is possible under your current circumstances). He should do an ultrasound of your carotid arteries and the heart. 
    - I also want you keep an eye on your LDL! Defintitely do another screening in 3-6 months and see if it changed! There are plenty of potential reasons why your LDL almost went up 100 points in the span of that short period of time. While stress plays a role in LDL-synthesis, I agree with your doctor that this is unlikely only due to increased stress. I would put my money on a mixture of causes (increased stress, circadian changes, foods that screw with fasting mechanisms and lipids in the short term..)
    - As for your diet, you hinted that you don't enough vegetables. This immediatly makes me think about you not getting not enough fiber, which is important because you might be a so called "cholesterol/fat hyperabsorber" and fiber blocks this absorption process to some degree! You don't have to go crazy on this, you can still enjoy your meats - but I recommend adding some fiber-containing foods to your diet (vegetables, beans, lentils, fruit, nuts..). You could also start adding "Psyllium Husk" to your protein shakes if you take them.
    - If you eat a lot of saturated fat (butter, ghee, fatty meats..), you could start experimenting with replacing it with better fats like olive oil or leaner cuts! Again, don't go crazy on it!
    - The big red flag is your stress level & sleep though! Stress, especially long term stressors and through activating the cortisol axis, can definitely elevate your LDL-C. Poor sleep quality is also known for scewing with your lipid-metabolism! Often, as well I think in your case, bad sleep is triggered by a stressful life. You should think about implementing some sort of techniques that help you dealing with the work-stress. This is a complex topic and might contain anything from a simple meditation-technique to breathwork you regularly do during worktime (alternate-nose breathing) or some form of active recovery like Yoga/Tai Chi or Qigong. There are also some supplements you can look into, which could improve your sleep (Melatonin 300mcg, Magnesium Threonate (300–400 mg), Apigenin (50 mg))

    - Medications: I personally would not perscribe you a drug right now. This could be a temporary increase that will get better with time!


    Thanks a lot!

    Next week I will do checkup with internal medicine doctor.

  5. 9 hours ago, undeather said:

    A LDL-Cholestrol of above 200 puts you in the 99th percentile - meaning that you are in the top 1% of people with high "bad"-cholesterol. This directly translates to an high amount of Apo-B particles in your blood, which are the atherogenic (atherosclerosis causing) parts of the LDL-molecule. This is a significant risk factor you should deal with, but it's not a cause for concern in the short run. Cardiovascular risk factors like cholesterol are functions of time and magnitude - meaning that they increase your risk of a stroke/heart attack to the extent of how long and strong (higher/lower numbers) they exert influence on your body. 

    Also very important to consider is that there are many risk factors that go into that equation. If your blood pressure is normal, you don't have diabetes, are not obese, don't smoke - then your risk of getting into serious problems in the next 10 or 20 years is very low (I am assuming you are in your 20s/30s). That said, I am sure that it is in your interest to live a long and healthy life - therefore it's important to start working on this right now! 

    The first and most important step towards better blood lipids/cholesterol is lifestyle modification! 
    How does your diet look like? Are you overweight? Are you sedentary or is there some form of exercise routine in your life? 
    I have seen that you are from Croatia, which is known for having one of the worst cardiovascular dietary patterns in central Europe.

    Also, are there any early age heart attacks/strokes in yoru family history? Especially before the age of 60?

    I am 30 years old. Everything else with my health is perfectly fine. I am not obese(190cm/75kg),I drink alcohol rarely, go to gym 2/3 times per week and I do weightlift there. My diet is not perfectly clean but I would say it's better than vast majority of people's diet. I eat red meat and processed food rarley. Only I don't eat enough vegetables. 

    Downsides are a lot of stress because I have stressful job and bad sleep because of that. Also bad sleeping schedule as I go to sleep at 5am and wake up 1/2 pm. My job is sedentery also.

    My uncle had heart attack in mid 50s and my grandma stroke in mid 70s.

    I said to my doctor that stress is probably main reason for those numbers but she said it can't be the only reason.

    Last few years my number were on higher side but never this bad. My last test was april 2022 and LDL was 129 mg/dL.


  6. I am trying to gain weight eating healthy but I still have problem with mushy and painful stool, felling bloated and going to toilet multipule times per day. I try to eat 3000 calories per day.

    This problems are only reduced when I eat less calories, something like 1000-2000 per day and I was doing that last 18 months because I was tired of dealing with all kind of digestion problems but ofc that meant that I started to loss weight drasticly and I lost 16kg in last 18 months and now I have only 69 kg and I am 190 cm tall.

    And here we are in situation where I don't really like how I look but gaining weight is really painful.

    It's worth to mention that my health problems were reduced but not totally gone when I was eating less. I would still have problems here and there.

    And interesting thing was that last summer I took vacation and I didn't work for few months and I was eating unhealthy but my digestion was better compared to  when I was eating healthy. As I have really stressful job it made me think that stress is main reason for my problems but it's still hard to believe to me that it's only reason.

    Any advice would be helpful.

  7. 3 hours ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

    I would move out, but I’m really focusing on my health, detoxing, and sobriety before I get a job. So, that’s not an option. 

    You should just focus on finding a way to move out. That should be your number 1 priority waaaay before those others. 

    I can't express enough how moving out from my toxic family changed my life immensely!

  8. So we all concluded to intervene somewhere and forcing democracy where people are at too low stage and not ready for it is fail but what about when majority of people in country wants change but they are stuck in ruthless dictatorship?

    Let's look at Belarus as an example. 60%-70% of people choose change at last election but Lukashenko is still in charge using dictatorship and violence.

    Ofc America will not intervene because Lukashenko is backed by Russia but there are some others examples like that and there will be some new one's like that in the future. 

    What will be right approach from western countries in those situations when majority of country wants change but they are stuck in dictatorship?

  9. You should consider changing your therapist. I'm now going 3 years with mine therapist and not a single moment was confused like that. The thing that you came here and post it about is the biggest indication that you should consider other options .

    And she is old as fuck. Her health will go bad soon and you will need to look for an other therapist anyway, better to do sooner than later.

  10. Naval have a lot of yellow but he is still in his core orange. He doesn't have system thinking as wide as other yellow thinkers I value the most and he is too deep into science and tehnology and firm beliver that more and more of it will solve all human problems

  11. @tolo

    You are repeating multiple times how you are happy being single and don't need partner which is great and then you really don't need to change anything. Why would you change way of life that makes you happy?

    Only because you opened this topic and reading your posts I got impression that deep down you are not so happy being single or you feel social pressure that makes you little bit unsatisfised.

  12. I am professional poker player last 10 years.

    Poker is much more skill and and much less luck than people that are not  involved in that think. Almost half of my working hours are spend not playing poker at all, just learning game and analizing hands. You can have loosing months as a professional but if you are good player longterm you will win. That variance is what keeps poker profitabile for professionals cuz losing players wil not come back if they lose always.

    It's pure stage orange job and as I grow up on the spiral I am thinking more about switching to something where I contribute to society but nice money keeps me griniding poker more.

    As growing it's harder and harder connecting with my poker friends too. 

    Not recommending trying to start poker career if you are trying to grow on spiral and it's really compentetive and hard nowdays to suceed.

    You need millions to build platform and poker will be viable as long as vast majority is not in stage green+.

    That means poker will be around way after you die.

  13. I have mixed feeling about her viewpoint. There are many things I agree with but with some of them I totally disagree.

    I totally disagree that currency that is not regulated is the future of our world. I don't see not being able to trace identity of somebody behind finance brings many good things, it will brings much more bad things and the way she speaks about government sounds to me that she don't appreciate importance of it at all, she have kinda negative "almost libertarian" opinion about government.


  14. So I had dentist appointment today and she removed amalgam fillings in a way that bunch of small gray/black pieces fall down to my mouth and then I needed just to spit it and rinse out my mouths with water. I removed amalgam fillings from 5 teeth and talking with her she didn't seem to be worried about anything, she even said that there are no any research proving that those fillings are dangerous. 

    I trusted her a lot before but now I am not sure anymore although for now I don't have any side effects. 

    Any advice what to do now? Just continue with my life or there are some steps I can do for mitigation of mercury toxicity from that procedure today. Being healthy and having sharp mind is really important for me and for my career.

  15. Hi everyone,

    I have unhealthy relationship with money and whenever I spend money, even on smaller things, I have some kind of anxiety and big pressure in my chest.

    The funniest thing is that I am in very good financial situation and I should be  one of the last persons having that feeling.

    When I think about it I can recognize that fear is coming because I grown up in poor family but I am not able to overcome it at all.

  16. @Average Investor thank for sharing that post.

    It doesn't need to be just stocks investing. I have surplus of money in my bank account and would like to put into something for passive income. It can be real estate, stocks,crypto or whatever.. And I would probably like to invest in different things to diversify my portfolio.

    I am noob about this kind of things and would just like to learn what are best options out there and what % of money to invest in one and what in other things..