Harsh Bagdia

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Everything posted by Harsh Bagdia

  1. I get it now. Me. Ego. All the beliefs. All this needs to go. This is really about removing the layers which I have put forth on the "rawness". Thanks. Thankyou @Moon It will be the most wonderful experience/state of being you will ever have. It will bring you tears of joy and a laugh for which other people will call you insane.
  2. Thankyou. I only do few of them- Isha Kriya by Sadhguru Meditation, Mindfulness AUM chanting, Brahmanand Swaroopa chant Contemplation Psychedelics is most direct and straightforward for this work according to me.
  3. It was 250ug. No it is'nt.
  4. @Ar_Senses I have thought about future trends of Psychedelics but no way to this much extent..man you really did some solid brain-storming there. Yeah we can connect, I have similar interests. I think all these things are gonna take much more time than you think. First what needs to happen is legalization. For that we need more and more people like Leo who spread awareness and proper usage of these substances. What needs to happen is shift of perspective among the people so that we don't hold Psychedelics in the same category of drugs like opioids and others. Recently released documentary- "Have a good trip: Adventures in Psychedelics" on Netflix is a good watch for some beginner who knows nothing about it. Hearing the take of celebrities,leaders,artists, & musicians inspire people to explore the substances more than anything. "The Goop Lab" is another series which talks about it in one episode. We need such kind of things more. Research is the most important factor of all, I think there should be a proper dedicated institute which is dedicated only to this, study and research of Psychedelics in every field not just mental health. Yeah MAPS is one of those, we need more like it and much diversified. After legalization, huge amount of funding from the big companies for Psychedelic businesses to flourish. Not just in these industries, in every field we can see new breakthroughs especially in science. Psychology will change drastically as Stan Grof mentioned in his works. In education sector, Students will be given 5 Meo before they pass high school. Psychedelics will be taught as basic compulsory subject in schools. Stigma will die but there are high chances that these substances will be abused even more, so proper laws regarding that must be built. There can be a license system and restrictions to do it in parties and public areas. But there's so much factors for all this to work. Huge systemic changes are required. @Leo Gura we would love to have your take on possibilities and solutions in future of Psychedelic use.
  5. Finished Life-Purpose course. It's so deep and exhaustive.This course was the best thing that ever happened to me. Also I became sure about being Psychonaut after watching Leo's video on "How Psychedelics work".Thankyou so much @Leo Gura LIFE PURPOSE- I will build Spiritual-Infrastructure in the world by using my ability to Go-Meta. (by spiritual infrastructure I mean-retreat centres, schools, consecrated spaces,online videos and courses) ZOG- ability to Go-Meta DOMAIN OF MASTERY- 1.Psychedelics for therepeutic and NON-DUAL use 2. Humanistic and transpersonal psychology I know the domain is too vast;I am 22 and lack life experience, so I will narrow it down as I walk the path. I am currently doing BA-Psychology in India and planning to pursue Master's degree in Integrated Counseling Psychology from CIIS, San Francisco. This will give me entry to US where Psychedelic renaissance is boosting. I can see myself as a psychedelic-therapist but my ultimate aim is to open a Psychedelic retreat centre and become a Non-dual practitioner as Martin Ball mentioned in his book. Uptill then I will be doing Blogging related to spirituality. So my QUESTIONS are: 1. Do you think Higher education is worth my time and money? 2. Any other advice and views related to my Life purpose? Thankyou for reading! Love for all!
  6. @GodDesireOnlyLove,yes I understand this. When i first took LSD, I did it in a party setting, taking it with cannabis and without contemplation. Had some bad trips too. After that I realized that this is not something to be abused but to go deeper into yourself and explore. Thank you for your advice Namaste
  7. Thankyou @Serotoninluv @GodDesireOnlyLove @flowboy. I am working on it. I will be starting to journal on this forum, i will update my growth and research there.
  8. Happy Birthday Leo!! I discovered you at the time of my first mid-life crisis. You helped me overcome my depression, made me discover my Life Purpose, introduced me to Spirituality, and completely changed my perspective of life. I can't thank you enough. You are awesome man! Much LOVE! A little tribute to you - (this frame is hanging on my room's wall & keeps me inspired )
  9. Thankyou friend for your suggestion. I will watch out about the CULT thing. I have heard of MAPS, once I get to US many doors will be open for me, I currently reside in India and it will take few years before I move there.
  10. Thankyou @LordFall Great, DMT sounds so cool, I wonder when will I get the chance to take it. About Timothy Leary, despite the controversies and many imprisonments, I think he was a great guy, way ahead of his time. He talked about space colonies, eight-circuit model of consciousness,LSD for expansion of consciousness and much more. Surely his way of advocacy was very direct and lacked structure. After his research only black market of Psychedelics emerged. Here is some interesting information I would like to quote from Wikipedia- "When he married his third wife, Rosemary Woodruff, in 1967, the event was directed by Ted Markland of Bonanza. All the guests were on acid." "League for Spiritual Discovery was: "Drop Out– detach yourself from the external social drama which is as dehydrated and ersatz as TV. Turn On – find a sacrament which returns you to the temple of God, your own body. Go out of your mind. Get high. Tune In – be reborn. Drop back in to express it. Start a new sequence of behavior that reflects your vision." "In place of scientific data about the effects of LSD, Leary used metaphors about "galaxies spinning" faster than the speed of light and a cerebral cortex "turned on to a much higher voltage." "The couple "married" in a hotel under the influence of cocaine and LSD two weeks after they were first introduced" "While in prison, Leary was sued by the parents of Vernon Powell Cox, who had jumped from a third story window of a Berkeley apartment while under the influence of LSD. Cox had taken the drug after attending a lecture, given by Leary, favoring LSD use" "he preached about space colonization and extension of the human lifespan. He expounded on the eight-circuit model of consciousness in books such as Info-Psychology: A Re-Vision of Exo-Psychology and others. He invented the acronym "SMI²LE" as a succinct summary of his pre-transhumanist agenda: SM (Space Migration) + I² (intelligence increase) + LE(Life extension)." According to his son Zachary, during his final moments, he clenched his fist and said, "Why?", and then unclenching his fist, he said, "Why not?". He uttered the phrase repeatedly, in different intonations, and died soon after. His last word, according to Zach, was "beautiful".
  11. Yes I want to gear this for spiritual use but I will love to explore other therapeutic possibilities as well. I have a history of marijuana and cigarette addiction & was able to completely quit these after my first few LSD trips.I went into depression and sort-of existential crisis for few months after that. So I personally know there's a lot of potential there and have a desire to help addicts and people suffering from depression. Yes one of the factor is credibility too. My parents have a extremely orthodox background. They can never fathom that I am working with drugs(acc to them) and that too without so called proper credentials. I am even concerned whether they will allow me to go to US for higher studies.But then again I will fight for my cause, and as Leo says, ACCEPT THE COSTS. Yes I will spend huge amount of time in experimenting the substances for myself, documenting my journey and building up knowledge. And I will also think more about your point of spending my money on books and courses rather than college education. Thankyou for this information, I will surely research about this. I have done 5 Lsd trips and 3 MDMA trips uptil now and haven't touched any of these since one year as I found it very extreme and powerful. I felt as if I was not ready for it but now as I have educated myself about it and started meditation too, I am starting to explore them again. I have one acid-blotter in my shelf right now but can't do it as I live with my parents and can't go out due to lockdown. I am so eager to do it and thinking of taking it in night but worried about having a bad-trip. QUESTION: Apart from LSD, what other psychedelics do you all recommend to start with?And how frequently? I am interested in emotional-healing and spiritual growth. I will leave 5-MEO for last and build myself up for it.