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Everything posted by Jodistrict

  1. Bingo. It's a parasitic mindset of uncontrolled, exploitative capitalism. And the experts, authorities, and corporate media are mystified, showing how stupid they are.
  2. I am still researching Iboga and haven’t done it yet. Here are some of what I found. The psychologist Claudio Naranjo used iboga in therapy sessions in the 1970s. He used microdoses in his sessions. Naranjo discusses the use of psychedelics in therapy in his book “My psychedlic explorations”. “In 1969, one year before ibogaine research was outlawed, Naranjo became one of the only individuals ever legally permitted to administer ibogaine in a psychotherapeutic setting. Interestingly, Naranjo’s investigations led him to believe that the ibogaine-induced visions were not crystal-clear memories of actual external events but rather inner events or fantasies. After overseeing many ibogaine-assisted therapy sessions, Naranjo described ibogaine as a compound that brought out the psyche’s instinctual side. He concluded its power lies in its ability to provoke vivid, archetype-rich visual encounters, which could be easily communicated from patient to healer.” Brett, Daniel. Iboga The Root Of All Healing (p. 51). Kindle Edition. Lee Albert wrote a book called “Amazing Grace”. He has done both Primal Therapy and Iboga. “Yes, Primal Therapy is great in its own way, but it is handicapped by the hold of an ego which becomes stronger the deeper the problems go.” Albert, Lee. Amazing Grace . AuthorHouse. Kindle Edition. A good introduction is “Iboga The root of all Healing” by Daniel Brett In Mexico there are Iboga clinics for people with drug addictions. The trip lasts 36 hours and the person is in a hospital bed and there are doctors and nurses on call. This is the full dose trip. In Costa Rica, there are places that do ceremonies using the shamanic approach. I don’t know what dosage they use, but it would be less than the full dose used in the clinics. Here is a Manuel for Ibogaine Therapy. Ibogaine is a purified form of Iboga that has the most active alkaloid. I talked to a healer in Mexico who recommended that I not take it. She said that the journey is extremely difficult and the results are uncertain. I also talked to someone who took it and said it was like Dickens “Christmas Carol”. These spirits came to him and took him to his past showing him important scenes of his past that affected him. Be very careful about taking Iboga. Do it with someone who knows what they are doing. It makes any other psychedelic look like a picnic.
  3. Chomsky is a source of sanity in foreign policy. That is why he is blacklisted by the corporate media.
  4. I have been investigating approaches that directly address childhood trauma. So far I have found two possible cures: 1) Primal therapy and 2) Iboga. Janov, the creator of Primal Therapy, additionally claims that trauma can go as far back as birth or even pre-birth.
  5. The interesting thing about Brad Blanton is that he is an extreme extrovert. Many of the spiritual teacher are very introverted and cerebral. Blanton’s path to enlightenment is total, radical honesty in human relationships to create true intimacy and love. That means no witholding and the recognition that even a trivial withold does damage. This is a challenging and difficult practice.
  6. That's an interesting observation. For me, I love the smell of Bufo and it is part of my journey. I have heard that 5-meo doesn't have a smell or smell's differently. Maybe different beings are drawn to different substances. There is no one size fits all.
  7. 5-meo is also part of what you call "poison". The shamen we use treat the toads with special care and respect. I am in favor of people using synthetic 5-meo to take pressure of the toad population.
  8. Janov believes that cognitive therapy is only a coping strategy. But to help coping it actually strengthens the ego making a real cure more remote. It may help you cope but doesn’t cure the underlying trauma which is deep in the reptilian brain. Worse, cognitive therapy doesn’t take feelings seriously. For example, telling someone they have a choice of what they feel, is not treating feelings seriously. It’s the underlying traumatized brain structure that creates the feeling and drives thoughts. “ Cognitive therapy is massive distraction. The patient sometimes feels better, even oft times feels better, but self-deception is not therapy; it is brainwashing. Denial is a nice, temporary expedient; it makes life tolerable, but the price can be heavy later on—possibly premature death or early disease and a return to symptoms.” “Few, if any, professionals have seen the depths of the unconscious and observed the pain imprinted there. Therefore, they cannot know what nurture really is and what it can do to us.” “Therapists can dress this up, but it is still the “power of positive thinking.” It is YMCA counseling writ in scientific patois. It is, “Put a smile on your face and you will feel happier.” As simplistic as that sounds, it is essentially what behavior and cognitive therapies are about: behavior changes feelings, as opposed to feelings driving behavior. Yes, the cognitivists can try to help patients develop a more positive attitude, but the patient’s whole system may well be enmeshed in a pessimistic one, ingrained from birth—an engraved physiology of pessimism.” Janov, Arthur. Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve Your Health (Kindle Locations 2173-2176). New Page Books. Kindle Edition.
  9. But my guides don't use it. In Mexico, they believe Bufo with all the alkaloids gives you a different quality of experience. In America, they tell you there is no difference. Who to believe? Take your pick. The Bufo works well for me so I don't have any reason to change.
  10. Because I do it in Mexico, and that is what they use.
  11. I have started vaping Bufo Alvarius alone after doing it over two years with a guide. I have been told some of the risks by an experienced facilitator. He has had one person whose heart stopped and had to be revived with CPR. The other risk is that you forget to breath. The Bufo seems to deactivate the pain circuits that give you pain when you hold your breath. When you cross over it is so blissful you may decide to stay. An experienced guide will be able to detect this and do things to revive you.
  12. I have done changa once. I saw geometric patterns and it was relaxing. It wasn't that strong. But I don't know what the dosage was.
  13. I attended a small group led by Blanton many years ago. He practices what he preaches and radical honesty in relationships is the way to go.
  14. The predominant therapy in America is cognitive therapy with its claim to be evidenced based In criticizing cognitive therapy, Janov makes the distinction between statistical truths and biological truths: “Cognitive therapy seeks statistical truths to corroborate their hypotheses and theories; these theories are too often intellectual constructs that do need statistical validation. We are after biological truths beyond mathematical facts. The studies I cite do not prove anything. What they do is indicate a kind of universality, a continuum, to all kinds of organic life. These studies are corollaries, not separate, inviolate realities; a kind of intellectual genuflection to the left brain. But without contact to the right brain those realities are confined to the intellectual. Anything can be true with statistics because they ignore biologic realities. They can be manipulated in all ways. All this may escape those who have no entry into the right-brain unconscious, where history and feelings lie. Those in cognitive therapy are able to “feel better,” but confuse that with getting better because they can use language and words to suffocate pain. They use thoughts to anesthetize feelings and imagine and think that all is well.” “There is a world of the deep unconscious that needs to be explored; an unconscious from our animal legacy. That unconscious can never be understood in verbal language.” Janov, Arthur. Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve Your Health (Kindle Locations 137-141). New Page Books. Kindle Edition. Janov based his primal therapy on biological facts. However, it has had mixed results. In my opinion, he has the correct approach but his therapy was developed in the 1960s when knowledge of the brain was even more limited than today. What is needed is a Manhattan Project level initiative to do the biological investigation needed to come up with a science based psychotherapy. Realistically, the government is the only entity that can fund this. When you think of it, the US spent 3 trillion dollars on a useless war in Iraq. For 500 billion dollars, a therapy could be developed, say for 10 to 20 sessions, which would cure a wide range of neurosis. The savings to the medical and social systems (e.g., healthier people needing less care, a reduction of violence), would more than pay for it. But the current state of consciousness of society considers war and conflict to be valid solutions.
  15. "I have set for myself a rather daunting task: to demonstrate that no therapy that uses words as the predominant mode of treatment can succeed at creating any profound change in the patient. This includes all insight therapies, cognitive therapy, rational emotive therapy, hypnotherapy, psychoanalysis, biofeedback, eye movement desensitization and reprocesssing (EMDR), and guided imagery/directive daydreaming. All of these can help, but none can make a profound change in personality or provide profound, lasting relief. I would have disagreed with this proposition when I originally practiced psychoanalytic, insight therapy many decades ago. My patients agreed that they felt differently after treatment, and believed that they had made major changes in their lives. Now I am more than skeptical. I have now seen what more is possible. Profound personality change is impossible on the level of words, or even on the level of emotions; there is no venting or “getting it out,” such as crying and screaming, that will bring about any true or lasting change. For true and lasting change to occur, deep levels of the brain must change physiologically, enabling key structures within the brain to recalibrate to optimal, healthy levels. Furthermore, such change will only come about when those parts of the brain that hold deeply imprinted memories can connect neurochemically with the parts of the brain that underlie the more rational, thinking aspects of our minds, such as the frontal neocortex. No amount of talk-based therapy will ever bring about such a connection because there is little activation of the subcortical structures that mediate the deeply imprinted memories, yet this connection is vital if more substantial progress in psychotherapy is to occur. Conventional psychotherapy has been imbued with the belief that good mental health is a product of your mind—a result of your thinking, logical, rational, prefrontal cortex; in brief, that you can think your way to health. Yet neurosis, a physical and mental deviation of a normal system, is not laid down in the brain as an idea but as an experience, one that leaves a physiological trail. Because of this, any psychotherapy that relies on words and ideas cannot change neurosis." Janov, Arthur. Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve Your Health (Kindle Locations 226-229). New Page Books. Kindle Edition.
  16. Janov explained talk therapy as the equivalent of receiving 30 mg of Prozac. It feels good to have someone listen to you. So the client gets addicted to the attention and once addicted is willing to pay a high price for something that won’t change him in anyway.
  17. I agree. It is a difficult journey, but liberating.
  18. I have been researching Iboga. If the reports about it are correct, it could be the best one for healing.
  19. In the video he says that he is an atheist. But now he is reading the Koran. How can this be solid advice with such variability in opinion depending on the date? And the advice on caring for yourself is just growing up and being an adult. By his own admissions, we know that anything he says is going to be to further his own interest.
  20. As for Tate's business skills, a criminal makes profits of 1000 percent, or some other huge number. They can’t run a business like a grocery store that has to survive on 6% profit margin. The downside is you either get wacked by a bigger thug or end up in prison like the Tate brothers. I seriously doubt anyone on this forum would last one day as a criminal. It is all immature fantasy. But the fact that he has followers shows that stage orange has become toxic. There is no sense of community, people are becoming isolated, and they have an inner anxiety that they are living in a society where it is every monkey for himself. They are responding to the underlying unspoken beliefs of the culture. This goes way beyond Tate.
  21. I understand totally your reactions. Christianity is a toxic dogma. Give yourself credit for getting in touch with your feelings and recognizing that you have been violated. Now, you have to deal with the anger and get to the feeling underneath, like hurt, sense of betrayal, violation of boundries, and so forth. The anger will still bind you to the toxic dogma. Freedom comes when your feelings to the dogma become neutral. For a spiritual path, there are options that don't require toxic made-up beliefs. Here is one helpful channel that has helpful advice with a Taoist orientation, and has a path for healing.
  22. Forbes has an informative timeline. The Tate brothers home was first raided back in April 2022. They are held on human trafficking charges, one of the suspects (unidentified) is also charged with rape. There six victims identified. Prosecutors “continue their investigation into human trafficking and organized crime”. If the investigation has been expanded to “organized crime” over the two charges, that could take some time. It’s interesting that the Tate brothers had a chance to get out of town back in April. But they were too smart for that. They play three dimensional chess.
  23. I have a guide. She takes the bufo after I do. I can feel her guiding me, but she can only go so far with me and then I am on my own.
  24. I vape Bufo Alvarius. It takes about a minute to go in. It's very fast. Keep in mind that in the youtube videos where people freak out - the Bufo could be mixed with something else like DMT or Datura. You need to know your source.
  25. The Christian missionaries have shoved their ideology down the throats of natives for centuries. They opened up boarding schools run by pedophiles to abuse their native students. The churches are full of abusers. Native leaders in Brasil, Colombia, and Peru are being murdered by developers who want their land. These conservative crybabies haven't received even 1 percent of what they have dished out. They are in a protected bubble and panic when even just a little air gets in.