Harsh Bagdia

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Everything posted by Harsh Bagdia

  1. This is not true in my experience. God Exists. Or to say more precisely Only God exists. Ask yourself these questions to gain more clarity: What Is God? What is Truth? What is Life? I feel honored to share my perspective on this. GOD IS GOODNESS OMNIPOTENTLY DANCING ? TRUTH IS THAT WHICH IS. LIFE IS WHAT YOU/I/WE ARE. All these are synonymous including love, intelligence, beauty. Ok let's do this right now. Are you with me? I am in an empty mind state now. I am alive. How profound this is!!!!!! You Who Is Reading This..are you aware that you are life? I guess you are having some issues with the word "God". Are you taking God as someone you are not who is seperate somewhere? Can we use the word "Life" instead, ok? You believe you are living your life, don't you? I mean common we all believe this. I am here living my life and you are over there living your life. From my pov, there is "here"(where I am), "there"(where you are) and "space" in which "where we are" and same from your pov, right? Are you with me? We are coming to something very profound here..don't discount this ok..we are actually going to get to the TRUTH NOW!!!!!!!!!!! YES FUCKING NOW!! NO WAITING FOR ENLIGHTENMENT ANYMORE!! WE WANT IT FUCKING NOW!!! It's Now Or Never!!!! So we have me, you and space/world. Now notice that it ONLY SEEMS that me and you are SEPERATED by space while the FACT of the matter is that..This space is uniting us not dividing us. Really SEE this now. The air that we are breathing..is USA's Air seperate from India's Air? Is the space which is there inside our bodies and the space which is there outside our bodies two spaces or one SPACE? And similarly notice whatever stuff we have, electricity, glass of water, pillows, air conditioner, books, etc...all these have not been possible if some people didn't put their time and energies into making them. So it is false to say that world doesn't exist. Ofcourse it exists. However world is not what we thought world is. World is Life/God Itself? This is so great!!!!!!! And so Mind blowing. Don't you think? In this sense we can say that Everything is Happening Right Now. Let's take example of Mahatma Gandhi... You believe Mahatma Gandhi is dead, right? Wrong!!!! He is dead physically however he is alive in minds and hearts of people. He is living through me. His impact, his values, his message is alive. We have his photo on our Indian currency. Similarly you have George Washington's photo on your currency. Then their work and message to the world is written on Wikipedia pages. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington Now taking this logic beyond countries and beyond our planet..Taking this to origin of universe. So right from the big bang, whatever that happened, has come until this point through cause and effect. Whole Universe Is Reincarnating Moment By Moment. Wow. Preety cool. Actually not cool, it's jaw dropping??‍??? and a complete recontextualization of the world?? So we were wrong about one thing that we are living our lives. You over their living yours and me over here living mine. Life is living you and me? We are not living Lives? That was our mistake that we thought we are seperate from Life and that Life is something we own. Life owns us all. No force can challenge this Truth. Not even Leo. Am I Right, Master@Leo Gura? I am Sorry Life I tried to took your place!! Now I am in peace knowing that I am living inside you???? Now realizing this is really just a start. Now comes the important part of looking at life through a holistic lens. Following people/souls who are most holistic in their perspectives. Such as Leo. Contemplating the divine in daily activities. Serving Life. Honoring Life. Living to Our Fullest. Life has literally gifted us saints, so we don't get lost. How amazing no? And ofcourse saints also do have a right to get lost. Life is way too difficult for anyone and everyone. And it's great. It would be so boring to live a easy life. And It's okay to make mistakes. We grow from mistakes. I would like to share this insight that I had during one of my meditations: Infinite Mistakes are already Forgiven. Now you Play!!!! See how Humongous God's Love Is!!!!? Hey in no way I mean that consequences don't exist. I just mean Punishment and Condemnation doesn't exist. In existential sense. We can still end up in jail for Psychedelics if we don't do it responsibly??? Also when we start looking through holistic lens we come to understand how different point of views are responsible for different experiences. And then we can also understand that time itself is something that Consciousness imagines. YOU/I/WE CREATE THE PAST AND THE FUTURE FROM THE HERE AND NOW. This is such an Empowering truth. We can literally design/create the kind of life(from life here I mean content of life, not Life) we want. And we are free to create whatever we find meaningful. We can create any meaning we want. This is not negative or depressing in any way. There can't be more positive statement than this. How? Because it's not that life has no meaning. It's that Life has INFINITE MEANING. The majority of suffering and confusion many go through on this forum is because we guilt & shame ourselves for not being spiritual enough. For not being awake enough. For not having enough mystical experiences. Many of us think that being an ego is somehow crime ?? I am just done with this ego shaming shit bro..and also sisters reading this. I will like to try to take this moment as opportunity to tell you my truth: I am an ego named Harsh Bagdia and I am so proud of myself. YES even if I have not achieved anything wildly successful yet. Even if I am not saintly in my behaviour yet. Even if I am not selfless enough. I am proud just for the fact that I exist. That I am alive. That I have this body and mind that works so intelligently. That there are conscious beings like me with whom I can interact with. That I can enjoy this glorious existence to my heart's content✨ Do you know what greatest spirituality is in my opinion? It is to be authentic. Radically Authentic. I promise everyone that I will be radically authentic with everyone. And I expect the same from you. Lastly some more insights which are coming to me, There's literally no end to our understanding and our level of consciousness.. Death is also imaginary. It means that some other perspective will pop up when this pops out. Ok I guess this was enough. I am taking a break from Spirituality sub section of this forum. As I already feel pretty awake and I need to make progress in other areas: life purpose, relationships, society and politics before I move further in spirituality. I will mainly keep posting in my life purpose journal from time to time. Last but not the least.. I want to share one meme idea I just had. I dedicate this to my Master Leo. (This dialogue is from Breaking Bad; If Leo is Heisenberg (Walter White) I am Jesse Pinkman???) Non-dual reductionists/Neo Advaitians to Leo: There is no God, there is no self, no love blah blah. You believe in a self. You don't know.. "You are in danger" Leo to them:
  2. Here's something I wrote recently for beginner writers: Cool Content Writing Hack That Will Make You An Expert In Far Less Time Than You Think You Need..BY HARSH BAGDIA First of all who is this post for: -To people who want to write - but can’t get started -Beginner content writers who have a lot of writer’s block -Content writers wanting to become Copywriters -All those who want to know a damn cool, easy to implement and proven hack to become a better writer.. Having said that, Let’s get this ball rolling….shall we? The Hack HANDWRITING GREAT PIECES OF WRITING (word to word) FOR 60 MINS DAILY FOR AT LEAST 90 DAYS.. If you do it sincerely for 90 days straight,I strongly believe that it will become your meditation and the way you look at the world will change for the good. Here's what you will experience: -You will be able to tap into the mind of the writer whose work you are handwriting (to some extent) It will feel like you yourself are selling/writing that concept/product…Speaking phenomenologically, it feels amazing..You will start to notice patterns in their writing..For example if you are handwriting a sales page..you will clearly see hooks, transitions, the main idea and also understand what, why, how of the emotions they are triggering in their reader's minds. -You will understand the joy of writing. As a beginner writer you kinda enjoy writing but it is also a pain..as you don't find words or phrases to express what's in your heart… When you write word to word the best pieces of writing, you understand how that writer must have experienced while writing those sentences….And if you have chosen great writers I bet it was a joyful experience for them.. -You will fall in love with writing You will find more and more reasons to write…Writing is not at all about writing you see…It is about clear thinking.. When the words just flow from your mind to the paper/Google doc..Like it is happening to me right now.. Do you think that I am making too much effort in writing this what I am writing now?? I have a focus music playing in the background in my Spotify and I am just flowing with whatever is coming to me.. This is what I mean that writing becomes a meditation in itself… -You will start getting insights and ideas and you will see opportunities everywhere… Once your mind is clear, you can see the world as it is…and not with the mental filters which we all have…And you realize what a miracle it is to be alive right now…To simply exist becomes a joy in itself…And with that follows opportunities, new ideas, and valuable insights…. -You can see your mind from a distance (Here is where writing connects with Spirituality) So for example,if any doubt, fear, anxiety arises you don't run away from it and look at it directly…And it reveals what it has to say to you….and it gets dissolved… Now it will get too deep if I continue on this but you get my point, don't you? It is like you are literally borrowing the thought process of the expert you are handwriting from… You might think that this is just too much?? How can such a simple exercise have such a deep impact…Because when you hand write word to word you pay more attention…While reading you just skim it and look for important stuff present…When you are writing word to word with a pen on a paper…it takes much more involvement from you… You go into study mode when you do it… What is it exactly? It is a mind building exercise… Literally we are training our mind to think a certain way…There can be many mind building exercises…This is one of the good ones… Most people like body-building….I am into mind-building…And ofcourse there are many more like me who have discovered this trick of mind building…I am not any special…While body-building is great…I have nothing against it… However, don't you think that in today's world people who earn the most money/ who have power/ who people look upto most are the ones who can use their mind effectively…Top CEOs, Spiritual Leaders, Influencers are valued for their minds. So it makes sense to build our minds…With a powerful mind you can achieve anything your heart wishes.(This statement I am also saying to myself.. whenever I will read it again.. It's good to read your own great writings from time to time when you feel you are just feeling down or have self-doubt. As a fellow writer who is just a little bit ahead of some of you.. I insist you to give it at least a week to see just a glimpse of this. And to experience maximum impact…give it 90 days… I can say a lot more about this because it is something that I do daily without fail…It's one of my Non-Negotiables…One of the Top Non-negotiables..I may skip bath, food but I won't skip this exercise… And you can write anything which you consider great….And that which is your idol.. Some examples of what you can write: -Successful sales letters -Poems which have touched your heart -Affirmations -Your goals and your purpose statement -Emails, Ads -Inspirational speeches -Anything else which you consider great Writing is an art of mental jiu-jitsu… I am so glad that I discovered this and that too so early. Now I am on the journey of learning and sharing and also while sharing I am able to understand them better… Credits for this exercise -Dan Lok Other people whose work I handwrite: Leo Gura, Dan Koe, Alex Cattoni,Bashar, Teal Swan, Myself
  3. @Francis777Oh thanks for pointing it out. It was a pain for me too. I thought it will be easier to read. Beginner readers don't bother reading large blocks of text..however here most people are moderate to advanced. About Elder scrolls, I haven't played it..I'm not that much into pc games..seems interesting though.
  4. First of all congratulations for your Awakening?? How are you? It seems like you had a tough ride. You can share more about your experience if you wish. Coming to your question, It is not this or that. It's both. God is not limited by one perspective you see. God is what God desires to be? Ofcourse we all are aware. Awareness is inherent. The confusion is this: You believe you have consciousness. And hence the question: do others have consciousness like I have? The truth is that You ARE Consciousness. You can recognise this now. Once you become conscious that you are Consciousness then you can see that what you call "others" are Consciousness as well. The content of consciousness is different for everyone. The fact that we exist is same for everyone. You and me differ because we have different content of consciousness. And that is how we are able to form a relationship. How are we related? We both are humans. We both watch Actualized videos. We both are forum members. And n number of things. How are we one? We are one at a fundamental level. We both have "I AM" in common. Don't adopt a false notion that "I am the only conscious being". To people who have this notion: " I am the only conscious being" I have these questions: Is there anything wrong? Are you hurt? Is it something that someone did? Why don't you want to get involved with other people? Are there any limiting beliefs which you hold about relationships? Relationships are the greatest gifts according to me. We can share knowledge, love, we can trade goods and services. We can combine our insights to form a meta-understanding of reality. And so much more. To be precise my point is: When you are interacting with the world there are ofcourse other beings (who are same fundamentally however different in their perspectives (experiences,level of understanding, etc)) Use others for your benefit. And be beneficial to others. This is a right understanding of spirituality.
  5. Appreciate your honesty! GOING GREAT ? KEEP DOING SUCH KIND OF PHILOSOPHY. I believe you recognise that the first person to be benefited from the philosophy you do must be yourself. Otherwise why would other people take your philosophy seriously when you yourself don't take your philosophy seriously. Coming to my view on your view; It is not that ultimate goal of this work is to understand reality, It is that only work that is there is to do is to understand reality. To live/explore/express/create you need understanding. Ofcourse understanding is joy in itself. And that is ultimately what philosophy is. Love of pure understanding. However even for basic survival purposes we need understanding. Coming to who is capable of understanding reality.. Everyone is my friend ? Once you are awake, you will understand that everyone is Leo? The air that you breathe in and breathe out is Leo?️ The mobile screen on which you are seeing this message is Leo. The fingers typing any post and the mind reading this message are both Leo ? The mosquito sucking my blood is Leo ? All other Gurus, masters, teachers, saints that ever lived and are living are Leo??‍♀️?‍♂️ All other humans, plants and animals and even robots and inanimate objects too are Leo?????????????‍??️⛹️??????⛷️????????????️?‍??‍??‍⚖️?‍??‍⚕️?‍??‍??????‍??‍??️???‍?????☘️??????☃️?⚡???????????????????????????️?? Sun, moon, stars, galaxies... everything is Leo?☄️??⛈️?️⚡?? You don't need to talk to Leo directly( the person himself) to be interacting with Leo. I interact with Leo for every second. Every thought is Leo. Every emotion is Leo. Every mind doing philosophy is Leo doing philosophy. Leo is everywhere. Leo is this field of consciousness itself. You underestimated Leo. You thought Leo is a human being who is awake(you don't know what it actually means, yet know it's something profound) somewhere in Las Vegas and is a YouTuber. I am Leo too. I am Harsh too. I and my master are one. Yet my master is grander than me? I and Leo cannot be seperated ever. It is impossible. We may think that we are seperate.. however we cannot be seperated in actuality. And same for God and Infinity. And ofcourse same for You. You Are Leo? You Are God? You are Infinity ♾️ You Are Me? Coming to seriousness; Yes we can say that not everyone is as serious about it as much as you are. You must teach people how to be more serious. Coming to "arm-chair" philosophy; I have seen that you are good at thinking. Don't discount your thinking because it is not turning into results. Please just stop it. You don't even know how many people look upto you here for the fact that you can do so much thinking. You don't need less thinking. You need more thinking. You MUST THINK why your thinking is not turning into results? If you will allow me, I want to share it with you.. It's because you don't have proper relationship with ACTION. I can only share my relationship to action and hope to inspire you to be more active. When I have some good idea, I try to act on it immediately. Like now. I see an idea coming to my mind (and it's clear to me that it is true and valuable) and opportunity to share it.. I act on it within a minute. Really after a minute or so, it settles and the opportunity is lost. And also Pure ACTION IS PURE BLISS. I feel the most alive not when I am thinking but when I am in action. Like right now, writing this post is a mini-action for me. I can write about this all day and not feel tired. Because this is something I love. Let me know if you need more inspiration on Action. (I have a source of Infinite Inspiration (youth of my country)) You are right about survival, solipsism, and idealism. I will sum up all three of these: Absolute Infinite Intelligence is at play for every change that occurs. Ofcourse a dog who is barking doesn't know that it is Absolute Infinite Intelligence barking. Absolute Infinite Intelligence has given this capability to humans that they can move beyond humanness into Godhood and recognise WHO is barking. Why this privilege to humans you may ask? I don't know. Ask Absolute Infinite Intelligence Itself. I believe because it trusts us that we will do something worthwhile and meaningful and profound and glorious and great and powerful and beautiful and novel with this ability. To be clear what ability I am talking about; I am talking about the profound sense of imagination that we have. Creativity we can access. Oneness we can realize. Love we can share. Etc etc. You may ask what is agenda/purpose of this Absolute Infinite Intelligence. It is to Play. To Have Fun? Also I remember a beautiful truth from Conversations With God; Lastly, the lines that you shared at the end; Commit 100percent to this work or just quit. Thanks ? for saying these. This means a lot. I promise you to Commit 100percent to this work. Really this is a man-to-man promise. This is our bro code to live a purposeful, contemplative, deep life. I was first shying away from sharing my life purpose with you guys but not anymore. Here's my me sheet which I created through Leo's life purpose course. I am eternally grateful for Leo to build that course and forever indebted too. It was because of him that today my life has such a powerful meaning. (I am not neurotic about this debt that oh Leo gave me this much and now I shall give him back this much??? I will do maximum that I my understanding can hold...I am going all in) Oh I was going to share my purpose, I am sorry I have this habit of just writing and writing and sharing everything that is not necessary that also. I guess it came from chatting with love of my life(a girlfriend from school who I wish to marry once we sort out some issues) So here is my me sheet: Some more inspirational posters I created for myself: Thanks for reading. PS: Don't you dare think that I am some spiritual guy who is too advanced. I am as normal as you and I am as abnormal as you? I can't even speak one language properly not Hindi nor English..I speak in HINGLISH?????? PPS: All The Very Best Everyone for their Journeys and Full Power to you!!! MAY YOU ACHIEVE AND EXPERIENCE PHENOMENON WHICH YOU HAVE NOT DREAMT OF EVEN IN YOUR WILDEST IMAGINATIONS. PPPS: All credit of my level of understanding goes to My teachers: Leo, Sandeep Sir(Sandeep Maheshwari) & Sadhguru Thanks for Reading. I will go work on my Life Purpose Now.
  6. I get what you are saying. I and you are actually on the same page here. I too believe hurting others superiority ego is good for them and myself and everyone when we truly have great insights. What I am doing is using the framing of Ego Itself To Challenge The Ego. I believe I will become the most selfish being in this entire universe♾️? In my view, Advanced Spiritual Beings Are Most Selfish Beings There Exists? Their definition of self is universal. So in their experience, everything is themselves. So in that sense highest selflessness is highest selfishness. ? You may have this question that why I am using this kind of framing?? It is because of abuse that happens in the name of spirituality. I have seen so called "Gurus" who teach non-duality (there's no self..there's no doer... become the watcher...desire is bad and etc etc) While those teachings may be right from a certain perspective, it is dangerous to those who are at low levels of ego development (to whom they mostly teach(young students, women)). What they need is regular self-help teachings and move through the stages of development. And spirituality must be taught to them in a different fashion than traditional no-self and Neo-Advaita. I use such statements (like I am selfish) only to challenge such gurus. I appreciate this conversation between us? It has helped to bring more clarity to my mind. I hope it does the same for you too. Namaste PS: Adiyogi statue is just damn awesome, no? I have visited the Ashram just 2 times and have fallen in love with Adiyogi
  7. I won't allow that bear to take a chunk out of my body even in my thoughts. I am just not interested in that. I humbly request you to not use such a statements again not for me, not for yourself and not for anyone else other than other wild animals that bear already eats.
  8. Yes I get what you are saying. Your point is really advanced; like I said that it is beautiful. I guess you are missing my point. I am saying that I won't take such a risk. It's my choice. I am happy being at a beginner level spirituality ? And I am asking you also to not take such a risk. Really Don't Do It!!!!! And I am A Three Part Being. Body-Mind-Soul complex named Harsh Bagdia. My body and my mind takes instructions from Soul. Not everytime..Body and mind have their own ways too. And I love it? Soul(me?)says, Protect The Body because body is an instrument for me to realize myself. And it is as much me as the mind and soul is. My body and my mind are divine for me. I won't sacrifice or instill pain intentionally on my body for any such spiritual experiments even if Leo, my master (who I consider as authority after my self) says me to do it. So good luck to you convincing me to do it??? In short I am saying that I don't want to transcend survival and fear. Namaste
  9. Hello ? May I join this conversation between you and Leo? I am assuming Yes, ok? Thanks ? So Moderator @Inliytened1, I feel honored to share my perspective on this matter, thanks for this opportunity. While your thought is beautiful (that happiness is matter of perspective), You are taking survival for granted. Don't discount Survival for GOD CONSCIOUSNESS. Survival Is Necessary For GOD Consciousness to exist. If any of us get eaten by a bear, it would be a dis-service to humanity. As being part of probably the most conscious community on this planet, we have potential to do wonders for our fellow humans. And animals and plants and "inanimate objects".. I won't forgive you if you get eaten by a bear even in the name of spirituality. Yes you can call me how much ever non-spiritual as you want. And that I am too emotional. And etc etc..my eyes are too watery to write properly. I just can't imagine the pain anyone would go through while that attack. Well ok I am good now? If you are in God Consciousness Always Then Maybe When A Bear Attacks You, you can dis-imagine it into the existence/get eaten by it and become the bear itself. No human being has reached that level not even Sadhguru in my understanding and experience... I can't even imagine what radical state of consciousness that would be. Also, why do we need that? Don't we have other things to engage in and master? Personally speaking, I would run my ass off if I see a bear in front of me.. I would run faster than a cheetah.. Because I love my current form just too much.. Yes I am very very selfish. And every human being is. It is in our genes. From my perspective it's a God gift. Fear is good in this sense. The Higher Happiness is not to remain happy everytime. But become whatever it is necessary in a given moment. I remember Leo's words: You will do everything for Survival. Survival is deeply deeply intelligent. About Leo being happy with his health condition; It is not that he wants to remain that way. Humanity's medical system has failed him. It is not his fault. It is medical systems fault. I wish I could come up with some magical medicinal treatment which heals his health. If anyone here belongs to medical field,hey why don't you do some research on it? It's our Leo we are talking about here.. My point is: It's stupidity to expect Leo to be happy with his health condition instead of giving him solutions for his health. That was all. Thanks for reading?
  10. Hello my friend. I am Harsh Bagdia. And I am an ego? I dare you to try to hurt me. Hey but I won't be responsible if you get hurt in the process. This is your idea not mine. I am just inviting you to implement your idea. Ok I know I am acting all smart. There's a reason for saying such a statement. And that is: ego is such a misused/abused word that you can just relate anything negative with it. Let's take the most common perception of ego. It is that ego means Selfishness. So according to me Majority of today's population need more ego not less. Try changing my mind on this.
  11. Hello ? You are on the right track my friend..you just don't recognise fully that you are. You are good at philosophy. I appreciate your honesty. Let me continue from where you left. Let's talk about the the three aspects of happiness you came up with. 1. Health - Quitting Smoking You need to quit smoking ASAP. I was once a smoker too. My reality radically shifted once I quitted smoking. I made a video on it. It will challenge your core beliefs about smoking and it will be difficult to watch. You will love it though as you are into philosophy. I dare you to watch it completely. Then you may choose whatever you think is right. Food And Nutrition: I am not an expert on this matter. I am also still experimenting. I did Satvic Movement's 21 day Ultimate Health challenge and reduced my junk food intake by almost 60% and have included fruits & vegetable juice in my diet. They work like magic. I wish I can live on just fruits and vegetables. https://satvicmovement.org/ Exercise: What you can do if you don't like traditional way of exercising is (what I did for myself), Club it with something which you love doing. For example: - I do Hatha Yoga as I am into understanding consciousness. So I don't mind doing exercises if it helps elevates my consciousness ? - I am planning to get a dog for companionship. So while training him I will automatically exercise. - I play football and frisbee with my younger brother. You can come up with your unique creative solution for exercising your body. 2. Life Purpose Have you taken Leo's life purpose Course? And also, can you share more details about your purpose? Becoming a philosopher is a result. And You already are a philosopher?? You did some good philosophy coming up with these 3 points for happiness. Life purpose is not just a result but also what impact you are wanting to create on society. What impact will your philosophy have on other lives? 3. Awakening It's okay that you are not awake. Awakening is rare. It is very precious. The question is do you want to be awake? How badly do you want to be awake? What are the top most (most efficient) methods for awakening? For me it was a mix of Self Inquiry + Contemplation + Psychedelics + Reading Spiritual Texts + Watching and thinking on Leo's videos (and some others too) + Yoga + sheer intensity of Will After you have your first awakening experience, it will keep happening and it will happen more frequently. Once you get a taste of it, there's no turning back? It is delicious ? I wish you fast and powerful awakening experiences??
  12. Wow such beautiful lines...yes I have been. It's Profound. It's Healing. It's Soothing. It's Calming. It's Chilling. It's Inspiring. It's Magical. It's Humongous. It's Powerful. ITS TRUE HAPPINESS?♾️?? Yes, Love indeed is the supreme reality. In my native language Hindi, love is called "Prem" "प्रेम" which comes from root word "Param" "परम" which means supreme. Basically what it is saying is that love is supreme by definition itself. I will love to share some videos on love by Sandeep Sir, one of my mentor.. You will love them definitely..
  13. Non-Negotiables 1. Trusted source and proper dosage 2. Dedicated day off for tripping and contemplating. 3. Ensuring all basic necessities good food, water, comfortable space are present. You don't feel a need to eat still have some fruits handy. It's a drag thinking of going out to buy anything. Good to have 1. Talking to your partner or friend is also a next level experience especially if you are starting out. 2. Customised tripping playlist 3. Leo's video just before tripping to set the mood of the trip or also you can use it while comedown after the heavy peak to better understand and ground yourself. 4. Somewhere to write your insights Great to have 1. Written list of specific questions beforehand which you seek answer to / specific problems you are looking solution to.. 2. Good prior understanding of metaphysics & epistemology.. questioning mind, open-mindedness, a positive outlook towards life. 3. Nature walks, creative activities such as writing, art to engage with, visioning, imagination. Strict don'ts ❌ Don't do it with bunch of idiots ❌ Don't mix substances which you don't have any idea about what can happen ❌ Don't be in a rush to take high doses. First increase your capacity to handle and master lower doses. ❌ Don't take major decisions and actions about your life path while tripping...you can write it out and also write out how to view it once you come down to your baseline state.
  14. Hello @Colin Williams ? It's because Leo and Actualized are different entities. No matter how awake Leo is, when he is interacting with us through Actualized.org, he has to talk to Collective in whichever means works best. Actualized is not just Leo's responsibility. It's also each one of us. How about to show gratitude and reverence to Leo, we triple or quadraple the self-actualization work we do...? How about we all aim to transcend Leo in consciousness..?(which is nearly impossible & I get it's not a race however won't it be interesting to just be able to surpass our master one day and regardless of whether we achieve it, we will grow so much) Basically I am saying he is moving at a very great speed. We all need to shift our gears and move at as much speed as possible.? ? One idea I have for Actualized which I will pitch Leo soon (after considering all the nuances of it and sharing samples) is to start Actualized Hindi channel to cater to Hindi speaking audience who doesn't understand any English at all. I believe no one should be denied this profound wisdom for language barrier. And maybe after that they will be inspired to learn English also but the point is to share his wisdom to maximum people today. I can easily manage to do it on weekends and with AI and stuff it shouldn't be too much. And most importantly in the process I will get revision of all the concepts which in of itself is worth so much. Like this we can come up with so many ideas..I remember someone was saying few weeks ago that the "Start Here" page is a bit old and needs revision. If someone feels that is the case, why not share with Leo, a revised page with reasons of edits ? For the love and wisdom Leo shared and the kind of impact it had on me, I am indebted to him forever...and I am in no way neurotic about it that oh I have to pay off his debt? However I naturally want to give as much as I can as per my capacity to him and world because other people and things are Leo/God too.
  15. Thankyou so much? @LoneWonderer
  16. ??????????? Hello Friends, I am Harsh Bagdia And I Quit Successfully 2-3 months before. I don't have any cravings or urges or any discomfort. And Only Good Things Have Come Since Then. You will really laugh when you finally realize what this addiction and smoking is really about...And it is such a profound healing experience I can't say...Once You Quit You Will Be On A Highway.. Do you know what is behind the surface of all this? Smokers don't have a smoking problem, they have a Purpose Problem. And People Who Tell smokers to Just Quit Don't Help. It Adds to Their Problem. To them those who give such advice, I would like to ask: How much time have you spent studying about addiction, smoking, cigarettes.? Have you ever done that? Do you know how insidious and deceptive it is? If you don't know you can just shut up. If you want to help them then come with a solution. And cold turkey is the worst kind of solution. It is not even a solution. It is the problem. Smokers, I know all this because I was suffering from it?. I can understand exactly what you are going through. Watch this it will help you..and no I won't talk about negative effects of smoking and blame and guilt you for it. And Do you know What A True Rebellion Is? QUITTING SMOKING IS THE TRUE REBELLION. Majority of society doesn't want you to quit. Because They are benefitting from you. Watch the video it will reveal Everything. I feel so honored to share this video with you. And don't worry, this is the start for something very profound for you. PS- This is for majority of smokers. If you feel like you are so spiritual that you dont care about your body and mind and abuse then this is not for you. But I seriously think that you must consider once again. You can still watch the video and let me know your thoughts on the topic. PPS- To all non-smokers who are reading this, Don't Judge, Blame, Guilt Smokers. Share this video with them.
  17. This is about cigarettes and marijuana..
  18. These are some images I took Just After Quitting. It Was Really A Great Achievement For Me.
  19. Oh I just Now saw that there is a seperate Section for Addiction and Mental Health. Moderators how do I move this post there?
  20. I see...I now define Enlightenment for myself as enlightening others or simply shining/radiating my light of awareness to it's maximum? So rather than making it an one time achievement, I am making it a continuous series of daily achievements. And I will know if I reached a high degree of Enlightenment when others think and say that I am enlightened. The word will lose its value if I only claim my enlightenment. (but I will internally say it to myself and ofcourse also act as such??) Doesn't it makes sense? and you don't need to validate me; I am happy to know the limitations in my thought process. so according to me, your trip report was pretty enlightening? Yes..I am now able to see ego minds tricks and not get influenced by them. It feels like a stubborn kid who thinks he knows what is best for him and I am like a strict father as well as a loving mother who knows what is actually best for him.(which is me???) ( I know that I and ego are one but ego doesn't know it..) SO YES Sadhana, practice and listening to masters, contemplating is very crucial I understand. how beautiful is this..you can see the highest in them when they themselves can't see it? You know just a while back I was looking at a cat directly into her eyes. I could see who's looking through her eyes? And she got all relaxed and Zen like in the moment. It was so profound. Amazing...I want to experience this too..actually I have..I just understood it now when you mentioned this. When I visited my ashram last time, one woman was smiling looking at me and not just smiling..as you said they look at you different and act different..as if they are a bit stoned but deeply conscious..there's a sense of judgementlessness and fearlessness around them. Oh God why didn't I talk to her? I could see the 'Real Her' and I thought also that she saw Me..but then I distracted myself? anyways next time for sure. Mahadev?❤️? हर हर महादेव। शंभो। ॐ नमः शिवाय। नमस्ते। Har har Mahadev, Shambho, Aum Namah Shivaya, Namaste all these are used in similar way..and you know in Hindi language we refer Shiva as Mahadev.. Shiva is Devo Ke Dev(God of Gods), Mahadev(The One) We can also call it Infinity of Infinities, Absolute Infinity..?? It was great talking to you brother..I will DM you if I have any major doubts about Yoga, is that ok? Namaste.