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  1. So you're saying that the manifested reality is the effect and whole unmanifested field of information is the origin of the cause? What if information is light and the evolution of consciousness is related to it? Interesting but since it is a real number, it is equivalent to what? Because reality without awareness is nothing.
  2. @Moon Don't want to be mean but sometimes... Boys be like:
  3. Interesting but randomness is to be expected in a chaotic disorganized system. According to this view, the Self seems to be regarded merely as an object or biological entity without any conscious attributes because consciousness is illusory or doesn't seem exist either. So if reality is random and decided a posteriori, then what is that thing that decides your future in your opinion?
  4. Maybe you can't know the future in a million years from now on but you can predict the outcomes in the short term and take giant leaps worth of a million years. We humans are made of programs and we can predict what they will do before running them. The mind is the greatest programmer/architect of all time. Change the rules/codes instead of repeating them and you will change the course of history.
  5. @Anderz I used to be a hardcore determinist but recently, I gave up to the idea that we have no free will because of the damage it does to Self. Apparently, all of our choices are predetermined and there's no real 'I' participating in the future creation, so there's the illusion that your future is already settled. But the future is branching in all the directions like the unpredictability of a vast interactive network of neurons in the brain. IT is information everywhere! So you actually get INFINITE choices to pick from, which makes the will Infinite Freedom. It can't be more free than that!
  6. Wrong Not all girls are the same. "Cute" could mean "you are a pleasant companion, you remind me of a cute puppy" or "you smile radiates happiness and positive energy". Girls compliment each other like this all the time. Maybe they're just trying to be nice, it's not always attraction ?
  7. I would put it this way: Present is revelation of past choices, eureka moment. Past choices are re-creation, copy, cloning. Future is creation, novelty, evolution.
  8. Welcome to the future ?
  9. @Galyna Agree, EQ is super important. Without empathy, compassion and tolerance humans cannot evolve further as Love is the foundation of everything. BUT IQ is the cherry on top... we can't live without it either, otherwise we would be just cavemen banging rocks for an eternity ?
  10. I've been thinking about this too and have come to the following conclusions: Consciousness = life force, energy Body = hardware, manifested, first-person pov or avatar created to make sense of the spacetime reality Mind = software, spacetime, infinite imagination So I think that the mind is the program that runs with the help of consciousness - consciousness being the power that switches the mind on and keeps the body alive. What do you think?
  11. @Galyna Imo, there should a balance between EQ and IQ. I can compare EQ to the first tier in the spiral dynamics as you have to understand emotions in order to harmoniously integrate yourself in the society. While in the second tier, the understanding expands to the whole world, including abstract realities and this is where IQ comes into play... but not alone! as it always has to collaborate with EQ. At least, that's how I see it. Maybe IQ doesn't even exist lol.
  12. @Yog Interesting theory. As for the shadow people, a week ago I saw the Hat man but it was truly strange as I had no sleep paralysis. The vision began with the shadow on the pillow which looked like a 3d shadow (similar to a ghost) and for a second I thought that it was someone in my room. When I turned my head, it was standing close to my bed... watching. After 3 seconds it was gone
  13. Free will exists but the world is like a matrix and the mind needs serious work to untangle itself from all these imagined chains. There is hope.
  14. The root of all the misunderstanding is that we think of spacetime as a growing three-dimensional block or cube that expands by itself with objective reality being primary and mind secondary. This perspective is wrong because without a mind, there is no time and space, thus no existence. Instead of visualizing that you're inside a giant growing block or 3d space + time/current universe, think of your mind as being the timeless block of infinite information that manifests as time in a three-dimensional reality. The best exercise would be to visualize your mind like a tesseract with information manifesting (time) as infinite imagination (reality): This means that the mind is actually the fourth dimension! And in the fourth dimension anything is possible - the limits are only set by your mind.
  15. Sure, your mind is 4D but sees 3D on the inside. Make spacetime whole and you get infinity. You are physical body generated by your mind running on energy.
  16. Others are a figment of your imagination and you are a figment of others' imagination, except that the center or seed of everything is you. It is all relative. There's no absolute reality outside your reality.
  17. Interesting stuff. Although the first one is a little bit vague. Can somebody tell me what's the mind/body/spirit complex in the material? It's the same as Merkabah?
  18. True but mind is limited by you so that you can explore yourself to infinity. I'm talking to this human form which is more than a form. You are infinite imagination = the Universe is ruled by you.
  19. I'm wondering the same thing. It's easy to trivialize images from altered states of consciousness as being merely images but what if there's something weirder than that? Just a skeptic here.
  20. Yep but mind is not finite. It is infinite imagination.