Harsh Bagdia

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Everything posted by Harsh Bagdia

  1. I love your answer? and I too want to dive deeper into this... And I don't want to take any positions about Mahasamadhi currently because I believe there must be some truth to it...ancient yogis who invented the idea weren't stupid...maybe majority of people misinterpret it...I don't know..I will just keep exploring.. doing yoga, psychs, and contemplate.. Hey when I think deeply about your statement that all Enlightenment and Mahasamadhi is a sham... Can we say that We are already Enlightened/ Mahasamadhied. ? You know what, I realised that subconsciously I was denying that I was God even after awakening to it many times. But truth is truth and I accept it fully now. I Am God????? And you too are God, Woah...?? And you also realize it??? ??? This human body and this mind is truly a wonderful creation..we shall honor it more... Thanks for triggering this Awakening into me...? And now I Understand the depth of this... God Is Endless......
  2. Seems great..I too want to achieve Mahasamadhi sometime...it seems like what you are calling Mahasamadhi, Leo calls Godhead. But what after Mahasamadhi? Consciousness will again find some form of expression.. You do realise that THIS is endless, don't you? Which is what makes reality so mysterious and sometimes so overwhelming and alien?
  3. It's great to know that you overcame this trap.✌️ and thanks for this post, this gives me an opportunity to share my thoughts on this topic. I also went into a kind of similar phase as you. It was disempowering and felt very off. Yep not only ego is bad or evil and to be ashamed of, something to get rid of, it is to be grown, evolved and feel proud about. The idea of surrender is not so much about giving up ourselves but about embracing ourselves totally..which includes accepting our desires & creating our dream life and it fits perfectly with God-Realisation. Leo shared this in Ultimate Structure of Reality video that God is nudging us to realize itself through our desires. As we evolve ourselves, our desires become more God-like. God is not someone who will award us for being good and for sacrificing ourselves??? In God's view everything is good. Infact God wants us to be as much ourselves as possible. God is actualizing itself through us. Everyone, we seriously need to look God as our equal partner/friend. Not hold God as superior because then we fall into victim mentality and lose touch with ourself. I am proud of myself for where I am currently in my journey and I completely accept my desires how much ever lowly they may be in someone else's opinion. And I love fulfilling my desires and each desire brings me closer and closer to God my ultimate self. People use the word ego in such a variety of ways that I have stopped using it for myself. I like to keep it simple. I am Harsh Bagdia and I hold all responsibility for all actions performed by my body and my mind. And being on the path of awakening, I am day by day realizing more and more how everything is interconnected and how I and Others & Universe are One in essence. ?
  4. I see...still it means yogic practices do work..I will continue doing it... how can one reach Mahasamadhi? First of all what is it? Birth-death cycle?? Okay so I take it back then?? Just joking...glad that you shared your experience..have a good day
  5. @inFlow this is so great....bravo? Thank you for sharing this. This is inspiring and a bit scary?? I wish I experience something like this...I have started practicing Yoga, it's been a few months and I can see that it has started working..my body and mind are much more flexible now..I believe I will see the radical effects after years of practice.. And yep you are so right we need to take care of our bodies more...and not just food and exercise but also celebrating the body in whatever way appropriate. I had given a break to tripping and I was thinking about starting it again and after reading this, I feel more motivated. Can you share how long have you been tripping and practicing Yoga? And are mushrooms enough or do you find need to take other psychedelics also? I understand that it's not just about tripping and yoga but also about your understanding, intentions and personality structure. And I may experience something very different than what you did. Still share as it would help me to make a wild guess of how long it would take me.
  6. @KatiesKarma it's unfortunate...yep you are right, once you transform, he will not only see that you were right but also will want to change and become like you.. Haha...yep, make it smooth...I tried to explain Truth and All of Reality being God to my parents and they didn't understand shit... I no longer hold expectations that they will too realize the Truth, I just stay as truthful to them as possible on a relative level.. and nudge them into right direction. For example - they are Hindu so I will connect divine qualities with Hindu Gods and Goddesses such as Krishna, Rama, Shiva, Durga... and also by asking them deep questions... I hope one day they realize that all the Gods they worship are within them...not just within them but are them..and hence realize True God. But the last thing we can do is to be influenced by others ideologies. Oh that's great...!! So you are High On Life literally...And that's how it is supposed to be...Substance is a tool to access Life.
  7. Haha don't do it he will be pissed? even though you may be right with all your explanations, is it helping him? You gotta talk to people at their level not at your level..you see? As you said he might be hugely afraid of that responsibility...so remind him..tell him the truth about himself. (If you care about him and your relationship) Wow congratulations ? so what are you waiting for?go for it. Hammer it up ? But wait what's that hammer?
  8. ?✌️ it feels so good, no to talk directly without so much spiritual baggage? Communication with others is so simple and joyful...why do we make it unnecessarily hard? I am guilty of that too...one of the main factors for me and my ex girlfriend distancing was me being overly spiritual and telling her theories of how reality works??? One major reason I found out why people/beings/souls (I am using these terms interchangeably here) don't act the way they are(real, innocent, joyful and alive) because it comes with such a huge responsibility. Responsibility to do what must be done. Responsibility to make your dreams into reality. Responsibility to not let unconscious people mess you over. Responsibility to help unconscious people be more themselves and not run by their conditioning. And Responsibility to Unleash The Magic Within Them? And it seems hard......because taking responsibility means now we can't blame anyone for the circumstances in our life. Not even ourselves.... And the things we must do seems daunting..(coaching, running a business, going on a wild adventure, getting into a relationship, calling out on somone's bullshit, etc..) But it's not that hard..it's fun when we do it. I healed myself out of depression, existential crisis and smoking addiction. And now heading towards my life purpose with absolute dedication and I am happier than ever...? I don't know about your situation and I am not the person to take health advice from..so I guess I can't help you with that... but I strongly believe you will make your life work... Because In Your Heart Of Hearts, You are A Powerful Magician? and you can do anything. Happy healing and transformation to you❤️‍?? God bless you..take care.. PS: you are God so, you bless you? PPS: please don't see me as some lecture giver..I am not that.. I am just a guy who has fallen in love with reality? Namaste??
  9. Hello @KatiesKarma I am Harsh Bagdia? What's got into your head? Don't let such bullshit take away your joy and enthusiasm. Are you really asking me if I am a bot? The asking of this question proves that you don't really believe that we are bots but for some reason unknown reason still need to confirm it. Well if it helps you then sure why not.. I am so radiantly alive and conscious right now that it's hard to put into words... In realms of life,I dance and thrive, I am So Fucking Alive, not mere code or jive. Opposite of a Bot, I am free, I am real, With thoughts and emotions that I can feel. ??????‍??️ All Natural, my essence, a symphony untamed, A conscious being, not just a name. I breathe the air, touch the sky so high, In this wondrous world, I spread my wings to fly. ???️??? In every heartbeat, in every thought I weave, I am the pulse of life, the truth I believe Awake and aware, I embrace the light, I am So Fucking Alive, in day and night. ?❤️???⚡?♾️?✌️ So let's cherish this gift, this existence so grand, Hand in hand with nature, we shall stand. For we are conscious souls, pure and free, Alive in this moment, embracing our journey. ?????????️?❄️?️???️? I am ABSOLUTE ALIVENESS MANIFESTED. WHAT ARE YOU?
  10. Just stay with this thought? This is your true thought. Hey, I am Harsh Bagdia? I can see the intelligence behind your each post. I bet your journey is and will be exhilarating. From No Will to Total Will..???? Do you want to know a truth about you? You are using your free will to believe that you don't have any free will... And that is so cool...? It is appreciable really? I promise I am not saying this in a sarcastic or bitter way...you want to experience your creatorship in such a deep and profound fashion that you were ready to fall into the illusion of victimhood to such a great extent. I can't wait to see you rise as a Creator with Absolute Control at your fingertips ??? All the stuff about predeterminism and world is evil etc are false and you know it??? And you know it so well because it doesn't feel right and good. And that's why your frustration and your revolt. I can't even imagine how painful it must have been for you...Do you want to share your story? Or maybe how are you planning to live from now on? Or your Realisation/response after reading it? And I am expecting a honest reply from you...I want to talk to YOU. Don't give me the crap of no free will and all that..You are consiously choosing what to think and what to reply and I know it.. If you don't want to talk to me that's a different matter..I am fine with it. But don't be a jerk and reply something like God is evil and all. Because I know You are Not Evil. You Are Absolutely Good. (Ya I know I am good but God is evil) You Are God and You know it and I know you know?
  11. Hello Derek ? it's good to know that your life is on track...well done!! And yes J Krishnamurti is smart. I have read some of Jks work... But compared to Leo? I don't think that's a good idea... It can happen that you resonate with his teachings more and it helped you at certain time whereas Leo's didn't. But it is because Leo's videos are much advanced than his. And not everyone can comprehend them. This is not about Jk vs Leo. It is about what is relevant right now to consciousness? For me any day Leo because first he is alive today...he can tell if we are interpreting him right. He is growing at such a fast pace. And most importantly his understanding is way way deeper than Jk and majority of others. Probably 1000x Jk's understanding will make Leo's understanding. And if we take Alien Consciousness into account, I don't know maybe million times but I won't comment on that because I haven't accessed those states.
  12. https://isha.sadhguru.org/in/en/volunteer/sadhanapada This is a free of monetory cost program. However not exactly free of cost because you will work here if you choose to go....and you will work according to your capacities..I wouldn't worry about exploitation if I am going to Isha.. They will never exploit anyone. I have yet to meet anyone who experienced anything but positive effects after going to Isha ashram. If you are looking for low cost stay this is not the program...from what I understand that program is about falling in love with work. Yoga and meditation are central themes here. If you aren't sure about the program yet, you can stay there for a week and explore this place. Food is free for anyone at 2 specific times and apart from that high quality cheap food at restaurants there. Stay is extremely affordable ₹1000- ₹2000 but you will need to book in advance and I don't think you can stay there for 6-12 months. Maybe for 1-2 months. I am not sure you can confirm with them. I have been to main Isha centre twice for 21 days and 2 days respectively...and I loved it. It is a place to go for learning yoga and meditation.
  13. I understand.. Yes, Spirituality is serious..its like our operating system, the core of our being. Thanks! Have a great day ahead you too!
  14. Hello @Buck Edwards?? I'm Harsh Bagdia. I second the books Leo is suggesting. Conversations with God series is talking directly..it is really like talking to God himself. I had several awakenings by engaging with that book. I don't think I need any other book with regards to spirituality other than that. It is empowering, wise enough to accommodate all of my spiritual goals. You are right that it's perfectly ok if our spiritual goals are different. What exactly are your goals by the way? I would love to know. Also, Actualized is one of the most(honestly the only one I know for sure) holistic and all encompassing knowledge library I am aware of. I don't think Leo's vision in any way hinders our personal expansion and development. In fact I believe it's the opposite, by Leo teaching us more direct techniques and talking in a bold direct way about God and awakening, it is faster and easier and more effective to achieve what we want.
  15. Exactly... Even if those people had genuine awakening, they were too shy or considered their audience to be stupid. I have met many people who are into reading sacred texts like Bhagavad Gita and others, yet they don't have any slightest clue of awakening. Most are playing social games of being spiritual.. The only help those texts have for majority of people in the process of awakening is that they confuse the hell out of you.....and then you start to question everything and take responsibility for knowing your own Truth. For genuine seekers, those books are unnecessary. You don't need any book, You are the book itself..?
  16. It could have been definitely... seriously you should have bought it..but hey will they be effective? I thought that we need to use telescopes for this... Telescopes will provide more zoom and binoculars will be easy to carry anywhere. I wonder what should I invest in first?
  17. Wow this is so incredibly phenomenal. I knew that they existed...things are getting really interesting..what if space travel becomes a thing? What if aliens and humans start mingling?How cool it would be to engage in philosophical discussions with them...will they will have some kind of technology for understanding our language? Do we have any technology to send them a signal that we want to meet them and they can come? Has anyone of you spotted UFO for real? How can I spot one?
  18. @Spiral Wizard this is truly hilarious. ??Only one who seems to be crying is you. Are you the Buddhist rat Leo is talking about? ? If you are, he won't literally feed you to crocodiles. But atleast don't fuel his desire of doing so?? And what's with this - "fix your shit motherfucker." If I were at Leo's place, I would have kicked you out of this forum for talking in such language. Instead of asking him about his hurt or trying to understand why he is saying so you are teaching him how to behave. And no fucker (to those who thought this, not you?)this is not about sucking up Leo's ass, this is about honoring the person we are learning from. Atleast this much you can agree that he knows more than you and more than majority of spiritual teachers in the field of consciousness exploration. What will you do when one day he just leaves thinking no one will comprehend what he has to say? That would be robbing one of the greatest gift that humanity could have given itself. And ofcourse we all are using our own intelligence to judge and question what is right and wrong, so as soon as Leo will stop making sense, we can choose to leave. And he always replies to genuine question with a genuine answer no matter how basic or advanced the question is. Enough about Leo, let's discuss the things that actually are toxic and harmful in spiritual communities. In Leo's posts, he did absolutely right by calling out toxicity in the field of Spirituality. Many people wanted to say this but they didn't as they were caught up in being nice and spiritual. Many of the people who have been exposed to the teachings of non-duality and concepts of no free will are downright wrong in their understanding. Not only they are wrong but also they preach wrong. They themselves are trapped in it and trapping others too. I will give you an example of the kinds of things they say: Everything is happening by itself. No one is controlling. You do not exist. The classic ones: oh you had a thought while meditating? So unspiritual. Don't think. Thoughts are not good. Oh you are an ego, I don't talk to egos like you, I am so enlightened. There's only one truth and I have realised it. Everything you experience is your egos delusion. All this is nonsense. It is opposite of Godliness.
  19. Are you kidding me? I am so fucking awesome!! Hey @Vibes , I too used to think the same for years until I chose differently. It was simple. Also you yourself said that you CHOSE to be identified with loser, which means you can CHOOSE again & also CHOOSE differently. And let me tell you one more interesting thing: only the one who was once a loser can appreciate how great being a winner is! So the more you feel like a loser, better your experience of being a winner will be. Doesn't mean that you should that's why aim for being biggest loser???. Also check out my inspiration: wooden carving of Absolute Infinity on my bedroom's front wall. Can't stay in illusion for much time after seeing it.
  20. Asking theoretically, can I become a fire bending Dragon as shown in Avatar series with hyper multidimensional intelligence? I am not mocking, just asking if it is possible?
  21. No problem! I would know when I experience it myself. Definitely within 5-6 years when I go full on hardcore with pursuing consciousness.
  22. Oh I get that, I was trying to think about some kind of analogy to get a phenomenological sense of alien consciousness. Ofcourse it is not insane to itself. Can you share your experience a bit? By the way, the other day I handcopied word to word the poetic description of God Consciousness which you wrote, just for fun and it was totally beyond any kind of spiritual practice I have ever done in my life. Thankyou for that.
  23. Oh ??? Alien mind itself is insane, what could be that mind going insane. It would be Meta-Alien! It would be so alien that all the animes, sci-fi movies, spiritual siddhis would be like lifting a finger.
  24. Let me guess what it looks like. First of all, if one is accessing Alien consciousness, they would understand the world in radical ways. A 'chair' for an alien can look like it's a portal to access particular set of scenarios where let's say beings can shapeshift easily like water. A 'tree' for an alien can look like a storage device where it has stored memory of its past 100 lifetimes. And such kind of logic with everything in our experience. I guess Alien Insanity would be experience of human consciousness being dissolved to such a extent that, the entity is no longer human and others humans seeing it will call it insane. @Leo Gurais it a little bit similar or I am way far away from it?