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  1. We don't perceive our limbs as being separate from the body, right? But we perceive a chair as being somewhere outside of us. So in order to move it, we go there and grab it... with our hands. Do you think that's normal just because our common sense says so? What if this limitation is only in our minds?
  2. Consciousness is also a concept invented by the mind. To me, consciousness IS form, that's why when you faint, it is said that you are unconscious. Just take a look around you, there's no one perceiving this life other than you. Then why the body appears to be separate from the outside world? It's like you have hands but you don't know how to grab things. Reality should be the same as your limbs, so why don't you use it?
  3. The difference is that you don't actually believe that. If all there is happens inside the mind, then how can we convince the mind to become one with the body? Theoretically, there should be no difference between your body and the "outside" reality and yet we perceive everything so disconnected.
  4. Yep, there's some crazy bullshit going on. This theory alone shows that the world is more like a fucking joke.
  5. Are you sure that this is our nature? Something tells me that we're fooling ourselves into believing that this all there is cannot be changed. What if Jesus was right when he said: "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move." ? This sounds like bullshit but what if it isn't? What if this world is a lie and we accept our fate just because we think it is supposed to be this way?
  6. The problem is that no matter how enlightened we are, there is still this perceived separation between the body and external world. That means that duality is still within. So how can we escape from this trap and bend spoons with our mind? I'm serious.
  7. This world looks a trap, or the devil. Maybe we are the devils of our own reality. The truth is that we have no clue about what are we doing here. Or do we have to do anything? Maybe movement is illusory and we don't do anything at all. Do we have any choice? And if we do, what is there to choose? So yeah, this quest could go on forever... infinity has no bottom.
  8. The 'outside' world could be the same as our bodies. So the outside and the inside are just mind projections, you know what I mean.
  9. @IJB063 If you want a mindfuck interpretation, then this is my best guess: Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Spoon boy: There is no spoon. Neo: There is no spoon? Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
  10. This "itself" looks like is lying or is playing some weird games with us, don't you think?
  11. Personally I think that we have no clue what reality is. Sometimes I feel like the everyday life is staged and we either trick our minds into believing everything is normal and play by the rules, or we play by the rules of something else. Only the fact that we seem to live in totally different universes despite occupying almost the same space and time is truly surreal to me. It feels weird and reality is definitely weird. Maybe we will never know what reality is.
  12. I don't understand why do you treat time as being a separate dimension as it is the same with the space. You can't move in space without adding time into the equation. Without time there is no space at all and the apple is gone because there is no mind to perceive it. The 4th dimension requires an extra spacial dimension, do not confuse it with time. Hypothetically, a 4D creature could do things which would defy the laws of physics. No wonder why in so many Hollywood movies we see this common theme with the cube/tesseract (4D reality) where characters have superhuman powers. Glad that it made sense I'm really bad with explanations lol
  13. Really interesting and challenging subject, too bad there are no replies. As for your conclusion, 4D could be the manifestation of the mind into the 3D world and if we would have been able to access that, the physical world would actually become one with the mind! That means that the separation could be illusory and we might actually be able to manipulate the world just as we are able to manipulate our bodies. Btw, this reminded me about this passage: Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."
  14. Exactly, that's what I was thinking when I said about mental boundaries. Maybe this will sound contradictory with my previous statements that 'there' is matter and consciousness is all there is, where consciousness = matter so that the infinite makes sense. But since we are apparently freely moving through space and time, why we can't move space and time with our minds so that we can time travel or change the way our body works? Placebo does wonders to our bodies without having to intellectually convince our cells to regenerate or heal our body, yet they cooperate according to our mind. So why can't that work with the outside reality too? Or maybe it works but we don't question reality deeply enough?
  15. Not that I'm attracted to anything anomalous but I just wonder why we aren't able to cross these boundaries? Sure, you will say it's because of infinite consciousness and I'm talking from an egoistic POV. But it feels like we don't really understand the mechanisms behind reality, or how hallucinations work, for example. That's why I advised @WHO IS to allow the perceptions/senses to kick in rather than understanding everything from a rational/spiritual point of view. But even so, it might be dangerous if the trip controls you and you lose your shit easily. So yeah, whatever... what overall matters are the intentions. I guess.
  16. Letting go of the ego is not the final destination, though I agree that you need to let go and surrender sometimes. But life is about discovery and there is no end to this journey as infinity has no limits. So why do we have to limit ourselves into thinking that we've hit rock bottom when existence is constantly changing? We have the power to go beyond these boundaries and morph into the future. To me, there's so much more to discover, so much to perceive and so much to change. If we keep our minds into a cage, then we won't be able to perceive more than a cage... ever.
  17. Thank you for wasting my time. Now I'm gonna save you some time by stopping giving you the attention that you clearly don't deserve.
  18. There is no need to eat, drink, sleep, go to work etc. But you are still doing it. Why? The consciousness is all there is and it's also the future. We are the future. So let's evolve, I say.
  19. You're still trapped into your mindset thinking that you're this body living in 2020. If you can move a chair, why can't you manipulate reality so that you can travel in the future? Because you have no clue, that's why!
  20. I have just realized that you're not any different than materialists. You say "it's infinite consciousness and we're are (playing by its rules)... just be". How can that lead to evolution? Are you aware that we're not the only evolved species in this entire Universe? You're stuck in this Buddha mindset and that's not going to help anyone. I have been there and I'm tired. It's time for a change.
  21. This kind of mindset leads to nihilism. We really play by the rules, don't we?
  22. Yeah dude, what makes you think that you're this human you identify with? We need to evolve for real and stop acting like a bunch of retarded monkeys. Now we know that consciousness is some weird shit, let's see what we can do with this information.