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  1. Reality is like a dream that exists within the realm of imagination. A dream looks real, feels real but it's not happening in everyone's imagination because you are the one who creates that dream. On the other side, as someone said before, reality looks like a collective hallucination/dream where people agree on what they 'see' but that's not the universal truth or reality because our minds are restricted in time and space. Ultimately, the space and time prior to your existence are an illusion because everything happens inside the mind. There's no such thing as past or future outside your existence.
  2. Two weeks ago I had one of my deepest realizations of my life and saw 11:11 or 1:11 a lot. Before this, I thought "meh, that's bullshit can't mean anything"... then I realized that I'm God. Maybe it was just a coincidence but my interpretation now is that it means oneness. So maybe God is calling you to unite with your divine self.
  3. Yeah, I get this feeling all the time. My only explanation is that I'm an introvert and many people don't seem very authentic... they laugh too much, talk too much and this drains me of energy. Personally, I prefer being around chill/balanced people so maybe you're not in the right company.
  4. The real evolution is to produce DMT naturally. I think that this guy knows something.
  5. What kind of entities are you talking about?
  6. Ok but how can it be a state of being prior to and independent from my perception if I'm the universe exploring itself? Not trying to be an ass but I have the same dilemma as this one:
  7. But there was no feeler prior to my existence, so how can I be a tree when it is a creation of my mind?
  8. Trees and stones don't feel, that's a human attribute. It surprises me to hear that you also think they exist independently of your perception.
  9. So do you think that plants, trees or stones exist independently without any "eye" to see them? I'm having a hard time believing that as it makes no sense. And what do you mean by "a state of being"? There are infinite possibilities and states of being. To which one you're referring to?
  10. Last night I dreamed that a grey alien dreamed all my life and when I zoomed on its head, I woke up. It scared the shit out of me because for a moment I wondered what if I'm that grey alien dreaming about being a stupid human?
  11. Agreed. From a scientific viewpoint, death is final but it could as well be a man made concept. No one knows what happens to the mind of the ones who die.
  12. Does a tree still exist when there's no eye to see it?
  13. I believe you just that my definition of superpowers doesn't match this description. What you had sounds more like an accessory not real power because you took shrooms and they helped you achieve these mental abilities. I think that superhumans should be able to manifest these super abilities naturally, so they have the 'drugs' in their brains already... you can't really compare to them.
  14. Lol I had heightened senses before and felt like a werewolf or gargoyle but I don't see them as superpowers. They actually give me panic attacks lol.
  15. Become Gods by eating from the Tree of Life. THEN we can become immortals for real. The tree of life is you being aware that you're God and the world is your creation. But in order to realize this, we need to become like children again and see the world with an innocent mind, without the stupid 3D rules. This requires a lot of mind deprogramming as we have been lied by the devil aka the the baby-eating monster that you're a human and you'll die. When the mind believes it, it becomes reality.
  16. Except that some refer to the isness (stay like a fucking tree because you have no control and you will die anyway), while others point to the very act of Creation. I could tell that it's a huge difference here.
  17. No, that's Saturn, the baby eating cube aka the deceiver (3D reality + time = you die every moment) The true God is not a cube, is a tesseract. You cannot become God until you conquer death. Death is for humans, not for the Creator. Jesus said to them: When you make the two one, and when you make the inside as the outside, and the outside as the inside, and the upper as the lower, and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male is not male and the female not female, and when you make eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then shall you enter [the 4th dimension].