Harsh Bagdia

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Everything posted by Harsh Bagdia

  1. I see. I see that I have no fucking clue what this is. Leo it's my dream to experience this. Really. Like really really. I am dead serious. Ofcourse as God I will experience it and when You are experiencing it, I am experiencing it but like talking about this avatars lifetime. Anyways Thanks for sharing this!
  2. @Leo Gura Also let's say Psychedelics are legalised, regulated with proper standards and there is enough research and guidance resources for it. Then how much time approx?
  3. @Leo Gura according to you, how much time in human years approximately it will take for human race to operate on this hyper intelligent level and have the mind similar to that of the Hyper Intelligent Alien Ice Age Scrat ?
  4. Please let me decide what is supposed to lead me. Everybody leads me to God. It is possible. Yes, it was specific conditions within his mind, but why can't I use it as an additional integrating factor in my existing blueprint? He was trying to create such conditions. But we are too busy discussing how his method of creating such conditions should be. I think we will insult our teacher if we continue discussing this as this post has some more important and beautiful things to discuss. This is my opinion. I don't know how Leo was like. It's fine with me if his approach was different. I am going with whatever works best for me. By "accepting it as truth immediately", do you mean that we take it as dogma? I certainly don't. I have watched his video on ideology and dogma and how it is dangerous. And I UNDERSTOOD it at a good level. You don't find it that radical because you are not able to comprehend it or imagine it. Yes, that's the topic. It is alien stuff. Meaning it is so out of normal stuff. Which is why it is interesting. What did you find unstabling in his behavior? Ok, I am done discussing this with you here as it is turning out to be disrespecting and mockery of this thread.
  5. me too blindly trusting him when I am about to take a new psychedelic:-D
  6. Ok so now we are getting to the point. Beautiful. I KNOW that Leo is not attached to being Leader. He is my leader. And of the majority of ours. Because he has proved his expertise and we can see his expertise in the field of understanding and realizing and communicating spiritual truths. And it's not like anyone is blindly following him. If someone is please don't. How will the world function without leaders? And I bet you that Leo will create more leaders in the world because that's his thing. Read what has he written: You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo. If this is not inspiring (which it is), you come up with something. I will gladly follow you if I see some benefit. Unless why would I or anyone?
  7. Give me some motivation for why should I even read this long seemingly non-sensible explanation. Some dollars maybe. kidding bro! I will certainly read this and we will have a proper discussion like mature men. So I at the first sight read your last statement. Dear Scholar, I really wish from the bottom of my heart that you experience the kind of thing that Leo experienced. And not just you. All humans and souls and beings reading this! This is profound stuff. Yes, I mocked you. I feel sorry that this may have hurt you. Yes so if you are frustrated with Leo you can and you should express your frustration by making a different post on the forum regarding the topic whatever your frustration is. This thread is about Leo becoming Alien Hyper Intelligent Mouse. Please don't ruin the fun. Anyways, nice meeting you. No Scholar I don't feel threatened. Nowadays not much threatens me. I feel like God.
  8. @Leo Gura We will love to see this!! Congratulations Leo for this Awakening! This is the most profound description of God I have ever heard. Absolutely Beautiful! Also, how can we access it? What will fuel the chances of reaching this kind of state of consciousness? Maybe learning new different languages and a wide variety of poetry? And can we access it through LSD higher dose?
  9. Why doesn't it make sense? and existence is an impossibility? please check and tell me If you exist or not. And why are we even discussing this? Why can't you agree that you are pissed off/jealous of Leo? It seems the only one who is getting deluded & damaged by this wonderful description is you. I believe you will experience this kind of state one day surely! Don't worry.
  10. ????????? So sorry but I can't stop laughing about this one! Dude, what happened to you are you ok? How do you expect anyone to communicate if everyone goes by your standards of thinking and perceiving? You are essentially saying - I is I , You are you, is is is, was is was, beauty is beauty, everything is everything. Like wtf are you trying to say, bro? what are you smoking? Don't you see that beauty of language and reality and mind is in relativity of them. How chair relates to cushion, how some humans relate to dumb, how some humans relate to smart. No but, but is but, and humans are humans. ??????
  11. We will love to see this!! Congratulations Leo for this Awakening! This is the most profound description of God I have ever heard. Absolutely Beautiful! Also, how can we access it? What will fuel the chances of reaching this kind of state of consciousness? Maybe learning new different languages and a wide variety of poetry? And can we access it through LSD higher dose?
  12. @Scholar please speak for yourself. What Leo experienced and described is something that many of us, might be all of us, have heard the first time and it is out-of-this-world information. This is not just helping information but transforming information. And this is way beyond falling into delusion and ideology. This is about what consciousness is capable of. If someone's deluded it's one with a beginner form of intelligence and not an advanced form of intelligence. Please, I request you to humble yourself and have an attitude of learning and understanding. Who is saying to not be skeptical? True skepticism allows all kinds of psychic phenomena to exist.
  13. @Leo GuraI can sense that God is Intelligence but how God is Love? What is Love? And How does Intelligence relates to Love? And What is God?
  14. @Leo Gura can you please describe more about this alien hyper intelligence mouse? What were its powers apart from intelligence and interconnected mind? Like how were you feeling physically? Give us some more description so that we can imagine it.
  15. Leo you are an Inspiration So lucky to be existing in your times. I hope I experience what you experienced one day?????
  16. Leo, You are Ganesha, The God of Intelligence, You were riding your Mooshak. ????
  17. I did not even start the poetic description yet and I am already all hyper excited
  18. ease up dude. I couldn't care less about your energy reading. If you want to prove you are smarter than me then meet me in PM.
  19. Time to go to sleep. Indian time is around 10 hours ahead of US time.
  20. Please don't read this thread further as it may turn out to be even sillier?
  21. No, they are not. For example- According to you, Are people who are running towards more and more money without any higher purpose thinking they will reach happiness that way stupid? If yes, then hear me out. Maybe it was necessary for them to collect "Xyz" amount of money in order to realize that it doesn't mean anything in itself. And they then go on the journey to find the Self. And realized happiness in the present moment. After that, they used that money for some great use that is meaningful to them and others. In this case, they are not stupid, just have a different level of consciousness than you. And what you or I can learn from such people is - those qualities that resonate with us and are helpful in our growth. Calling someone stupid blocks that opportunity to learn. At the very least we can learn to not act this way. Also, it is not necessary that what we think is stupid is actually stupid because we don't know to what end does a thing occur! Ultimately speaking, everything is God's Infinite Intelligence at work. You only taught this to us! PS- I know you know all this, just enjoying sharing my perspective
  22. @Leo Gura isn't "humans are silly" your judgment? According to me, Nothing is stupid or silly. This is true & everything helps everything. Please share some more light on this. Thanks.
  23. Yes, Ashtavakra Gita is very direct and on point. No practices and stuff and deep inquiry into the nature of reality. @BipolarGrowth thanks for sharing this video. One more great resource I will like to share - These audios helped me to start the journey and they are pretty beginner friendly I must say. Highly recommended!