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Everything posted by Jodistrict

  1. I do a big dose of Bufo every month with an experienced guide. But recently, i have been doing smaller doses by myself on a weekly basis. The smaller doses teach you how to meditate.
  2. Does Sadhguru ever teach liberation? He spends alot of time trying to convince people that he has all the answers and on top of that can perform magic tricks and tame snakes. I will accept unconditionally that Sadhguru can walk on water. You don’t have to prove it to me. But that doesn’t make him a guru. A guru is someone who guides you to liberation because he has already been there.
  3. I recently did a cannabis trip after staying away from it for two years (4 chocolates). It blew me away. It was stronger than Black Ayahuasca. I was totally merged with divinity and being showered with grace. I have new respect for cannabis. I am wondering whether my past experiences with Aya, mushrooms, and Bufo have contibuted to this.
  4. Colors do affect your feelings, but it depends entirely on your individual mind. There is also strong cultural conditioning that affects your mind. For example, in the West, a dark blue suit has become a symbol of power. Red is used for stop signs. Green means go. This conditioning can instruct your feeling state. But saying “crumpled clothes are full of negative energy” is claiming it is an ontological reality rather than a state of mind, i.e. a statement of superstition, directing people away from the opportunity for expanded awareness.
  5. It’s important to keep things in perspective. Kanye hasn’t killed anyone or even advocated or hinted at threats or violence. He didn’t even commit defamation of a group. Why? Because he just gave his opinion – blah , blah, blah. Turning him into a monster is hysteria and not good for the principle of free speech. The media has a track record of singling out people and going after them like a school of piranha. I think this has more to do with unethical business practices and competition for advertisers than any conspiracy. That’s why the public’s level of trust in the media is at an all time low.
  6. I heard Kayne was thinking of running for president. We have to watch out for these wanna-be politicians. "He had in him the stuff of which legends are made." (referring to Hitler) John F Kennedy
  7. I have never heard of Kanye until recently, since I don’t listen to that kind of music. But, I watched the recent interview that he gave. I think he should run for political office. He is obviously a natural leader and has some good ideas that could provide healing to the black community.
  9. Sadhguru is a fake and now he is peddling superstition. But that’s what sells. People line up around the block to see his costume.
  10. Bingo. They idolize Tate as a substitute for taking action. They are giving their power away to someone else. The question is “what have you done today?”, not “what has Tate done today?”.
  11. I'ts not work for me, but if you want to stick in that paradigm, it's your choice.
  12. From my point of view, the whole “game” metaphor pushes men down a blind alley. It is a marketing strategy that sells hot air. Instead of game, learn to connect. You connect, first with yourself, and then with her. Connection, not game.
  13. Agreed. He is summarizing what use to be the standard view and he uses the term “Ant-Americanism”. It’s interesting that he uses “Ward Churchill” as an example of moral relativism. But Ward Churchill has spent his career exposing the genocide inflicted on the indigenous people of the Americas. This is a good example of what happens when a dogma is setup and claimed to be a moral system. The constructed system is the real example of "relativism”. Great evil can be considered moral according to the definition constructed. Also, at a more nuanced level, some rules are necessary to regulate and guide stupid people.
  14. I came across this in the Amazon. The structure that looks like a thick rope is the Ayahausca vine.
  15. Here is an interesting video on the same subject.
  16. Buddhists have gone all the way, which is why they understand that it is not productive to talk about it. The instant that you use words, you form another useless belief system. I am not even sure if it is possible to go as far in the modern world with its comforts, perception of time, egotism, and other limiting cultural concepts. Even the scriptures suggest that Buddhism will for forgotten as consciousness is lost. Here are a few quotes from Huangbo: “If you would only rid yourselves of the concepts of ordinary and Enlightened, you would find that there is no other Buddha than the Buddha in your own Mind. The arising and the elimination of illusion are both illusory. Illusion is not something rooted in Reality; it exists because of your dualistic thinking. If you will only cease to indulge in opposed concepts such as ‘ordinary’ and ‘Enlightened’, illusion will cease of itself.” “Study leads to the retention of concepts and so the Way is entirely misunderstood.” “All the concepts you have formed in the past must be discarded and replaced by void.” “All who reach this gate fear to enter. To overcome this fear, one must enter it with the suddenness of a knife-thrust.”
  17. @StarStruck Having 70 webcam girls just means that he has the same "deep" knowledge of female psychology as a pimp. He is just peddling another belief system, which does nothing to help you develop the skills you desire.
  18. Tate puts on an act which is so over-the-top and corny, I am surprised anyone takes him seriously. It is something like professional wrestling, except that professional wrestlers at least have a sense of humor. I can see the psychology though. He appeals to boys who grew up with mothers who taught them to always act nice. Tate acts the opposite of nice which helps them to change their belief system to something they think will make them more successful in the world.
  19. That’s interesting. The medicine affects everyone differently. The first 6 times I took Ayahuasca, I had no visuals. Now I have intense visuals on both Aya and Mushrooms. They are incredibly beautiful but somewhat distracting. There are no visuals on Bufo, but it expands consciousness and cuts through all the nonsense. I take it in complete silence, no music, no distractions.
  20. Develop a relationship with the medicine. Talk to it and ask it to guide you. Especially mushrooms, you can ask them for advice. You aren’t afraid of a friend who you know, are you? Get your mind out of the scientific propaganda that makes you assume that you are only taking a chemical. The views of a toxic culture don’t serve you. Learn to connect with the medicine. Some other suggestions of what you can do during the journey. Focus attention on your breathing and follow your breath. Have a mantra that means something to you. Some suggestions: “No fear”, “I am not afraid”, “Light, Strength, Love”, “I forgive myself, I forgive everyone else”. When I was in the Amazon, Black Ayahuasca convinced me that I was going to die. It layed out the case, piece by piece, and presented me with one terrifying vision after another. I finally came to a place of peace and said “If I die in the jungle, that’s ok”. A vision then appeared of two paths leading into a forest. The one path was the path of imagination and fear. The other path was the path of reality with no fear. A voice said “choose the path you want to take”.
  21. I do a high dose of Bufo every month with an experienced guide, and then do a low dose by myself every week. I have found that a low dose can go even deeper and be more beneficial than a high dose. The key is to connect with the medicine, not how much you take. I recommend starting out with low doses and learning to connect with the medicine – fully surrender with no fear, no drama, or preconceived notion of what it is suppose to be like. Reading about someone else’s experience just creates a concept which acts as another barrier to direct being.
  22. I do Bufo Alvarius rather than synthetic 5-meo. But straight to the point for me. It goes to the present moment. Unlike other psychedelics which keep me in the mind with visions and stories, Bufo takes me outside the mind and into the silence. There is no voice or sense of "I". On the coming down part of the journey there can be insights, catharsis and a deep sense of gratitude.