Harsh Bagdia

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Everything posted by Harsh Bagdia

  1. @OBEler firstly animals and insects who live in the house you are mentioning don't consider it as your house. They are living in it as if it is their house. Other humans may certainly think it is your house. Secondly, what happens as in? It is what it is. If it's not in your sensation that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There are infinite beings that exist right now in your/my room. How many of them we appreciate and notice is a different question. I guess this question is stemming from the misunderstanding of "Only you exist". While it is true that ONLY YOU EXIST, it is extremely important for you to understand what You are. I feel honored to share this with you - You are the field of experience in which every sensation is happening. Technically speaking, it's not your sensation. It is the universe's sensation. The universe is not out there. The universe is right here. Looking through those eyes. Let me know if this answers your question.
  2. @Leo Gura Well not to the same degree as you understand God, certainly. Yes we will take care and make sure we use this forum for the purpose of God-realization and not get side-tracked into unconsciousness. Really? You fully understand God? Leo, we are in. We desire the deepest awakening possible. Atleast I do and I am sure many on this forum will agree with me. Also, please make an introductory video on "What is Omniscience?" I am sure it will bring clarity to us on what we are aiming for. We have a vague understanding of it. Lastly, We don't take you as a fool. Why will we watch your every video then? Why will we experiment with non-approved tools? And don't make a mistake of taking us as fools. You will gladly agree that there's intelligence to our foolishness, won't you? Don't worry about us. Work on making your upcoming course the best course there exists. We are humbled and waiting. Thanks.
  3. If you have cracked it many times then you can remember that time and answer for yourself. Assuming you don't know the difference, I can be a source to help you understand the difference. If you are interested go ahead with this. Before we move ahead can we discard the concept "metaphysical phenomena" here? Because it has that baggage to it that it's out of this world. What I am gonna share is what is the difference between consciousness, awareness and concentration in our present reality. So we will proceed by me asking some questions and you answering them. Please try to limit your mental chatter and concentrate just on the question and it's answer. Are you conscious of the fact that you are currently reading this sentence? Are you conscious of the fact that you are able to understand and read and think and write? Are you conscious of the fact that you are alive? Are you conscious of the wonderful world around you? ....... So this is consciousness. Direct knowing. We as conscious agents of God/Infinity/Shiva have no limits to what we can become conscious of. It's really great. Concentration is when we focus our powers on some aspect of consciousness. Like you are concentrating now on reading this so to understand this and not on other things. And I am concentrating on writing and being as clear as possible for me at the moment. Awareness and conciousness can be used interchangeably if you are just staring to understand yourself. If you consider yourself advanced then I can share something which can help you. We use awareness for describing the nature of consciousness. It's aware. All the time. Every nanosecond. It is aware. It's always aware. In sleep also. It's aware of the every lie we say to ourselves and others. It's aware of every courageous thing we do. Every good thing we do. Every time we smile. Everytime we cry. Everytime we get angry. It's its nature to be aware. IT can't help it but to be aware. You won't stop being aware ever. Awareness is your superpower. To conclude my answer, Consciousness is what You are. Concentration is what You use to play around with your powers. Awareness is God's gift to us we may say. Thankyou for reading.
  4. If you are referring to world as- sensations, color, touch, taste, smell/experience then no it doesn't stop existing. It's not a rocket science, we can try it now. When eyes are closed, still "world" is there. If you are referring to world as physical reality which you believe you are living in; then my friend you are in for a rude awakening. There ain't such a world. When Leo or other masters say that physical reality doesn't exist, they don't mean that actual experience doesn't exist. It certainly exist. Like it's obvious. What they mean is that what you think about physical reality is wrong. It is not what you imagine it to be. They are trying to show you that you are living in sheer magnificence and beauty and love and intelligence. It's like Leo says, whatever we as humans can do, the universe can do the same on much much deeper capacity. Like universe can love deeper, universe can think better, universe have more tools to play around with. And I certainly don't mean that humans and universe are seperate. Human lives are one aspect of universe which has infinite number of instruments to experience itself one of which is human being. And the beauty is all these aspects are related to each other in the most holistic fashion. It's the best feeling ever when one realises that it's all consciousness. It's Alive. Conscious. Intelligent. Ever Existing. It can't not exist. It is it's nature to exist. How can it "not exist" when it's nature is to exist? Do you see this? And when I talk about IT, I mean you, me, and everything that is. about Non-existence, why bother about it? Its non existent anyways. We can only play around with what exists.
  5. That we are inventing ourselves through the choices we make. I know that we don't know - to what end does a event occur. It's an infinite chain of cause and effect. I know that I desire to be God-like.
  6. Yes this is true in my experience. Only retrospectively you realize how every event and every thought is put exactly at the perfect time leading to you being more of your authentic self. To move more and more into alignment what I figured out is not to question the guidance too much and even if we question it, still go with it. With more and more synchronicities popping up, it gets fun and more we realize how intelligently it's designed. It's wonderful that you are receiving content about non-duality with such ease. Greetings!! Yes "Synchronicity" may seem as "Luck" but it's actually physics. Nothing random in it. With enough awareness we see the correlation between the thoughts we are having, what we are feeling and what is manifesting in physical experience. Any other explanation? Well its God!!!!!!!!! It's God saying welcome. Welcome to the new level of mysticalness.
  7. "Always in life you have before you three choices: 1. You may allow your uncontrolled thoughts to create The Moment. 2. You may allow your creative consciousness to create The Moment. 3. You may allow the collective consciousness to create The Moment." Source:- Conversations with God Book 3 Page 71 I want to make sure I understand above statements correctly &discuss them. So for example - 1. Creation by uncontrolled thoughts can be repeating patterns/coping mechanisms/unconscious body movements/beliefs. 2. Creation by creative consciousness can be creating this thread, creating art, music, etc , giving active attention to any subject and coming up with innovative ideas. 3. Creation by collective consciousness can be being victim in certain circumstances, surrender & letting go, listening to spiritual wisdom. So I see that I shall bring awareness to uncontrolled thoughts, engage more and more in creative consciousness & develop discernment about collective consciousness serving me or not. Any thoughts? PS- If you haven't already, I recommend to read this book(Conversations with God) to everyone seeking Truth & Understanding.
  8. That which loves me unconditionally. That which goes to any, I mean ANY length to fulfill my desire. That which is Infinitely Intelligent, so intelligent that it found a way to limit it's intelligence or to be more precise, So intelligent that it's intelligence lies in it's foolishness. Too real. Truest Friend. Unbiased. Absolute. Just. Infinite Transcendence. Mr. Nobody. Lover. Aliveness. Beauty. Designer. Player. Sacred. Holy. Beyondness. Self-Mastery. I/You/We. Infinite in infinite dimensions. Absolute Infinity.
  9. Smarter as in choosing to watch his videos and deconstructing. Not in some ultimate sense. And by creation idea not working one way, do you mean that ''What one does affects all & what all do affects one."? Yes everyone is being themselves & expressing their nature. Leo's bringing clarity to the mind. Kind of like a filter. A true Visionary I would say. Oh I see understanding reality is a meta-domain. Domain of domains.
  10. @Judy2Some misunderstanding happened. I was wishing everyone with Infinite Abundance & all good things & not making list of awakenings. I don't even know what all those phrases actually mean, it just came to me as inspiration. No human concepts are not God. You are God. Yes who is reading this. YOU ARE GOD. YOU ARE GOD. YOU ARE GOD. YOU ARE GOD. YOU ARE GOD. YOU ARE GOD. YOU ARE GOD. YOU ARE GOD. YOU ARE GOD. IT'S RADICAL. IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Ok won't be overly attached to finite perspectives. Thankyou? Yes you are you. I am not sure whether or not you are keeping a list of facets of yourself. Being an aspect of you I would say there's nothing wrong with keeping lists if it serves you. I don't know what 'Godhead' refers to but according to your description it resembles you. Why a poor copy? Let's create an infinitely rich copy. Philosophy is love. I agree on the last part. REAL JOY & REAL UNDERSTANDING IS BECOMING GOD. BEING GOD. Namaste?
  11. WOW. As a kid I always had this question, why anything? And if not anything what remains? As no one seemed bothered by this question I didn't actively engage in that enquiry. Until I met you. So in a sense I am smarter than you, I created you to do all the heavy lifting & bring its essence to me. Such a smartass I am. You are literally my kid self having unlimited questions expanded into Infinity. What I don't understand is why are you still doing it? I have nothing to give to you. Why will you do this for me? You have infinite domains to entertain yourself with. So mind's task is to integrate & unite itself FOREVER & EVER. Thankyou so much master. I promise you I will use the tools for the highest benefit of all that my understanding can hold. Namaste? . I still want answers to above questions.
  12. This is brilliant. You achieving this makes my path clearer. I don't have to put my time and energy into incomplete/limited teachings. Thankyou. ?? The book which makes sense to me is Conversations with God series. Omniscience is possible for me, I got a glimpse of it while watching your video - an advanced explanation of God - Realisation. This is really advanced. I would say Infinitely Advanced. As God is the only reality; all limits & all differences must be imagined and held as Truth in order to explore/know what God is. @Leo Gura as you are part of me which I believe is reasonably awakened who is helping me to show the Truth, Let's reflect right now. So I am writing this sentence believing that it's actually getting published on an internet forum & people will read it. And this believing makes it true. Actuality is the only thing actual. Holy fuck!!!! What manifests depend on what the self desires. As the sentence is being written, desire is getting communicated to myself. And I fulfill my desire just like that. Just like that. No conditions. Direct. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha. You are telling me that you did this type of questioning for years? How have you not gone totally crazy uptil this point? But I get the appeal. It's the ultimate adventure. My personal favourite teaching- what is intelligence. It's beyond the scope of language as language is a tiny portion of consciousness. To put simply what I understood, everything that happens is designed by the Ultimate Master who doesn't make mistakes. Infinite causes & infinite effects working harmoniously entertaining all aspects of me. Infinite Singularity. Incredible. Beyond beyond. Speechless. But Leo, I am just 23 setting up career, preparing to move out of parents place, attracting girlfriend. It's difficult for me to accept I am God. I realise as long as I am gonna say it's difficult it's going to be difficult. It is what I say it is. What we all must do is structure our lives in a way which is best suited for contemplation/spiritual practices if we desire complete understanding in this lifetime. Yes yes I am imagining that there's such a thing as lifetime, what I mean is rapid spiritual growth. Wishing, Infinite Love Infinite Blessings Infinite Power Infinite Synchronicitiy Infinite Abundance Infinite Potential Infinite Wisdom Infinite Guidance Infinite Excitement Infinite Transcendence Infinite Inspiration Infinite Twists Infinite Focus Infinite Healing Infinite Purpose Infinite Truth Infinite Expression To all beings. Grateful such community exists?
  13. Amazing video, so simple and direct. 1. Select the domain/task you want to get effective in. 2. Discover the maximum yield technique in that domain. 3. Practice it consistently without fail. It's so simple yet very profound. Thanks @Leo Gura. This post is about my commitment towards my goals and how I will apply this formula in my life. I have modified this formula & instead of using one high yield technique I will use two high yield techniques. Goal- To be fit, healthy and full of vitality, losing my bellyfat Techniques- 1. Have a Sattvic, raw food vegan diet (I have experimented with this before and it works for sure for better energy levels and aid weight loss, I am planning to eat two raw meals and one cooked meal in a day, with time I will go 100% raw) 2. Cycling daily Goal- Improve meditation and encounter Truth Techniques- 1. Iawake meditation audios ( Infinity lambda and heartwave are my favorites, my monkey mind easily shuts off during these audios & I am able to stay much more aware & see the illusory nature of thoughts very clearly, with regular practice I think I can breakthrough) 2. Shambhavi Mahamudra by Sadhguru ( I recently completed Sadhguru's Inner engineering completion program & it's powerful) Goal- To manifest my desires related to success and business into reality Techniques- 1. Consuming high quality content related to manifestation and law of attraction ( I am looking for a change in paradigm/ mindset/ perspective. Best resources which I found out are-Conversations with God, Bashar, Abraham Hicks, Neville Goddard. For this year I will study the relevant material of these people very religiously) 2. Learning and Practicing Digital Marketing Skills ( I have to set a foundation for my life purpose to actualize, & for that I have to make some money, I am researching about Amazon KDP & Affiliate marketing, these seems promising) I can see how all these techniques and practices are interrelated & will fuel each other & produce great results. Like learning law of attraction will be helpful for manifesting other desires & overall happiness. Meditation will make me more conscious. I will also be using Psychedelics from time to time to skyrocket my growth. I am inspired to implement all this and commit to follow this formula for this whole year. Thanks for reading. All comments, advices, discussions are welcome.
  14. Reading uptil this part already shifted something within me. I had a similar realization where I became conscious that there's no stuff behind the scenes and no mechanics. Any mechanics we imagine are just that, imagination in now. I completely resonate with your post. It's just I see less people talking about it so directly, so I thought maybe I am yet to know deeper truths but you gave me a whole paradigm shift through this post, Thankyou. THIS is already beyond space & time. What can happen in this? Anything. What about liberation? You are already free. Appearance IS Reality.
  15. Which one according to you is the better strategy to living an extraordinary life? (If one's goal is to be financially independent (lots &lots of money) & also exploring the most radical states of consciousness) 1. Identification with thoughts, thinking in order to build pride and earn lots of money & fulfill ones dreams and then after that dis-identification with them in order to realize that there never was a self. 2. First dis-identification with mind and ego in order to understand basic nature or reality, life and one's self and then acting according to that perspective.
  16. According to you, 1. WHAT IS THE MOST STRAIGHTFORWARD & DIRECT WAY OF REALIZING LOVE? 2. HOW TO BE MORE & MORE LOVING TOWARDS EVERYTHING THAT IS? (not just people but also animals and objects?
  17. When you take Psychedelics for the first time and see your reality getting fucked up. When you try to put awakening into words. When you realize that everything that happened, all the people, experiences led to Awakening.
  18. @freeman194673 yes you are thinking of God as some religious God. YOU ARE GOD. Drop all your ideas about God and LOVE. IT'S YOU WHO KNOWS WHAT'S IN YOUR HEAD, AND IF YOU ARE ENOUGH EMPATHETIC YOU WILL KNOW HOW CHILD IS FEELING. If you have a problem with a child getting raped, go create some conscious policies by getting into politics to eliminate rape. Join some community, make a support group, make people aware of their ignorance and give to society tools for psychological growth. ACT. Don't be caught up in theories about God. If God would have been seperate from you, then God couldn't see you suffer. But the thing is, YOU ARE GOD. You suffer because of YOUR IGNORANCE. You choose to suffer. You have control over your actions so do whatever you feel GOD would do in the situation you are facing. It's as simple as that.
  19. There's no hurry. Focus on complete financial independence and understanding personal psychology- What is thought? What is thinking? What is mind? What are emotions-fear, anger, happiness etc.? How does mind work? how society works? How my body works? Not by reading a book but by direct experience and understanding. After all this, naturally a question will arise, "Who am I?" And it will bother you so much that it would be good enough reason for your way towards Spirituality. If you aren't asking yourself who am I, then you are just trying to pursue this because it seems so cool. Sri Ramakrishna said: “Do not seek illumination unless you seek it as a man whose hair is on fire seeks a pond.” But yeah Psychedelics can show you glimpses of it without going through earlier stages of financial independence and understanding of mind which can then lead you towards this path which happened with me. Lastly I will like to add what Leo says, Pursue Truth for truth's sake.
  20. @assx95 don't you wanna know your true existential nature? It's bigger than a experience. It's a knowing. It makes you still. It makes you feel fearless. It makes you feel like a new born child ready to explore the world. Yes sure this urge to know comes at different times to different people. You can give yourself sometime before you jump into it, but when you do there's nothing more important for you than this. This is not some aspect of life but rather this is about the very basis, the very fundamentals of life. And yes you don't know where you will end up but that's the beauty of it not a flaw.
  21. This was the first time I did LSD in a proper setting in my room(earlier did it at parties & with toxic friends), a week before. I watched Leo's "What is Actuality" video just before the trip. It was midnight. 30 mins into the trip, power cut happened and the air cooler in the room started sounding loud, making unusual sounds. That's when the effects kicked in. I experienced sudden rush of fear as the inverter at our home couldn't have handled the load of 3 rooms for a long time. There was a possibility that my brother and my parents could have come to my room. In 10-15 minutes power came back but that sure felt like half hour or so. Thoughts were minimal. Sense of time was distorted. Awe & wonder rose. Played some songs. Reality was kind of flowing, I was no longer controlling things. Music radically deepened my experience. For the first time I was FEELING REALITY in such a deep way. In 5 minutes I danced on 3 different kinds of music. Here are some things I wrote, Raw experience is Reality. Is this what realness feel like, is this what depersonalization feels like? Man I feel so real. Shit is just floating. (Then I drew some random stuff and labelled it as ART) I am feeling complete. I don't need anything. There's only one thing that exists 'BEAUTY'. Concept can never be Actual. This is Actual. RAW.REAL.COMPLETE. Authentic Self Expression. Fully. There's no reason to not to be true to yourself. There's no RIGHT or WRONG. Everything is so ALIVE. I looked at a spider and a mosquito for quite a while and was so lost in their beauty. Simple task like drinking water was such a beautiful experience. I observed my hand and it was no more "MY" hand it was something else. As I was in bathing in the bathtub I tried to explain what is happening and as soon as I tried to think or explain, I laughed. I laughed crazily for a good 5-10 minutes. After this again I took my book, Exploration of the self is the only thing to do. There's nothing to fear. Everything is so crystal clear. It's like rebirth. It's funny how we are caught up in petty human issues. There's so much to this. It is so so so amazing. Reality is nothing but one who is in absolute love with itself. what is internal? what is external? why do I choose to do one action over another action? I feel very new. Surrounding is me. I am reality. Judgement is foolish. Good, bad is foolish. I am foolish too with lots of other things I am. This is it. GOD- Welcome Harsh , To the 2nd chapter of your life. God & I am literally one. I cant stop my laughter. Everything is me. Every other word is equal to every other word. The point is it. There's no other point. There's no need for me to explain my origin. My life will never be the same again. Consciousness is fundamental. LEO FUCKING GURA. YOU & I ARE ONE. HAHAHAHA ONENESS. REALITY IS INFINITE. I AM THE BODY AND I AM ALSO NOT THE BODY. Then I watched Leo's "What is Reality" video and it blew me, I felt that this episode was designed perfectly to suit this moment. It felt like Leo is welcoming me to the other side as my elder brother. I contemplated about my career which is about becoming psychedelic therapist & also about things I will be taking back with me after the trip- GOD IS. STAY SANE, Explore Psychedelics deeply. Speak less. I AM LIFE. Do not be attached to your goals. LIVE TOTALLY. YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR VERY NATURE IS HAPPINESS. ONLY ME. THERE'S ONLY ME HERE. ONLY ME. ONLY ME. MIND, BODY is tool for exploration you idiot. You self deceptive fucker. Understanding of self. Mind is nothing but you talking to yourself. Use it when you need to communicate. It's enough for today. Sleep. I LOVE YOU(myself) Still I wasn't able to sleep. I meditated for a while, it was morning. Then had breakfast and I could feel the food in my body. watched some hot Indian models. Finally slept and after waking up I was much more aware than usual. Contemplated about the trip for 3-4 days. Meditation has improved. One thing that I know is that I don't know a thing about reality. I am much more aware now of what is a belief or a concept & fears.But I am back to normal. I feel I was not able to integrate the experience properly. How do you guys integrate any profound experience that you have? Thanks for staying till the end, I feel so lucky to have found Actualized.org and this forum and this life that I am living. Love you all!
  22. @WaveInTheOcean thankyou very much. Those words just hit me right in the feels. After that trip, day by day my sense of wonder is increasing and I feel like I know so less, desire to understand has skyrocketed. I have gotten much more aware about the fact that language, thoughts, thinking are second order phenomenon and Pure Consciousness is fundamental which cannot be named, symbolised or spoken of.
  23. @knakoo Thankyou, I will surely try this during my next trip. I heard the samples of both the tracks & found them very meditative. Wow that's wonderful. Do you use this for regular meditation also, when you aren't tripping?
  24. I see. Earlier I used to think that TRUTH was some kind of special experience/state. Now I get that it is a meta-understanding. Thankyou so much Leo for the work you do. I have grown so much since I started watching your videos. You are such an inspiration. @Leo Gurawhat is the most important quality needed for getting to the deepest levels and staying committed to the path?(apart from open-mindedness)