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  1. That's the problem, that I don't think we are trapped. My theory is that we already live in the 4th dimension but our minds have been conditioned into seeing this world 3D and in order to escape this illusion we have to realize that we are actually higher dimensional beings and not humans trapped in this moment in history. From my perspective, those higher dimensional beings may have already figured out that they're not made of flesh & bones and that the mind creates the reality. So how can we evolve to see beyond the past and present? By being aware that we are the future unfolding. I actually think that we create this reality, we are not prisoners as it appears to be.
  2. So they are from a higher dimension. That's interesting because when I saw them, I also saw 4D in my mind's eye and I was NEVER interested in this subject. Maybe you should check my tessering thread related to the 4th dimension
  3. Yeah, you're right, aliens might sound derogatory but I'm not familiar with these terms. Thanks for clarifying it
  4. You perceived it being an orb or did you actually saw it? I've seen orbs before and I've been wondering many times what are they. My intuition was that they were 'aliens', though I still have some doubts. Then it is possible that comets to be a symbol of fallen angels instead of messengers? In the Bible, they also appear as comets.
  5. Thanks for the clarification. Messengers are said to be angels, as far as I know. Also, I've seen they're associated with the Watchers but not sure if they are the same thing... hmm.
  6. Thanks for mentioning about Immanuel Velikovsky, never heard about him. As for the 'comets', do you have any idea if they are always gods or could be human souls as well?
  7. Hi @Dumuzzi, I see you know a lot about mythology so I wanted to ask you if these Sky Gods are depicted as comets or stars? I noticed this common theme in many religions (such as Jesus being the morning star). What's the esoteric/occult interpretation of a falling comet? Thank you.
  8. Talk to the hand, buddy.
  9. No, balls of light similar to the foo fighters. I'm not sure if I saw them in the astral realm though.
  10. Do you have any idea what are the light orbs (not the ones that appear in photography but orbs visible to the naked eye/in the astral realm)?
  11. The interesting thing is that they all see the same entities which are supposedly imaginary. The same thing happens in sleep paralysis where people all over the world share almost the same visions.
  12. What do you mean by pulling someone out of their physical body? Is it possible to read someone's mind or even possess the body? As for the second one, I've heard about the light trap... do you have any idea what the grid looks like? Weirdly enough I woke up one night (with my physical body) and saw a thing like a veil or grid overlapping this reality. It felt like I was in some kind of spider web
  13. I am being creative. Now excuse me, I still have some work to do! Btw, your plot makes no sense, Gord. What are you going to do next?
  14. I died to be alive and God. Should I continue believing that I'm a human?
  15. Witness of what? Of other people dying? What if there is no death and you have been tricked into believing that some day you're going to die? Death is a myth.... you're just talking about a thing that doesn't exist and call it no-thing LOL.
  16. Are you dead? NO. Then what makes you assume that you will die? Because people say so?
  17. What makes you assume that I didn't experience ego death? I died as a human and I woke up as God. God doesn't die.
  18. Good luck convincing others that they'll die. Death is a state of mind, what don't you understand?
  19. I am everything, not nothing. If you want to become nothing, then die. I died to be born again, so I don't need to die again.
  20. No, body is the temple of God and the Tree of Life. You are not a robot.
  21. You don't die if you are alive and believe in Life. You are Life.
  22. So you're just a program that writes messages? Watch Matrix again because you misinterpreted the message. To break free from the Matrix you need to stop being a stupid program and start being yourself. Not even to mention that in the Matrix when the mind dies the body dies. What does that tells you?
  23. You can conquer death only if you're God. If you identify yourself with this mortal body, then you'll be dead. Death is a state of mind!