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Everything posted by Nathalie

  1. @Steelheart You've already recognized the problem fake growth: - move in a country where a lot of men aren't taller than you - search a short woman - wear high hills... and so on real growth: no comparison, no judgment, no criticism what you can reach through reading books, watching videos and practice meditation
  2. @Berk ok.. and why do you share this?????????
  3. @zenny I haven't see the movie, but readen the book and there are a few things which also seem suspect to me : If someone is feeling good, rich, healthy etc and want more, he still be needy, doesn't he? So if you follow the secret theory, he should hide it for the universe otherwise he may lose what he has.. Imagine you go the opposit way instead, I mean, perhaps you observe your inner life (standing in touch with your thoughts and feeling) constantly. You may discover that you don't need so much external goods to live an amazing life. You probably will feel more and more whole and than curriously attract a lot of amazing situations, people and objects, without betraying yourself because in this case, you aren't needy at all. conclusion : the real goal can only be inside yourself. So even if you go the way the secret tells you, you also have to observe your thoughts and at least it would bring you nearer to your innerself.. Hope it helps ?
  4. When I understand the secret rightly, you have to feel good, rich, healthy etc, in order to vibrate in a certain (high) form and therefore attract the things you want.. It means, you have to feel and act in a way you haven't done until this point because if you had felt accurately you would already have what you are looking for, wouldn't you? It's the opposit of freedom in a sens you still focus on things and faking yourself telling you allready have it. Maybe it brings you a lot of material things but I agree with Leo, you won't grow spiritually speaking: You'll be to occupied focusing the way you have to feel..
  5. @Toby I've readen a lot and also have seen many videos and everyone of them brought me a lot, so that I'm not sure I want to go in a special direction, but only find ways to open my heart and my mind more and more because it seems never ending, right?
  6. @Ludwig "I know this sounds very cheesy and woo-woo" no it doesn't, not at all.. As I wrote this, I allmost knew you will answer something like this.. But something in me hoped there is a way I could actively go, so to speak.. Thank you
  7. @wasabelll I didn't read the thread about hairloss.. But I think I know what you mean : It's easy to say, but it doesn't really help, does it? Hope that the forum will help you, it's surely a good way : a lot of ideas to find peace and confidence. This in turn is surely the best way to attract women. Think of Gerard Depardieu for example.. and I avoid to mention skinhead men who are really attractive , don't you think so ?
  8. @wasabelll I'm sure there are a lot of possibilities for you to learn a few steps in order to dance (in a way your mind will qualify as) accurately, since you even can find some teacher on youtube.. But the more interessing question would be: why are you so absorbed by the things other people may think about you ? Do you think everybody is always looking at you ?
  9. @Ludwig absolutely.. and which path would you recommand to find a teacher?
  10. There are so many meditation and as far as I know, no wrong way to begin with.. if I were you, I would be soft to myself in order to stick to it. Let yourself be the guide , do you feel attracked to this meditation.. than do it.. daily.. Besides, you don't have to abandon a meditation when it doesn't go the way you imagined before (it never does, it is one of the reasons why it's so amazing) If you lasted 13 minutes (not so bad) but you wanted to give it 20 or 30 minutes, you can of course continue after a little break, you can't do anything wrong
  11. Thank you so much for sharing. Your article is so profound and inspiring that I can't imagine that Matt Kahn's video could be better, again, thank you for this
  12. and I'm not sure if a could find the right words.. It seems you could need the help from a professional, to look carefully to your anxieties in order to identify them as - a mind product - thoughts that aren't real (or at least not real anymore) - therefore useless so you could go through your anxiety without fear for your fear and take the power out of it The point is not to go farer as you feel would be good for you, but to remain there, willing to know your self better. An attack can not kill you, but the thoughts, you make around it, makes your life hard wish you the best
  13. and what if you only let it flow and live fully.. Just in case..
  14. @Makkatya back to the original question : Can one love unconditionally without being enlightened? don't wait till you think you're enlightened (it still be an other conceptual thing for the mind before you really experiment it) every step you go with somebody overcoming old fears and leaving them aside is liberating, is on the way to unconditional love.. Being conscientiously totally exposed to what ever emerges and embracing it without any fear, would be the ultimate. But again every step you go in this direction is a bliss
  15. sorry it seems I'm living in an other world.. don't know what I could add
  16. @nima you want the people to think "better".. What is a better thinking? Need a definition.
  17. I'm french but living such a long time near by Freiburg in Germany
  18. @Neuroticon do you know Sergi Torres? If you don't, I can really recommand him, you can see him on youtube.. He is a very good (spanish) spiritual teacher, in this manner you could at least practice your spanish by listening..
  19. funny.. It seems that in spite of our spiritual work and all our mind openess, we can't help but always know better and have something to add
  20. change a language to make what better ? The way people speak or the way people think ? Language is more or less the reflection of the mind.. So change artificially a language is a kind of cosmetics.. Just superficial..
  21. @Water I'm fully with you when you say you want to face the fear, as long as it means : acknowleging and accepting totaly the feeling. But I don't think it's necessary to find out where it comes from
  22. @Water @Anna Skywords maybe it's not that important to figure out where every fear comes from.. Did you ever try to feel, accept and embrace your fears rather than to fight them ? You may feel better The battle against them is so exhausting, isn't it ? Gangaji made a lot of videos, where she speaks so caring and loveful about fears, pains etc I can imagine that it could help you. .. I hope so and wish you the best
  23. I would like to invite you to observe during 24 hours all the different ways we still criticize.. Of course only if it's also your case.. In order to understand it and so eventually drop it.. Anyway, I will do it and if anyone is interesting in the result, I will share it
  24. I understand what you mean and@Pinocchio I'll go to sleep soon My purpose is to pooint out one thing after another, since I observe my thought for years, I remarked the last time it has become a kind of superficial habit. So I try another way.. @Arik " Won't work" I'm not that sure..
  25. Once I read an inspiring phrase about love from Alan Watts, it was approximatively like that : "A person who wants to love but just didn't find the right person until now is like a painter who's just waiting for the perfect landscape to be paint.." Real love is everywhere.. It's up to you to feel it.. like everything.. isn't it ?