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  1. Your enlightenment stinks. It is clear to me that you have no idea what nothingness is since you're using words such as awareness. Maybe you should change your mushrooms with something else 'cause right now you're making a fool of yourself. And nope, I'm not running, just saying to talk to your hand because I don't like to waste my time replying to nonsense
  2. @James123 You have no idea what you're talking about. Don't bother to reply me again because you'll be in my trash bin soon ?
  3. Love it from 5:05 ?
  4. Yep, that's nonduality. But I think that nonduality can also be experienced while being aware of everything. That's the eye of God that sees everything with no judgement and explores itself to infinity.
  5. Lol you're all so overly dramatic. He is a chill guy so he should be fine but the problem is that his fasting is not done right. He's surrounded by cell phones, cameras & technology while he should stay far away from all the distractions. What he's doing is just starving when the mind is full of junk.
  6. Just saw the movie which was recently released and was pretty interesting. Unfortunately, I can't read the story because english is not my native language and it's difficult to follow with all the pretentious terms. Btw, this concept reminds me of the movie Annihilation. If you haven't seen this movie, I would highly recommend it ?
  7. He will soon look like a mummy and will realize that people liked only his muscles
  8. @AtheisticNonduality Thanks
  9. Do you have any idea where I can read it online?
  10. I think that the only way you can evaluate your true personality is through honest introspection which might take years. It can't be answered by picking some random answers to some broad questions that don't even apply in many circumstances.
  11. You can become stronger and more humble. So yes, suffering dissolves the ego... but that doesn't have to be a traumatic event. Trauma comes from misunderstanding of emotions and context or by clinging to your toxic attachments.
  12. When I was a kid, I used to think that God was the silence in my room, so it was both personal and impersonal for me.
  13. The only thing I know about Hotline Miami is this song
  14. Well I think I know why I dreamed this way. Yesterday I watched Connor's video on how to pickup girls with spirituality and some commenters said that Dan Bilzerian appeared here. And since I made a habit of visiting this forum and watched many of your videos lately, my mind created this story. Not sure if I remember this right but I have the feeling that the crush was Connor ?
  15. I had a dream with you last night. You were like Dan Bilzerian in a yacht full of girls but you were staring at a guy. Hope it doesn't bother you but thought the dream was funny
  16. Mmkay
  17. ? Hope you don't mind that I'm spamming your thread with these cool songs & videos but it's your fault that you reminded me about them
  18. Hey y'all dancing queens ? ? ?
  19. I don't believe in demons but I find it weird that many people experiencing sleep paralysis see all kinds of entities or demonic looking creatures and almost all the descriptions have something in common. Personally, I never experienced sleep paralysis but I've seen otherworldly 'beings' before awakening which looked nothing like my imagination. But I don't want to negatively influence you guys, if you think positively hopefully you will be safe ?
  20. I used to think this is bullcrap but honestly her description seems spot on except for the 5th dimension part because it is actually the 4th dimension + time. When you're dreaming you are not in the 4th dimension lol because that is the dreamworld, not actual reality. But if we are truly able to access 4D - and I see no reason why we can't - expect for some really weird things to happen that defy the laws of nature. What she said is only 1% of the whole picture. But her tips are pretty good imo, the vehicle description was lovely ❤️ Edit: although I like the description on the video, she seems to seek self validation through social media which is a huge red flag for me and ruins everything. It's no wonder why people don't take such stuff seriously
  21. @abrakamowse that's possible but it would be really creepy to wake up with some "entities" inhabiting your body. Not that I believe in such things because they sound silly to be honest but some say that when you have OBEs you're pretty vulnerable to demonic attacks... so who knows but imo better be safe than sorry