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  1. If you're interested to understand more about the consciousness/mind/body relation, I found this material interesting to read ?
  2. ? Well, I might be wrong but I always follow my logic which obviously is not flawless. Btw, I found this paragraph here enlightening: As for the self-consciousness, it says: So self-consciousness is important just that we confuse the self with the body or the object of our reflection... when in fact it includes and is everything!
  3. When you realize that everyone is repeating the same sh!t just with different words
  4. The true nature is infinity but for the mind to explore itself to infinity, it has to be temporarily finite. As for your question, consciousness does not separate from an individual body because the mind/body/life force energy are ONE and the consciousness/mind needs a vehicle or temporal dimension in order to explore itself through the spacial dimension. So the only way I can think of individual consciousness merging with the whole is through nothing but itself, while being able to become mind/body/life force at any time... individual and whole are the same as 0 = 1, rite? PS. Dafuq I'm saying, I don't even know what mahasamadhi is
  5. I don't think that thoughts are delusional useless distractions, they are a quality of a conscious mind that is aware of itself. Since the Universe is mental, it cannot be aware of itself without all the thoughts arising in the infinite imagination. So there's of no use to demonize the entire thought process just because it is associated with judgement... as it's not always the case. The only problem is that you could get lost in thoughts and miss the essence of life which is everythingness. Those who think they understand the it, do not really understand it
  6. "Work overload and stress can drain your life force energy. Let's POWER UP!"
  7. I know but there's still the dark psyche which is a reflection of unresolved conflicts within the subconscious mind imo. Once the conflicts are resolved, your mind becomes peaceful and doesn't need that dark energy anymore. But that's only my opinion ofc. Lol, that's called Pogo dance I guess
  8. @AtheisticNonduality But it's still dark tho. It will drag you down sooner or later.
  9. This is disturbing but, oh well...
  10. Consciousness = con (with) + science (knowledge) Pure consciousness is just awareness, while self-awareness is knowledge of self.
  11. Good, good I used to listen to this: Am insane in the membrane
  12. When you discover that there's more to it. The sleeping beauty awakes
  13. Cool experience! I also had an awakening while I was sleeping which couldn't have been possible in real life without drugs. So dreams are definitely badass once you've reached a certain spiritual level.
  14. Apparently, there is also a body of light that you can activate
  15. @JayG84 I can see that there's a confusion about what relative/absolute reality is. Maybe because infinite consciousness is often mistaken for objective reality to which some just attribute a fancy name such as infinite consciousness, absolute truth, it, this or that etc. What I'm saying is more extreme.
  16. You = everything = infinite consciousness. But you said this: Where more exactly do you think this fundamental nature is so that the act of changing the channels occurs? If you're not the character, nor the story, then within whose reality or where does the infinite consciousness happen? No, infinite consciousness is everything, including the mind. Life force or energy/mind/body is just a vehicle to travel through spacetime - body alone (remote control) cannot change the spacetime reality channel without the aid of mind (mechanism) and life force energy (take for example the electrical activity in the brain). Therefore, they are connected & function as a whole and there's no need to treat them as being separate. You see, life has its own logic and wisdom if you pay close attention. All the mysterious workings of the Universe are in plain sight for an open mind. From my POV, time and consciousness are the same. As for the spacetime, we tend to associate it with an objective reality but I think of it as being just a different reality experienced from a relative POV, which is also the absolute. Imo there is no common ground for what reality is. There is no time without a mind to perceive all these changes in the infinite animation.
  17. @Johnny5 Obviously, the mountain is not always a mountain. There is always change. Without change, there is nothing.
  18. The TV screen and the movie (Maya, or the universe, or reality etc.) are the same. Infinite consciousness is not happening outside of your reality, it actually happens within because YOU ARE infinite consciousness, not just a tiny pixel on the reality screen. The mechanism is your mind, the remote control is your body and awareness is energy. You literally travel through spacetime with your own mind/body/life force or energy. Everything would be nothing, frame makes no sense when there's no change. Time is change, not motion. The channel changing takes place in your mind where the story is.
  19. Theoretically, there are an infinite number of universes where this one right here is the universe that you're creating right now. For time to be fundamental, it should be already "set in stone" which is not the case because there's no such thing as universal/absolute objective reality. Space is more like a clay being molded by you and each variation looks like movement. But here comes the mindfuck: the spacetime is you - not this body, not this moment but everything that was, is and will ever be!