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  1. Have you thought that maybe knowing experientially is not an accurate model of reality? Also, what makes you think that you're not limiting yourself with the belief that you're finite?
  2. You are terrified of the unknown, that's why you can't control yourself. Knowing yourself is the gateway to liberation. Surrendering to half-baked human truths is not liberation, it is cognitive dissonance.
  3. Yeah, sure. @JayG84 Can a software work without hardware and electricity? How do you imagine this potential or the same soul/human will survive without a body?
  4. I understand your reasoning (and I used to think the same, ha) but the police and court system are represented by people as well, which many times are corrupt and can be easily manipulated by those with more influence. Believe it or not but these things happen and the police is often involved.
  5. It sounds cute but when we are dealing with high level of corruption, only the crowd can make a positive change. Police is many times involved and it's naive to think that they are always just and punish criminals. Honestly, I don't care much either but I don't want to live in a corrupt, dysfunctional society with crazy folks lurking around every corner.
  6. @Leo Gura I have no doubt that wanting is important but how can you know what you want without knowing yourself? People have different wants and needs but it takes a great effort to understand what drives them. Deconstructing the false self is not a matter of wanting imo, as most of people don't even bother thinking about ego death. As for arguing, I'm only seeing things from a different perspective and everybody is free to see things as they are on that level of awakening.
  7. Agree that dysfunctional families are more prevalent in lower classes where most of the abuses happen BUT this doesn't make the situation less serious. I would suggest you to watch the first clip and then we can talk.
  8. About MJ being a molester, it doesn't surprises me and makes the conspiracy theorists look not so crazy. Elijah Wood says pedophilia is a reality in Hollywood - source But it seems that this phenomenon extends far beyond.... which is pretty fucked up.
  9. You're just lying to yourself. Tattoos are merely show off and have nothing to do with serious spirituality.
  10. This is not the first time the American police abuses its power.
  11. @electroBeam What limits you from expressing yourself then?
  12. Ego creates the illusion that you have no free will, so that it can limit your potential. It is a self-limiting belief. It creates separation between the subject and the object, body and mind, you and others. It totally lacks self control. Suff isn't just happening, you are stuff happening. Also don't confuse free will with desire or wanting. Having an object of desire is like seeing the object as being separate from yourself, see the story of Narcissus.
  13. It's not that simple as it's not a matter of wanting. You may want to move an object with the power of your mind but it doesn't happen because your desire is strong or you're forcing a pseudo belief into reality. It could be a lifetime process. Psychedelics and meditation solely or just wanting, makes no difference if you're not ready. You guys take enlightenment too easy.
  14. Yep, that's the illusion of it. But without this illusion you cannot awaken to yourself. Ego is seeing the reflection without realizing that its the same thing, so it kills itself because it cannot have its object of desire = true self. True self is realizing that the reflection and the object/subject of reflection are one and the same thing. Narcissus (mythology)
  15. You are everything and have always been. The ego has never been separate, only the illusion of having an ego is. You = EGO. The illusion of it
  16. @Leo Gura @zeroISinfinity heroes never surrender ❤️ PS. The devil likes to think God is separate from it, until it realizes it has always been IT
  17. @Leo Gura Ego wants to make God think that it has no control by making everything appear out of control. God (you) has control, while ego has no free will, so it can only surrender to the illusion of being a separate "it". There has never been something that controlled God because God controls and IS everything. So I agree that I am not human (or this, or that) and I'm not so powerless to let anything control me and fully surrender because everybody does so. God's will is my will. My will is ME = absolute self-control.
  18. Shouldn't awakening lead to self control rather than 'everything is out of control and we must surrender to God's will'? I don't like the surrender thing. You will say that is Ego but having no control over yourself sounds like something (it) has to control you. True.
  19. Yeah but surrender to what? You're talking like there's a separate self deciding your future/destiny. Is reality predetermined?