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  1. An opinion is when you're assuming something works and it's just theory. Knowledge is useful and it can be applied in real life. Opinions may not.
  2. Agreed with everything except the 'bigger, denser brain = high conceptual capacity' part. There is no evidence that the brain structure influences your conceptual capacity.
  3. Yet you're acting like there are other POVs which makes you think that you're a limited human being and death is final.
  4. You are not lucid dreaming right now. The rabbit hole goes way way deeper than this.
  5. Are aliens more evolved because of their chemistry or because they're living in a far away future? What 'level of consciousness' means to you? Then what's limiting you to have a human form and not choose whatever you want to manifest? Why some people have siddhis/a greater level of control, while others do not? Theoretically, there are are people who aren't spiritual at all that have the ability to manipulate reality in one way or another. Does that make them more aware of their potential, or their potential is above average due to their chemistry ?
  6. So you're believing in an objective world.
  7. Then what's limiting you to cure your own illness or transform yourself into an alien?
  8. Who establishes or determines this rule that reality is as it is? So do you think reality is "as it is" whether you accept it or not, but your mind is not true? Is reality truer than your mind? Stop thinking that reality is separate from you. This idea that reality is as it is and there's nothing to do other than accept it comes from a misunderstanding of what reality is. There is no difference between you and reality.
  9. Current mood ?
  10. It is just your imagination. You closed your eyes and saw darkness then associated it with your 'true form'. Your true form is whatever you imagine yourself to be.
  11. Higher dimensions are accessed by the mind which we assume is limited. I doubt that only spiritually mature folks can do it. There are plenty of folks who can curse you and their words can cause you a lot of damage (of course, if you allow them to do it).
  12. "Human being" is what YOUR metaphysical infinite mind is experiencing and manifesting at this moment. That doesn't mean that you're a small portion of absolute infinity. Maybe you create your own suffering and limitations thinking that you're a human being? Of course suffering is real. The question is why human beings create suffering, diseases, poverty, death? You're already your true self. The false self is when you're believing that you're something else. Yes, that's a possibility but would you live your life searching for clues that everything is a simulation? Or better try to understand how this simulation works?
  13. Not saying that surrendering is bad just that it is my last option on the list. Life is about survival and fight, so it's not advantageous for those who give up. And those who think it is, is because they THINK there is no option to choose from. Even when it comes about spirituality, you have to strive to master self-discipline in order to become the best version of yours, you don't just LDAR because everything is already purrrfect. As for the best goal, evolution happen in stages so no one says that you should chase enlightenment right now. Understanding comes with experiences and mundane experiences are perfectly fine as long as you're learning your lessons.
  14. I've had all the fucked up problems in my life, except that my health has been always good (thanks God). Without all the problems, I could have been a dumb sheep now. But in my opinion, in order to become better, smarter, stronger, you have to understand, not surrender. Surrendering is for weak, hopeless souls that give up on their dreams. This is how dreams become nightmares.
  15. Suffering comes from misunderstanding. If you take life as it is, you haven't learned anything and it's not plain 'things happen let's just surrender because there's nothing to do'. The key is to understand why it is the way it is. This approach should be applied in every domain of life if you are a responsible person that want to evolve and learn something.
  16. Experiencing a no-state/your senses turning off should be pleasant but nothing is not more true than everything or life itself. From my point of view, there is nothing but existence. That's why we're here for a reason, it can't be an accident.