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  1. @Meta-Man What a fucking horrible video/message. "You're going to die anyway, die later. Prolong your suffering" bahahaha. Sometimes I think that many spiritual people are lost... and afraid, really afraid.
  2. Don't be so sure that death is the end. From my pov, there's only life and even if you will kill yourself "here", you might still experience something or be in a hellish state forever... no one knows 100% what it could happen. As for the "we're all fucked" part, that's true, but if you don't try to be that change that you want to see in the world, then no one will care about this either. Have patience and maybe things will get better for you. Take care.
  3. @tsuki Can you tell me how was your experience, or do you have a thread where you talked about it? Thank you.
  4. ?
  5. The first time I understood what it means to have no free will, it creeped me out really bad. I remember that I was on the subway watching people talk and they all looked like programmed robots. Not a very pleasant thing to experience. This is what I felt at that moment lol ... but after a while it started feeling liberating... although, now I'm not sure this is how liberation looks like.
  6. Of course, I don't even think that a human that has achieved enlightenment of has understood the ultimate truth would be the mortal anymore. Maybe it won't be even human. But anyway this is another topic. As for reality, it isn't far-fetched to say that a human can achieve total understanding of the ultimate reality (enlightenment).
  7. "In Buddhism, enlightenment (called bodhi in Indian Buddhism, or satori in Zen Buddhism) is when a Buddhist finds the truth about life and stops being reborn because they have reached Nirvana. Once you get to Nirvana you are not born again into samsara (which is suffering)." - Wikipedia
  8. @Moksha "You" and "the world around you" is duality, so "despite what happens" when things are *out of control* is an illusion because things do not simply just happen to *no one*. Maybe this duality needs to collapse in order to experience enlightenment and be released from suffering.
  9. I think that with enlightenment comes the total understanding of the ultimate reality. No one here is enlightened, period.
  10. @No Self Thank you for the answer. But if you stop identifying with the limited human form (ego) and see the Self everywhere, rather than being located inside a body, isn't that a formless Self as in formless is form? Why do we have to deny the Self in order to detach from the human ego?
  11. It has a mind on its own
  12. If there is no self, who is walking the path to enlightenment? Some say that babies and even murderers are already enlightened, or everyone is enlightened because nothing happens. How does that fit into this picture?
  13. Yes, it is very high consciousness to say "imunocompromised people will have a nasty fate anyway, so I don't want to wear masks and stop coughing in front of people because only young people should live and have fun" or "Depriving kids of a year or more of their childhood" when most kids are obsessed with video games and internet lmao...
  14. If I would say something like 'people die anyway, fuck'em and just play with their corpses', does that make me a psychopath? Nope, I just like killing people because they will die anyway. This is literally what the OP said here "immunocompromised are going to get an unfair deal either way". So nope, I'm not tolerant to this kind of thinking because it is dangerous and inhumane. Psycho or not, it SUCKS and cannot be a highly conscious trait.
  15. Saying that the elderly and immunocompromised people are going to die anyway because you don't feel comfortable wearing a mask, sounds like zero empathy to me. Also, I know plenty of young people with weak immune system who get ill easily... should I give 0 flying fucks because they're spitting like uneducated brats in the streets? Or maybe they should take the preventive measures like wearing a damn mask and practice social distancing so that everyone is safe and can live longer. Anyone thinking that they're healthy could be immunocompromised... so next time you're asking for troubles, don't play a victim and accept the consequences.
  16. This sounds very egoistical, imo. I don't think that you can determine who is going to survive and who is not. Most of the immunocompromised people have many chances to recover and the elderly can live many years if there wouldn't be egoistical people coughing in public and wearing no masks. Wtf is this kind of thinking, really dude. If you're in a bad shape and have health problems should I condemn you to death by spitting in your face?