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Everything posted by Jodistrict

  1. Set and Setting are more important than the drug. I saw a YouTube video of some Westerners having a 5-MEO-DMT ceremony and it sounded more like a beer keg party. Garbage in garbage out. That’s why I only take psychedelic medicines in Mexico, outside of the poisonous American culture.
  2. Sacha makes a career of lampooning blues, and I hate the “Borat” character. However, this was pretty funny and reminded me more of Candid Camera.
  3. Salt increases your water weight. We already have too much salt in our diet contained in all the processed food. I never put extra salt on anything.
  4. I have found that the best way to manage food craving is not to eat and drink water. In my last diet, I would eat only one meal at night. I ate less than 700 calories a day. It sounds difficult, but it wasn’t that difficult because I had no craving for food. The more you eat, the more you crave. Some of that is because of sugar. When you eat something sugary, the sugar does not satisfy your hunger, but creates more hunger. Fat is actually better than sugar, because fat can satisfy hunger.
  5. I took two six week courses online with IFS. The course included practicing with others during the week. The first course was on the protectors. The protectors are subpersonalities that we develop when we are children in order to protect us in the environment we were in. The second course was on the exiles. The exiles are what some call the inner child. But in IFS, you can have more than one inner child. You need to know the protectors first, because the protectors will not let you see the exiles (whom they protect) until they gain your trust. Once you contact an exile, you can unburden it, i.e. release it from its extreme views and pain. Once the exile is unburdened, the protector can be updated to perform more constructive strategies in your adult world. Also, the IFS model has the “self” which is compassionate and creative. The goal is to have the “self” be in control of the inner family system.
  6. Has there ever been a conspiracy theory that was created by a woman?
  7. An interesting example is the post modern philosopher “Giorgio Agamben” who states a conspiracy theory from the left. “He downplayed the severity of the disease as nothing worse than the seasonal flu, naively cited flawed government resources claiming there was no epidemic in Italy, and even engaged in speculation in conspiracy theory about the disease being “invented” as a pretext for the exceptional measures to replace the threat of terrorism in the new governing paradigm.”
  8. The electoral college is a consensus system where the entire country, including urban and rural, comes to a consensus on one candidate. The rural areas are given a voice. There is nothing sacred about the popular vote. And in a month, Biden looks like he will win the electoral college, although I am not predicting anything.
  9. This comes from Internal Family Systems Therapy created by Richard Schwartz. The idea of multiple personalities also runs through the history of psychology - Freud had the ego, super ego, id, and Jung had the complexes, etc. An excellent book on the history of subpersonalites in psychology is “Subpersonalities: the people inside us” by John Rowan.
  10. Obama won the electoral college twice, so in itself it is not a big barrier. I saw an interview with Chomsky where he thought the problem was the democratic party’s focus on identity politics which alienated large groups of people, and that the democrats should refocus on the class system and the gross inequality of wealth.
  11. Trump’s key to success was being able to convince bankers to loan him money. He had to master the art of appearing successful and talking like a winner (as would be perceived by a banker). That is why he brags about being the king of debt. He used the same persona to win the election, i.e. “I’m a rich billionaire who has everything and now wants to serve you the people with no ulterior motive”. Trump’s talent was being able to project an illusion of success. Of course, as recently revealed in past tax returns, Trump may actually be broke. What I find interesting is that the Democrats project their hatred onto Trump but they never ask themselves where they fell down in order to be defeated by someone they have no respect for. After all, they had the demographic advantage and should have easily won the election. Trump was able to perceive a discontent that they totally missed and take advantage of it. Their lack of ability to introspect is as noteworthy as Trump’s ability to deceive. The more they blame it on Trump, the less likely they will learn from their mistakes and correct their behavior.
  12. The Shaman I go to is fairly conservative. He says the plant teacher downloads your homework and the real work begins after the ceremony. If you don’t do your homework, you might not get anything the next time you take it. It is also better to able to learn more using less medicine. I am currently integrating with a healer who understands the medicine.
  13. Good point. If Trump really gets sick, the election could become even more uncertain. What if Pence had to take over? I don’t see why progressives are celebrating this. As of yesterday, Biden was going to win. Now there is an October surprise with the possibility of changing the dynamics.
  14. Trump is old, obese, and never exercises. But yet he has mild symptoms. Maybe this shows that the governments of the world have grossly overreacted to a mild virus, which has created massive damage and suffering for billions of people.
  15. Below is the best breathing video I have come across and have used it dozens of times. It has five rounds of rapid deep breathing. At the end of each round there is a 1st gong, after which you fully breath all your air out and hold it. This is called a bahya kumbhaka, or breath retention on the out breath, and is where you reach your deepest state of meditation. You have more carbon dioxide than oxygen creating a temporary state of hypoxia. At the second gong you breath in and hold the breath for 15 seconds until the third gong, which continues to the next round. The rounds get progressively more intense. At the final round the breath retention is the longest. Just follow along with the breathing in the video. The whole production is pure genius, including the breathing and spacey music during the breath retention. I use this with cannabis which puts me into some of the deepest states I have ever gone with breathwork. However, it is designed to be used without any drug assist.
  16. If you want a sense for how far America has declined in civility and intelligence compare the debates last night to the Kennedy-Nixon debates.
  17. Sweden is the only country even trying to take a holistic approach, with their conscious effort to have every person in society change their behavior to support a reasonable collective solution which is sustainable over a long period of time. Lockdowns are for the short term. There are no statistics gathered on the deaths and suffering caused by long-term lockdowns – depression, suicides, the increase in poverty, hunger, homelessness, etc. People are punished for seeking human connection, a natural healthy impulse. The full brutality of long-term lockdowns is hidden from view, so it can be promoted as a “compassionate” approach. Not having all the information doesn’t allow policies which balance all the interests.
  18. After I did Holotropic breathwork, the facilitator told me that I might start to notice synchronicities. Since then it has happened a few times. It’s like I manifest a goal in my mind and then it feels like the universe is working with me making it effortless.
  19. One problem with psychedelics is that the visions quickly fade from memory. I had a huge experience nine months ago with 5-meo-DMT. It changed me from someone who thought scientific materialism was obvious, to someone who can’t believe he was so naïve. I had contact with divinity but I can no longer recall the full force of it. There is no magic bullet. Spiritual techniques are still necessary to stabilize the mind so that whatever state you achieve, you can make it permanent.
  20. I don’t have any feelings about Trump or any other politician. Things are happening just the way they are suppose too. Nothing moves in a straight line. There is a dialectic process happening in America with two conflicting forces battling each other, that will have some resolution. Maybe it’s time for the empire to end. Similarly, the corona virus is a result of man’s abuse of the earth, and what is happening is a natural process.
  21. I took Sadhguru’s Inner Engineering course. As for money, I thing the touchstone is "what is reasonable?" At one end of the spectrum you have Scientology that will literally take everything you own and the institutional churches will say one tenth. How can you tell if someone is enlightened or not? Even in the Bible, there were plenty of people who talked to Jesus and didn’t think he was anything special. Any maybe they were right.
  22. In my opinion, this is an interesting historical encounter of blue vs. turquoise. It’s a debate in the 1960s between William F. Buckley, Jr. and Timothy Leary. Buckley was a famous conservative in the 60s and the perfect example of a pure intellect disconnected from his heart and body. I saw him speak in person and I could barely hear him even with a microphone because he mumbles and could barely speak above a whisper. Timothy Leary claims that he is not advocating use of LSD and actually warns that psychedelics should be taken seriously and used with care. Buckley takes the position of the establishment that psychedelics are extremely dangerous and treats Leary with contempt.
  23. I completed my third Ayahuasca journey. I am becoming more skillful at navigating the altered state. The physical effects are different for every person, but for me, when the medicine initially begins to take effect, my heart beats fast and my body temperature rises. If I can sit through this calmly, I enter the altered state. My first two journeys were learning to sit with the pain. They were purgative, releasing blocked energy and pain from my body. In this journey, I felt feelings of love and being loved. The journey started with a clearly audible voice crying in my heart. It was as real as any external sound. I was downloaded the teaching that life can become simple if I learn to forgive. I felt that “I am awake” and didn’t want to lose this state. The music that was being played at this moment had the phrase: “We are born human to experience our infinity”. I realized what a waste of a human life it is for people to fight each other to defend their different reality tunnels. The shaman said that we need to realize these visions with homework so that we can make the state we experienced permanent.
  24. The opposite of loneliness is connection. Bill Plotkin talks about sacred speech and speaking from the heart. He recommends to only have conversations from the heart to connect with people and avoid small talk. If someone isn’t interested and doesn’t respond, you can move on. “We speak from the heart and address what truly matters — our feelings, imagery, dreams, life purpose, our relationships, soul stories, our discoveries of how we project aspects of self onto others or learn to withdraw those projections, and our meetings with remarkable humans, animals, plants, and places.” Bill Plotkin. Soulcraft: Crossing Into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche
  25. I stopped taking cannabis edibles. I week after taking an ayahausca journey, I was in a state of joy and connection with the universe. I then took some cannabis and the next day I was depressed. The minute I took the edible, I realized that I had made a mistake. The problem with cannabis is that it shows you all your problems but there is no catharsis. Ayahausca is called “the purge” because it just doesn’t show you your issues but purges the energy from your body, with vomiting, diarrhea, shaking, screaming, crying, sweating, yawning, etc. With cannabis, you are a pig always rolling in the mud. Mother Aya washes the mud off.