Harsh Bagdia

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About Harsh Bagdia

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  • Birthday 02/10/1998

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  1. That's amazing! Hey before we think about degrees and stuff, are you interested in discussing what physics is? My favourite subject was physics too while I was in college. I didn't know why then but I guess now I know. I suggest we keep it simple and discuss examples as opposed to getting too technical and definitiony. Let's list three things in our surroundings that involves physics and it's concepts - 1. A rotating fan 2. Snapping of fingers 3. Motion of a fly You can choose your own list of three things. Now instead of contemplating ourselves, we are gonna take the help of Claude. Pasting our chat here.. "Hey Claude how's you! I wanna understand what's physics is at the most fundamental level. Please note that I said I want to 'understand' means it must hit me that oh yes ofcourse this is physics. I want to experience it. Rather than theorizing about it. So what I did is I chose three things in my surroundings that involves physics and its concepts - - A rotating fan - Snapping of fingers - Motion of a fly Through these examples, let's contemplate what why how physics fit into this. Basically what's the relationship between these three and physics?" "Claude - I appreciate your desire to truly understand and experience physics rather than just theorize about it. Let's explore these three examples to help you grasp the fundamental nature of physics. 1. A rotating fan: Physics is essentially about matter, energy, and their interactions. In a rotating fan, we see these principles in action: - Energy conversion: Electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy of motion. - Forces: The motor exerts a torque (rotational force) on the blades. - Angular momentum: The fan blades' rotation demonstrates conservation of angular momentum. - Air pressure: As the blades spin, they create areas of high and low pressure, moving air. When you observe the fan, notice how it starts slowly and speeds up, how the air moves around it, and how it gradually slows down when turned off. These are all physics principles at work. 2. Snapping of fingers: This quick action involves several physics concepts: - Friction: Your thumb slides rapidly across your middle finger, building up potential energy. - Elastic potential energy: Your skin briefly deforms, storing energy. - Energy release: The stored energy is suddenly released as your finger hits your palm. - Sound waves: The impact creates a pressure wave in the air - the snap sound you hear. - Speed: The entire process happens in a fraction of a second, demonstrating physics at high speeds. Next time you snap your fingers, pay attention to the force you apply, the brief resistance you feel, and the sharp sound produced. That's physics in action. 3. Motion of a fly: A fly's flight is a marvel of physics: - Forces: The fly generates lift to overcome gravity, and thrust to move forward. - Fluid dynamics: Air behaves as a fluid, and the fly's wings manipulate this fluid to fly. - Energy transformation: Chemical energy from food is converted into kinetic energy of motion. - Momentum: The fly's ability to change direction rapidly demonstrates conservation of momentum. - Vibrations: The buzzing sound comes from rapid wing oscillations, another physics principle. Watch a fly closely. Notice its erratic movements, how it hovers, and how it can land on any surface. Each action is a demonstration of physics principles. The relationship between these examples and physics is that physics describes and explains the fundamental principles governing their behavior. It's not just a set of equations, but a way of understanding how the universe works at its most basic level. By observing and contemplating these everyday phenomena, you're experiencing physics firsthand. The next step would be to start asking questions: Why does the fan create a breeze? How fast do your fingers move when snapping? How many times per second does a fly's wing beat? These questions lead to deeper understanding and are the essence of physics - curiosity about how the world around us works." So this is some juice we got through this chat - "Physics is a way of understanding how the universe works at its most basic level." "The essence of physics is curiosity about how the world around us works." Let's continue with its essence - curiosity about how the world around us works. Now this is something we humans have naturally. We have been curious since we were kids. This curiosity however tends to die out when we get answers to everything. Without seeing it/understanding it for ourselves. When we get paradigm locked. I feel so lucky to have this flame of curiosity still alive within me. If you too have this curiosity, please cherish it. Nurture it. Explore it. Live it. Also, if you have noticed yet, we already have gone beyond Phd in physics in a sense.. What? How? So just a few moments before we were curious about 'curiosity' itself. This is also physics. Who's to say what physics is and what it isn't? For me business is also physics..or rather application of physics. As we need to understand how market works, how mind works. So be open to the possibility that the things you are calling shallow might be even greater than the things you consider the highest. Ok I guess that's enough physics for the day. Or shall I say metaphysics 😊 Goodluck with your future brother! I trust that you'll get your shit together..and pursue truth in your own style, in your own physics. And when you do, you will rise above the ashes like a physics phoenix. ⚛️
  2. @Husseinisdoingfine hey Hussein, how are you doing? Please talk to us, we are worried about you 😟 During the toughest of times, all you need is to see a ray of hope..and when you pursue it with all your heart, you'll find the bright sun waiting to welcome you and hug you 🌞🤗 I hope you find that ray of hope 🍀
  3. This was basically that solve the current problem you're in by whatever means possible and then sell a systemic solution for the same. There would be others too who would be struggling with this. You can come up with your own term for it - maybe 'navigate college like a badass' which would be a group coaching where you give youngsters tips, tricks, principles, etc to help them ace their college life in every way - be its studies, personal development, dating, then life purpose, then maybe giving them a clue towards awakening/spirituality. Basically helping them to not make the same mistakes as you did and making them take right steps which would put them on a right track. Isn't it what Leo is doing? Yes and No. While yes Leo is doing it but you can go super-deep in this rabbit hole. You can expand it to tackle each and every problem that a college student faces from budgeting to studies to how to manage parental expectations along with pursuing your passion etc etc and you can do this in a much more intimate way as in conducting zoom meetings, giving them weekly assignments/journaling prompts. How you can go about this is - 1. Solve your own problem first Seek experts guidance Heal emotionally explore pluses and minuses of different careers, getting a degree vs not getting a degree etc Becoming financially independent 2. Learn at the very least basics of online business, marketing and sales There is no lack of knowledge regarding this There are a lot of tools you can use to simplify this process Test and start it.. 3. Improvise and grow Take Feedback and improve your service Hire people, so you can focus on what you do the best Expand by addressing their struggles in an even deeper layer
  4. haha..you make me remember so much about my younger self.. here's one more perspective.. Prove YOURSELF right now that you're smart by making the smartest move one could make.. given the situation you're in. When you will make that move, I don't know about others but you will definitely be amazed by how smart you could be
  5. - read books, took notes, consumed other creators content, took baby steps - went to a 10 day naturopathy healing center, got rid of withdrawls & depression - enrolled in local commerce college just to have a degree - started supporting my father in our traditional family business.. I was super-lucky to have this time of exploration without having to worrying about career/finances - joined other skill based classes in local which made me social, functional and intellectual again - I discovered my passion for philosophy & psychology.. even enrolled in distance learning psychology degree (didn't continue it after 2nd year as I got way better knowledge through YT and other self-study means) - got to know about god/awakening/spirituality which blew my mind again.. but this time out of curiosity rather than suffering - I din't care about anything else other than this - It was like I contemplated on this for most of my waking time..kind of like Self-Enquiring 4 hours daily for years - Did Vipassana, Inner engineering and other Yoga programs by Sadhguru, tried mushrooms and ayahuasca - and finally understood what God, Leo, other teachers were trying to communicate with me - It's that - 'It is what I say it is' or 'I am what I say I am' or rather 'what I choose I am' - Not what God says, but what I say - And that was my moment of realization From Monk-mode to Work-mode - Then what? A field of infinite possibilities opened up for me - I immediately moved out (my parents tried their best emotional blackmail to stop me lol), took a content writing job as writing was a skill I trained to a degree (my cover letter was so good, they didn't even bother asking about my credentials) - Gained experience, confidence and marketing knowledge - Shifted back to my hometown, this time out of genuine desire to support my father and grow our family business. - tried bunch of different stuff too like stock trading, teaching, writing..did Life Purpose course again - Have been having best relationship with parents since then.. not because I listened to them and came back to join our edible-oil trading biz (that I left again as my father found my ideas way too radical) but because I've got the backbone of self-respect and genuine love for my parents. Their manipulations seem like child's naughtiness to me. And I can clearly see their love for me in certain actions. We love spending time with each other. but coming back to our work discussion, - only a few months back finally finalizing to make my career in copywriting and marketing - did a few online courses and have been pursuing freelancing since then - I can't put into words the level of clarity that I have now. My mind works like a flowing river when I intend and focus it like that. Now why did I share my history in such detail and how does it relate to your situation? how you might benefit from this? I will like to mention a few key points that will help you sort things up: 1. Getting into a state of happiness first, before trying to figure it all out Note that it took me far too much time to figure it all out. Heck, many people still haven't figured it out. See what you're saying is that - I will only be happy when I have certainty about my future. And we are saying that - don't worry about it so much as of now, take a chill pill do what needs to be done like confronting your parents and let them know that you don't want to continue engineering or whatever your take is have patience, do the right things - like getting any basic job that pays the bills, explore your interests, etc etc.. hey and even leo's new course is also coming, aren't you excited for it?? If I were at your place I would postpone dying until then 😄 (hey sorry didnt mean to joke about it..i could never know your pain and I wish you fast healing) once you have the right state of mind, right careers will appear in front of you like a shining diamond. You wouldn't be able to miss them even if you try. You will just know that this is the thing for me and I will achieve the highest possible success in this. 2. Making your parents proud vs making yourself proud Please don't even think of taking your life away (now don't say it is automatic.. we do have the ability to direct our thoughts.. please steer your car to make a U turn) I can't even imagine the suffering my parents would go through if I ever did suicide. It kills me to imagine that Dude, you need to first experience what being a parent is like. Only then you will be able to appreciate their love for you. Forget dying, you will wish you could serve them for all your life I am getting a taste of this just by becoming a dog-parent. Being a parent is like nurturing an extension of yourself So what if they weren't able to nurture you the way you wanted? They did the best they could They didn't have the level of information distribution as we have in this age. But that doesn't mean they should be punished for being ignorant. Yes you don't want to punish them, but they will surely experience it as punishment One good idea I will like to share with you that I have as my aim is - how about forgiving them for whatever shit, and becoming parent to your parents? I will make myself proud when I am able to fully do that. In doing that, I don't care if they get ashamed of me.. (honestly I do care, but not more than making myself proud) 3. Unlocking your genius I am cent percent sure that there is a talent within you that is waiting to be honed, waiting to be appreciated I am not saying this to cheer you up or anything, I am saying this with having a deep understanding of how life operates The fact that you were considering taking your life says that you have so much repressed energy that is seeking expression Also the fact of changing careers shows you are wise as Leo mentioned. You like to think far ahead and can't pursue something which you don't see blossoming into something great.. This is good however don't discount the process by which this discovery/unlocking of genius happens. For you to find your niche/field of expertise or whatever you want to call it, it is necessary for you to go through this frustrating phase of dissatisfaction with current career choice.. You see, there's a flow here.. from discontentment to contentment.. So according to me, this current event is a call for you to seek your calling As Leo said in his videos, make finding your life purpose, your life purpose!
  6. Journey from Psychotic to Mystic - This was when I got in touch with my intuition. It said me to 'Drop out this college'. - It didn't say me anything else, just this. Most of my friends, teachers, family considered this stupid. - But I KNEW this is what must be done. - Now I clearly see how it was one of the best decisions I ever took..it opened a whole new world for me - so as I dropped and shifted to my hometown, I shared about my addiction issue with my parents and quitted it totally - then without any invitation or expectation, life brought me the toughest, weirdest, dangerous phase - psychosis - my mind became like a badly cooked soup of - withdrawls/cravings + zero idea of career + internalizing people's negative judgement + unstructured info about psychology/spirituality/self help + radical creative power of mind - to be more precise it was depression, anxiety, mid-life crisis, existential crisis everything together - And I had all the time in the world, so I became attuned to experiencing psychosis - experienced disoriented thinking, making foolish connections between things and events, having a subtle sense of thrill out of this mental mess - I sought a good psychotherapist who could just make sense of my way of sense-making - Instead I had to go to a stupid psychiatrist for the lack of therapists at my place.. who asked us to shift me to psychward - Now belonging to a conservative Indian family, we didn't want this. Me and my family were scared as fuck - And that's when my intuition entered again. So it asked me to visit our maternal grandmother.. she has this power of entering into higher states of consciousness when listening and singing bhajans. - While in that state she kept her hand above my head and I felt this supreme level of calm. It was total blank and peacful - Then she said to everyone, that nothing has happened to him, just continue living like normal and that gave me the courage, confidence and power to improve my life situation - Fast forwarding 3-4 years into the future, I watched Leo's videos like a just born child having infinite curiosity tbc
  7. @Husseinisdoingfine Thanks for being curious and letting me share this.. So where do I begin.. Let's start from the start, Rewinding back 7 years, IIT obsession - - finishing my sophomore year, I was preparing for IITs - top engineering colleges in India that are like ridiculously hard to get into - out of 12 lakh kids who appeared with me, around 2 lakh gets to qualify for the IIT-exam out of which only 10,000 get the seats. It's less than 0.01 percent - i dont remember exactly but my rank was around 25k something. I was heartbroken as I studied pretty hard for it. - my obsession with IIT was so much that I used to study for retaking that exam, even while being in local college. (which was not bad at all) - after a point i dropped out of college as it was getting difficult to juggle both the things. - the second time my rank was good around 7k something but still i needed 4k for my dream college and stream. so i chose another top college. Feeling lost and falling into addiction trap - - I was so tired and bored with studies during my earlier phase that i had no motivation left to do good in college - my social circle was the worst who only knew partying, drinking, smoking - don't even ask my grades, I barely passed and that too through unauthorized assistance lol - honestly I felt stupid, had no sense of direction, no healthy social life - however two good things happened that prevented me from becoming a total disaster - I pursued certification course in acturial science, only because my elder brother suggested it. While I didn't complete it, it triggered my love of learning/problem-solving again. I used to love maths as a kid. Always scoring full scores. Engaging with it again gave me immense pleasure - Second amazing thing that happened was that I tried acid. A friend of friend got it from somewhere. - The setting was not good, nor safe and I don't recommend anyone trying it without experts opinion and considering legal norms. - However one thing it did greatly was putting me out of my negative, limited mindset for a while and showed me 'life' - This sheer intensity of life overwhelmed me. To a degree that I knew I needed to change my course and make a fresh start. Continuing in the next post
  8. Something cool i cooked recently, Harsh Vision Book 2027 One Goal Philosophy
  9. Vision is home. And just yesterday turned 4 months old I am failing to express the joy I have been experiencing after he has come. I only have to say - Thank You Universe!
  10. First of all, wow dude, hats off to your ability to express your emotions so clearly 👏🏻..I can literally FEEL your frustration radiating through my screen. Secondly, I was kinda in a similar situation as you, so I can relate to you better than most here. (I also wasn't able to get into a college I so badly desired 😞) The feeling of being so far behind in your development compared to where you imagined yourself to be is one of the worst. But hey do you want to know a deep truth about you? You may already be knowing this, consider this as a reminder. You have extraordinarily high standards for yourself 🤩 (which is super-amazing btw, but tricky and needs to be channelized properly) Which is why you took time to decide your majors, which is why you are changing your majors again, which is why you considering suicide..because perhaps it's too late to become what kind of person you wanted to be. (its actually not but we will come to it later) Before you decide what next thing you want to do - may it be talking to your family member, discussing your problem on forum, analysing your career options again, do anything harmful in your powerful super-frustrated state etc etc Are you interested in knowing my story in brief of how I went from - Being a 4-times college drop-out a family disappointment hardcore smoking addict feeling psychotic af..(to a point where I thought I will have to spend my life in a mental hospital), being used by my ex teased by friends feeling like a loser etc To Starting my freelance copywriting/marketing business (expecting $5k/per month by December end and $25k/per month in 3 years time) simultaneously working on 2 other big business ideas (vision book ™️ creation service (demo ready and testing now ) plus an absolutely radical addiction recovery app) Exploring song-writing and composing (made around 10 already with each having atleast 4 different versions (psstt..i am using Claude ;)) family's favourite (without being too much successful in my career yet) Still living with my family & cherishing every moment (they know I am moving out soon and we are in this bitter-sweet phase of deep authentic connection🥹) Feeling the healthiest, free from all addictions, most sane I have ever been, living my life purpose to its fullest. Healed toxic dynamics with ex, now we have love for each other, but due to different preferences we have moved on Friends holding me in high regards and started to make high-conscious & rich friends Feeling like a god walking among gods, etc No I am not trying to sell you anything lol 😂 😂 😂 Nor I am trying to prevent you from doing stupid (I fear uttering that word) I am only interested in recognising your inherent talent, sharing it with you and motivating you to pursue it through my example. I will keep it super-brief - 400-500 words maybe. In the end, I will also share a career path that I think will be ridiculously awesome for you. If you don't reply anything along the lines of 'No, not interested' in 15-20 mins, then I will share it. Thanks for reading
  11. Sandeep Maheshwari https://sandeepmaheshwari.com/podcast
  12. @Rishabh R Hey bro, I dint read this before..I understand your situation better now, and I wish you fast healing and improved life situation. I still think Leo's upcoming course will help you immensely. Ps - feel free to pm me for discussing money making 💰🫰🏻/accountability for career growth 📈
  13. @Rishabh R Lol Rishabh dude, do you even know how much $250 in Indian Rupees is? Please don't make India sound poorer than it actually is. When you say you are from an upper middle class Indian family, it implies you are wealthier than 60% Indians. You have a household income of ₹10-25 lakhs per annum (approximately USD 13,500 to USD 33,700 per annum) Even on a lower range, you only need to save 1/5th of your monthly income once. You got a few months to do this. Even if you couldn't do it until then, who's saying to buy on day 1? Wait until you do save it. You do know right that price-value gap Leo offers is DEFINITELY the highest in the industry. Honestly, I believe it's not about the money but lack of belief/trust either in yourself or Leo. (which is completely valid scenario by the way..and you lying is also valid, it's very common buyer's trick) I encourage you to be really truthful to yourself and wise, and then decide about it. Also, I am sorry for using such a tone, but this 'oh poor Indian' mentality brings out the worst in me. I belive we as youth of our nation can contribute in so many ways to fight poverty. The first step being crazy rich ourselves🤑💸 (ethically ofcourse) I am infinitely sure that investing in Leo's new course will help me make more money than ever which is why I am so goddamn excited for this 😊 and it's a 12 week course means it is super duper deep and exhaustive. I would happily buy it even for $2000. Or even more. Because I know it's real value is far far more. And whether you buy the course or not, goddam believe in yourself man! If really money is the only reason, then Leo has already offered to arrange some kind of discount..so generous. @Leo Gura how about having a price range for it - something like $200-$2000 so that people can pay what they can afford. Just an idea💡
  14. SO SO SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!!!!! @Leo Gura can you please cover the topic of problem solving mindset vs creation mindset in it? You did mention this in your life purpose course plus recommended to read 'path of least resistance'. I did read it and it helped me practically too but still I don't get it fully. I am stuck at this point in my understanding - "My problem is that I don't have any problems" (let's call this meta-problem) Now within problem-solving mindset, the solution to meta-problem can look like - but this itself is the problem, so the statement contradicts itself and hence I do have a problem. And its solution is finding problems to solve. But this is again a superficial solution as when I get tired or fail to solve problems, I tend to convince myself that I don't have any problems. And it do feels relieving. But after some time, this becomes a problem. And the loop continues. Now within creation mindset, the solution to the meta-problem may be that - no, finding problems is not the answer. The true solution is to realize that it is not a problem at all. Having no problems needs not to be a problematic state. And this indeed feels empowering and truer. It certainly frees up the energy to focus on vision and life purpose. However realistically speaking, even within creation mindset, problems do tend to arise. For example - right now I am facing a problem of not being able to understand this topic. So what's the catch here? Do we make peace with having problems? and operate from both the mindsets as needed? Or have I missed something and re-read the book again? I remember it talks about structures and all. I would love to dig as deep as possible in creation mindset and if possible live from it always. is there any way to do that? My main goal is to understand 'problem' , 'solution' , 'creation/creativity' at deep levels. Thanks for the consideration.
  15. This is super-interesting and super-badass ❤️‍🔥