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Everything posted by kagaria

  1. Why can't I write something valuable and thoughtful ? Why sometimes the longest words come from a very short idea?
  2. @Raptorsin7 I've also been through the same and Shunyamurti's guided meditations helped to put things into perspective. I would like to advise the same thing for you ??
  3. A beautiful poetic metaphor for the pure awareness: *** Where do I go, How can I save My fading three souls? How can I make The soul, pining away Cheer up again? Somewhere, In a mysterious place, Covered with eternal Golden crust Which never decays, Shielded by evergreen branches The sacred Aal-Luuk-tree Is stately buzzing. It helps the unfortunate With its magical power, Diverting suffering, Eliminating trouble; To a feeble soul, To the weakening spirit Gives wonderous powers, The water of immortality Outflows from its hallow core, To resurrect the dead! Oh, would I like to find This tree! Only then An untuned life Will get better, Languishing souls, The faded mind Will rise up again, Like a spring flow. Behind the piles of snowy mountains Violent winds howl, Behind the great seas Slashing hurricanes Bring chaos, Bedeviling the world. How in these countries, Where evil radiates, Terrifying everyone, Can a holy tree grow? Wait a little, listen! What if, my own heart is the place For that sacred tree to flourish? In my own heart, Blossom, the Aal-Luuk-tree, Dispelling evil attacks, Uprooting lies and dirt, Of the dark forces, coming, As passing clouds! (my poor translation)
  4. https://www.satyoga.org/single-post/2019/04/01/Where-Does-Your-Loyalty-Lie
  5. Here I'll be sharing different experiences of powerful synchronicities or other events that show the intelligence of the design. I've accumulated a lot of material since quarantine so be ready!
  6. @GreenWoods how do you know so much about the spirits? Can you recommend any books/blogs/articles out there about them?
  7. This applies to everything.
  8. There is no place like your real self - turns out this book (the wizard of Oz) was written by someone informed about the higher consciousness and it has a lot of meaning in it. Shunyamurti made an excellent analysis. If only I had such intelligence.
  9. Very powerful synchronicities call you to change your direction and turn to the real and higher consciousness , it's unlike angel numbers or any other delusional thing.
  10. I liked how Shunyamurti talked about the ego having too much shame. I experience a lot of shame these days for many reasons. I lost my fit body. I used to be fit but now I'm spiraling down to my old self. I want to specialize in innovation studies. I did prepare for my exams but because I didn't put as much work as I really could, I was not able to even apply to the university of my dream. Now it's going to be the most ordinary one. And so, it becomes too much for the ego to face its own ugliness, and how much time it has wasted or how much love it has failed to give, to oneself or to others. But it has to face itself without any cushions and stop hiding from itself.
  11. @Preety_India agree with you here. Idk but I think that if eckhart tolle was a young beautiful man no one would take him seriously. Especially if he were a beautiful woman.
  12. What if I will become useless like a broken khomus and no one will ever need me.. khomus- a musical instrument
  13. @kindayellow this is great! Don't let your mind take you for a ride once again
  14. @Anderz nice!
  15. @Artsu Just know you are the Self. Know you are Buddha, know you are Shiva, know you are Sat Chit Ananda, know you are the silent Presence that is eternal, and all will be revealed, and perfection will be attained. You are That. You don’t have to become that, you don’t have to stop becoming something else, there is only the Self, there are no other options, just accept reality.
  16. @Anderz Shunyamurti explains very well the dynamics of how this world came to be dreamed into being and how it can be redreamed. If you are not familiar with him, you can check his blog and the members site
  17. @Artsu it's unconditional love of God and complete transcendence of thought. You have the power to do it. You must only have the will to to be free from the false. That will is located in the heart, and that is the true meaning of love.
  18. @Anderz why is it impossible for humanity to come together in this?
  19. @Artsu Yes he was among the ones who were courageous enough to make the journey to God consciousness to the end. Divine love is when you understand that love = desire minus ego. He also emphasized the importance of the real work over empty theoretical reasoning. As the times of tribulation arise, it becomes even more urgent to get to the Real. To pop the ego and to unite with the supreme self. Not sure about that.
  20. @Artsu okay. By 'not even a person' i mean pure consciousness. Read his online blog where he talks about salvation, breaking the bubble of the ego and achieving god consciousness. The ego (or the person) cannot achieve gnosis because it's too ineffable for the mind. 'So We must enter the heart'. Shunyamurti speaks directly from the source of divine love. As far as I can tell, there is less mental masturbation in his teachings which are available online for free. He also talks about how different religions or teachings refer to that higher self, be it Christ or Allah or the Dao etc.
  21. Don't make superego your god.
  22. @Artsu I was talking about your prejudice of Shunyamurti . He is not a bad guru. Not even a person at all.