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About huan_mario

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  1. Hello When I'm doing any physical activity that requires some physical effort - workout, changing tires or just carrying things - I get extremely involved in my thoughts. I just can't get out of my head. I try to focus on breath but the focus is very shallow and I almost immediatly get in my head again. This is very bad for me, because these are often some negative scenarios, judgments of myself, etc. It makes me feel really bad and frustrated afterwards. I'm doing mindfulness meditation for quite some time now. Does anybody else experience something simmilar? I couldn't find any topic about it
  2. Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and new to the self-actualization concept so I'd appreciate your patience. I have started practicing mindfulness a week ago. I'm doing mindfulness meditation for 20 min and I also do the exercise of flattening the thought illusion. I noticed that I'm sometimes fantasizing during the day. I often see myself in some situations where I look somewhat cool, people admire me, I'm bold in some argument or fight etc. I also noted that it happens especially intensly whenever I play piano. I imagine myself playing in front of people who don't know I can do it and they are amazed (it sounds so silly ). I acknowledge that this is just my thoughts and mental images but sometimes it's so persistent that I just can't detach myself from it and observe. It keeps comming again and again, more intensly. And I hate it, it makes me totally lose focus, when I give into these thoughts I'm often irritated and I feel like I'm out of touch with reality and I'm neurotic. So here are my questions: 1. I sometimes get so into it that I whisper some of dialogues to myself. Is it normal behavior? 2. Does mindfulness practice help with not giving into these and actually having less of them? 3. These fantasies are basically images + sounds, I see myself talking with someone or doing something. Now, when I want to the mindfulness cycle on it do I split this fantasy so I focus only on the image (or sound of this conversation) or do I somehow focus on this whole thing? I have tried both but I can't seem to grasp it properly, neither feels right.