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Everything posted by Mvrs

  1. Truth , things are only not okay to something that thinks it’s something. luckily you are no-thing
  2. How do scientist realize that the brain doesn’t exist unless viewed but still can’t realize that everything is appearances. That the colors really exist that the smells really exist.
  3. You think plants don’t scream when you cut them? I’ve always seen people get so lost with this meat eating thing. Any part of reality that you eat is equally god. Just keep that in mind. It only seems horrible cuz your still in denial that your in a dream.
  4. @integral don’t think of god as a being , god is just a word everyone is using to point to the Capital U Universe. If there were two gods or a god that had some sort of being to it then something must have created it. That something that created everything is nothing. Because nothing limits nothing from becoming something. You do have friends tho and you and your friends are god. But it’s the same source (god) its the same mechanism the same “code” which is nothing .
  5. @integral Yes , the word god is very loaded(even tho is pretty dead on) , But think of it as the word totality, all of reality , all possibilities everything, there’s nothing outside of everything , it’s everything it includes all things that ever could be and couldn’t be. Everything you speculate is of course in reality anything experienced is within reality . Don’t think of reality as just human stuff and our universe stuff think of it as all possible dimensions and storylines, to a scary level. True infinity
  6. We all been through this lmao ... start video at 8:25
  7. When COVID started I knew it wasn’t going to infect me because that’s not life I imagine for myself. I trust in life that I’m not gonna die anytime soon. I’ve seen the stories purpose and know until it’s carried out I’m not leaving. I’m fine all this time later. Is this blind faith stupid or valid?
  8. If it’s truly infinite and reality is all ways .... doesn’t that mean that 1. I get hit by a meteor every moment and die in infinite realities and 2 doesn’t it mean that there’s a reality for everything like there a reality where all of us only wear yellow shirts with the picture of one guy on them . Or just all the silly stuff like that? What’s preventing this?
  9. @Leo Gura Is there anything you have experienced that you could put into a vlog , that would be sooo out there that you just wouldn’t wanna share it cause you think people would call you insane forever? I’m so interested in these kinda things. Would love to hear if there’s a lot more you know then your letting on! Lmao Keep Up The Great Work!
  10. You can become directly aware and experience these other ways that you say aren’t there tho . They are always there. Just as you are always there and I’m always here .
  11. Caterpillars just change into butterfly’s? Cuz they imagine they can
  12. Not just my dreams at night my friend what is a hooooman? We overlook how strange this is right now and act like dreams are any more outrageous
  13. But what would enforce that? Infinity all possibilities which means all limits are imagined and ALL limits exist even the most absurd ones. Refer to your dreams
  14. I feel like a lot of people still don’t realize that Leo doesn’t make a video then send it out to us. The minute you see and listen to the video it’s created . Yes he created a video but that has nothing really to do with it being created in the moment by you. This is possible because I am you it’s so simple. Same with songs on the radio , cartoons , movies , books , posts , you name it it’s all rn baby
  15. @Leo Gura when you say falling forever in a infinite void with no ground do you mean quite literally or is it a metaphor for this infinite journey of form with no grounding, no beginning and no end making you stationary in the middle at all times.
  16. Technically I don’t exist because you cannot pin point what I am but I feel like I’m here does everyone else not exist but feel like they exist too? Or am I literally just crazy speaking to myself within a dream . I mean it makes more sense that it would be that way but there’s nothing limiting nothing from being everyone else but if that’s true then the validity of all beings is equal which means the people in our dreams are just as real too cuz why not? Infinity has to encompass all experience cuz it’s total . So it must experience being a character in a dream of ours. We have to admit even if we know who is the one running the show we don’t really know what the show is about. You could be a catapillars dream that’s really just the dream of a shoe in space that’s really just in a simulation run by humans that’s actaully just a world inside of a locker in facet Jones locker in the astral plane that’s rsallly just a cosmic jesters day dream . You have no idea what story is really taking place here and I promise the story I just gave even tho it was strange is rather bland compared to the thing going on rn
  17. @Leo Gura did you start thinking in Russian and then progressively change to thinking in English? Or do you still think thoughts in Russian sometimes? Also a side question kinda in regards to the new video. Is it possible for me to ever lose my awareness completely forever . Probably a dumb question because time doesn’t exist and I am all.
  18. I guess my question is more so when I die is this self going to stop being aware of anything. i know death is moment to moment the version of me that was aware of the original post is not the me Rn but is that just how physical death is too or is it something different more towards the normal idea of death.
  19. Do you think if we went to someone like Kim jung and was like here try this magical thing called 5meo . rocket man goes super rocket man and realizes it’s god . Tbh when you run an entire country if you did any inner work you would realize you were god , none of us are any less god but some of us it’s so god damn obvious based off who your ego is . I wonder if this would unite the world , I’m not saying drugs gonna unite the world fuck that I’m saying maybe go to the few radical leaning leaders with humanitarian issues in the country and enlighten them to the real game . Would love others thoughts on this rant lmao
  20. Everything is imagined Right now , and either way maybe someone latinized it purposefully to be that who knows but I loove how much deep insight you gave about the roots!
  21. How do we know that we all see the same thing? This is infinity so maybe not. We cannot prove that we do what I see a green tree as might be a completely different color to you but we both say green . I’ve thought about this since I was a little kid
  22. True love is allowing you the ability not to think about it . To settle in and live a ignorant comfy life . That’s true love , not caring about getting any recognition for your gift . To let the person you gave the gift too completely deny you and that you gave it to them . That’s true selflessness the greatest gift of all is realizing this love